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数列计算灵活多变,数列又广泛应用在现代化经济生活中,与我们的生活息息相关,运用数列知识和方法解决增长率、利润、利率等问题是一类主要的实际应用问题,本文举例介绍数列在实际生活中的应用.  相似文献   

随着我国经济体制改革的深入,金融在经济发展方面的作用发生了巨大的改变。本文就银行储蓄在市场经济条件下的作用谈谈自己的看法。  相似文献   

同样存钱,存期越长,利率越高,所得的利息就越多。如果手中活期存款一直较多,不妨采用零存整取的方式,其一年期的年利率大大高于活期利率。  相似文献   

戴根有 《财贸研究》1991,2(1):33-41
<正> 本文例举的影响家庭储蓄的因素有:收入、价格、利率、社会消费风气、心理预期、金融资产规模和结构、个人及家庭的生命周期、商品生命周期、储蓄服务工作水平和储蓄所网点建设等九个方面。下面逐一分析。  相似文献   

近年来,我国居民储蓄一直呈高速增长趋势,其巨额储蓄存款形成了严重影响我国货币政策传导和宏观经济健康发展的银行体系“黑洞”。因此,居民储蓄分流问题成为我们面临的紧迫任务。本文正是在对以上形势分析的基础上,对我国居民储蓄分流的现状和存在的问题进行了比较深入的剖析,并提出了以积极推进储蓄替代型证券的发展作为有效解决居民储蓄分流问题的主要途径。  相似文献   

家在北京的陈先生,已在天津工作两年多,虽然单位给他提供一间宿舍,但他还是憧憬在天津也能有一套房子,最近,他的梦想已经越来越清晰了:计划在两年后购买住房,因为他同中德住房储蓄银行签订了合同,现在定期存钱,两年后有望得到年利率仅为3.3%的低息房屋贷款。  相似文献   

何坚东  朱新 《财贸研究》1995,6(5):67-69
<正> 1993年通过金融秩序的治理整顿,金融竞争日趋有序,擅自提高利率,公开违规吸储行为明显好转,但喜中有优,隐蔽违规禁而不止,而且范围在扩大,手段在翻新,危害极大。 一是公款私存转储 近年来在各种利益的驱动下,有关单位的负责人或财务管理人员把公款以各种名义,存进金融机构的储蓄所,获取揽储奖,套取现金,窃取利息。于是公款转储泛  相似文献   

孙锋  刘振国 《财贸研究》1995,6(4):53-54
<正> 近年来,金融机构普遍擅自抬高储蓄利率,对此,人民银行多次进行整顿,但始终难以从根本上解决问题。究其原因,主要有以下几个方面:1.专业银行经营机制不健全。主要表现:一是利润分配制度不合理,经营利润与职工工资、福利待遇脱钩。其盈亏与否,利润多少,与自身经营利润没有联系。二是专业银行的上级行重视对基层行存款增长的考核,不重视考核经营效益。这就使基层行单纯考虑存款增长和业务扩张,不重视存款成本和经营效益。并通过提高储  相似文献   

The aim of this article was to analyse the value of human resources (HR) for competitive advantage and their influence on the firm's performance in the service industry. To achieve our goal, we have first proposed a resource-based framework to discuss the circumstances under which human resources can be a source of competitive advantage. Then, an empirical research was developed in the Spanish savings bank sector to analyse the relationship between HR management and the firm's performance. Our results, suggest that those savings banks which better combine their HR practices to create and to develop a strategic human capital pool have shown better levels of profitability and productivity.  相似文献   

详细定义系统的总体功能;说明系统的结构设计:描述联网子系统、非联网子系统、系统公共控制以及外部接口;同时对系统运行环境进行了描述.  相似文献   

详细定义系统的总体功能;说明系统的结构设计;描述联网子系统、非联网子系统、系统公共控制以及外部接口:同时对系统运行环境进行了描述.  相似文献   

黑龙江邮储银行指纹身份认证系统是面向邮政金融系统内部人员的指纹身份认证.该系统可对邮政储蓄、电子汇兑、公司业务等邮政金融业务系统操作人员的登录和业务授权进行身份认证,防止相关人员非法进入系统及业务人员越权操作,降低邮政金融风险,加强邮政金融系统安全.黑龙江邮储银行指纹身份认证系统,以下简称指纹认证系统.  相似文献   

黑龙江邮储银行指纹身份认证系统是面向邮政金融系统内部人员的指纹身份认证.该系统可对邮政储蓄、电子汇兑、公司业务等邮政金融业务系统操作人员的登录和业务授权进行身份认证,防止相关人员非法进入系统及业务人员越权操作,降低邮政金融风险,加强邮政金融系统安全.黑龙江邮储银行指纹身份认证系统,以下简称指纹认证系统.  相似文献   

房地产贷款项目评估是银行在房地产贷款决策之前,在项目完成立项、策划、可行性研究的基础上,对借款人的盈利水平、偿债能力和拟开发项目的建设条件、市场销售等各种因素进行调查、预测、评价的工作过程,是银行核定信贷资金数量、还款期限以及防范和化解信贷风险,提升银行服务能力和价值创造力的重要依据.  相似文献   

In recent years, U.S. government policy has shifted in favor of government export support similar to that provided by other G-7 nations. In a major initiative in 1993, the Clinton administration devised a national strategy to reposition Ex-Im Bank to respond to the long-standing needs of U.S. exporters. Today, there are several hundred million dollars at Ex-Im Bank's disposal to meet or match the subsidies offered by U.S. trade rivals, and there is a determination to use such resources to help U.S. exporters compete. Yet attempts by Congress during 1995 to trim Ex-Im Bank's capacity in the name of budget cutting have reawakened the debate over export subsidies. The author asks whether it is possible that Washington will forget the adverse consequences of the two-decade failure to keep Ex-Im Bank's loan program competitive with support agencies in Japan and Europe? The article uses the 1992 OECD arrangement, with its restrictions on foreign loan programs tied to the purchase of donor exports, to examine the United States' recurring confrontations with foreign export-subsidy programs and the prospects for U.S. government export support in coming years.  相似文献   

Banks should be able to afford their customers a certain degree of privacy, but a number of disclosure-limit laws have been passed to thwart criminals who engage in such practices as money laundering. The legitimate investor who needs a degree of financial privacy must examine banking strategies carefully.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the need to reform the structure of bank risk-management services (RMS), including the sale of derivatives. It reviews the contribution derivatives make to corporate financial management and discusses threatened restrictions on bank RMS following large losses reported by corporate clients. The two major weaknesses in RMS are characterized by incentive incompatibility and asymmetric information. Steps are proposed for aligning bank RMS incentives with client objectives. This requires reskilling bank management of RMS consistent with the holistic demands of globalization on corporate operations and strategies. Additional steps are proposed for equalizing buyer-seller information on the risks of opaque derivatives. These steps involve assistance to clients in setting policies leading to position limits and loss tolerances and instituting monitoring and disclosure. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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