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公务员养老保险制度是社会保障制度重要组成部分,公平与可持续的公务员养老保险制度关系着经济的持续发展与社会的长治久安。随着社会经济环境的变化,一些国家受人口、经济、政治、管理等因素影响,已经或正在进行公务员养老保险制度改革。改革主要趋势由"分立"转向"统一",由给付确定制(DB)转向缴费确定制(DC),改革主要措施包括引入积累制因素、建立自主缴费制度、制定科学的计发办法、逐步提高退休年龄等。我国自20世纪90年代开始实施养老金制度改革,但公务员养老保险一直延续着计划经济时代所确立的离退休制度,改革进程缓慢。随着市场经济的深入发展,机关和企业双轨制的养老保险制度的弊端日益显露,结合自身国情借鉴国际经验加速改革步伐势在必行。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来,随着人口老龄化的加剧和财政压力的加重,英国由国家养老金、职业养老金和个人养老金组成的三支柱养老保险体系的改革呈现出私有化的特点,尤其鼓励大力发展职业养老金和个人养老金计划。《2008年养老金法案》中关于英国职业养老金计划的改革具有划时代的意义,其中“国家职业储蓄信托”提升了职业养老金计划的整体投资绩效;“自动加入”机制作为职业养老金计划由自愿性转向强制性的标志,极大地提高了职业养老金计划的参与率和覆盖面、增加了职业养老金计划的储蓄额。可以说,《2008年养老金法案》对英国职业养老金计划的发展起到了非常大的推动作用。  相似文献   

我国证券市场的发行制度改革是一个不断深化的过程,政府管制是发行制度的一个核心问题。本文首次建立了一个基于塔洛克寻租模型的分析框架,分析证券市场的管制如何造成福利损失,提出了证券投资者剩余的概念,在价格管制条件下分析了证券投资者剩余在发行人和投资者之间的分配,证券市场只要存在数量控制,消除价格管制和福利分配公平之间不可能同时成为政策目标;并进一步分析了证券市场低价扩容在改进社会福利水平中的意义,从而为股权分置改革完成后证券发行制度的渐进改革思路建立理论基础。  相似文献   

论文从我国高校预算历史发展变迁的角度,研究了我国高校实行绩效预算改革的必然性,对绩效预算的理论基础进行了剖析,为我国高校绩效预算管理改革提供了可行的方案。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the effects of a corporate income flat tax reform on businesses’ investment decisions. Since 1990, several Swiss states (cantons) have been switching from a graduated to a flat tax rate scheme on profits. The paper assesses the effects of such a reform both on the number of establishments (i.e. extensive margin of investment) and on the number of employees (i.e. intensive margin) in a given jurisdiction by computing a difference-in-differences estimation. Our results suggest that the introduction of a flat tax reform on corporate income taxes has a negative and statistically significant impact on both margins of investment. Moreover, the effect is considerably larger for riskier firms, suggesting that progressive taxation acts as an insurance effect for risk-averse entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

Unless President Clinton induces Congress to move exceedingly quickly to roll Medicaid into some larger reform scheme, his administration will be under heavy pressure to free states to pursue their own health care reform agendas. At that juncture, the most likely casualty would be the ERISA preemption.  相似文献   

The literature on deposit insurance tends to be mostly confined to a discussion of the reform proposals and risk-related premium assessment methodologies. The theoretical explanation of the alternatives to the major components of a deposit insurance scheme is sketchy. Comparisons on the international practice of deposit insurance are not extensive and comprehensive enough. To fill the gaps in the literature, this paper examines the theoretical foundations of the key issues of a deposit insurance scheme, provides a critical comparison on the international practice of deposit insurance, and makes suggestions on how a complete deposit insurance scheme can be properly designed and implemented.  相似文献   

本文通过对上海和北京两市基本养老保险制度运行情况的比较,以"行政事业单位离退休经费"和"社会保障补助支出"为突破口,分析了上海市城镇基本养老保险基金缺口较大和财政负担较重的原因,认为导致上海市城镇基本养老保险基金缺口逐年增加、财政补贴额度逐年增高的原因除了制度内赡养比降低、制度参数设计缺陷外,上海市较早启动事业单位养老保险制度改革也是重要的影响因素之一。不过,进一步分析认为,上海市将机关事业单位人员纳入城镇基本养老保险制度,表面上的确加剧了城镇基本养老保险基金缺口的形成,但是综合考虑财政支出情况看,将事业单位人员纳入城镇基本养老保险制度的改革还是有利于减轻地方财政支出的负担。在此基础上,提出了促进事业单位养老保险制度改革的一些意见和建议。  相似文献   

Capital taxation which is negatively correlated with labor supply is proposed. This paper uses a life-cycle model of heterogeneous agents that face idiosyncratic productivity shocks and shows that the tax scheme provides a strong work incentive when households possess large assets and high productivity later in the life-cycle, when they otherwise would work less. The system also adds to the saving motive of prime-age households and raises aggregate capital. The increased economic activities expand the tax base and the revenue neutral reform results in a lower average tax rate. The negative cross-dependence generates a sizable welfare gain in the long-run relative to the tax system that treats labor and capital income separately as a tax base. The reform, however, can hurt the elderly during the transition with a high marginal tax on their capital income.  相似文献   

2009年初开始实施的成品油消费税改革明确了取消养路费等六项收费、取消政府还贷二级公路收费的规定,由此产生的影响,一是二级公路贷款余额的偿还,二是未来公路养护建设资金将如何筹集。可以采取以下方法:完善中央专项资金转移支付分配方案并创新国内投融资制度;适时重新测算全国所需转移支付资金总量,提高税率或扩大征收环节;西部地区可按计划,分步骤逐步取消二级公路收费站;创新国内头融资制度。  相似文献   

This paper studies the redistribution and welfare effects of increasing the flexibility of individual pension take-up. We use an overlapping-generations model with Beveridgean pay-as-you-go pensions and heterogeneous individuals who differ in ability and lifespan. We find that introducing flexible pension take-up can induce a Pareto improvement when the initial pension scheme contains within-cohort redistribution and induces early retirement. Such a Pareto improving reform entails the application of uniform actuarial adjustment of pension entitlements based on average lifespan. Introducing actuarial non-neutrality that stimulates later retirement further improves such a flexibility reform.  相似文献   

本文从陕西省养老保险省级统筹基金的运行效果入手,说明在现行制度下未来养老基金缺口较大。通过设计改革退休方案,结合未来陕西的退休人口数量,运用定量的分析手法来论证改革退休年龄方案的可行性,希望通过推迟参保职工的退休年龄来增加缴费人数、降低在职人口抚养老年人口的系数,这种减少未来养老金支付压力的做法主要是依靠退休年龄的延迟从而达到纵向的扩面,实现调整,通过循序渐进的方式来逐年缓解基金缺口。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the consequences of the new German tax regime on the attractiveness of life insurance policies as a possible corporate pension scheme. We analyze those insurances both from the perspective of an employer and from the perspective of an employee. The tax reform decreased their attractiveness, but still it is possible to find agreements which are valuable for both parties.  相似文献   

The accounting information currently issued by firms is not wholly adequate when used for decision making purposes, and within that process, for forecasting, for which additional information on risks is required. Therefore a reform of the current framework becomes necessary. Within this reform an adequate scheme and typology for the risks facing firms must be established and a set of specific risk quantification models must be designed. This paper focuses on both issues, showing all the risks that can affect firms and proposing a quantification model for each one.  相似文献   

The recent pension reform in Germany enacted in 2001 brought a major change in the structure of the pension system. Traditionally the statutory social insurance pension scheme provided income replacement at a level that allowed to maintain the living standard acquired in the course of the working life. On top of and complementary to that voluntary employer-sponsored occupational pension schemes and voluntary individual provision used to supply additional income during retirement.  相似文献   

China introduced employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) in 1992 purely as an employee incentive scheme. The government initiated the policy experiment on ESOPs as part of China’s reform of its state-owned enterprises, and it was abruptly terminated 2 years after initiation. This policy experiment resulted in an exogenous sample of ESOPs that allows us to provide the first evidence from Chinese firms on the performance-ESOP relation. After examining a variety of performance measures, including ROA, ROE, Tobin’s q, and productivity, we find little difference in performance between ESOP firms and non-ESOP firms.  相似文献   

Japan’s New Special Zones for Regulatory Reform   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Japan’s Special Zones for regulatory reform were established in 2003 as an endeavor to enhance nationwide regulatory reforms based on local government initiatives. These Special Zones are not like the free trade zones inviting foreign capital that have been taken on as national projects in Ireland or China. In fact, this scheme acts to stimulate regulatory competition between municipalities to attract new business activities by both foreign and domestic firms in the local areas. This approach is a significant step towards mobilizing local government initiatives under a highly centralized administrative system in Japan, and marks a shift toward a more market-based economy.JEL Code: H77, K20  相似文献   

The UK government has recently proposed radical changes in second-tier pension provision, with the existing State Earnings-Related Pension Scheme (SERPS) being replaced by a new State Second Pension (SSP). This paper sets out how the proposed scheme differs from its predecessor and describes the distributional effects of this reform. It shows that the SSP greatly increases the pension entitlements of low earners while maintaining existing benefit levels for higher earners. However, the higher contributions needed to pay for the new scheme mean that, after taking financing into account, people earning more than around £12,000 a year will lose out. Because of the upper limit to National Insurance contributions for employees, these losses will be greatest for people earning at the contribution ceiling.  相似文献   

国有商业银行公司治理结构的特殊性及其改革   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
公司治理结构的所有原则都来源于商业银行活动的基本实践.银行治理结构的缺陷最终会损害银行的竞争力,增大银行体系的风险.在当前面临外资银行激烈竞争的新形势下,建立国有商业银行良好的公司治理结构应是银行业改革的首要议题.鉴于我国国有商业银行公司治理结构的特殊性,其公司治理机制的构建应从利益相关者治理的角度出发,顺应国际公司治理的发展趋势,科学地借鉴国外公司治理的典型模式,通过有效的激励机制和内部控制体系,完善信息披露制度,以及逐步健全外部治理等措施,实现国有商业银行富有成效的改革,促进金融行业国际竞争力和资源配置效率的提高.  相似文献   

An important part of accounting curriculum reform is a movement away from traditional methods of organizing accounting courses toward improved organization schemes. Two basic approaches to organizing the content of tax courses are a transaction-based scheme and an entity-based scheme. This paper reports the results of an experiment that investigates which scheme is more consistent with how incoming masters in tax students organize tax knowledge and how different schemes affect the manner in which graduating students organize tax knowledge. Ninety students drawn from two full-time masters in taxation programs participated in the study. Subjects individually completed three separate tasks that measured how they organize tax knowledge at both the start of their degree program and three semesters later at or near the end of their program. The results for all three tasks indicate that incoming tax students organize tax knowledge around the type of transaction involved. The results for two of the three tasks indicate that the students' transaction focus did not change during their graduate tax program, whereas the results for the third task indicate that the students' transaction focus increased during their graduate tax experience. The implications of these findings for improving tax instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

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