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2005年1月23日,由中国企业文化促进会、中国企业报社、中国质量与品牌杂志社、中国十大影响力品牌推选组织委员会主办的“2004中国影响力品牌”推选活动的颁奖仪式在人民大会堂隆重召开。国内知名物流企业民航快递在此次评选活动中,荣获“中国物流十大影响力品牌”和“中国物流  相似文献   

申通快递品牌(STO)创建于1993年,是国内最早经营快递业务的品牌之一。随着快递网络的逐步延伸,2007年成立了申通快递有限公司(以下简称"申通快递"),作为申通快递网络的总部,对网络实行管理,主要包括对加盟商的授权许可、经营指导、品牌管理等。  相似文献   

过去的一年,中国快递再创佳绩--2021年快递业务量突破1000亿件,连续8年稳居世界第一;8家快递企业成功上市,形成3家年业务量超100亿件、收入规模超1000亿元的品牌快递集团.此外,在快递包装减量化、可循环方面,我国也在加快推进.根据统计,2021年我国可循环快递箱(盒)投放量达630万个,电商快件不再二次包装率...  相似文献   

此轮快递涨价也反应了品牌快递企业微利时代已经结束,低价竞争不再是上上策,品牌快递企业将由以往的单纯重视业务的野蛮拓荒时代进化到重视服务的文明时代  相似文献   

随着经济快速发展,快递市场规模逐步扩大,民营快递企业作为我国快递行业的主力军,对推动我国快递行业的发展具有重要的地位和作用。文中在阐述我国民营快递企业现状的基础上,对民营快递企业进行SWOT分析,进而提出加强民营快递企业间的战略合作、加强企业内部员工的培训、引进先进的信息技术及创建强有力的品牌是民营快递企业提高竞争力的关键途径。  相似文献   

李晓雯 《物流科技》2015,(3):138-139
在中国快递产业走过的30年中,目前已基本形成国营快递企业、民营快递企业、国际快递企业三足鼎立的局面。为了寻找更多的利润源,已在国内快递业务市场打拼多年的中国民营快递企业陆续进入中国国际快递业务市场,预向垄断中国国际快递业务超70%业务量的国外快递巨头手里分一杯羹。文章主要对中国民营快递企业进军中国国际快递市场的障碍进行了分析,并提出依靠国内快递网络创造价格优势、依靠国家扶持抗衡国际快递巨头、从周边地区入手逐渐拓展国际快递市场三点对策。  相似文献   

文章分析了我国国内快递市场的状况及发展,针对目前我国快递企业的情况,怎样把握机遇和对应挑战,寻找制约快递企业发展的诸多因素,探究在激烈的快递市场竞争中创建高质量、高效益的品牌企业、扩大市场占有率的可行途径。  相似文献   

林张 《物流时代》2011,(5):67-70
从目前的快递服务来看,尽管国内已经建立起类似于顺丰、宅急送、“四通一达”等众多快递品牌,但除顺丰一直定位于以高端服务占领高端市场外,其他快递品牌其服务水平与国际一流企业普遍有很大差距,消费者满意度始终不高。  相似文献   

杨英  张菁菁 《物流时代》2011,(11):18-18
11月4日,民航快递历任领导班子,职能部门负责人及各区域公司代表欢聚一堂,同庆民航快递成立十五周年。 十五年来,民航快递的品牌价值不断攀升,获得消费者和行业的认知与信任,从2004第一届《中国500最具价值品牌》排行榜发布以来,已连续八年上榜,品牌价值由2004年的5.4亿上升到2011年的30.99亿。  相似文献   

以影响客户选择快递品牌的年龄、收入等七个因素数据为研究对象,以数据挖掘方法中的分类算法中的J48为技术手段建立模型并得到研究对象的决策树,通过对决策树的分析,得到影响客户选择快递品牌的相关条件,并把这些条件提供给各品牌快递公司以供其有针对性的选择和发展客源。  相似文献   

品牌是会计师事务所核心价值与整体价值的综合体现,注册会计师审计是高风险行业,要想生存、发展,必须有作为注册会计师行业的“品牌”。执业质量是注册会计师的生命钱,会计师事务所更是以执业质量为支撑点。品牌是无形资产,具有无形资产的一般特徵,同样也是注册会计师行业品牌的特徵,其品牌价值就是注册会计师的一种服务、会计师事务所的一种识别标志或名称给其带来的附加值。当前,中国会计师事务所品牌经营面临困难,需要根据会计市场需求和自身发展能力创建品牌;同时,需要研究品牌竞争策略。  相似文献   

李晓超 《物流技术》2007,26(8):51-53
简要介绍了联邦快递、联合包裹、敦豪环球快递、荷兰天地快运四大国际快递公司在中国市场发展的特点及成功经验;指出我国目前物流快递业发展的诸多问题,提出有效应对措施与建议,提高我国快递企业的竞争力。  相似文献   


This paper contributes to the upper-echelons theory by extending the investigation of how CEO characteristics, namely gender, age, tenure, education attainment, and duality, influence firms’ strategic decisions regarding brand equity investment. We gather 8830 firm-year observations from the Chinese listed firms for the period of 2012 to 2018. We develop several hypotheses and use a probit regression specification to test each hypothesis. The empirical results show that a CEO’s tenure and duality have a positive influence. Interestingly, the CEO’s age has a negative influence while their gender and education have no significant influence on a firm’s propensity to invest in brand equity. It indicates that longer tenures and duality lead CEOs to be confident making them more willing to invest in high-risk projects. It also indicates that older CEO’s are risk-averse, while gender does not play a role in the risk-taking appetite of the CEO. The results provide several implications for firms looking to develop influential brands, especially in China.


企业品牌资产尤其是"以顾客为基础的品牌资产",对公司绩效的影响越来越显著。品牌忠诚度、感知质量、品牌意识以及品牌形象是其重要组成部分;并且还与公司绩效之间存在积极的正相关关系。而四个维度与不同类型(五星级酒店和快餐连锁店)公司绩效之间的关系并不完全相同。  相似文献   

This paper asserts that brand pharmaceutical firms (those mostly involved in the invention and production of new drugs) engage in a set of complementary activities that are different from those of generic pharmaceutical firms (those that primarily make off-patent medicines). Complementarities of the Milgrom-Roberts variety within, but not across, these two kinds of firms make it more efficient for pharmaceutical firms to specialize in either brand or generic production. Using FDA data, I show that this is indeed the case. I then examine the firms that produce both types of drugs to see if there are market-level strategic synergies between brand and generic products. I find generic entrants that belong to a corporation that owns the brand in the market are (1) not more likely to enter, (2) not more likely to be approved faster, and (3) not more likely to deter other generics from entering. Thus the advantage, or synergy, from mixing brand and generic activities in one corporation must arise elsewhere in the operations of the firm. If not, the integrated pharmaceutical firm is not the most efficient organizational form for the production of ethical drugs.  相似文献   

This paper shows that brand reputation alone may not be sufficient to help firms successfully issue green bonds and that they may need superior corporate social responsibility performance in the form of high ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) scores to unlock the full potential of their brand reputation. Using a sample of 338 international green bond issues across 108 unique firms, we found significant positive effects of ESG disclosure score and its interaction brand reputation on the issuance of green bonds while controlling for other variables, such as fixed effects of industry, region, and time. We also show that it is the S (Social) component of ESG and the interactions of its E (Environmental) and G (Governance) components with brand reputation which drive successful green bond issuance. Besides extending the current research on the impact of brand reputation and ESG on green bonds, these results also have important managerial implications for analysts, fund managers, and firms planning to raise green capital.  相似文献   

基于服务补救的快递企业服务质量提升研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
快递服务的投诉主要集中在快件延迟、邮件丢失、邮件损坏等服务失误方面。服务失误的频繁发生会让顾客产生不满情绪,严重时会影响企业的竞争力。服务补救则为企业提供了提高顾客感知服务质量和重塑企业服务品牌和企业形象的第二次机会。对于我国快递企业而言,通过服务补救改善服务质量需要坚持责任、及时、主动、沟通等基本原则,并通过逐步建立完善的服务补救机制、给一线快递人员授权、重视一切顾客问题策略等达到提升服务质量的目标。  相似文献   

This paper argues that a firm with multiple brands can obfuscate consumer search by excluding the brands of other firms from a consumer's consideration set. This is examined empirically by regressing price data for a leading U.K. motor insurance price comparison site (or “shopbot”). It finds that multibrand firms own three‐quarters of brands in this market, and that allowing for other brand strategies, they post significantly lower and clustered prices relative to other firms. The firms also conceal their brand ownership, consistent with search obfuscation. The results are not otherwise explained and they have implications for market competitiveness.  相似文献   

在品牌竞争时代,服务企业的竞争更多表现为品牌竞争,培育服务品牌权益成为服务企业获取竞争优势的重要来源。文中分析了服务企业品牌权益形成的主要因素,并从顾客体验等方面提出了培育服务品牌权益的营销启示。  相似文献   

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