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本文基于深交所推行的投资者实地调研制度及相关信息的披露,研究机构投资者实地调研活动对上市公司财务信息质量的作用,以及在该作用中调研便利性所发挥的影响.结果 表明:机构投资者的实地调研能改进上市公司当年及后一年的财务信息质量;较高的调研便利性会强化机构投资者实地调研提升财务信息质量的作用.  相似文献   

本文梳理了对冲基金的概念、特征及对冲策略,指出市场中性是这些对冲策略普遍存在的内在一致性要求。在此基础上,本文进一步讨论了市场中性策略的收益来源,分析了市场中性策略的做空优势,指出对冲策略拓宽了传统组合边界。  相似文献   

本文以2014-2018年我国深圳A股上市公司为样本,实证检验了机构投资者实地调研与股价同步性的关系,并探究了信息披露质量和机构投资者持股比例对此关系的调节作用.研究结果表明,机构投资者实地调研提升了公司的特质信息含量,显著降低了股价同步性.进一步研究发现,机构投资者实地调研对股价同步性的降低作用在信息披露质量较好的公司和机构持股比例较大的公司更为显著.本文的研究不仅拓展了现有关于机构投资者信息中介作用的研究,丰富了关于股价同步性影响因素方面的相关文献,并为监管部门完善上市公司信息披露制度、引导投资者与上市公司深入交流,提供了有益启示.  相似文献   

徐帅  孙媛媛 《财政监督》2014,(12):33-37
如何切实保护中小投资者的利益是关系到我国资本市场健康、持续发展的重要问题。财务报告是实现投资者利益保护的重要机制。从财务报告供应链的角度分析财务报告各环节相关主体对财务报告质量的影响.有利于明确投资者保护的具体实现机制。本文在相关理论分析的基础上探寻外部独立审计投资者保护作用的分析框架和具体路径.并按照外部审计实现投资者保护效果的影响因素对国内外研究文献进行梳理和评述,进而提出研究展望,希望能为财务报告质量和投资者保护的相关研究做基础性积累。  相似文献   

如何切实保护中小投资者的利益是关系到我国资本市场健康、持续发展的重要问题。财务报告是实现投资者利益保护的重要机制。从财务报告供应链的角度分析财务报告各环节相关主体对财务报告质量的影响,有利于明确投资者保护的具体实现机制。本文在相关理论分析的基础上探寻外部独立审计投资者保护作用的分析框架和具体路径,并按照外部审计实现投资者保护效果的影响因素对国内外研究文献进行梳理和评述,进而提出研究展望,希望能为财务报告质量和投资者保护的相关研究做基础性积累。  相似文献   

对冲基金的目的是当整体市场在被侵略时成本产生丰厚的回报。建议可以采取一些对冲策略和做额外的交易来抵消任何存在风险的投资组合。在这里,我们将使用选定的股票和长的短期战略,建立一个对冲基金。  相似文献   

运用文本分析方法检验机构投资者实地调研对企业避税行为的影响,结果显示:机构投资者实地调研能抑制企业避税行为,但这种效应只有当机构投资者在实地调研中向管理层提问个数较多、提问长度较长、或者提问内容针对企业税务活动时才存在。这说明只有勤勉深入、关注企业税务问题的调研才能抑制税收规避这种隐蔽性较强的行为。进一步研究发现,这种效应仅在非国有企业以及法制环境较差地区的企业中存在。  相似文献   

张敏 《中国外资》2010,(4):197-197
目前国际贸易实务的案例教学存在某些弊端,本文从一个从事国际贸易专业教学教师的角度出发,在日常的教学实践中摸索,提出了关于本课程案例教学方法改革的意见,即采用以实地调研为基础的案例教学法,使该课程案例教学方法更适合国际贸易专业的教学特色。  相似文献   

目前国际贸易实务的案例教学存在某些弊端,本文从一个从事国际贸易专业教学教师的角度出发,在日常的教学实践中摸索,提出了关于本课程案例教学方法改革的意见,即采用以实地调研为基础的案例教学法,使该课程案例教学方法更适合国际贸易专业的教学特色.  相似文献   

深市B股发行公司年度报告可读性特征研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
上市公司年报分为财务信息和非财务信息两部分。非财务信息主要由文字部分构成 ,其可读性是否与投资者群体的理解能力相配合、相适应 ,它决定了上市公司信息的传递效率。本文以深圳证券市场所有 5 9家发行B股上市公司的 2 0 0 0年英文版年度报告为样本 ,采用FLESCH可读性取值模型 ,及单向T测试的统计方法 ,对我国上市公司年报中非财务信息的可读性进行了实证研究 ,并对研究结果进行分析和讨论。  相似文献   

This study investigates the market's response to analyst report readability. We posit that readable reports decrease uncertainty of earnings expectations and by extension increase stock prices. Our results show that the equity market reacts more positively to readable reports and that this positive reaction is attributable to a reduction in uncertainty of future performance. Moreover, we find that the effect of readability on stock prices is significantly positive only for firms with greater R&D spending, higher bid‐ask spreads, a greater proportion of uninformed investors, and more experienced analysts, which suggests that readability matters only when information asymmetry in the equity market is high.  相似文献   

Hedge funds have generated significant absolute returns (alpha) in the decade between 1995 and 2004. However, the level of alpha has declined substantially over this period. We investigate whether capacity constraints at the level of hedge fund strategies have been responsible for this decline. For four out of eight hedge fund strategies, capital inflows have statistically preceded negative movements in alpha, consistent with this hypothesis. We also find evidence that hedge fund fees have increased over the same period. Our results provide support for the Berk and Green (2004) rational model of active portfolio management.  相似文献   

可读性是年报文本特征的一个重要研究方向,围绕这一主题产生了大量研究.但这些研究几乎都基于英文环境展开,而鲜有基于中文环境的相关研究,原因之一可能在于中文年报可读性衡量的困难.无论从动机还是后果角度上看,中文环境下的年报可读性可能都是一个值得研究的问题.有鉴于此,本文在对现有中英文年报可读性指标进行分析的基础上,结合汉语研究的相关成果,构建了三个中文年报可读性衡量指标,并对其做了实证检验.结果 表明,年报中每个分句的平均字数、每句话中的副词和连词比例,以及两者的算术平均,是一组较为合理的中文年报可读性衡量指标.进一步的,年报文本长度、年报中数字与表格的数量可能并不能很好的衡量中文年报可读性.本文的这一工作可以为后继相关研究提供一定的基础性参考.  相似文献   

Recent studies document that market participants react positively to the positive language sentiment or tone embedded in financial disclosures, and that investors’ reactions to negative news are more muted with poor disclosure readability. However, while language sentiment and readability co‐occur in practice, their joint effects remain largely unexplored. In an experiment with MBA students as participants, we investigate how the effect of language sentiment varies with readability and investor sophistication level. We find that language sentiment influences investors’ judgments when readability is low, but not when readability is high. Specifically, when readability is low, disclosures couched in positive language lead to higher earnings judgments for less sophisticated investors, but lower earnings judgments for more sophisticated investors. These findings show that the main effects of readability and language sentiment documented in prior studies have boundary effects, and may reverse when both variables are jointly considered along with investor sophistication.  相似文献   

We examine the capital market pricing implications of firm disclosure opacity as measured by the linguistic readability of REIT annual reports. The SEC has expressed concern that firms selectively manage the transparency of disclosures in order to hide adverse information. After controlling for other non-experimental factors that influence the readability of REIT financial statements, we find (1) financial opacity is negatively related to reported firm performance, and (2) the residual opacity that remains after controlling for other determinants of annual report readability has incremental explanatory power for returns beyond the Fama and French (1992, 1993) risk factors. The opacity risk-return premium persists after controlling for a (heretofore undocumented) stark monotonic decrease in annual report readability following the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.  相似文献   

We test the impact of taxes and governance systems on dividend payouts across countries. We show that, unlike previous studies, firms in strong investor protection countries pay lower cash dividends than in weak protection countries when the classical tax system is implemented, but they repurchase more shares to maximise their shareholders' after-tax returns. In weak protection countries, cash dividends and repurchases are low and less responsive to taxes. Our results suggest that when investors are protected, they weigh the tax cost of dividends against the benefit of mitigating the agency cost, but, when they are not, they accept whatever dividends they can extract, even when this entails high tax costs.  相似文献   

We examine the survival of nonrational investors in an evolutionary game model with a population dynamic for a large economy. The dynamic indicates that the growth rate of wealth accumulation drives the evolutionary process. We focus our analysis on the survival of overconfidence and investor sentiment. We find that underconfidence or pessimism cannot survive, but moderate overconfidence or optimism can survive and even dominate, particularly when the fundamental risk is large. These findings provide new empirical implications for the survivability of active fund management. Our results lend support to the relevance of the psychology of investors in studying financial markets. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: G10, G14.  相似文献   

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