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我国权证市场发展探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、引言 权证作为发行人与持有者之间的赋予持有人在约定的时间有权以约定的价格买入或卖出一定数量的标的资产一种契约,按发行人,分为股本权证和备兑权证:股本权证通常由上市公司发行,其行权会增加股份公司的股本;备兑权证是由标的资产发行人以外的第三方发行,认兑的股票是已经上市流通的股票,行权不会造成总股本的增加.  相似文献   

权证作为我国金融市场上的一个崭新交易品种,其定价备受关注。在国外权证实务中,权证的定价广泛采用Black-Scholes模型。本文对我国第一只权证产品——宝钢权证的价格运动进行实证研究,分析了Black-Scholes模型中影响权证价格的因素及我国当前权证价格变动的模型之外的影响因素,认为该模型在我国目前的资本市场条件下实际运用的可行性较差。  相似文献   

权证作为我国金融市场上的一个崭新交易品种,其定价备受关注,在国外权证实务中,权证的定价广泛采用B1ack—Scholcs模型。本文对我国第一只权证产品——宝铜权证的价格运动进行实证研究,分析了Black—Scholes模型中影响权证价格的因素及我国当前权证价格变动的模型之外的影响因素,认为该模型在我国目前的资本市场条件下实际运用的可行性较差.  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了权证的含义和分类,说明了我国在股权分置改革中引入权证的四点理由,然后以股本认股权证为例,重点探讨了权证的定价。  相似文献   

本文先介绍了上海股票交易所新上市的品种股票权证的基础知识,并对三种权证的定价方式Black-Scholes 公式、二叉树、蒙特卡罗模拟进行了优劣讨论,并定价出已经上市品种的理论价格,最后本文针对国内的已有权证进行了投资组合策略的研究。  相似文献   

王献东 《价值工程》2012,31(32):189-191
采用两种方法对传统的期权定价参数方法进行修正。一种是利用股票对数收益率的偏度与峰度对传统的期权定价方法计算出的期权价格进行修正,另一种是通过建立GARCH模型来预测股票收益的波动率,对传统定价方法中波动率为常数的假设进行修正。选取国电CWB1(580022)权证进行实证分析,结果表明修正得出的期权价格与实际的权证价格有很大的偏差,并对这样实证结果进行解释。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了权证的含义和分类,说明了我国在股权分置改革中引入权证的四点理由,然后以股本认股权证为例,重点探讨了权证的定价。  相似文献   

在实际经济行为中,标的资产的价格会受到突发事件(如自然灾害、疾病等)的影响而产生跳跃,为了描述这个跳跃,文章以标的资产价格服从几何Lévy过程为基本模型研究欧式期权的定价问题。给出了欧式期权在0时刻和t (0 t T<≤时刻的定价公式。由于实际中我们不能精确地确定模型参数,需要将模型参数做模糊化处理,进而)可以得到参数是模糊数情形下的欧式期权定价公式。  相似文献   

本文以西方理论界的期权定价研究为基础,考虑了我国证券市场的特殊影响因素,对适合我国证券市场的权证定价模型进行了系统的研究,得出修正的权证定价模型,以期更为精确地计算权证的价值。  相似文献   

本文以西方理论界的期权定价研究为基础,考虑了我国证券市场的特殊影响因素,对适合我国证券市场的权证定价模型进行了系统的研究,得出修正的权证定价模型,以期更为精确地计算权证的价值.  相似文献   

使用2009—2013年我国创业板、中小板上市公司数据,基于盈余管理异质性的视角实证检验了高管股权激励与审计定价的关系。通过对盈余管理类型及方向的细分,研究发现,在高管股权激励与审计定价两者关系的传导路径上,真实盈余管理存在部分中介效应,操纵性应计盈余管理间接效应不显著。通过调增方向与调减方向的真实盈余管理,高管股权激励与审计定价分别呈显著负相关、显著正相关关系,说明高管股权激励起到双向作用,并通过真实盈余管理行为对审计定价产生了影响。另外,调减方向的两类盈余管理都与审计定价呈显著正相关关系,说明审计机构更加注重调减方向的盈余管理所带来的风险,从而投入更多的审计资源,审计定价也随之提高。  相似文献   

Equity joint ventures (EJVs) are a popular governance mode of inter‐firm cooperation that has attracted substantial research attention. The literature, however, still lacks a precise rule for the parents to follow in splitting the equity shares of an EJV, although share distribution is critical to almost all aspects of the co‐ownership relationship. In this study, we fill this literature gap by taking the Bayesian approach to draw a pricing‐error rule on share distribution in EJVs. More specifically, we contend that equity participation by two firms in an EJV allows profit sharing to correct for the errors that they might commit in pricing their inputs to the EJV. For profit sharing to fully nullify such pricing errors, the shares of an EJV must be split between the parent firms in a percentage combination that matches the relative sizes of their pricing errors. Because pricing errors are observable only afterward, share distribution in EJVs resembles a Bayesian process, in which the partners keep updating their estimates on pricing errors to adjust share distribution to a percentage combination that could best nullify their pricing errors. Thus, the eventual outcome of share adjustment is EJV buyout, in that the partner whose pricing errors remain substantial buys out the shares of the other whose pricing errors have become tolerable.  相似文献   

While the issues of high-speed rail (HSR) tariff and its impact on equity have always been a hot topic in China, which also attracted the attention of international researchers, research on the level of HSR tariff from the perspective of individual affordability and equity issue have scarcely been considered. This study therefore aims to fill the research gap by quantifying the HSR relative tariff level and its impact on income/regional distribution via introducing a HSR affordability index.Based on the index, we calculate the HSR affordability levels of the main international sample countries with the order of magnitude. Then we expand the analysis of HSR affordability level according to differentiated HSR pricing practice in the selected countries. At the same time, we compare the HSR tariff impact on economic equity among different countries, regions, and social classes.The result indicates that although the absolute level of HSR tariff is low, China is generally in the middle/the lowest and unbalanced position among the sample countries on HSR affordability in terms of expensiveness and economic equity. When we considered the differentiated tariff policy implemented in Europe and Japan, the affordability gap between China and the other countries is further enlarged. Moreover, inequitable distribution of HSR affordability between different income groups and social classes are found larger not only within China, but also higher when compared to the other sample countries.Finally, we conclude that China should implement differentiated HSR pricing system at a larger scale and greater extent based on the Ramsey pricing and Yield management principle to grasp the additional revenue from the high level income group/the developed region and alleviate the economic equity as well. Meanwhile, we also suggest the balance between HSR affordability for passengers themselves and the macro financial affordability for the country as a whole should also be considered in the future HSR pricing regime formulation.  相似文献   

According to the observation of the catastrophic events with regime-switching phenomena and default rate varying with economic condition, we extend the results of Chang et al. (2011) and also take the default rate varying with economic condition into consideration by using the Markov-modulated reduced-form model. In order to value options under stochastic interest rates and a default intensity environment, we employ Girsanov’s theorem to obtain two different forward measures and to derive a pricing formula. We also conduct numerical analyses using Monte Carlo simulations to illustrate the influence of the recovery rate, the time to maturity, the frequency of catastrophic events, and the effect of counterparties’ default intensity on the catastrophe equity put price.  相似文献   

主要讨论欧式期权的定价公式。首先给出一个B-S期权定价公式的简化方法,使具有一般微积分知识的读者就能理解;并假定股票价格过程遵循带Poisson跳的扩散过程,在股票预期收益率、波动率和无风险利率均为时间函数的情况下,得到欧式期权定价公式和买权与卖权之间的平价关系。  相似文献   

The key issues concerning road pricing are now well understood, and they must be addressed at local level if the policy is to be saleable.
This means that objections to pricing need to be addressed at local level.
Experience abroad suggests that equity and the use of the resulting cash flow are likely to be the most significant points that would need to be addressed.  相似文献   

2013年的种种迹象表明我国金融市场将进入期权时代。期权价值的确定是期权功能发挥的前提和基础。本文从行为金融学的角度出发,在传统二叉树期权定价模型的基础上,通过引入投资者情绪变量构建基于投资者情绪的欧式看涨期权定价模型。模型表明,投资者情绪不仅通过行为随机折现因子直接影响期权价值,而且通过影响标的证券的价值运行概率间接影响期权的最终价值;投资者情绪与期权价格之间呈现正相关关系。最后,基于长虹CWB1的实证研究也表明了传统期权定价模型存在的缺陷,通过求解权证实际交易价格与理论价格之间的偏差,可以反算出投资者情绪,进而预测权证的行为价值。  相似文献   

The determination of the expected return on equity based on the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) is an internationally recognized method, although the underlying theory is not without criticism and therefore leaves sufficient room for interpretation. Strictly speaking, the expected return on equity cannot be determined per se, as all parameters of the CAPM have to be estimated and contain measurement errors. The statistical measurement errors would have to be included in the calculation of the expected return on equity. The paper discusses the current view on how the expected return on equity is determined in the Germen‐speaking countries and presents an approach to transfer the measurement errors of the parameter risk‐free rate, market risk premium, and company beta to the calculated return on equity using the Gaussian law of error propagation.  相似文献   

我国管理层收购中的焦点问题之一是定价的不合理,本文从并购中价值创造的角度出发,综合考虑管理层收购这种收购形式的特殊性,借鉴国外定价的成功经验,指出我国合理的管理层收购定价不应当以每股净资产作为唯一的定价标准,应以投资资本净现金流为衡量价值的标准,综合考虑控制权溢价和流动性折价,并且引入市场竞争机制,真正实现以市场为舞台的双赢。  相似文献   

基于审计成本效益理论和审计风险溢价理论,以2015—2020年我国A股上市公司数据为样本,检验控股股东杠杆增持与审计定价的关系及内在机理。结果表明,控股股东杠杆增持与审计定价正相关。控股股东杠杆增持行为主要通过提高审计师风险溢价以及增加审计投入对审计定价产生促进作用。上述关系在企业存在控股股东股权质押、法律环境较为严格时得到强化,而较好的信息披露质量以及较高的股权制衡度会削弱控股股东杠杆增持与审计定价的正相关关系。同时,控股股东杠杆增持带来的风险溢价效应会抑制审计师出具标准的审计意见,损害审计质量。研究结论有助于强化审计师对控股股东杠杆增持的风险认知,进而为进一步提升审计报告质量、强化投资者保护提供了增量证据。  相似文献   

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