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The focus of this article is on the role of the transnational capitalist class (TCC) in and around architecture in the production and marketing of iconic buildings and spaces, in global or world cities. The TCC is conceptualized in terms of four fractions: (1) Those who own and/or and control the major transnational corporations and their local affiliates (corporate fraction). In architecture these are the major architectural, architecture‐engineering and architecture‐developer‐real estate firms. In comparison with the major global consumer goods, energy and financial corporations the revenues of the biggest firms in the architecture industry are quite small. However, their importance for the built environment and their cultural importance, especially in cities, far outweighs their relative lack of financial and corporate muscle. (2) Globalizing politicians and bureaucrats (state fraction). These are the politicians and bureaucrats at all levels of administrative power and responsibility who actually decide what gets built where, and how changes to the built environment are regulated. (3) Globalizing professionals (technical fraction). The members of this fraction range from the leading technicians centrally involved in the structural features of new building to those responsible for the education of students and the public in architecture. (4) Merchants and media (consumerist fraction). These are the people who are responsible for the marketing of architecture in all its manifestations. (There is obviously some overlap between the membership of these fractions.). My conclusion is that many global and aspiring global cities have looked to iconic architecture as a prime strategy of urban intervention, often in the context of rehabilitation of depressed areas. The attempt to identify the agents most responsible for this transformation, namely the TCC, and to explain how they operate, suggests that deliberately iconic architecture is becoming a global phenomenon, specifically a central urban manifestation of the culture‐ideology of consumerism. L’article porte sur la classe capitaliste transnationale (TCC) au sein et à la périphérie de l’architecture, et sur son rôle dans la production et la commercialisation de constructions et espaces iconiques dans les villes mondiales ou planétaires. Cette classe se conceptualise en quatre fractions: (1) Ceux qui détiennent et/ou contrôlent les principaux groupes transnationaux et leurs sociétés affiliées locales (fraction économique): En architecture, il existe de grands cabinets d’architecture, d’ingénierie en architecture et d’architectes promoteurs immobiliers. Par rapport aux grosses sociétés multinationales de la finance, de l’énergie ou des biens de consommation, les recettes des plus importants cabinets sont assez faibles; pourtant, leur place dans l’environnement construit et la culture, notamment en milieu urbain, compensent largement leur impact relativement mince sur le plan financier et économique. (2) Les acteurs politiques et bureaucratiques de la mondialisation (fraction étatique): Il s’agit des politicients et bureaucrates à tous les niveaux de responsabilié et de pouvoir administratifs qui décident effectivement de ce qui est construit et où, ainsi que de la régulation des changements apportés à l’environnement construit. (3) Les acteurs professionnels de la mondialisation (fraction technique): Leur diversité va des techniciens de renom, surtout impliqués dans les caractéristiques structurelles des nouveaux bâtiments, à ceux qui sont chargés d’enseigner l’architecture aux étudiants et d’éduquer le public. (4) Marchands et médias (fraction consumériste): Ce sont les personnes responsables de la commercialisation de l’architecture dans toutes ses manifestations. Ces quatre fractions présentent bien sûr des intersections. On peut déduire que bon nombre de villes planétaires — ou aspirant à le devenir — ont opté pour une architecture iconique comme première stratégie d’intervention urbaine, souvent dans un contexte de réhabilitation de zones en déclin. Identifier les principaux agents responsables de cette transformation (la TCC) et expliquer leur mode de fonctionnement conduit à suggérer qu’une architecture délibérément iconique devient un phénomène mondial, plus précisément une manifestation urbaine essentielle de l’idéologie‐culture du consumérisme.  相似文献   

This paper surveys estimates of the value of the GATT/WTO's contributions to global welfare through providing a forum for negotiating reductions in policy‐induced distortions to trade flows, including through the process of accession by new members. After reviewing measures of the price‐distorting effects of trade‐related policies, it assesses estimates from global simulation models of the welfare effects of trade liberalizations prior to the WTO's Doha round, including the net benefits and transfers associated with implementing the Uruguay Round agreement on trade‐related intellectual property rights, and then reviews estimates of the potential welfare effects of a Doha round agreement to cut tariffs and subsidies. Econometric estimates of past trade and related effects of the GATT/WTO are then examined, before turning to estimates of the benefits of WTO accession and of potential benefits from WTO‐sponsored trade facilitation. The paper concludes that while it remains difficult to attribute reforms directly to the GATT/WTO, the overall body of evidence presented supports the economic profession's consensus that this institution has contributed substantially to global economic welfare.  相似文献   

We investigate the relation between the private benefits' extraction by the initial controlling shareholder and the likelihood of the change of control post‐initial public offering (IPO) in France. We find that (a) in a weak investor protection context, the initial controlling shareholder with high private benefits of control is less likely to relinquish control 5‐years post‐IPO. (b) The initial controlling shareholder extracts private benefits of control through high voting rights and when the founder is involved in control at IPO. (c) Family controlling shareholders are less likely to end up with change of control post‐IPO than nonfamily ones. Such behavior is more pronounced with substantial voting rights, when the founder is in control and when the founder or his heir is an executive director. High private benefits of control contribute therefore to foster the survival of the initial controlling shareholder post‐IPO. Our findings are robust even after using alternative proxies of private benefits of control and also after running a survival analysis.  相似文献   

陈国强  冀国强 《价值工程》2014,(31):280-281
GMP是我国药品生产企业进行药品生产管理和质量控制的基本要求,GMP的有效实施的前提是有效的培训,本论文研究了基于微课化的GMP教学资源库建设并用于GMP课程教学、企业培训的可行性,并探索设计了基于微课化的GMP教学资源库建设的方案。  相似文献   

We consider the estimation of nonlinear models with mismeasured explanatory variables, when information on the marginal distribution of the true values of these variables is available. We derive a semi‐parametric MLE that is shown to be $\sqrt{n}$ consistent and asymptotically normally distributed. In a simulation experiment we find that the finite sample distribution of the estimator is close to the asymptotic approximation. The semi‐parametric MLE is applied to a duration model for AFDC welfare spells with misreported welfare benefits. The marginal distribution of the correctly measured welfare benefits is obtained from an administrative source. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

严明辉 《价值工程》2012,31(10):69-70
文章介绍了目标成本合同的基本原理和运行机制,讨论了影响目标成本合同成功实施的两个关键因素。针对目标成本合同的特殊性,指出必须合理地管理风险事件和相应的管理方法。最后给出一些使用目标成本合同的建议措施。  相似文献   

The fact that unemployed workers have different abilities to smooth consumption entails heterogeneous responses to extended unemployment benefits. Our empirical exercise explores a quasi‐experimental setting generated by an increase in the benefits entitlement period. The results suggest a hump‐shape response of unemployment duration over the one‐year pre‐unemployment wage distribution; individuals at the bottom and top of the wage distribution reacted less than those in the interquartile range. This behaviour of job searchers is consistent with labour supply models with unemployment insurance and savings. It questions the optimality of very long entitlement periods to target the unemployment experiences of low‐wage workers.  相似文献   

This paper examines how different environmental policy types differentially impact firms and why firms vary in their responses to such policies. Based on the mechanisms embedded in policy instruments to create incentives for firms to comply, the characteristics of benefits/costs that policies impose on firms and the institutional context in which policy instruments were created and are sustained, the paper identifies five policy categories. These are category I (command and control), category II (market based), category III (mandatory information disclosures), category IV (business–government partnerships) and category V (private voluntary codes). Different policy types often bestow asymmetrical benefits/costs on firms. Some benefits/costs may constitute ‘private/club goods’ while others may constitute ‘public goods’. Drawing insights from public policy literature, the paper argues that firms can be expected to favor policies whose benefits have the characteristics of private/club goods but the costs of public goods. Thus, understanding the nature of benefits/costs (private/club versus public) and the magnitude of their excludability is critical in explaining the variations in firms' responses. To understand how managers perceive the nature of benefits/costs (monetary as well as non‐monetary), the paper draws on theories and perspectives in the business and public policy field. In doing so, the paper examines the ‘demand’ and the ‘supply’ sides as well as the market and non‐market environments of a given policy. Thus, the paper makes a case for a multi‐theoretic approach to understand variations in managerial assessments of benefits/costs, and consequently variations in their responses to various policy types. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

杜维萍 《价值工程》2005,24(7):76-78
本文论述了GMP的基本概念、发展历程和在药品生产中的基本要求。  相似文献   

We suggest that a firm's benefits can relate to important organizational outcomes that have strategic implications. We propose a number of mechanisms that could relate benefits to strategic outcomes, including the notion that benefits can help attract and retain the type of employees who are most likely to perform in ways consistent with the firms’ strategies. We illustrate this with the case of supplemental retirement benefits in an actual setting, the long‐haul trucking industry. We report positive organization‐level relationships associated with the management choice of offering these benefits. Our results show that firms offering supplemental retirement plans engage in significantly safer driving practices, as measured by the proxy of driver insurance costs, as hypothesized. These findings show that benefits can be related to outcomes that have strategic implications for the firm. By showing that retirement plans may be of value to organizations, we help to bridge the academic‐practitioner divide and provide motivation and guidance for additional work on this important but underresearched topic. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The primary aim of the research was to examine commercial organisations' perceptions of the benefits of cause‐related marketing and the extent to which these benefits were achieved through their involvement with a UK cause‐related marketing campaign. The study also explored companies' views on the management of relationships between the profit and nonprofit organisations involved in a cause‐related marketing partnership. The research was conducted with companies involved in the cause‐related marketing campaign of one UK charity. Analysis of the data, gathered by means of a postal questionnaire, revealed that the benefits of cause‐related marketing perceived to be the most important in this context were increasing press coverage and raising brand awareness. Other important benefits included the opportunity to demonstrate social responsibility and enhance corporate reputation as well as building customer loyalty and increasing sales. Benefits achieved through participation in the cause‐related marketing campaign were limited to improved corporate reputation and social responsibility and press coverage. Recommendations for improved management of the partnership heavily emphasised joint planning processes, at the strategic and implementation levels. Copyright © 2003 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

The dispute on the impact of environmental legislation on international trade, national competitiveness, technological innovativeness and companies' profitability is as yet undecided. The predominant positions will be illustrated in the following meso/micro‐study detailing the impact (European) environmental legislation has on the competitiveness of a large chemical company. This study draws important conclusions and outlines remarkable implications by employing an instrumental distinction between short‐term costs/benefits and longer‐term innovativeness. It can be argued persuasively that environmental legislation has created a rat race among the major players at the (longer‐term) cost of smaller companies. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

文章研究了TCC、PCMX系列抗菌产品用途、作用及要点,论述这类项目环评中工程分析的重点在于工艺可行性分析、污染物种类以及污染防治措施等特点,对TCC、PCMX生产项目环境影响评价工作有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

The business benefits of an outsourcing strategy are well documented, and HR is encouraged to outsource in order to add value. Yet little is known about how HR outsourcing affects the HR role, competencies and relationships with senior management. These issues are examined through 27 semi‐structured interviews with senior HR professionals, comparing HR departments engaged in HR outsourcing with those maintaining full in‐house HR provision. The findings indicate that HR outsourcing stymies HR role transformation. HR outsourcers experienced limited skill development and an increased focus on cost reduction at the expense of their strategic position. In contrast, non‐HR outsourcers actively engaged in other parts of the business, developing competencies that garnered trust and support of senior managers. The benefits of an external HR community appear limited. The study suggests that an ‘internal’ HR community is better placed to enhance HR departmental roles.  相似文献   

A (correctly designed) voluntary self‐regulatory scheme can – in theory – improve social welfare if the benefits to society outweigh the costs. However, businesses may not choose to participate in a voluntary scheme if their private benefits do not outweigh their costs; external benefits are irrelevant to the profit maximizing firm. This paper reviews literature on self‐regulation, primarily focusing on factors that influence the net private benefits of environmental programmes. The literature is summarized in a manner that allows one to identify characteristics of firms that are most likely to accrue positive net benefit from environmental programmes, and to determine ways in which self‐regulatory bodies might raise those benefits, thereby increasing participation rates. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which the end‐consumer appears to influence corporate behaviour towards reporting specific environmental management activities, through examination of environmental disclosures by the UK FTSE 100 companies. The paper also explores whether proximity to the end‐consumer is associated with particular motivations for environmental management – whether cost‐reducing or reputational benefits, hypothesizing that close‐to‐consumer companies (C2C) will have a greater focus on reputational benefits than their counterparts. The results established that C2C companies were significantly more active in particular environmental measures (climate change and management processes) than their counterparts. They were also more likely to undertake environmental activities for which there was no explicit cost‐reduction benefit, suggesting that reputation with consumers/society may be a particular business motivator for them. These findings are important to policy makers, government and investors in terms of identifying which companies are leading particular aspects of the corporate environmental agenda and understanding the driving forces for it. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

HR professionals’ roles require them to be responsive to both employee needs and top management strategies. However, the need to respond to the often competing employee and strategic agendas makes relationship‐building efforts challenging. This study examines the social capital characteristics of HR professionals and the impact on receipt of network benefits and career outcomes. Results indicate that HR professionals benefit from relationships with other HR professionals for career sponsorship and role‐related benefits. However, it is contacts who are in higher positions or in other organizations that transfer the most influential benefits, which in turn relate to objective career outcomes. Few benefits are obtained from contacts in non‐HR functions. The results illuminate relationship development opportunities for HR professionals. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study integrates social resources theory and social exchange theory arguments to examine the knowledge benefits that international assignees' host‐unit social capital entails upon repatriation. Specifically, I hypothesize that assignees' host‐unit social capital, operationalized as their number of work group contacts and their proportion of trusted ties at the host unit, positively relates to two specific knowledge benefits upon repatriation: continued access to host‐unit knowledge; and continued transfer of host‐unit knowledge to colleagues in assignees' new positions. Assignees' perceptions of career and repatriation support are expected to moderate these relationships. The hypotheses are tested with a longitudinal sample of 85 inpatriate assignees in 10 German multinationals. I contribute to the literatures on international assignments, social capital, and MNC knowledge flows by explaining how and under what conditions assignees' host‐unit social capital entails knowledge benefits upon repatriation.  相似文献   

  • There are mixed opinions in the literature in regards of the appropriateness, relevance and significance of church branding in the context of church participation. This pilot study applied the ‘perceived brand orientation’ (PBO) construct in church context and examines its impact on perceived benefits among regular church goers of one Pentecostal denomination and non‐regular church goers. The results indicate that PBO is significantly related to perceived spiritual, social and purpose‐in‐life benefits in both sample groups. A multigroup analysis also found that PBO has a stronger effect on perceived benefits among non‐regular church goers. This study highlights the importance of being brand‐oriented to attract members' participation. Relevant implications for church leaders and managers of nonprofit organizations are also identified.
Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

邵秀萍 《价值工程》2010,29(21):192-192
新版GMP呼之欲出,堪称史上最严,如果实施到位,大多数中小企业面临行业大洗牌。要想在洗牌中立于不败之地,药企必须有一个综合设计和正确实施的系统,整合药品生产质量管理规范、质量控制、质量保证体系以及质量风险管理的质量管理系统。  相似文献   

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