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科学发展观是发展中国特色社会主义必须坚持和贯彻的重大战略思想。科学发展观的重要历史地位,应从它在马克思主义中国化、中国特色社会主义的历史进程中以及在世界社会主义运动中的重要作用、伟大意义去深刻理解和全面把握。这是深入贯彻落实科学发展观的认识前提。  相似文献   

市场经济和谐运行是社会主义和谐社会的基本特征,是社会主义本质的内在要求,是市场经济自身发展的客观需要。发展市场经济能为社会主义和谐社会提供物质基础,是构建社会主义和谐社会的根本途径;要构建社会主义市场经济的和谐机制,坚持以人为本是根本出发点,完善社会保障体系是重点,加强法制建设是关键,转变政府职能是保证。  相似文献   

刘军 《理论观察》2004,42(2):14-16
经济事实是理解和把握社会主义市场经济主要特征的依据.理解和把握社会主义市场经济的主要特征需考虑的主要经济事实有社会主义的本质、社会主义的基本制度、社会主义的发展阶段.社会主义市场经济的主要特征表现为发展生产力和强国富民;以公有制为主体,多种经济成分共同发展;以按劳分配为主体,多种分配方式并存,把按劳分配与按要素分配结合起来;社会公平与市场效率相结合;以市场为基础,国家宏观调控为主导;与社会主义精神文明建设相结合.  相似文献   

Among non-DAC donors, wealthy Arab states are some of the most prolific contributors of foreign aid. Despite this, relatively little is known about Arab foreign aid. The OECD development database offers a paucity of information, aggregating data for “Arab countries” and “Arab agencies,” without identifying the constituent units of either. A further complication is that Arab donors are not uniformly transparent about their aid efforts, publicizing some of them while keeping other donations secret. In this paper, we advance the state of knowledge of Arab foreign aid in a number of ways. We use AidData to document the trends in reported donations from specific bilateral donors (Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates) and multilateral agencies (Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development, Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa, OPEC’s Fund for International Development, and the Islamic Development Bank). Notably, Arab bilateral donors have given less generously over time with aid levels remaining relatively stable despite skyrocketing national wealth. We explore reasons for this decline, including that Arab donors have: shifted their giving from bilateral to multilateral channels, given less as DAC donors have given more, and increased domestic spending at the expense of foreign aid with a view to safeguarding regime security. In addition, we look at the sectoral allocations of Arab bilateral and multilateral organizations, and compare the aid practices of Arab donors to their DAC counterparts. Finally, we suggest why an exclusive focus on aid commitments is problematic where Arab aid is concerned.  相似文献   

社会主义初级阶段的不成熟的特征和与其相应的生产力的低层次性和发展不平衡的现实,决定了其在有中国特色社会主义的总体框架中,鲜明地表现出自身的特色——主体特色,这种主体特色体现在社会主义初级阶段经济、政治、文化等各个方面,而所谓主体特色也因此可以表述为在社会主义初级阶段的各个领域中,或是所有制、分配制度,或是社会制度、党的阶级基础和群众基础,以及有中国特色社会主义的文化包括价值观,都没有单一或独事的存在,而总是呈现出主体与非主体并存的二元格局,其主体方面体现着社会主义制度的本质,而非主体方面,则体现着社会主义初级阶段的特殊国情。社会主义初级阶段主体特色的哲学依据则是辩证唯物主义的矛盾论。  相似文献   

我国的改革开放已走过30年,开展纪念活动就是要进一步解放思想,坚定改革开放的信心,坚持走中国特色社会主义道路。改革开放深刻改变了黑龙江,给黑龙江带来了历史性的进步。实施振兴东北老工业基地战略以来,黑龙江省着力推进经济结构调整和经济增长方式转变,社会主义经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设取得新的成就。实践证明,黑龙江多年来取得的成绩和进步得益于思想的不断解放,黑龙江把心思集中到发展上来,迫切需要继续解放思想。  相似文献   

党的创新理论来源于实践,创新理论又指导着实践。从坚持解放思想,实事求是,与时俱进的思想路线不动摇;坚持“一个中心、两个基本点”的基本路线不动摇;用中国特色社会主义理论体系指导新的实践,坚持用科学发展观破解发展难题;继续推进党的建设新的伟大工程,加强党的先进性建设和执政能力建设等八个方面,党的创新理论给我们以重要启示。  相似文献   

邓小平的经济思想是探索中国经济如何实现社会主义现代化的重要理论。邓小平经济思想的理论标志、特点和贯穿的主线,反映了当代中国的实际情况及其历史要求。邓小平的经济思想对我们全面建设小康社会仍起着重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

文章首先分析了人地关系与新农村建设问的联系;然后选取国家级贫困县——禄劝县作为实例,将禄劝县划分成不同的人地关系地域系统类型,并分析其人地关系特征;最后探讨了不同人地关系特征下的新农村建设模式。  相似文献   

Capital Flows, FDI, and Technology Spillovers: Evidence from Arab Countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this paper is to study the role and significance of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the economic performance of the Arab countries. It first highlights the importance of international capital and financial flows in the Arab and developing countries, and then concentrates on the global distribution of FDI and its position in the Arab world. This discussion is followed by an analysis of the effect of FDI on Arab technological development and total factor productivity (TFP). The paper concludes with policy recommendations and suggestions.  相似文献   

Following the remarkably successful 2014 parliamentary and presidential elections in Indonesia, attention now turns to the new president and his agenda for the next five years. President Joko Widodo, known as Jokowi, has emphasised the importance of strong economic growth and rising living standards. But he faces significant, broad-ranging economic challenges and, perhaps not surprisingly, serious discussion of these issues did not feature during the election campaigns. In many respects the economy is at a crossroads, facing the choice between a business-asusual scenario of no reform and consequently sluggish economic growth, and a politically difficult reform agenda that would set it on a higher growth path. Economic policymakers regard the events of 2013 as a mini economic crisis, and they feel vindicated in their explicit preference for stability over growth—that is, for slowing the economy through tighter fiscal and monetary policy and letting the currency decline. For now, the economy is slowing but holding up quite well, especially by comparative international norms and considering foreign and domestic headwinds, including possible macroeconomic and financial fragilities. Here we examine these headwinds—from global economic volatility and declining commodity prices, particularly in the wake of the so-called Bernanke shock of May 2013, to the continuing policy drift at home. We investigate whether there is evidence of an emerging adjustment from the commodity-driven growth of the past decade to some of the traditional tradables sectors, especially manufacturing. While the commodity boom is almost certainly a thing of the past—at least at levels witnessed since 2005—the country's political narratives and the government's microeconomic policies appear to be still premised on an era of plenty funded by a disappearing boom. We speculate on likely options and directions for what in all likelihood will be a ‘Jokowi decade’.  相似文献   

中国特色社会主义理论体系命题内涵十分丰富,社会主义、中国特色展现了社会主义在中国发展的理论成果和理论特征;理论体系揭示出个阶段理论成果之间的关系。  相似文献   

征汉年  马力 《乡镇经济》2008,24(8):113-116
在社会主义新农村建设中.随着农村管理事务不断扩大,一些敛财者权力易于物化,权钱交易机会将会增多,涉“农”职务犯罪将呈现上升趋势。文章以江苏省盐城地区在社会主义新农村建设中出现的职务犯罪案件为视角,解析此类犯罪的主要特点、剖析此类犯罪产生原因;并提出针对性的预防措施,为维护农村和谐稳定,保障农民合法权益,促进新农村建设提供良好的法治保障。  相似文献   

H. -J. Wagener 《De Economist》1982,130(4):514-535
Summary The article is an extended review of J. Kornai’sEconomics of Shortage. Salient feature of this book is a behavioural in place of a decision-theoretic approach to socialist economies. The article discusses central concepts of Kornai’s analysis as hard and soft budget constraints, shortage and slack, taut plans, sellers’ markets. The main hypothesis says that the achievements of socialism, work guarantee and redistribution, bring about soft budget constraints and thus cause shortage. It is argued, however, that existing socialist systems have ample leeway for economic reforms. Review article of J. Kornai, Economics of Shortage, Vol. I and II, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam and New York, 1980. Pp. XVII + 650. 2-Volume Set Dfl. 170,-.  相似文献   

詹学德 《特区经济》2006,(9):146-149
当前我国农村思想文化现状已成为制约社会主义新农村建设的重大障碍,主要表现在农村主要居民文化素质偏低,不能满足社会主义新农村建设的需要;农民思想观念落后,成为制约社会主义新农村建设的重要因素;农村思想文化教育基础设施整体薄弱,严重束缚了农民思想文化素质的提高;农民思想文化教育方式和途径单一,影响了农民素质的提高;部分农村基层组织涣散,无力领导农民进行思想文化建设,为了进一步推进社会主义新农村建设,必须跨越这些障碍。  相似文献   

建国六十年来,中共三代领导集体始终致力于中国特色社会主义理论的探索。毛泽东开始了中国社会主义道路的探索,并取得了重要的成果;邓小平成功地开创了中国特色社会主义道路创立了中国特色社会主义理论;经过第三代领导集体的丰富和发展,中国特色社会主义理论体系已初具规模。  相似文献   

中国实行的是社会主义市场经济 ,其道德伦理取向既要适应市场经济的运行规律 ,又要符合社会主义性质的要求 ,同时也要与中国传统文化相协调。这是一个继往开来 ,开拓创新的伟大事业 ,本文着重就企业文化建设如何体现中国社会主义市场经济对经济伦理的要求进行了探讨。  相似文献   

多元性和先进性是文化发展的两大基本特征。在我国社会主义改革和发展的关键时期,牢牢把握先进文化的前进方向,坚持以社会主义核心价值体系引领社会思潮,尊重差异,包容多样,最大限度地形成社会思想共识,真正达到"和而不同",是建设和谐文化应遵循的准则,是构建社会主义和谐社会的真谛。  相似文献   

陆铭 《南方经济》2011,29(6):23-37
中国的农村劳动力在城乡和地区间的流动是在全球市场一体化和国内市场分割的背景下出现的。规模日益庞大的流动劳动力以流向东南沿海城市的制造业和服务业为主,但由于户籍、土地等制度的制约,劳动力流动短期特征明显,但趋势又是长期化,因此,形成了城市内部的“新二元结构”。早期的实证研究注重从个人特征、家庭特征和政策环境的角度来研究劳动力流动,较新的研究从人力资本外部性和规模经济的角度研究劳动力流动的方向,为劳动力流动的动因提供了新的见解。但是,如果要解释中国劳动力流动中的一些特殊现象,就需要在制度约束和信息不充分的条件下研究社会互动对于劳动力流动的影响。基于这些研究,有效推进劳动力流动和城市化进程的政策应该包括以提高教育为主的经济政策、以促进信息交流为主的社会政策,以及推进城乡融合为主的制度变革。  相似文献   

The construction of socialism harmonious society is the realistic demand of the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics and also the everlasting value pursuit of the Chinese as well as the demand of development of the all-round construction of affluent society under the guidance of the theory of scientific development. The theory of socialism harmonious society embodies the realistic characters of the theory and is to persist and develop Marxism Materialistic Concept of histo~y; so it is a valuable contribution to the scientific socialism theory.  相似文献   

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