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The existence of a public competitive equilibrium for any arbitrary (nondistortive) tax schemes (in particular, proportional taxes) for economies with local public goods, is proved. Allowing preferences to be both nontransitive and noncomplete enables an explicit introduction of the government as an (additional) agent in the economy. Moreover, we allow for “spillovers” of the public goods among localities, and for the production sets to depend on the amount of public goods produced in the economy. The only restriction on the tax system is that every individual is able to afford it and that the government's budget never runs a surplus. Since every equilibrium allocation is a Pareto optimum, every tax scheme is optimal (in the sense that its equilibrium allocation is a Pareto optimum).  相似文献   

This paper considers local public goods which crowd both with respect to the number of people served and the amount of property served. It is shown that it may be possible to have efficient decentralized provision of such goods using marginal cost taxes; however, the pricing system in this case is likely to require very large numbers of competing communities. Thus, it appears to be preferable to have separate jurisdictions provide goods which crowd with respect to people — such as education. The implications for stratification are also considered.  相似文献   

This paper argues that Pareto improvements based on harmonizing tax reforms expressed in terms of the divergence between actual and optimal tax structures and over/under provision of public goods require the use of ‘pseudo-optimal’ taxes instead of optimal ones. ‘Pseudo-optimal’ taxes are defined as those obtained using the optimal tax formulas but evaluated at any arbitrary initial tax structure. Within this context the paper reconfirms existing results showing that tax harmonization emerges as a strong policy instrument in achieving a potential Pareto-improvement.  相似文献   

One strand of research in public economics has found that increasing ethnic diversity leads to reductions in provision of productive public goods. Another strand of research has emphasized the key role that tax and expenditure limitations play in the provision of public services. This paper explores the interaction between these two effects. The regression results suggest that the prior results on ethnic diversity are robust when TELs are taken into consideration. In addition, the imposition of TELs mitigates the negative effect of ethnic fragmentation on the share of local spending on education and roads. It also mitigates the positive correlation between ethnic diversity and total local government revenue and expenditure per capita.  相似文献   

The demand for public goods is typically specified in direct form (prices are assumed exogenous, quantities are the choice variable) based on cross-section data. The fact that public goods are characterized by jointness suggests that the indirect form (quantity exogenous) may be more appropriate than the direct form. In addition, it is not likely that cross-sectional data will satisfy integrability. In this paper integrability. In this paper integrability is tested for in both the direct and indirect form using data on a typical cross-section of municipalities. It is found that the homogeneity, equality and symmetry conditions are violated in both the direct and indirect forms.  相似文献   

The existence and optimality of a general equilibrium in a model with a finite number of locations among which the continuum of individuals (each individual belonging to one of a finite number of types) have to choose is investigated. Each community finances its own production of public goods by taxes. The way in which the tax burden in shared among the different types in the different regions is left arbitrary. The model allows for: restrictions on the mobility of either residents and/or workers, congestion and externalities in both production and consumption, commuting costs, preferences of an individual may also depend on his location as well as on the distribution of all individuals across locations.  相似文献   

Clubs, local public goods, and transportation models are analyzed within a unified model. The emphasis is on the derivation of optimal allocation, pricing and the size of the sharing group. We derive the conditions under which optimal prices will yield surplus or deficit, as well as those under which competitive provision will be efficient. Given heterogeneous tastes we prove that segregation according to tastes is generally efficient although several cases where this result does not hold are also discussed. We show that the existing literature is unnecessarily restrictive and that the unified approach suggested here considerably extends the existing analysis of clubs' local public goods and the transportation problems.  相似文献   

In the presence of local public goods differences in tastes are an important determinant of the way in which partnerships are formed. Heterogeneity in tastes for private vs. public goods produces a tendency to positive assortment and partnerships of couples with similar tastes; heterogeneity in tastes for different public goods brings about partnerships of couples with similar tastes only if there is a significant overlap in the distribution of tastes of the two groups to be matched. We show that with two public goods we may get negative assortment, pure positive assortment being only one of many possibilities.  相似文献   

Empirical work estimating the demand for local public goods has been based upon the median voter model. It has generally proceeded with little consideration given to the possibility of Tiebout-type migration emphasized in the property value literature. In this paper we raise the question of how valid the typical cross section demand estimation procedures are when possible Tiebout-like migration among jurisdictions is taken into account. We find that such procedures are not in fact consistent with a model in which people vote with their feet as well as with ballots. We also show that, if a full Tiebout equilibrium has been achieved in a set of communities, there is a simple and obvious way to estimate demands for local public goods which is different from the median voter approach. This technique has not, to our knowledge, been used in existing studies, and, moreover, has some practical as well as theoretical advantages. If the workings of the Tiebout process are not taken into account, more is involved than just impracticality: we show that the estimated effects of personal characteristics will generally be biased, and that that direction of the bias can usually be determined.  相似文献   

This paper introduces into the Tiebout model individuals with different skills. It is shown that the production techniques, the distribution of tastes and skills and intercommunity trade will affect the pattern of communities. In the suggested model competition with local public goods is Pareto optimal: communities will not be composed of identical people. The optimal solution requires that every community will tax everybody according to his marginal social cost. A Pareto efficient redistribution policy can be carried out only by a central government using lump-sum taxes. A federal income tax will affect community patterns and therefore is inefficient.  相似文献   

Without public goods and under fairly standard assumptions, in Hammond and Sempere (J Pub Econ Theory, 8: 145–170, 2006) we show that freeing migration enhances the potential Pareto gains from free trade. Here, we present a generalization allowing local public goods subject to congestion. Unlike the standard literature on fiscal externalities, our result relies on fixing both local public goods and congestion levels at their status quo values. This allows constrained efficient and potentially Pareto improving population exchanges regulated only through appropriate residence charges, which can be regarded as Pigouvian congestion taxes.  相似文献   

Most treatments of equilibrium public goods provision assume zero conjectural variations in the sense that each individual regards the behaviour of the rest of the community as independent of his own. This paper introduces nonzero conjectural variations into the model. A diagram is introduced which can depict both the individual's and the community's equilibrium in the presence of nonzero conjectural variations. Equilibrium and optimal outcomes are compared, and a specific functional form is used to investigate the effect of community size on the nature of equilibrium. Finally, we discuss the requirement that conjectures should be consistent.  相似文献   

This paper takes a fresh look at the trade-off between centralized and decentralized provision of local public goods. It argues that the sharing of the costs of local public spending in a centralized system will create a conflict of interest between citizens in different jurisdictions. When spending decisions are made by a legislature of locally elected representatives, this conflict of interest will play out in the legislature. Depending on precisely how the legislature behaves, the result may be excessive public spending or allocations of public goods characterized by uncertainty and misallocation across districts. The extent of the conflict of interest between districts is affected by spillovers and differences in tastes for public spending. Thus, the relative performance of centralized and decentralized systems depends upon spillovers and differences in tastes for public spending, but for different reasons than suggested in the existing literature.  相似文献   

《Journal of public economics》2006,90(4-5):897-919
Tax-favored contributions for financing some public goods may be a useful part of optimal nonlinear income tax and expenditure policy. There are two sides to the potential gain from subsidized donations. First, for a given level of public good provision, higher private donations from high earners than low earners eases the incentive compatibility constraint for donors and so can raise social welfare. This follows since considering a lower-paid job includes a perception of a drop in public good provision. Second, private donation reduces consumption, easing the resource constraint. This paper explores optimal policy, using first a model with standard preferences and then a model with a warm glow of giving. In addition to showing the conditions for the level of public goods, the paper considers the pattern of optimal subsidization across earnings levels. Analysis of optimal taxation with warm glow preferences is sensitive to the choice of preferences that are relevant for a social welfare evaluation. After considering optimal rules with formulations of social welfare which do and do not include warm glow utility, the paper considers the choice of normative criterion. Like the earlier literature, this paper assumes that organizing private donations is costless while tax collection has a deadweight burden. Since private charitable fundraising is very far from costless, the paper is an exploration of economic mechanisms, not a direct guide to policy.  相似文献   

Abstract.  We re‐examine Tiebout's hypothesis of endogenous sorting in a competitive spatial equilibrium framework, by considering both income and preference heterogeneity and by allowing agents to decide endogenously the number of visits to a 'travel‐for' local public good. The equilibrium configuration may be completely segregated, incompletely segregated, or completely integrated, depending on relative market rents and income/preference/local tax parameters. A segregated equilibrium may feature endogenous sorting purely by income or by both income and preferences. While the rich need not be closer to the local public facility site, multiple equilibria may arise when the equilibrium configuration is incompletely segregated. JEL classification: D50, H41  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide a new perspective on the links between the analysis of the voluntary provision of pure and impure public goods. In particular, it is shown that the impure public good model can be transformed into a pure public good one. This innovative method not only leads to new comparative statics results, but also provides new insights on the impure public good model, for example, on causes of the nonneutrality of income transfers with regard to Nash equilibria in the impure public good case.  相似文献   

The note takes up for critical examination the tendency in the modern theory of public goods to emphasize the problem of correct revelation or concealment of preferences. It is argued that a strategy which consists in playing down one's preferences for a public good in order to get a lower share in the costs of providing the good is not likely to succed in an open political decision-making process involving elected representatives. This conclusion is supported by the fact that there seems to be little empirical evidence which shows the importance of the preference revelation issue.  相似文献   

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