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陈滔 《财经科学》2005,(6):100-104
本文对发达国家、发展中国家和转型期国家的农村健康保障制度进行了系统比较,分析了国外农村健康保险制度建立过程中的经验、教训以及给我们的启示。在此基础上,对当前我国农村健康保障体系建设中面临的财务机制设计和农村卫生服务的组织管理等问题提出了具体的建议。  相似文献   

郭威 《财经科学》2007,(8):104-110
开放资本账户既是我国金融改革的发展方向,也是我国经济开放的必然目标之一.资本账户开放能够促进我国许多领域的改革,是不可阻挡的必然趋势.我国有必要参考其他国家的成功经验,采取适当的方式尽可能地减少开放过程中的各种风险.本文选取三个典型国家作为研究对象,对其资本账户开放的实践过程进行综合比较,重点考察了开放顺序,以期为我国资本帐户的开放提供些许借鉴.  相似文献   

1985年“巴山轮会议”的回顾与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对"巴山轮会议"的背景和内容进行了回顾,指出这次会议的大背景是经济体制改革处在从计划经济向市场经济转型的转折时刻,这次会议的小背景则是1984—1985年间我国出现了经济过热的情况,从而对转型经济和市场经济条件下如何进行宏观管理需要进行会诊。参加这次会议的有来自中国、东欧和西方的经济学家。会议对经济体制改革的目标、过渡步骤、宏观调控的手段、宏观调控的条件进行了深入的讨论。作者除了回顾以外,还联系到总结改革开放三十年的经验教训,对进一步推动下一步的改革提出了自已的看法。  相似文献   

本文对三十年来中国经济改革的一些特点和经验教训中的重要方面作了回顾和反思,认为中国经济改革的起点比前苏联和东欧国家都要低,但中国的经济改革是同经济发展紧密地结合在一起的,打破了改革的初始阶段必须以牺牲经济增长为代价的障碍,实现了改革与发展同步进行并互相促进,实现了渐进的转轨方式,降低了改革的成本,实现了提高城乡居民的收入和生活水平的总体目标,树立了藏富于民和居民收入来源多元化的思想.在总结改革的误区与教训中,分别对1988年夏季的价格"闯关"、国有企业的承包制、收入差距过大等问题作了分析.文章最后就如何评估渐进方式所带来的成本上升的风险、如何正确地发挥市场的功能和政府的功能、如何进一步培育要素市场、如何处理拨乱反正和改革开放的关系等方面提出了问题并阐述了自己的看法.  相似文献   

Both developed and developing worlds today face significant economic crises. For winning their future, all countries will have to boost their capacity to innovate. Since technological innovation has now become the mantra for employment generation through growth of exported goods and to ensure sustained economic growth, current national technological innovation capacity governance policies need to be grounded on four basic pillars: (1) adopting an actionable taxonomy of technological system components utilized by enterprises operating in the fiercely competitive global marketplace; (2) relying on greater public-private partnership for targeted specialization in emerging technology industries; (3) complementing research-university-linked incubators with metropolis-based innovation hotspots; and (4) mandating a prioritized choice criteria function for technological innovation project funding. Why these pillars are important and how to strengthen national technological innovation capacity building-blocks are described in this essay on the basis of lessons learned from studies in many Asian developing countries and some developed countries of the world.  相似文献   

This paper looks at Australian macroeconomic experience from approximately 1912 to 1985. The whole period is divided into five episodes. The idea in preparing this paper was to try to answer three questions namely: how did Australian experience differ from that of other OECD countries, what policy lessons could be learnt, and finally, what light could be shed on the relevance of various macroeconomic theories notably rational expectations. In fact. the questions have by no means been adequately answered though the paper goes furthest in dealing with the first question. I hope it will encourage further discussion and research1 Anticipating some of the conclusions, the historical review suggests that Australian experiences have been fairly similar to those of other OECD countries. notably European countries. But the timing has sometimes differed the Australian wages explosions have been (more or less) exceptional and recently Australia has been special in having on incomes policy, It also appears that the theory of rational expectations does not get much support from Australian was behaviour, that policy from 1916 to 1981 was not really monetarist, and that fiscal expansions since 1982 have been made possible by the availability of the international capital market.  相似文献   

从国际比较出发,分析了现收现付公共养老金计划的结构特征,指出了发达国家公共养老金制度的三个层次,明确了国家养老储备金在其中的功能和定位,并以此为基础分析了公共养老金计划中国家、企业和个人的责任划分以及中国基本养老保险制度的设计缺陷,提出了相关政策建议,指出了国家养老储备金在中国养老体制改革中的多重责任。  相似文献   

The idea of industrial policy is to cure perceived market failures of various sorts. This also has been the meat of development economics for decades. Moreover, strong similarities exist between the specific goals of industrial policy advocates for developed countries and goals of governments in less developed countries. Both groups seek to pick industrial winners, deal with externalities, improve the balance of trade, and attract high-tech industries. Given that markets appear not to operate as well in developing countries as in their developed counterparts, we would expect industrial policy to work particularly well in LDCs since many important market failures should be relatively easy to identify and the gains from correcting them should be great. Moreover, because LDCs tend to intervene more than their developed counterparts, we would expect them to exhibit particularly strong effects of this intervention. Thus, the experiences of LDCs constitute a well endowed laboratory to study the effects of industrial policies in practice, and to yield lessons relevant for both industrial and developing countries. This paper explores these experiences, and closes with some lessons for the design of sensible industrial strategy.  相似文献   

中外网络银行发展比较分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
网络银行与传统银行相比具有更大的商机和前景.我国网络银行的现状同发达国家相比,有一定的差距和相对的劣势,但又具有一定的后发优势,因此,可以借鉴发达国家已经取得的经验和教训,探寻适合我国国情的发展策略.  相似文献   

基于Rothwell和Zegveld的政策工具理论,以中国《“十三五”科技创新规划》和美国《2015年美国创新战略》的政策文本为研究对象,对中美创新战略规划的政策工具进行比较研究。结果表明:中美两国使用的环境型政策工具最为频繁,同时中国环境型政策工具的使用比率高于美国;两国使用供给型政策工具的比例相当,但中国供给型政策工具的内部机构不尽合理;两国使用最少的为需求型政策工具,中国需求型政策工具的使用比例尤其低。与美国相比,中国在个别政策工具运用方面存在过溢、错位、缺位等不良现象,就此借鉴美国政策工具的运用经验,提出了完善中国创新战略规划政策工具布局的建议。  相似文献   

Gender budgets have now been introduced in varying forms in more than forty countries throughout the world. These exercises emerged out of feminist practical politics initially in Australia and later in a number of other countries. The idea of gender budgets gathered further momentum when the United Nations Beijing Platform for Action called for the integration of a gender perspective into budgetary decision-making. Most of these experiments share three core goals. They seek to: (1) mainstream gender issues within government policies; (2) promote greater accountability for governments' commitment to gender equality; and (3) change budgets and policies. However, very little research has examined their success in achieving these goals. In discussing the lessons learnt from the Australian experience, this paper adopts a feminist political economy perspective on the state as an analytical starting point for discussing the future of gender budgets elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Medium‐run macroeconomics refers to aggregate economic phenomena that manifest over periods of 10 to 25 years. This area of research has emerged over the last decade as a new and distinct field of enquiry. In this paper, I overview a set of personal attempts aimed at understanding certain medium‐run phenomena such as: changes in the wage structure, changes in the world distribution of income‐per‐capita, and changes in growth patterns across OECD countries. The goal of the paper is to extract general lessons from these experiences. In particular, I will discuss why models of endogenous technological choice may be a good starting point for studying medium‐run phenomena. JEL classification: E00, O00  相似文献   

西部大开发的若干问题思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西部大开发是中华民族复兴史上一个重要的步骤,需要经过几代人持续不断的艰苦奋斗。如何认识和理解西部大开发中一系列重大问题,直接关系到西部大开发战略决策的布署和相关政策措施的制定。作者通过认真总结借鉴国内外开发欠发达地区的经验教训,阐述了对西部大开发若干问题的进一步深入分析思考,以免由于认识上的误区对西部大开发实践产生消极影响,进而扎扎实实地谱写出西部大开发这项世纪工程的成功篇章。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to provide some empirical evidence about black–white differentials in the distribution of income and wellbeing in three different countries: Brazil, the USA and South Africa. In all cases, people of African descent are in a variety of ways socially disadvantaged compared with the relatively more affluent whites. We investigate the extent of these gaps in comparative perspective, and analyze to what degree they are associated with differences in the observed characteristics of races, such as where they live, the types of household they have, or their performance in the labor market. We undertake this analysis with the Oaxaca–Blinder decomposition at the means and with a propensity score approach at the entire distribution. Our results show how the factors underlying the racial divide vary across countries and income quantiles.  相似文献   

This paper uses data from the Luxembourg Income Study to examine some of the forces that have driven changes in household income inequality over the last three decades of the twentieth century. We decompose inequality for six countries (Canada, Germany, Norway, Sweden, the U.K., and the U.S.) into the three sources of market income (earnings, property income, and income from self‐employment) and taxes and transfers. Our findings indicate that although changes in the distribution of earnings are an important force behind recent trends, they are not the only one. Greater earnings dispersion has in some cases been accompanied by a reduction in the share of earnings which dampened its impact on overall household income inequality. In some countries the contribution of self‐employment income to inequality has been on the rise, while in others, increases in inequality in capital income account for a substantial fraction of the observed distributional changes.  相似文献   

张俊峰  丁晋中 《生产力研究》2005,2(4):169-170,183,F003
经济文化相对落后的前东欧国家走上社会主义道路之后,执政的共产党由于指导思想与发展战略上的失误,导致经济增长和人民生活水平提高均未能取得应有成效,动摇了广大人民群众对社会主义的信心。我们应当从中吸取经验教训,在坚持和发展社会主义中,不断提高共产党的领导能力和执政水平,巩固和完善社会主义制度。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is twofold. First, we examine if, and to what extent, a general Kaleckian analysis of the potential effects of financialisation on income shares in advanced capitalist economies is of relevance for the three Eurozone countries under investigation—France, Germany and Spain—in the period before the recent financial and economic crisis. Second, we study changes in the financialisation–distribution nexus that have occurred in the course of and after the financial and economic crisis. We find that the countries examined here have shown broad similarities regarding redistribution before the crisis, although there are some differences in the underlying determinants. These differences have continued during the period after the crisis and have led to different results in the development of distribution since then.  相似文献   

以第9-15届亚运会奖牌榜为样本,通过构建计量模型,从宏观角度对亚运会奖牌分布的影响因素进行了实证研究。研究发现:人口规模、经济实力对亚运会成绩有显著的积极作用;收入水平与亚运会奖牌数呈显著正相关,且存在二次倒U型曲线关系;东道主效应会促进主办国在亚运会上的成绩表现;相比资本主义制度,社会主义制度有利于取得更多的亚运会奖牌;文化上喜爱与重视体育运动的国家或地区亚运会成绩更好;东亚地区的亚运会表现显著优于其他亚洲地区。最后对我国实施正确的体育战略提出了建议。  相似文献   

Income distribution varies considerably across countries; it tends to become more equal with development in some countries, but just the opposite occurs in other countries. This paper provides a theoretical investigation of the persistent differences in income distribution across countries over time. Motivated by the relationship between income distribution and public spending at different school levels for a broad range of countries over the past 30 years, the analysis centers on the role of public education where specific investments interact with political involvement by different socio-economic groups. Socio-economic groups may form lobbies to influence education policy making. The formation of lobbies is endogenous. Persistent inequality is caused by persistent lobbying efforts of the wealthy that lead to an allocation of public education spending more biased toward them.  相似文献   

威斯康星州长期照护改革的核心就是家庭照护,实现"就地养老"。老年和残疾资源中心为老人获得赡养服务提供便捷入口;照护管理组织提供以参加者为中心的服务,让老人对照护服务有充分自主选择的权利;重新设计的以人为本的质量管理体系确保目标成果的实现。该州的改革经验可以给我们一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

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