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武汉市明年城建计划投资规模初步确定为400亿元,主要用于打通交通动脉、提升城市环境品质、加快乡镇建设、加强城建统筹、研究重大城建课题和推进建筑节能等民生工程。打通交通动脉是"大头"明年,我市将全面提速环线建设,构建远距离跨区域交通骨架,交通建设仍占投资总额的"大头"。具体项目包括:  相似文献   

随着我国城市化进程不断加快,现代城市交通问题日益受到人们的关注。特别是汽车数量的与日俱增,给城市带来了大量的污染,极大地影响了城市的发展,而拥堵的道路交通也是我国各大城市发展面临的实际问题。对于这些存在的问题,交通管理部门要采取有效措施加以治理,从而让城市交通拥堵问题得到缓解。文章主要对我国城市交通现状进行分析,并提出了相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

随着经济建设的快速发展,城市人口和私家车拥有量急剧增长,造成严重的交通拥堵,同时带来严重的交通安全隐患,城市交通拥堵变成了亟需待解的难题。文章分析了造成襄阳市城区交通拥堵的原因,结合襄阳的城市发展战略和不同地段的拥堵状况,提出采取经济有效的措施,优化城市路网环境,达到交通供求平衡和高效管理。  相似文献   

We investigate the interaction of these two strategic decisions when corporate social responsibility (CSR) is incorporated into supply chain partners' decisions. Our results show that, with a noncooperative CSR scenario, the upstream manufacturer is more aggressive in investing in innovation to reduce production costs, which strategically lowers the wholesale price to retailers, and the downstream retailer is also less reluctant to engage in more promotion efforts to induce demand in comparison with a cooperative CSR scenario. Furthermore, the customer's sensitivity to promotion effort may hurt the CSR level of each party.  相似文献   

Does the evolution of distinct practices influence the sectoral dominance of nations? In this review paper, we take an in-depth look at the convergence and divergence debate about HR practices in Asia. We extend the conversation to address specific competitive advantage of nations, such as China, in manufacturing and India, in information technology (IT) sectors. Drawing on the relevant literature and utilizing the lens of firm specificity, HR value creation, and competitive uncertainty, we try to explore the collective implementation of a bundle of HRM (human resource management) and IR (industrial relations) practices that have converged or diverged from western practices leading to such dominance.  相似文献   

In this study we analyze the effects of prior knowledge and social networks on the exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities. The prior knowledge considered is associated with the successes and failures experienced in the entrepreneurial trajectory and, therefore, derived from the exploitation of prior opportunities. In analyzing social networks, we examine the strength of the relationships between entrepreneurs, managers and entrepreneurial associations. As an explanatory factor of the entrepreneurial process, we also include the influence of the entrepreneurial opportunities recognized. Through a hierarchical regression analysis, we show that the number of potential opportunities recognized, the number of previous opportunities successfully exploited and the strength of entrepreneurial social networks positively influence the number of opportunities developed and exploited.  相似文献   

The right to the city   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The right to the city is not merely a right of access to what already exists, but a right to change it. We need to be sure we can live with our own creations. But the right to remake ourselves by creating a qualitatively different kind of urban sociality is one of the most precious of all human rights. We have been made and re‐made without knowing exactly why, how, and to what end. How then, can we better exercise this right to the city? But whose rights and whose city? Could we not construct a socially just city? But what is social justice? Is justice simply whatever the ruling class wants it to be? We live in a society in which the inalienable rights to private property and the profit rate trump any other conception of inalienable rights. Our society is dominated by the accumulation of capital through market exchange. To live under capitalism is to accept or submit to that bundle of rights necessary for endless capital accumulation. Free markets are not necessarily fair. Worse still, markets require scarcity to function. The inalienable rights of private property and the profit rate lead to worlds of inequality, alienation and injustice. The endless accumulation of capital and the conception of rights embedded threin must be opposed and a different right to the city must be asserted politically. Derivative rights (like the right to be treated with dignity) should become fundamental and fundamental rights (of private property and the profit rate) should become derivative. But new rights can also be defined: like the right to the city which is not merely a right of access to what the property speculators and state planners define, but an active right to make the city different, to shape it more in accord with our heart's desire, and to re‐make ourselves thereby in a different image.  相似文献   

探讨了我国城市公共交通的发展与改革问题.首先,论述我国城市公共交通存在的主要问题,其次,探讨城市公共交通的发展导向,再次,提出我国城市公共交通的改革举措.  相似文献   


The intent of this research is to propose and analyse a set of policies in the construction industry to enhance social development. First, the paper shows the connections between the development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and social entrepreneurship (SE), the reduction of the leakage, and then the generation of social value (SV) for sustainable regional development. For that, the article analyses briefly the literatures on SE and leakage, and focuses on the relevance of SME and social entrepreneurs as promoters of SV creation and development. Second, the paper proposes a framework and proposes a set of 20 policies aimed to reduce leakage, reinforce SMEs and entrepreneurship and also to promote SE behaviour by the diverse economic agents in the construction industry, in order to increase the generation of SV and sustainable development. Then, the paper analyses the acceptability, feasibility and viability of these proposed polices, which can be useful for academics and practitioners. For that, the study uses the Delphi methodology, applied to an expert-group of 23 professionals (representatives of the private and public sector) belonging to the Colombian construction industry. The results emphasize the relevance of the development of local incumbents and the social focus of firms to increase the generation of SV. Oppositely, policies interfering economic freedom and free trade receive the lowest rates in the three criteria considered.  相似文献   


This article illustrates how advice services create diverse public values within welfare reform. It develops a social impact framework using public value, realism, and complexity literature. Starting from a social return on investment study of advice, qualitative interviews are analysed with twenty-two clients, who sought advice for welfare benefits, and had disabilities, or physical or mental health conditions. Integrating these clients’ experiences with wider evidence illustrates how advice services advocated for people’s needs within a complicated (and controversial) welfare system. However, advice services face funding cuts, benefit assessment costs have risen, and welfare reforms have yet to meet their aims.  相似文献   

当前我国经济快速发展,使得城市日益繁荣,且数量不断增加.随着城乡一体化的推行和进一步深化,越来越多的城市外来人员来到城市就业,甚至成为城市的常住居民.由于这些城市外来人员素质参差不齐,从而在不同程度上影响着和谐城市游憩的构建.而城市作为国家的政治、经济、文化中心和大量异质居民的聚集地,也是各种矛盾的聚集体.和谐城市游憩构建的顺利与否势必影响到城市外部良好形象的塑造和整个和谐社会的构建.  相似文献   

More than ever, companies have to cope with ever changing market conditions. Some companies have reacted to shortened product life cycles, constant changes in customer preferences and cost pressures by implementing mass customization practices. Mass customization has been hailed as a way to overcome the tradeoff between cost and flexibility performance. However, there is lack of consistent empirical evidence to demonstrate that this really is the case. We advance this debate by proposing that in order for mass customization to be more effective, a company needs to possess and utilize social capital (i.e., cognitive, relational and structured social capital) within their supply networks. This study uses primary survey data from 513 plants from nine countries collected by the Global Manufacturing Research Group (GMRG). We used structural equation modelling analysis to test our hypotheses. Results indicate that mass customization has the ability to improve a company’s cost and flexibility performance. Furthermore, results regarding the moderating role of social capital are mixed. Cognitive capital only moderates the impact of mass customization on cost performance while relational capital increases this impact on both cost and flexibility performance. Structural capital does not moderate the impact of mass customization on performance.  相似文献   

Some recent empirical studies that have estimated the social cost of monopoly power have included in these estimates observed monopoly rents as a proxy for the unobserved value of the resources expended by rent seekers. This has involved adding these estimates of resources wasted by rent seekers to estimates of deadweight welfare loss triangles so as to produce an overall estimate of the social cost of monopoly. The present paper points out that each firm seeking a monopoly rent flow not only may be uncertain about obtaining the flow but also about retaining it in future periods. It is shown that this is likely to cause the proportion of the rent flow converted into social cost to be well below 100% regardless of whether the rent sought is small relative to initial wealth and regardless of whether rent seekers are risk-neutral or risk-averse. These findings demonstrate that large errors are likely to be made in monopoly welfare loss studies if observed monopoly rents continue to be employed as a measure of the value of resources used in rent-seeking activities.  相似文献   

当前我国城市社群隔离产生的原因、危害及对策   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
中国改革开放后 ,一大批农民离开自己的土地和家园来到城市。农民工群体与市民群体成为当前我国城市中两大主要群体。他们之间的关系对整个社会整合与稳定有着十分重要的作用。本文分析了两大群体间产生隔离现象的原因 ,危害及其对策  相似文献   

The last 30 years have witnessed the emergence of a new pattern of urban development in France, called the periurban belt. It is defined as a belt outside the city occupied both by households and farmers. We develop a residential model in which households commuting to an employment center may choose to live with farmers in this mixed belt because they value the rural amenities created by farming activities. Both types of agents compete on the land market and the equilibrium conditions allow us to obtain an analytical solution and to provide some insights about the robustness of the periurban form against decreases in commuting costs. Finally, the model is calibrated on French data.  相似文献   

When using digital devices and services, individuals provide their personal data to organizations in exchange for gains in various domains of life. Organizations use these data to run technologies such as smart assistants, augmented reality, and robotics. Most often, these organizations seek to make a profit. Individuals can, however, also provide personal data to public databases that enable nonprofit organizations to promote social welfare if sufficient data are contributed. Regulators have therefore called for efficient ways to help the public collectively benefit from its own data. By implementing an online experiment among 1696 US citizens, we find that individuals would donate their data even when at risk of getting leaked. The willingness to provide personal data depends on the perceived risk level of a data leak but not on a realistic impact of the data on social welfare. Individuals are less willing to donate their data to the private industry than to academia or the government. Finally, individuals are not sensitive to whether the data are processed by a human-supervised or a self-learning smart assistant.  相似文献   

城市本质的回归--兼论可渗透的城市街道布局   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
谭源 《城市问题》2005,(5):28-32
中国城市进入高速建设阶段,城市空间形态日益陷入碎片化的境地.城市居民的日常生活相互隔离,缺乏足够的交往机会,难以建构一个和谐发展与相互合作的城市公共社区.城市规划机制对此应有积极的干预,采用可渗透的街道网络布局,为居民提供多样性的城市生活,并为培育成熟的市民社会提供良好的物质环境基础.  相似文献   

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