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Although Business Ethics has become a topic of wide discussion in both academia and the corporate world, questions remain as how to present ethical issues in a manner that will effectively influence the decisions and behavior of business employees. In this paper we argue that the Federal Sentencing Guidelines (FSG) offer a unique opportunity for bridging the gap between the theory and practice of business ethics. We first explain what the FSG are and how they apply to organizations. We then show how discussions of the FSG might be used in business ethics courses in a way that is both theoretically sound and practically applicable. Finally, we show how the requirements of the FSG can be used by companies to develop effective ethical compliance programs. As such, we maintain that the FSG provide a powerful heuristic tool for the teaching and training of business ethics.  相似文献   

Mijatovi? and Pistorius proposed an efficient Markov chain approximation method for pricing European and barrier options in general one‐dimensional Markovian models. However, sharp convergence rates of this method for realistic financial payoffs, which are nonsmooth, are rarely available. In this paper, we solve this problem for general one‐dimensional diffusion models, which play a fundamental role in financial applications. For such models, the Markov chain approximation method is equivalent to the method of lines using the central difference. Our analysis is based on the spectral representation of the exact solution and the approximate solution. By establishing the convergence rate for the eigenvalues and the eigenfunctions, we obtain sharp convergence rates for the transition density and the price of options with nonsmooth payoffs. In particular, we show that for call‐/put‐type payoffs, convergence is second order, while for digital‐type payoffs, convergence is generally only first order. Furthermore, we provide theoretical justification for two well‐known smoothing techniques that can restore second‐order convergence for digital‐type payoffs and explain oscillations observed in the convergence for options with nonsmooth payoffs. As an extension, we also establish sharp convergence rates for European options for a rich class of Markovian jump models constructed from diffusions via subordination. The theoretical estimates are confirmed using numerical examples.  相似文献   

We introduce a new approach for the numerical pricing of American options. The main idea is to choose a finite number of suitable excessive functions (randomly) and to find the smallest majorant of the gain function in the span of these functions. The resulting problem is a linear semi‐infinite programming problem, that can be solved using standard algorithms. This leads to good upper bounds for the original problem. For our algorithms no discretization of space and time and no simulation is necessary. Furthermore it is applicable even for high‐dimensional problems. The algorithm provides an approximation of the value not only for one starting point, but for the complete value function on the continuation set, so that the optimal exercise region and, for example, the Greeks can be calculated. We apply the algorithm to (one‐ and) multidimensional diffusions and show it to be fast and accurate.  相似文献   

Motivated by analytical valuation of timer options (an important innovation in realized variance‐based derivatives), we explore their novel mathematical connection with stochastic volatility and Bessel processes (with constant drift). Under the Heston (1993) stochastic volatility model, we formulate the problem through a first‐passage time problem on realized variance, and generalize the standard risk‐neutral valuation theory for fixed maturity options to a case involving random maturity. By time change and the general theory of Markov diffusions, we characterize the joint distribution of the first‐passage time of the realized variance and the corresponding variance using Bessel processes with drift. Thus, explicit formulas for a useful joint density related to Bessel processes are derived via Laplace transform inversion. Based on these theoretical findings, we obtain a Black–Scholes–Merton‐type formula for pricing timer options, and thus extend the analytical tractability of the Heston model. Several issues regarding the numerical implementation are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We study the optimal investment policy for an investor who has available one bank account and n risky assets modeled by log-normal diffusions. The objective is to maximize the long-run average growth of wealth for a logarithmic utility function in the presence of proportional transaction costs. This problem is formulated as an ergodic singular stochastic control problem and interpreted as the limit of a discounted control problem for vanishing discount factor. The variational inequalities for the discounted control problem and the limiting ergodic problem are established in the viscosity sense. The ergodic variational inequality is solved by using a numerical algorithm based on policy iterations and multigrid methods. A numerical example is displayed for two risky assets.  相似文献   

We present a pathwise approach to continuous-time finance based on causal functional calculus. Our framework does not rely on any probabilistic concept. We introduce a definition of continuous-time self-financing portfolios, which does not rely on any integration concept and show that the value of a self-financing portfolio belongs to a class of nonanticipative functionals, which are pathwise analogs of martingales. We show that if the set of market scenarios is generic in the sense of being stable under certain operations, such self-financing strategies do not give rise to arbitrage. We then consider the problem of hedging a path-dependent payoff across a generic set of scenarios. Applying the transition principle of Rufus Isaacs in differential games, we obtain a pathwise dynamic programming principle for the superhedging cost. We show that the superhedging cost is characterized as the solution of a path-dependent equation. For the Asian option, we obtain an explicit solution.  相似文献   

We provide a unifying treatment of pathwise moderate deviations for models commonly used in financial applications, and for related integrated functionals. Suitable scaling enables us to transfer these results into small‐time, large‐time, and tail asymptotics for diffusions, as well as for option prices and realized variances. In passing, we highlight some intuitive relationships between moderate deviations rate functions and their large deviations counterparts; these turn out to be useful for numerical purposes, as large deviations rate functions are often difficult to compute.  相似文献   

We present some further developments in the construction and classification of new solvable one‐dimensional diffusion models having transition densities, and other quantities that are fundamental to derivatives pricing, representable in analytically closed form. Our approach is based on so‐called diffusion canonical transformations that produce a large class of multiparameter nonlinear local volatility diffusion models that are mapped onto various simpler diffusions. Using an asymptotic analysis, we arrive at a rigorous boundary classification as well as a characterization with respect to probability conservation and the martingale property of the newly constructed diffusions. Specifically, we analyze and classify in detail four main families of driftless regular diffusion models that arise from the underlying squared Bessel process (the Bessel family), Cox–Ingersoll–Ross process (the confluent hypergeometric family), the Ornstein‐Uhlenbeck diffusion (the OU family), and the Jacobi diffusion (the hypergeometric family). We show that the Bessel family is a superset of the constant elasticity of variance model without drift. The Bessel family, in turn, is nested by the confluent hypergeometric family. For these two families we find further subfamilies of conservative strict supermartingales and nonconservative martingales with an exit boundary. For the new classes of nonconservative regular diffusions we also derive analytically exact first exit time densities that are given in terms of generalized inverse Gaussians and extensions. As for the two other new models, we show that the OU family of processes are conservative strict martingales, whereas the Jacobi family are nonconservative nonmartingales. Considered as asset price diffusion models, we also show that these models demonstrate a wide range of local volatility shapes and option implied volatility surfaces that include various pronounced skew and smile patterns.  相似文献   

We provide a computational study of the problem of optimally allocating wealth among multiple stocks and a bank account, to maximize the infinite horizon discounted utility of consumption. We consider the situation where the transfer of wealth from one asset to another involves transaction costs that are proportional to the amount of wealth transferred. Our model allows for correlation between the price processes, which in turn gives rise to interesting hedging strategies. This results in a stochastic control problem with both drift-rate and singular controls, which can be recast as a free boundary problem in partial differential equations. Adapting the finite element method and using an iterative procedure that converts the free boundary problem into a sequence of fixed boundary problems, we provide an efficient numerical method for solving this problem. We present computational results that describe the impact of volatility, risk aversion of the investor, level of transaction costs, and correlation among the risky assets on the structure of the optimal policy. Finally we suggest and quantify some heuristic approximations.  相似文献   

We investigate analytical solvability of models with affine stochastic volatility (SV) and Lévy jumps by deriving a unified formula for the conditional moment generating function of the log-asset price and providing the condition under which this new formula is explicit. The results lay a foundation for a range of valuation, calibration, and econometric problems. We then combine our theoretical results, the Hilbert transform method, various interpolation techniques, with the dimension reduction technique to propose unified simulation schemes for solvable models with affine SV and Lévy jumps. In contrast to traditional exact simulation methods, our approach is applicable to a broad class of models, maintains good accuracy, and enables efficient pricing of discretely monitored path-dependent derivatives. We analyze various sources of errors arising from the simulation approach and present error bounds. Finally, extensive numerical results demonstrate that our method is highly accurate, efficient, simple to implement, and widely applicable.  相似文献   

We consider a portfolio optimization problem where the investor's objective is to maximize the long-term expected growth rate, in the presence of proportional transaction costs. This problem belongs to the class of stochastic control problems with singular controls , which are usually solved by computing solutions to related partial differential equations called the free-boundary Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman (HJB) equations . The dimensionality of the HJB equals the number of stocks in the portfolio. The runtime of existing solution methods grow super-exponentially with dimension, making them unsuitable to compute optimal solutions to portfolio optimization problems with even four stocks. In this work we first present a boundary update procedure that converts the free boundary problem into a sequence of fixed boundary problems. Then by combining simulation with the boundary update procedure, we provide a computational scheme whose runtime, as shown by the numerical tests, scales polynomially in dimension. The results are compared and corroborated against existing methods that scale super-exponentially in dimension. The method presented herein enables the first ever computational solution to free-boundary problems in dimensions greater than three.  相似文献   

This paper presents a consistent and arbitrage-free multifactor model of the term structure of interest rates in which yields at selected fixed maturities follow a parametric muitivariate Markov diffusion process with "stochastic volatility." the yield of any zero-coupon bond is taken to be a maturity-dependent affine combination of the selected "basis" set of yields. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions on the stochastic model for this affine representation. We include numerical techniques for solving the model, as well as numerical techniques for calculating the prices of term-structure derivative prices. the case of jump diffusions is also considered.  相似文献   

We consider a portfolio/consumption choice problem in a market model with liquidity risk. The main feature is that the investor can trade and observe stock prices only at exogenous Poisson arrival times. He may also consume continuously from his cash holdings, and his goal is to maximize his expected utility from consumption. This is a mixed discrete/continuous stochastic control problem, non‐standard in the literature. The dynamic programming principle leads to a coupled system of Integro‐Differential Equations (IDE), and we provide a convergent numerical algorithm for the resolution to this coupled system of IDE. Several numerical experiments illustrate the impact of the restricted liquidity trading opportunities, and we measure in particular the utility loss with respect to the classical Merton consumption problem.  相似文献   

This paper provides a general valuation method for the European options whose payoff is restricted by curved boundaries contractually set on the underlying asset price process when it follows the geometric Brownian motion. Our result is based on the generalization of the Levy formula on the Brownian motion by T. W. Anderson in sequential analysis. We give the explicit probability formula that the geometric Brownian motion reaches in an interval at the maturity date without hitting either the lower or the upper curved boundaries. Although the general pricing formulae for options with boundaries are expressed as infinite series in the general case, our numerical study suggests that the convergence of the series is rapid. Our results include the formulae for options with a lower boundary by Merton (1973), for path-dependent options by Goldman, Sossin, and Gatto (1979), and for some corporate securities as special cases.  相似文献   

A general framework is developed to analyze the optimal stopping (exercise) regions of American path-dependent options with either the Asian feature or lookback feature. We examine the monotonicity properties of the option values and stopping regions with respect to the interest rate, dividend yield, and time. From the ordering properties of the values of American lookback options and American Asian options, we deduce the corresponding nesting relations between the exercise regions of these American options. We illustrate how some properties of the exercise regions of the American Asian options can be inferred from those of the American lookback options.  相似文献   

We propose a fast and accurate numerical method for pricing European swaptions in multifactor Gaussian term structure models. Our method can be used to accelerate the calibration of such models to the volatility surface. The pricing of an interest rate option in such a model involves evaluating a multidimensional integral of the payoff of the claim on a domain where the payoff is positive. In our method, we approximate the exercise boundary of the state space by a hyperplane tangent to the maximum probability point on the boundary and simplify the multidimensional integration into an analytical form. The maximum probability point can be determined using the gradient descent method. We demonstrate that our method is superior to previous methods by comparing the results to the price obtained by numerical integration.  相似文献   

This paper develops a variance reduction technique for Monte Carlo simulations of path-dependent options driven by high-dimensional Gaussian vectors. The method combines importance sampling based on a change of drift with stratified sampling along a small number of key dimensions. The change of drift is selected through a large deviations analysis and is shown to be optimal in an asymptotic sense. The drift selected has an interpretation as the path of the underlying state variables which maximizes the product of probability and payoff—the most important path. The directions used for stratified sampling are optimal for a quadratic approximation to the integrand or payoff function. Indeed, under differentiability assumptions our importance sampling method eliminates variability due to the linear part of the payoff function, and stratification eliminates much of the variability due to the quadratic part of the payoff. The two parts of the method are linked because the asymptotically optimal drift vector frequently provides a particularly effective direction for stratification. We illustrate the use of the method with path-dependent options, a stochastic volatility model, and interest rate derivatives. The method reveals novel features of the structure of their payoffs.  相似文献   

We study a problem of optimal investment/consumption over an infinite horizon in a market with two possibly correlated assets: one liquid and one illiquid. The liquid asset is observed and can be traded continuously, while the illiquid one can be traded only at discrete random times, corresponding to the jumps of a Poisson process with intensity λ, is observed at the trading dates, and is partially observed between two different trading dates. The problem is a nonstandard mixed discrete/continuous optimal control problem, which we solve by a dynamic programming approach. When the utility has a general form, we prove that the value function is the unique viscosity solution of the associated Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation and characterize the optimal allocation in the illiquid asset. In the case of power utility, we establish the regularity of the value function needed to prove the verification theorem, providing the complete theoretical solution of the problem. This enables us to perform numerical simulations, so as to analyze the impact of time illiquidity and how this impact is affected by the degree of observation.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of finding optimal exercise policies for American options, both under constant and stochastic volatility settings. Rather than work with the usual equations that characterize the price exclusively, we derive and use boundary evolution equations that characterize the evolution of the optimal exercise boundary. Using these boundary evolution equations we show how one can construct very efficient computational methods for pricing American options that avoid common sources of error. First, we detail a methodology for standard static grids and then describe an improvement that defines a grid that evolves dynamically while solving the problem. When integral representations are available, as in the Black–Scholes setting, we also describe a modified integral method that leverages on the representation to solve the boundary evolution equations. Finally we compare runtime and accuracy to other popular numerical methods. The ideas and methodology presented herein can easily be extended to other optimal stopping problems.  相似文献   

To assure price admissibility—that all bond prices, yields, and forward rates remain positive—we show how to control the state variables within the class of arbitrage‐free linear price function models for the evolution of interest rate yield curves over time. Price admissibility is necessary to preclude cash‐and‐carry arbitrage, a market imperfection that can happen even with a risk‐neutral diffusion process and positive bond prices. We assure price admissibility by (i) defining the state variables to be scaled partial sums of weighted coefficients of the exponential terms in the bond pricing function, (ii) identifying a simplex within which these state variables remain price admissible, and (iii) choosing a general functional form for the diffusion that selectively diminishes near the simplex boundary. By assuring that prices, yields, and forward rates remain positive with tractable diffusions for the physical and risk‐neutral measures, an obstacle is removed from the wider acceptance of interest rate methods that are linear in prices.  相似文献   

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