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We prove that in a discrete‐time market model the lower arbitrage bound of an American contingent claim is itself an arbitrage‐free price if and only if it corresponds to the price of the claim optimally exercised under some equivalent martingale measure.  相似文献   

A general framework is developed to analyze the optimal stopping (exercise) regions of American path-dependent options with either the Asian feature or lookback feature. We examine the monotonicity properties of the option values and stopping regions with respect to the interest rate, dividend yield, and time. From the ordering properties of the values of American lookback options and American Asian options, we deduce the corresponding nesting relations between the exercise regions of these American options. We illustrate how some properties of the exercise regions of the American Asian options can be inferred from those of the American lookback options.  相似文献   

Using a suitable change of probability measure, we obtain a Poisson series representation for the arbitrage‐free price process of vulnerable contingent claims in a regime‐switching market driven by an underlying continuous‐time Markov process. As a result of this representation, along with a short‐time asymptotic expansion of the claim's price process, we develop an efficient novel method for pricing claims whose payoffs may depend on the full path of the underlying Markov chain. The proposed approach is applied to price not only simple European claims such as defaultable bonds, but also a new type of path‐dependent claims that we term self‐decomposable, as well as the important class of vulnerable call and put options on a stock. We provide a detailed error analysis and illustrate the accuracy and computational complexity of our method on several market traded instruments, such as defaultable bond prices, barrier options, and vulnerable call options. Using again our Poisson series representation, we show differentiability in time of the predefault price function of European vulnerable claims, which enables us to rigorously deduce Feynman‐Ka? representations for the predefault pricing function and new semimartingale representations for the price process of the vulnerable claim under both risk‐neutral and objective probability measures.  相似文献   

We study the uniqueness of the marginal utility-based price of contingent claims in a semimartingale model of an incomplete financial market. In particular, we obtain that a necessary and sufficient condition for all bounded contingent claims to admit a unique marginal utility-based price is that the solution to the dual problem defines an equivalent local martingale measure.  相似文献   

Approximations to utility indifference prices are provided for a contingent claim in the large position size limit. Results are valid for general utility functions on the real line and semi‐martingale models. It is shown that as the position size approaches infinity, the utility function's decay rate for large negative wealths is the primary driver of prices. For utilities with exponential decay, one may price like an exponential investor. For utilities with a power decay, one may price like a power investor after a suitable adjustment to the rate at which the position size becomes large. In a sizable class of diffusion models, limiting indifference prices are explicitly computed for an exponential investor. Furthermore, the large claim limit arises endogenously as the hedging error for the claim vanishes.  相似文献   

A new method for pricing lookback options (a.k.a. hindsight options) is presented, which simplifies the derivation of analytical formulas for this class of exotics in the Black-Scholes framework. Underlying the method is the observation that a lookback option can be considered as an integrated form of a related barrier option. The integrations with respect to the barrier price are evaluated at the expiry date to derive the payoff of an equivalent portfolio of European-type binary options. The arbitrage-free price of the lookback option can then be evaluated by static replication as the present value of this portfolio. We illustrate the method by deriving expressions for generic, standard floating-, fixed-, and reverse-strike lookbacks, and then show how the method can be used to price the more complex partial-price and partial-time lookback options. The method is in principle applicable to frameworks with alternative asset-price dynamics to the Black-Scholes world.  相似文献   

We study utility indifference prices and optimal purchasing quantities for a nontraded contingent claim in an incomplete semimartingale market with vanishing hedging errors. We make connections with the theory of large deviations. We concentrate on sequences of semicomplete markets where in the nth market, the claim admits the decomposition . Here, is replicable by trading in the underlying assets , but is independent of . Under broad conditions, we may assume that vanishes in accordance with a large deviations principle (LDP) as n grows. In this setting, for an exponential investor, we identify the limit of the average indifference price , for units of , as . We show that if , the limiting price typically differs from the price obtained by assuming bounded positions , and the difference is explicitly identifiable using large deviations theory. Furthermore, we show that optimal purchase quantities occur at the large deviations scaling, and hence large positions arise endogenously in this setting.  相似文献   

The two problems of determining the existence of arbitrage among a finite set of options and of calculating the supremum price of an option consistent with other options prices have been reduced to finding an appropriate model of bounded size in many special cases. We generalize this result to a class of arbitrage-free  m -period markets with    d  + 1   basic securities and with no prior measure. We show there are no dominating trading strategies for a given set of  l  contingent claims if and only if their bid-ask prices are asymptotically consistent with models supported by at most   ( l  +  d  + 1)( d  + 1) m −1   points, if    m  ≥ 1  . An example showing the tightness of our bound is given.  相似文献   

Per  Hörfelt 《Mathematical Finance》2005,15(2):345-357
This paper studies the relative error in the crude Monte Carlo pricing of some familiar European path-dependent multiasset options. For the crude Monte Carlo method it is well known that the convergence rate   O ( n −1/2)  , where n is the number of simulations, is independent of the dimension of the integral. This paper also shows that for a large class of pricing problems in the multiasset Black-Scholes market the constant in   O ( n −1/2)  is independent of the dimension. To be more specific, the constant is only dependent on the highest volatility among the underlying assets, time to maturity, and degree of confidence interval.  相似文献   

Pricing of American options in discrete time is considered, where the option is allowed to be based on several underlyings. It is assumed that the price processes of the underlyings are given Markov processes. We use the Monte Carlo approach to generate artificial sample paths of these price processes, and then we use the least squares neural networks regression estimates to estimate from this data the so‐called continuation values, which are defined as mean values of the American options for given values of the underlyings at time t subject to the constraint that the options are not exercised at time t. Results concerning consistency and rate of convergence of the estimates are presented, and the pricing of American options is illustrated by simulated data.  相似文献   

Contingent claims with payoffs depending on finitely many asset prices are modeled as elements of a separable Hilbert space. Under fairly general conditions, including market completeness, it is shown that one may change measure to a reference measure under which asset prices are Gaussian and for which the family of Hermite polynomials serves as an orthonormal basis. Basis pricing synthesizes claim valuation and basis investment provides static hedging opportunities. For claims written as functions of a single asset price we infer from observed option prices the implicit prices of basis elements and use these to construct the implied equivalent martingale measure density with respect to the reference measure, which in this case is the Black-Scholes geometric Brownian motion model. Data on S & P 500 options from the Wall Street Journal are used to illustrate the calculations involved. On this illustrative data set the equivalent martingale measure deviates from the Black-Scholes model by relatively discounting the larger price movements with a compensating premia placed on the smaller movements.  相似文献   

The price of a risky asset § is described by a Markov diffusion with jumps. In general there may be many equivalent martingale measures. Contingent claims which depend on the price of § at some time T may not be attainable, and the market may not be complete. However, using a martingale representation result, the local risk-minimizing strategy is explicitly constructed. This in turn provides a new motivation for the concept of the minimal martingale measure.  相似文献   

We consider the optimal exercise of a portfolio of American call options in an incomplete market. Options are written on a single underlying asset but may have different characteristics of strikes, maturities, and vesting dates. Our motivation is to model the decision faced by an employee who is granted options periodically on the stock of her company, and who is not permitted to trade this stock. The first part of our study considers the optimal exercise of single options. We prove results under minimal assumptions and give several counterexamples where these assumptions fail—describing the shape and nesting properties of the exercise regions. The second part of the study considers portfolios of options with differing characteristics. The main result is that options with comonotonic strike, maturity, and vesting date should be exercised in order of increasing strike. It is true under weak assumptions on preferences and requires no assumptions on prices. Potentially the exercise ordering result can significantly reduce the complexity of computations in a particular example. This is illustrated by solving the resulting dynamic programming problem in a constant absolute risk aversion utility indifference model.  相似文献   

We analyze the convergence of the Longstaff–Schwartz algorithm relying on only a single set of independent Monte Carlo sample paths that is repeatedly reused for all exercise time‐steps. We prove new estimates on the stochastic component of the error of this algorithm whenever the approximation architecture is any uniformly bounded set of L2 functions of finite Vapnik–Chervonenkis dimension (VC‐dimension), but in particular need not necessarily be either convex or closed. We also establish new overall error estimates, incorporating bounds on the approximation error as well, for certain nonlinear, nonconvex sets of neural networks.  相似文献   

We derive alternative representations of the McKean equation for the value of the American put option. Our main result decomposes the value of an American put option into the corresponding European put price and the early exercise premium. We then represent the European put price in a new manner. This representation allows us to alternatively decompose the price of an American put option into its intrinsic value and time value, and to demonstrate the equivalence of our results to the McKean equation.  相似文献   

We introduce a new approach for the numerical pricing of American options. The main idea is to choose a finite number of suitable excessive functions (randomly) and to find the smallest majorant of the gain function in the span of these functions. The resulting problem is a linear semi‐infinite programming problem, that can be solved using standard algorithms. This leads to good upper bounds for the original problem. For our algorithms no discretization of space and time and no simulation is necessary. Furthermore it is applicable even for high‐dimensional problems. The algorithm provides an approximation of the value not only for one starting point, but for the complete value function on the continuation set, so that the optimal exercise region and, for example, the Greeks can be calculated. We apply the algorithm to (one‐ and) multidimensional diffusions and show it to be fast and accurate.  相似文献   

Given a sequence of discrete-time option valuation models in which the sequence of processes defining the state variables converges weakly to a diffusion, we prove that the sequence of American option values obtained from these discrete-time models also converges to the corresponding value obtained from the continuous-time model for the standard models in the finance/economics literature. the convergence proof carries over to the case when the limiting risky asset price process follows a diffusion, except it pays discrete dividends on some fixed dates.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a Black and Scholes economy and show how the Malliavin calculus approach can be extended to cover hedging of any square integrable contingent claim. As an application we derive the replicating portfolios of some barrier and partial barrier options.  相似文献   

In this paper we use the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross (1985b) single-factor, term structure model and extend it to the pricing of American default-free bond puts. We provide a quasi-analytical formula for these option prices based on recently established mathematical results for Bessel bridges, coupled with the optimal stopping time method. We extend our results to another interest rate contingent claim and provide a quasi-analytical solution for American yield option prices which illustrates the flexibility of our framework.  相似文献   

The observed discrepancies of derivative prices from their theoretical, arbitrage-free values are examined in the presence of transaction costs. Analytic upper and lower bounds on the reservation write and purchase prices, respectively, are obtained when an investor's preferences exhibit constant relative risk aversion between zero and one. The economy consists of multiple primary securities with stationary returns, a constant rate of interest, and any number of American or European derivatives with, possibly, path-dependent arbitrary payoffs.  相似文献   

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