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随着大型企业不断解构以及企业间跨流程整合越来越复杂,领导企业平台的地位和作用显得越发重要。本文从生产范式和交易范式两个层面,分析了多边协调功能领导企业平台的动力机制,并以产品内分工视角进行了理论解释,提出了产品内分工—企业间关系结构模型,为分析和总结中国工业园区企业间关系以及领导企业平台模式提供了理论基础。最后,指出了适合我国工业园区领导企业平台的企业间科层和企业间市场两种协调机制。  相似文献   

企业间网络的效率边界:经济组织逻辑的重新审视   总被引:63,自引:5,他引:63  
企业间网络是一种既不同于市场也不同于企业科层的组织形式,它是一些经过筛选的独立的企业通过正式契约和隐含契约所构成的互相依赖、同担风险的长期合作的交易模式。本文综合交易成本理论以及企业能力理论对影响企业网络边界的因素分别进行了阐释,对资产专用性、企业能力、不确定性等因素对企业边界的影响机制进行了分析。随着资产专用性的逐步提高,在其他条件不变的情况下,交易的治理机制逐步从市场过渡到企业网络,当资产专用性进一步提高时,企业科层将替代企业网络。当企业之间的能力是互补但不相似时,交易将通过企业网络来进行。同时,产品需求的不确定性也将导致企业间网络组织的出现。  相似文献   

合作竞争型准市场组织的发展与产业组织结构演进   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
一、从“企业 -市场”两分法到“企业 -准市场 -市场”三分法分析框架  新制度经济学传统分析是以科斯的经典论文《企业的性质》( 1 937)为基础 ,把纯粹市场和科层企业看作是由交易成本决定的相互竞争和相互替代的组织资源配置的两种制度安排。而后张五常 ( 1 983)的研究指出 ,企业并不是用非市场方式替代市场方式 ,而是用交易费用较低的要素市场替代了交易费用较高的产品市场 ,是市场形态高级化的表现。显然 ,在其中就隐含有企业也是一种市场网络组织的思想 (贾根良 ,1 998)。阿尔奇安和德穆塞茨 ( 1 992 )从技术的不可分性分析了产权安…  相似文献   

提高企业市场价值的几点认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业市场价值由企业的自有资本价值和企业的债务价值所组成,表现为企业在市场上进行合资,兼并,收购,重组,交易时的价格亦即企业在市场上的竞争能力和创造盈利能力。这种能力通常表现为企业生成净现金流的能力和生成净现金流稳定性的能力,从所周知,只要是在市场经济条件下,企业之间的任何经营交易活动,都必须以企业的市场价值为基础,具有较高市场价值的企业,不但能在激烈的市场竞争中取得竞争优势,而且还可以获得超额利润,从进一步增加企业的经济实力。使企业的目标和市场行为都  相似文献   

市场链是大型企业业务组织单元和经营规模扩张到一定程度,其组织管理的边际交易成本超过了边际规模效率时而生成的一种新的管理模式。与一般的企业内部市场化不同,市场链是一种贯穿于企业运营全过程的整体性、流程式交易机制,它将企业内部不同部门、上下流程、上下工序和岗位之间的业务关系,构造成为通过内部市场价格机制调节的相互咬合、无缝链接、环环相扣的扁平化链状交易流程,以此实现对每一个利益主体的有效激励与约束,达到企业运营效应的整体优化。企业内部市场链是基于一体化业务流程的连续性、关联性而建立起来的在固定对象之间展开的确定性、重复性、高度专用性特质交易,按照高度专用性交易的强度,可以将市场链交易关系划分为不同类型,从而形成市场链的特质交易结构。与不同交易关系类型相适应的契约结构安排以及保障措施,不断地巩固和强化着市场链流程的特质交易关系。市场链管理模式有效克服了在信息不对称情形下企业基层组织和个人的动力不足与机会主义行为,极大地降低了企业内部的交易费用,从而能够强有力地推动大型企业超越"规模陷阱"、在持续发展中提高管理与运营效率。  相似文献   

夏立军 《董事会》2013,(4):35-35
中国企业整体的内控水平,既取决于企业自身的努力,更有赖于商业环境和政府行为的规范化如果参照欧美成熟市场的内控水平给国内企业整体打分的话,可能我们的内控水平还是处于初级阶段,整体上还是不太合格的。这主要有三个方面的原因。商业环境、商业文化不规范。中国很多企业的交易是关系型交易,很多交易本身就不太规范。不像美国公司比较依赖合约,依赖市场和法律机制。政  相似文献   

本文在对分工、交易、市场与企业之问关系的考察基础上,认为科斯关于企业中可以节约交易费用的“权威”是不存在的,在企业内部的分工协作与市场中的个体交易并没有本质的盖别。经营者的权威是参与资源的特征差异而形成分工的结果,由这个权威导致的指挥与服从关系依然遵循等价交换的市场权威规则,因此,也就不存在因为组织费用与交易费用的比较而导致企业产生的逻辑,企业与市场具有同一性。  相似文献   

用能权交易与碳市场的协同效应及高耗能行业的策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李远  朱磊 《工业技术经济》2019,38(7):136-142
我国已实施全国统一碳市场, 同时开展了用能权交易试点。 由于节能与减排具有协同效应, 用能权交易和碳市场在覆盖范围、 配额分配等关键问题上可能存在重叠, 进而对试点地区以及试点企业的利润、 产量等关键参数产生影响。 本文建立了用能权交易与碳市场同时存在时的数学模型, 并以两个典型高耗能行业为例进行了实例分析, 旨在研究两种市场化减排机制的协同效应以及高耗能行业的减排策略。 结果发现无论是否允许交易范围的重叠, 两个市场均具有非常大的关联性, 通过市场内在机制二者能够互为补充, 为交易部门提供多种政策选择, 使其能够在能耗目标框架下对策略进行优化, 获得更高利润。  相似文献   

从本质上讲,油气勘探开发市场交易是以油气资源为标的物的一种产权交易。根据油气勘探开发活动的全过程,可以划分出四类交易客体,即油气资源探矿权、地质资料、储量和采矿权。油气勘探开发市场客体的交易有不同于一般商品交易的特点,需要有不同的交易条件加以保证。从我国实际出发,要实现客体的自主流动,在市场营建时要遵循交易合法化、市场统一性、市场主体平等化和市场规则一致性等四项原则。为了使交易真正突现,还必须为客体确定交易单位参数和交易价格参数。从目前我国资源管理的经济环境角度看,客体商品化进程中还存在法律、体制、机制等方面的制约因素。因此,应尽快建立适应社会主义市场经济体制的石油工业法律体系,确立市场在油气资源配置中的基础性地位,并在确立市场主体地位等方面进行配套政革。  相似文献   

2021年我国电力市场由于燃煤价格大幅度上涨发生了许多重要变化,如燃煤火电机组市场交易价格浮动范围扩大和电网企业代理购电等。其中,年度交易合同的改签换签是最重要的变化。年度交易合同有组织地改签换签虽然合情、合理,甚至合规,但是却不符合市场精神。电力市场需求和燃煤发电机组燃煤成本或价格变化是正常的市场现象,如果市场体系和机制不能适应这种变化,应该从市场体系与机制建设上寻找原因和解决问题的办法。  相似文献   

论中国工业的比较优势   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
成本比较优势的机制在当代国际分工和国际贸易中仍然发挥作用。中国工业的比较优势主要是劳动力资源丰富。改革开放以来,中国国际贸易的高速增长,主要得益于较好地发挥了劳动力便宜的比较优势。由于二元经济结构和地区经济发展水平上的差异将继续存在,同时由于劳动力供给大大超出劳动力的需求,中国劳动力便宜的比较优势将能够长期保持下去。但是,劳动力便宜的比较优势是相对的,在资本和技术密集型产业,这种优势并不明显。企业办社会和人浮于事等大大抵消了劳动力便宜的优势。所以,在市场竞争中,必须高度重视提高劳动生产率。制造业员工的工资水平低,虽然有利于降低企业生产成本,但也有消极作用:一是在国际贸易中,导致国民福利的流出;二是限制了低收入阶层的购买力,抑制了国内需求。逐步提高制造业工人的工资水平是必要的。  相似文献   

The authors test a model of the relationships among firm resources, firm capabilities, and sustained competitive advantage between 1971 and 1989. Sustained comparative advantage was captured by two variables: therapeutic differentiation and global NCEs. The results show that R&D and salesforce expenditures have indirect and direct effects, respectively, on sustained competitive advantage. Firm capabilities were differentiated into component and integrative capabilities. Component capabilities were captured by the firm’s internal R&D efforts and therapeutic market focus, while integrative capabilities were concerned with the firm’s ability to obtain FDA approvals and to develop radical new drugs. Findings on each of these four capabilities on therapeutic differentiation and global NCEs are mixed. The direct and indirect effects of these resources and capabilities on therapeutic differentiation and global NCEs suggest important managerial implications in the way firms coordinate and combine their assets so as to achieve sustained competitive advantage. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study uses competence transfer theory to establish a mechanism for transferring competences into an organization from the outside. It develops a research framework that describes the impact of communication on a firm's knowledge base and as well as its ability to bring external competence into the firm. Data were collected in the US from 288 manufacturing companies. The mechanism of competence transfer is empirically supported. As the level of transferred competences increase, a firm's manufacturing process competences including process automation, process integration, and process modularity increase. Furthermore, process competences lead to higher market performance.  相似文献   

DIY:企业组织分析的另一个视角   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
本文从用户DIY的角度出发 ,认为产品的模块性是这个消费模式得以实现的条件 ;产品模块性促成了企业组织的模块性。企业组织的模块性能够很好地适应用户的DIY需求 ,因而能够很好地解决市场的不确定性问题。企业组织模块性对于不确定性的作用可以刻画为一种实期权 ,因而组织模块化将产生期权价值  相似文献   

权力视角下的企业契约分解与变迁   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以权力为逻辑起点,分析了企业契约中控制权的来源及其在不同企业成员之间的配置,本文认为企业控制权倾向于配置给企业成员中有权力的一方,企业契约的签订是双方权力结构的形式化过程。根据契约剩余和控制权配置的不同,可以将企业契约分解为市场契约、科层制契约和关系契约三种不同性质的契约,这一结论在理论上解释了企业契约与市场契约的不同。企业契约的剩余给契约调整提供了空间,在持续交易的过程中权力结构的变化则为契约调整和变迁提供了原动力。但是企业契约变迁具有路径依赖的性质,并且企业制度并不是效率演进的。  相似文献   

Modularity in product design has been hailed as a way to speed new product development (NPD), to reduce NPD cost, and to enhance customization possibilities for consumers. Modularity in process design may speed new product manufacturing setup times, reduce costs, and enhance the profitability of the lower volumes that customization often entails. However, empirical evidence is scarce that either product or process modularity—individually, jointly, or sequentially—actually produce these or other proposed benefits (e.g., performance growth). This study builds on general modular systems theory (GMST) by examining the theoretical relationship between product and process modularity and the effects of each on firm growth performance. Using structural equation modeling, partial versus complete mediation by manufacturing agility is also scrutinized. In one pair of models, product modularity and process modularity are separate direct antecedents to manufacturing agility, which is modeled to affect firm growth performance; in a second pair of models, product and process modularity are related antecedents to manufacturing agility, with product modularity preceding process modularity. Results from the best‐fitting model show that product modularity directly and positively affects process modularity, manufacturing agility, and firm growth performance. Process modularity was unrelated to manufacturing agility, and neither process modularity nor manufacturing agility predicted growth performance. Consistent with GMST, the study provides empirical evidence of the power of one element of a modular system to orchestrate a fit between a firm's product and manufacturing strategies and to directly drive system performance. Thus, modularity in product design is revealed as the key to understanding GMST effects concerning how changes in one system generate changes in other systems.  相似文献   

An upstream monopolist supplying competing downstream firms may fail to monopolize the market because it is unable to commit not to behave opportunistically. We build on previous experimental studies of this well-known commitment problem by introducing communication. Allowing the upstream firm to chat privately with each downstream firm reduces total offered quantity from near the Cournot level (observed in the absence of communication) halfway toward the monopoly level. Allowing all firms to chat together openly results in complete monopolization. Downstream firms obtain such a bargaining advantage from open communication that all of the gains from monopolizing the market accrue to them. A simple structural model of Nash-in-Nash bargaining fits the pattern of shifting surpluses well. Using third-party coders, unsupervised text mining, among other approaches, we uncover features of the rich chat data that are correlated with market outcomes. We conclude with a discussion of the antitrust implications of open communication in vertical markets.  相似文献   

This study focuses explicitly on the methodological implications of the endogenous theory of governance as applied to firm performance. In particular, if firms choose their governance structures as part of a constrained performance maximization process, then application of an appropriate empirical methodology should reveal statistical evidence of such behavior. In this study we take advantage of the endogenous switching regression model framework to determine whether such predicted optimizing behavior can be corroborated by the data. The model allows us to test explicitly for selection behavior in accordance with comparative advantage and, concomitantly, the presence of selectivity bias, in estimating the impact of CEO duality on firm performance. The selection and performance equations are modeled in accordance with the extant accounting, economics, and management literature on the impact of the dual governance structure on firm performance. Overall, we tested four performance measures for the entire sample of firm‐year observations as well as for the largest three industries in terms of sample sizes. The major finding, robust in all cases, is that there is no evidence to support a contention that CEO duality is a structure purposefully chosen for optimizing performance. If firms are indeed choosing the dual leadership structure, they are doing so for reasons other than improving performance from what it would be otherwise. In fact, for performance measured as market return and earnings per share, there is evidence of a significant selectivity bias that acts to lower performance below what it would have been under random assignment. For performance measured by Tobin's q and return on assets, we found neither evidence of selectivity bias, nor any significant marginal performance impacts of CEO duality. Such findings are inconsistent with an endogenous governance theory, at least when applied to firm performance. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on the role of persistence and heterogeneity of innovative activities at the level of the firm in determining the patterns of technological change in different industries and countries. We ask: are persistence and heterogeneity associated with higher degrees of concentration in innovative activities, stability in the ranking of innovators, and lower degrees of entry and exit in the population of innovators? Or, do the patterns of innovation depend on other variables like firm size and industrial concentration? Moreover, what are the relationships between the patterns of innovative activities, their determinants, and the technological specialization of countries? We compute indicators of persistence and heterogeneity using the OTAF-SPRU patent database at the firm level for five European countries over the period 1969–1986 for 33 technological classes. Then, we estimate the relationships between our indicators of the sectoral patterns of innovative activities and international technological specialization on the one hand, and our indicators of persistence, heterogeneity and market structure on the other. Results show that persistence and asymmetries are important (and strongly related) phenomena that affect the patterns of innovative activities across countries and sectors, while the role of market structure variables is less clear. Finally, international technological specialization is associated to a competitive core of persistent innovators.  相似文献   

Why are some firms more successful at commercializing new products than others in emerging economies? It is possible that the strategic orientations, which firms adopt as a type of business strategy, lead at least partially to the superior performance of the new products they introduce to the market. Strategic orientations facilitate a match between firm strategy and resource endowment, on the one hand, and the adaptation to market conditions, on the other. In this paper, we empirically test whether four major types of strategic orientations (market orientation, technology orientation, entrepreneurial orientation, and networking orientation) are simultaneously related to new product commercialization performance using data collected from China. We find that strategic orientations are positively related to three aspects of new product commercialization, namely new product advantage, new product newness, and number of new products introduced to the market. Interestingly, we find that pairs of strategic orientations support each other in exerting their impacts on new product commercialization performance. In addition, we find that organizational learning mediates the effects of strategic orientations on new product commercialization and that environmental dynamism moderates the effect of strategic orientations on new product commercialization. We obtain the valuable insight that a firm's successful commercialization of new products hinges upon the development of critical yet complementary sets of strategic orientations, especially in a dynamic business environment.  相似文献   

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