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中国与东盟国家农产品出口结构比较研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
孙笑丹 《当代财经》2003,(3):106-112
中国的农产品出口在上世纪90年代经历了一个高速成长时期。与此同时,在世界农产品出口市场上,中国也遭遇到了来自其他主要农产品出口国尤其是亚洲出口国的强有力的竞争,其中东盟国家是中国在世界农产品出口市场上最有力的竞争者,本文从出口结构的相似性、出口对需求变化的反应能力以及出口多元化三个方面,运用最流行的国际贸易分析工具,对中国和东盟三个最主要的农产品出口国在世界市场上的表现进行了比较研究,并在研究结论基础上对改进中国的农产品出口提出了建议。  相似文献   

本文重点考察金融发展对经济增长的促进作用。美国工业化阶段是美国金融体系发展与金融结构演进最为迅速的时期。本文简要地讨论了美国工业化的情况 ,通过大量的统计数据和国际比较 ,分析了工业化阶段美国金融体系发展与金融结构演进的过程和金融发展速度 ,论证了金融发展同美国工业化进程的联系以及金融发展变化在经济增长中的地位和作用 ,归纳了金融发展可以促进经济增长的三个独立观点  相似文献   

中美新科技创新政策比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2006年几乎在同一时间,中美两国分别发布了《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要》和《美国竞争力计划》,研究在未来的探索、发明及创新上的国家科技发展的新政策,以及为此而提出的变革构想及发展路径。通过考察两国新政策的制定背景和主要内容,比较分析各自特点,提出我国未来科技创新政策应当注意的问题。  相似文献   

First, Veblen's distinction between industrial and pecuniary employments with special regard to speculation is introduced. Second, investment banking as a prime example for pecuniary activities is presented. Third, a dominant fundamentalist, market efficiency and a heterodox speculation paradigm of financial markets are distinguished. Fourth, ten proposals for financial market reform (e.g., decentralization) are proposed. Finally, it is asked why these reforms, which should support a productive-serviceable function of finance, will not be realized. This is due to a capturing of the public sector and the prevailing scientific and ideological habits of thought.  相似文献   

在我国人口快速转变过程中,亚洲各国也经历了生育模式和死亡模式的快速转变,人口老龄化格局发生了重要变化。结合这一变化,利用联合国最新数据,在扩大人口老龄化比较对象、延长比较时间的基础上,对我国及亚洲各国的人口老龄化程度、速度和老年人口规模进行了比较,提出了对我国人口老龄化特点的新认识,即中国人口老龄化程度较高、人口老龄化速度较快,老年人口规模大、在未来60年内中国都是世界上老年人口最多的国家。  相似文献   

软件是信息社会的核心,它的渗透性、可复用性、适变性使其获得一个巨大的发展空间。中国和爱尔兰两国的软件产业均得到了发展,但是目前它们的发展水平却有很大的差距。试从市场环境,政府政策、人力资源状况和软件技术园建设这四个方面对两国软件业进行比较,结合国情对我国软件业发展提出建议。  相似文献   

In situations where discontinuity in operation occurs, specifically in a country where coontractualization has an increasing trend, the performance level of operators after the work break is of great interest. Existing studies have found that the performance of an operator declines after her operation is completely stopped. However, when the operator performed other tasks (may it be similar or not from her previous task) during the work break, the performance after the work break seems to be affected at different level. Contractual and regular operators from a semiconductor and textile company were considered to replicate a discontinuous and continuous operation. The processing times of contractual workers before and after several months of work break were compared. Two types of work break were seen to have significant effect on an operator's performance after the work break, Type 1: 0% to 40% similarity from previous task and Type 2: 40% to 97% similarity from previous task. One can find that when 21% of tasks performed during the work break are similar to the operator's previous task, there would be no change in her performance upon returning. On the other hand, a 5% decline in performance was observed after work break type 1 and an 8.54% improvement after work break type 2. Also, a remission rate of 18% from end of stint 1 to start of stint 2 under work break type 1 was seen, while 8% for work break type 2. This may also be true to other industries. Thus, further study is suggested.  相似文献   

基于Rothwell和Zegveld的政策工具理论,以中国《“十三五”科技创新规划》和美国《2015年美国创新战略》的政策文本为研究对象,对中美创新战略规划的政策工具进行比较研究。结果表明:中美两国使用的环境型政策工具最为频繁,同时中国环境型政策工具的使用比率高于美国;两国使用供给型政策工具的比例相当,但中国供给型政策工具的内部机构不尽合理;两国使用最少的为需求型政策工具,中国需求型政策工具的使用比例尤其低。与美国相比,中国在个别政策工具运用方面存在过溢、错位、缺位等不良现象,就此借鉴美国政策工具的运用经验,提出了完善中国创新战略规划政策工具布局的建议。  相似文献   

We use a nationally representative Australian panel survey that allows us to track individuals’ smoking behaviour from 2001 to 2003, a period during which new tobacco regulations came into effect in four of the eight state and territory jurisdictions. We exploit this variation in regulations over time and across jurisdictions to produce estimates of the effects of tighter smoking regulations on smoking behaviour within the year the regulations were introduced. Although increased (non‐pecuniary) costs of smoking will almost certainly have some negative effects on smoking, our analysis suggests that effects on smoking rates in the short term are negligible.  相似文献   

This study pools data from two sources to investigate the role of educational attainment in determining the gender wage gap. The empirical analysis reveals that the returns to education remained largely unchanged for young men but declined significantly for young women over the period 1984–2007. We find significant evidence of a decline in the returns to a Bachelor's degree for young women as well as evidence of increasing wage inequality over time among young men and women with a Bachelor's degree. Also, in 2007, the gender wage gap between young men and women was largest for those with a Bachelor's degree. Further, our analysis suggests that young women with a college education may confront more discrimination in the labor market than young women without a college education. We conclude that promoting educational attainment among young women may be a necessary but not sufficient condition for addressing the gender wage gap.  相似文献   

基于"北京市第三期妇女地位调查"数据,从就业稳定性、就业环境、工资收入和社会保护四个维度,分析了本地妇女和流动妇女的就业质量差异及其影响因素。本地妇女的就业质量远远好于流动妇女;只有在工作场所的安全性方面两个妇女群体没有显著差异。户籍制度仍是影响劳动者就业质量的重要因素。流动妇女的受教育程度、工作经验和健康状况对其就业质量都有显著正向影响。  相似文献   

中英电信"双寡头垄断"模式比较研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
中国电信南北分拆以后,将在固定电话和移动电话两个业务领域形成新一轮"双寡头垄断"竞争格局.英国是率先实行"双寡头垄断"作为过度,最终走向电信全面开放竞争的典范.中国电信业在1994~1999年第一阶段改革中,曾试图仿效"英国模式",构建中国电信和中国联通的"双寡头垄断",最终以失败告终.在中国即将形成新一轮"双寡头垄断"竞争格局之时,我们有必要通过对英国电信改革的理论背景、具体实施过程、取得的成就的回顾,探求英国"双寡头垄断"成功的奥秘,并为中国新一轮电信重组所借鉴,提升中国的电信业国际竞争力,更好地应对WTO的挑战.  相似文献   

本文采用自回归分布滞后模型对中国和巴基斯坦两国货币政策、通货膨胀与经济增长之间的长期关系进行了比较研究,由此得出如下几点结论:第一,两国的经验数据都印证了经济学家们普遍接受的通货膨胀是一种货币现象的推论;第二,货币非中性假说在两国的经验数据中均无法被拒绝;第三,在中国存在货币数量论所描述的货币供给与通货膨胀同步增长的预测关系,而这种关系在巴基斯坦却不存在;第四,两国若想实现较高的经济增长都必须在长期内降低通货膨胀率。  相似文献   

利用FDI过程中研发国际化对东道国创新体系的结构与绩效也产生了较为明显的影响,而研发国际化的技术外溢取决于研发的类型与东道国的经济、科技等背景。通过中印两国在利用FDI促进本国科技创新方面的比较发现:中国利用FDI资源特别是在外资研发机构及其研发支出方面明显强于印度;中国在吸收FDI技术溢出的研发投入、硬件条件等方面较明显优于印度;中国是开放度很高的"外资带动"型的创新路径,而印度更偏向于"自主创新"型的发展模式;制约中国自主创新还存在一些亟待破解的深层障碍。  相似文献   

造成国有、私营企业绩效差异的一个很重要原因是二者生产效率的巨大差异。造成国有、私营企业生产效率巨大差异的主要原因是国有企业不能解雇工人的劳动用工制度。国有企业的目标多元化要求其必须对稳定社会就业承担责任,即不能解雇工人,但这给国有企业对工人的管理激励带来很大困难,造成生产效率低下的严重后果。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on men and women engaged in China's sexual economy, which is dominated by the exchange between wealthy and politically influential men and unmarried young women who trade their femininity and sexuality for material wealth and financial security from these men. Drawing on analyses of the popular 2009 television serial, Woju (Dwelling Narrowness), coupled with recent ethnographic studies, the paper shows how this sexual economy thrives in the increasingly competitive and commercial urban landscape of present-day China. The study then examines the impact of commodification and materialism on men and women. The paper places these gender dynamics within the context of socioeconomic changes during the last thirty years and investigates how gender inequality became assimilated into both official and popular discourses of Chinese life, thereby facilitating the ascendancy and power of the sexual economy.  相似文献   

中印纺织品和服装出口结构的相似度与分散度比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李宏  李慧燕 《现代财经》2006,26(11):45-48
中国和印度毗邻,在贸易结构上具有较大的相似性。在纺织品和服装行业,通过对产品相似度和分散度的计算,发现中国的出口产品分散程度低于印度。中国应当从自身的比较优势出发,优化自身的产品结构,在提升竞争力上作出政策选择。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法、调查法、试验法和数据统计法,对普通高校中瑜伽教学影响广大学生的身体形态、身体素质、身体机能和心理健康等等方面进行分析与研究,目的在于探索瑜伽课程在高校实践中的实际效果与影响,指导大学生科学地进行强身健体,并为瑜伽运动的进一步推广寻找理论与实践依据。  相似文献   

LIXIN CAI 《The Economic record》2009,85(270):290-306
This study uses the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey to investigate the effect of health on wages of working-age Australian men. A simultaneous equation model of health and wages is estimated to account for the endogeneity of health. The results confirm the findings in the literature that health has a significant and positive effect on wages; it is also found that treating health as exogenous underestimates the effect substantially. Although the reverse effect of wages on health is found to be insignificant, there is evidence on the endogeneity of health arising from unobserved factors.  相似文献   

作者通过对期货交易所三种形式治理结构的比较,说明这三种形式各有其特点,分别适应于期货交易所不同的内外部环境.剖析了交易所冶理结构差异的表现,并提出中国期货交易所公司化改制的思路.  相似文献   

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