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The secret ballot was designed to eliminate the incentive for candidates to purchase votes through direct vote buying. When voters have private information on their candidate preferences, incumbent candidates will generally be less efficient in purchasing votes than their challengers. Incumbent candidates may therefore benefit from the elimination of direct vote purchasing. Viewed in this vein, passage of secret ballot laws by state legislatures can be seen as an institutional mechanism to protect their incumbency advantage, rather than as an act of necessary electoral reform to create fair elections and protect democracy. Submitted: May 25, 1999 / Accepted: July 24, 2000  相似文献   

现代消费者教育:构建企业竞争优势的新途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着国内竞争的国际化,技术转移和扩散的速度越来越快,企业可以在全球范围内进行采购和布点,传统的竞争优势逐渐成为市场可获得性资源,企业面临竞争优势弱化的危险,而现代消费者教育,却可以成为构建企业竞争优势的新途径。  相似文献   

We consider a methodology for studying how beliefs shape platform competition based on the notion of a partial focality. The concept of focality is useful for modeling platform competition when the presence of network effects results in multiple equilibria for a certain set of prices. We illustrate how to implement this methodology in both static and dynamic competition between platforms that differ in their basic quality. The initial degree of focality affects the ability of the high‐quality platform to win the market. Yet, dynamic considerations may have a positive or negative effect on this ability.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the links between human resource management practices and the socio-cultural characteristics of nations, on the one hand, and their competitive advantage in the international market, on the other. The particularly important conclusion is that some nations' cultures offer their managers a higher repertoire of modes of management practices than some others. In high repertoire nations, organizations appear to be better equipped to compete internationally than their counterparts in low repertoire nations.  相似文献   

Using the resource-based view, we present a set of propositions related to enterprise resource planning (ERP) development, reflections on competitive advantage and the different roles that stakeholders play in the value-chain. This has the goal of building a foundation for future research on ERPs and how stakeholders' desire to achieve competitive advantage influence ERP development, especially when it comes to development of a more standardised or pre-customised ERP system. The propositions also act as a foundation for increasing our knowledge concerning the difficulty in developing improved ERP systems.  相似文献   

文章用资源能力理论对我国出口加工型企业的资源优势基础进行了分析,探讨了以劳动力及自然资源为优势基础的我国出口加工企业,在竞争中难以形成持久的竞争优势的问题,阐述了继续走低成本策略将使企业限入更深的困境,而其本身资源能力并不具备形成差异化战略的可能。  相似文献   

文章认为,建立在协同竞争基础上的中小企业产业集群克服了单个中小企业在市场竞争中所遭遇的劣势,作为一种经济发展的战略方式,中小企业产业集群在生产和交易的成本控制、技术创新、创新成果的有效传播和融资方式等方面展现出了独有的竞争优势。  相似文献   

产品生命周期管理(PLM)能提高企业的运营流程与效率,提升企业的核心竞争能力,并保持核心竞争优势的持久性.本文通过对PLM的分析,提出了我国企业实施PLM所产生的竞争优势与商业价值,同时也分析了企业实施PLM过程中应注意的问题.  相似文献   

The growing literature on innovation pays limited attention to the role of human resource management (HRM) innovation in creating competitive advantage. This paper adopts a knowledge-based approach to examine how firms design and implement HRM innovations (HRMIs) and how such innovations support competitive advantage. Drawing from multiple streams of literature and qualitative evidence from Australian manufacturing and service firms, our findings reveal that human resource (HR) functional-level learning capabilities, through which HR professionals build and nurture new knowledge configurations, facilitate the design and implementation of HRMIs. The findings also reveal that HRMIs, when coupled with top management support, can play a vital role in firm competitive advantage. Addressing the limitations of the term radical innovations to fully capture HRMIs and based on our findings and extant literature we propose a new classification that will capture the unique nature of HRMIs. In addition to contributing to theory, our paper provides valuable insights to practitioners for building and nurturing learning capabilities for HRMI-related competitive advantage.  相似文献   

Facing uncertain environments, firms have strived to achieve greater supply chain collaboration to leverage the resources and knowledge of their suppliers and customers. The objective of the study is to uncover the nature of supply chain collaboration and explore its impact on firm performance based on a paradigm of collaborative advantage. Reliable and valid instruments of these constructs were developed through rigorous empirical analysis. Data were collected through a Web survey of U.S. manufacturing firms in various industries. The statistical methods used include confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling (i.e., LISREL). The results indicate that supply chain collaboration improves collaborative advantage and indeed has a bottom-line influence on firm performance, and collaborative advantage is an intermediate variable that enables supply chain partners to achieve synergies and create superior performance. A further analysis of the moderation effect of firm size reveals that collaborative advantage completely mediates the relationship between supply chain collaboration and firm performance for small firms while it partially mediates the relationship for medium and large firms.  相似文献   

We investigate the causes of de-industrialization and potential for re-industrialization using trade-linked input–output data from WIOD. By introducing a new global value chain measure of comparative advantage, we relate a sector's share in domestic final demand to that in production and separate the direct effect of trade on its income share. This method identifies the declining share of manufacturing value added in domestic final expenditures to be the main cause of de-industrialization. Differences in comparative advantage between countries do matter, especially in the case of employment shares, but have a limited impact via the direct trade effect on value added. The findings point to a peculiar paradox of industrial policy: precisely when it is successful in raising competitiveness and hence productivity growth of manufacturing, it also furthers the global decline of relative prices in manufacturing. In contrast to the national objectives of re-industrialization, effective industrial policies accelerate de-industrialization in the global economy.  相似文献   

物流管理--零售企业致胜之道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张金萍 《物流科技》2004,27(9):40-43
物流管理是企业管理的一个重要分支,对于零售企业来说,系统的物流管理尤为重要。物流管理是零售企业建立成本优势的有效手段,是提高顾客满意度的有力武器,也是赢得市场竞争优势的重要支撑。因此,零售企业要改变传统的物流管理观念,设计适用的物流管理系统,运用先进的物流管理技术,提高物流竞争力。  相似文献   

后营销管理观念的兴起   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在市场营销活动的竞争重心发生转移的今天 ,后营销管理理论的产生对于指导我国的企业的营销实践 ,锻造企业市场营销能力 ,提升企业核心竞争力和竞争优势有着重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

培育核心竞争力提高企业竞争优势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
林建红 《物流科技》2003,26(3):51-54
在知识经济时代,技术创新纵深发展,市场竞争更加激烈,企业只有培育和壮大核心竞争力,方能长盛不衰。核心竞争能力不仅是企业竞争优势的源泉,而且也是企业参与市场竞争的一个主要驱动力。企业培育核心竞争力,必须合理整合企业的各种资源,加强内部控制,其中内部控制是重点,而人力资源开发又是内部控制中的关键。  相似文献   

近年来有的财会人员经不住种种诱惑,采取非法手段,侵害国家、集体和人民的利益,其突出表现为做假帐。本文从心理学的角度分析了会计职务犯罪产生的因素,会计职务犯罪对社会的危害。最后,对如何预防会计职务犯罪,运用制度经济学原理从宏观和微观两方面提出了建议。  相似文献   

文章依据比较优势理论,运用规模优势指数、效率优势指数和综合比较优势指数法,对沈阳市2000~2005年种植业主要作物的比较优势进行了分析,其研究结果表明:沈阳市在水稻、小麦、玉米、大豆、蔬菜、水果等的种植上具有比较优势,而油料、棉花、甜菜、烟叶等不具有比较优势,并在此基础上提出了种植业结构调整的建议。  相似文献   

Although many academics and practitioners in the maritime industry have recognised the importance of supply chain collaboration (SCC) between ports and port users, there is still a lack of empirical work on this issue. This work empirically investigates the association between SCC, collaborative advantage and port performance in a maritime logistics context. Data were collected via a web-based questionnaire survey which engaged 178 responses from maritime logistics firms in South Korea. Hypotheses were tested by using structural equation modelling, following a hierarchical analysis process. The results confirm that SCC has positive impacts on collaborative advantage, which in turn helps to improve port performance. The finding indicates that collaborative advantage has a full mediation effect on the link SCC-port performance. This work invites managers to recognise the positive outcomes of inter-organisational SCC practices in enhancing collaborative advantage and port performance within port supply chain.  相似文献   

信息化与企业竞争力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国企业错失了第一、二次工业革命的良好发展时机,终于迎来了全球化和信息化这个新的迎头赶上的绝好机会。世界经济全球化和信息化的浪潮促使企业厉行改革,全面创新以适应快速变化的国际竞争。文章从业务流程再造、组织结构优化、加强成本管理、扩大竞争范围和促进企业创新5个方面探讨了企业通过实施信息化如何提升竞争力。  相似文献   

张军 《价值工程》2006,25(4):51-53
本文从内部价值链分析,外部价值链分析和价值链横向比较分析三个方面,对采油厂进行全面价值链分析,对其降低成本,提高竞争能力具有重要的理论意义和实际意义。  相似文献   

This paper describes an extension of Duchin's world trade model to include the explicit representation of transportation costs, permitting the endogenous determination of bilateral trade flows and region-specific prices. The original model is a linear program that, based on comparative advantage and the minimization of factor use, determines regional production and trade flows as well as world prices and scarcity rents for m regions, n good, and k factors. The new world trade model with bilateral trade achieves its objectives by introducing transportation services and geographically dependent transportation requirements for each traded good and each pair of potential trade partners. The formulation of this model and its major properties are presented, and results from a preliminary analysis with 11 regions, eight goods, four transportation sectors, and six factors of production are reported and compared with corresponding results from the world trade model. On the basis of this comparison, we conclude that transportation costs have little impact on a region's total imports or exports of a given commodity.  相似文献   

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