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本文从我国金融监管的现状出发,对法治政府下金融监管的有效性进行了探讨。第一部分对法治政府和金融监管理论做了简易陈述;第二部分总结了我国金融监管制度的历史沿革;第三部分剖析了我国金融监管领域存在的问题;最后对如何加强我国金融监管的法治建设提出了几点思考以求为我国金融监管方面的法治建设提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

金融业的稳步发展离不开金融监管的支持与保障,而相对于西方金融监管的发展历史,我国的金融监管相对起步较晚,仍存在诸多有待完善的不足之处。通过对西方金融监管的讨论和分析,顺应金融监管行业发展趋势,从我国金融监管现状出发对完善金融监管的发展提出建议。  相似文献   

次贷危机对全球经济造成了巨大冲击,使发达国家尤其是美国的经济增长受到了巨大冲击,他们寻找金融监管方面的原因,对本国的金融监管作出调整。本文通过分析主要发达国家金融监管改革的措施,透视金融监管改革的新动向,结合我国金融监管存在的问题,来促进我国金融监管体系的完善。  相似文献   

金融监管的公共产品性质以及金融体系自身固有的脆弱性,决定了政府对金融业进行监管的必要性.美国次贷危机的爆发,严重影响了全球金融体系盼稳定,也引起了对金融监管体制的全球性探讨.我们应该借鉴此次金融危机的教训,认真分析金融监管面临的新挑战,逐步完善我国的金融监管体制.本文将对金融监管体制的含义进行界定,时我国金融监管体制的改革历程进行简要陈述,并提出完善我国金融监管体制的政策建议.  相似文献   

目前我国处于经济结构转型的关键时期,金融监管消极影响逐渐暴露出来,探索出一条符合我国基本国情的金融监管体制迫在眉睫。本文对目前我国金融监管中存在的体制问题进行了深入分析,在此基础上,提出了符合我国社会发展的金融监管体制改进意见。  相似文献   

在经济全球化大背景下,我国金融行业的发展已步入国际化体系,这就需要进一步健全和完善金融监管体系,否则极易导致金融风险。当前我国金融监管体系改革在持续深化,但仍然存在一些问题。本文对金融监管问题进行了深入的分析和探讨,对新形势下金融监管体制改革的重要性进行了简要分析,在此基础上找出了当前我国金融监管方面存在的问题和不足,最后就如何进一步深化我国金融监管体制提出了一些针对性的解决对策。  相似文献   

随着国际金融的深入发展,各国都注重建立和完善金融监管体制。金融监管模式也相应地出现多种模式。我国目前还处于分业经营和分业监管时期,还存在许多不足,为了顺应国际金融发展趋势,我国将不断探索与完善金融监管体制。本文通过对几个发达国家金融监管模式的分析来进一步指出我国在金融监管方面存在的问题,并在借鉴发达国家好的经验的基础上提出改进我国金融监管的方法。  相似文献   

谭天问 《商》2013,(15):133-133
完善和加强我国的金融监管,不断地健全监管机制,提高我国金融监管的有效性,对化解与防范金融上的风险,以及保障国家的安全来讲,意义是非常大的。本文论述了我国金融监管所面临的主要问题,以及提高我国金融监管有效性的实施策略。  相似文献   

王小蓓 《中国市场》2011,(22):66-66,68
本文首先由金融监管体制的概念出发对金融监管体制进行界定,在此基础上,本文分析了美国金融监管制度改革的原因,并分析《美国金融监管改革法案》对金融监管制度的改革与调整,最后得出美国金融监管制度改革对我国金融市场的启示。  相似文献   

本文概述了我国金融监管制度,描述当前金融监管体制的现状,并针对改善我国金融监管体制的问题给出建议。首先介绍了金融监管制度的概念。阐明了金融监管的理论基础相关的模式。然后描绘了我国金融监管体制的现状和存在的问题。最后提出了相关改善我国金融监管体制的建议。  相似文献   

金融监管改革与金融稳定:美国金融危机的反思   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
由次贷问题引发的全球金融危机凸显了美国金融监管缺失的风险和加强金融改革的重要性。在几十年的发展中,美国金融监管体系逐步演进为双层多头的分业监管模式,促进了美国金融市场的繁荣。但是危机的爆发表明这种监管体系缺乏统一监管者,无法有效防范系统性危机,因而存在监管缺陷和监管效率相对低下的问题。危机后,美国政府开始意识到有效金融监管的重要性,并着力进行实质性的改革,以减轻美国金融监管体系与其金融市场制度、金融业务模式等的背离程度。新的监管体系方案有利于提高监管的有效性和促进金融稳定,但并不能根除金融危机根源,并且可能萌生新的金融风险。  相似文献   

郑丽 《财经论丛》2006,(4):55-61
金融创新作为客观发展规律对金融监管的影响是决定性的,金融监管在某个时段可能会影响金融创新,但它最终要适应金融创新的需要。本文应用博弈论分析方法论证金融创新与金融监管的动态博弈关系,并借鉴美国金融创新和金融监管动态博弈的例证,探讨在金融全球化和金融自由化的浪潮下,我国金融监管当局如何适应新形势的需要,转变监管理念,运用现代信息技术,完善监管体系,防范金融风险。  相似文献   

次贷危机对我国金融创新监管的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李绍昆 《北方经贸》2009,(8):111-113
通过对次贷危机传导机制的分析我们可以看到,对金融创新监管的滞后、不到位是导致危机迅速扩大蔓延的重要原因,这暴露出美国金融监管体制在金融创新监管方面存在的缺陷,而我国在金融创新监管方面与美国存在一些共性的问题,我们要正确处理金融创新与金融监管关系,完善监管体系结构,较变"机构监管"为"功能监管",创新监管方式。  相似文献   

拼凑式金融监管模式的无缝化修正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金融危机后,各国金融监管广受诟病.欧美等发达国家开始转换金融监管思路,从东道国监管和母国监管之争转向对监管契合问题的探索,并从这个角度提出了拼凑式金融监管模式的主流研究概念,认为其固有的监管隔断和空隙的危害性是造成此次金融危机蔓延发展的主要原因.本文试图通过形成超级监管形式、以监管互律来促进监管合作、分层次统一监管等方式,讨论拼凑式金融监管模式的无缝化修正.  相似文献   

The external business environment is a major determinant of which sources firms select to obtain financial capital. We examine how the regulatory, political, and financial dimensions of the institutional environment influence the extent to which firms rely on informal sources of financial capital. The analyses of data from 2869 firms in twenty-six transition economies in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) indicate that ineffective regulatory system, underdeveloped financial system, and government corruption are strong determinants of firms' reliance on informal channels for financial capital. We also find that smaller firms are more vulnerable when the local financial system is underdeveloped and the regulatory institutions are less effective in these transition economies. A subgroup analysis of firms' forms of establishment shows that private firms are sensitive to the level of development of the local financial system and state-owned enterprises are particularly sensitive to the degree of corruption.  相似文献   

进一步完善全球金融监管体系,特别是构建宏观审慎金融监管制度框架,是美国金融危机以来全球防范和应对系统性金融风险、维护金融体系安全与稳健的重要举措。宏观审慎监管框架重在明晰宏观审慎的主要监管主体、完善宏观审慎监管体系的框架、制定宏观和微观审慎监管指标体系的相关法律、制度和规范。特别是要注重处理好互为表里、相辅相成的微观审慎监管与宏观审慎监管之间的关系,充分发挥两者的合力效应。  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(5):740-767
This study draws on the concept of ‘regulatory space’ to analyse the evolution of financial regulation of professional football clubs in England over the past 30 years. It begins by setting out the institutional context and, in particular, the internal governance structure of the Football Association. It then discusses three periods that demonstrate how the regulatory environment is characterised and shaped by different organisations, particularly the football authorities. It concludes by arguing that appropriate financial regulation is unlikely to occur under the following four circumstances: where internal governance structures of regulatory bodies are constituted in such a way as to inhibit the process of decision-making; where powerful actors maintain control of significant financial resources and have a desire to limit financial regulation; where minor actors do not have sufficient power and leverage; and where the government is unwilling to intervene and use legislation.  相似文献   

提高我国银行业监管有效性的对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在大多数经济体中,银行一直是最主要的金融中介。近年来,不断发展的金融市场和不断出现的风险使银行业监管面临新的挑战。根据对制约银行业监管有效性的因素分析,寻求提高监管效能的路径,其目的是实现确保银行体系安全和稳健运行,加快银行业监管专业化和国际化进程。  相似文献   


The paper empirically investigates the extent to which environmental factors affect the intermediation performance of the financial superstructure in Nigeria. A number of intermediation-environmental models were constructed and estimated against annual Nigerian data from 1970 to 2000. Among the various environments of financial intermediation, the socio-political environment, the regulatory environment, and the eco-financial environment exert very great influences on the operations of the financial superstructure. This is based on the evidence from the results, which revealed the socio-political index, regulatory index, and foreign exchange market variables as the most critical predictors of the financial intermediation-output-related index. Other factors such as inflation, taxation, financial market imperfection, and the growth rate of the economy appear not to exert statistically significant effects on the intermediation operations of the financial superstructure. Generally, the utility of the specified models was satisfied as indicated by the results of the global statistics.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine regulatory issues relating to electronic money. The discussion proceeds along three main lines. First, the focus of attention on the potential risks to the financial system is typically on the systemic risk arising from the payments system. Since issuers of electronic money automatically become part of the payments system we consider if the arguments relating to systemic risk originating in the payments system apply in the case of electronic money. Second, we examine the sharp divergence in regulatory approaches between the US and the EU, and suggest that a useful way of reconciling this divergence is to note the existence of a tradeoff between the efficiency of the financial system and the amount of risk assumed by the public sector. This means that there is not necessarily a “correct” answer to the desirability of regulation. Third, technological advances and financial innovations have made it easier for firms to engage in regulatory arbitrage. Competitive pressures may have encouraged financial centres to engage in competitive deregulation, resulting in a less than socially optimal level of regulation overall. It is therefore important that national authorities coordinate and harmonise their regulatory policies. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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