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音乐教育的功能是多方面的,音乐教育时提高人的思想道德修养、培养人的健康高尚的情感、提高人的审美能力、促进人形成良好心态、发展人的创造力、促进^的身心健康等方面的重要功能,以期发挥音乐在人的素质提高中的重要作用.  相似文献   

王伟  张丹 《北方经贸》2013,(12):179-179
高职学生职业素质的培养与企业文化的融合是密不可分的,企业文化进校园对高职学生的素质培养具有重要的现实意义.高等职业教育不同于普通高等教育,培养的是适合社会经济发展需求的高素质、复合型、应用型人才.企业文化融入职业素质培养是把学生由“学校人”变成“企业人”的需要,是提高学生职业素质、增加就业机会的需要,是提高学生社会适应能力的需要.  相似文献   

刘蓉 《华商》2008,(20):108-108
音乐欣赏教学是学校音乐教学的重要内容,是培养学生音乐兴趣、扩大音乐视野、陶冶情操、提高音乐鉴赏力的重要途径与手段。  相似文献   

高校是培养高素质人才的主战场,同时高校也是一种特殊的组织形态。与其他的社会组织一样,高校也要强调自身文化建设,通过文化建设来提升自身整体竞争力。校园文化建设作为大学文化的重要组成部分,对于引导专业学生价值取向与行为取向,塑造专业学生人格,约束专业学生的思想、心理与行为,增强专业学生对高校认知认同,激发专业学生积极向上的学习劲头与精神面貌都将产生积极影响。高校通过课外音乐艺术活动的有效开展,能够推动高校校园文化建设。实现用文化影响人、塑造人的育人功能。  相似文献   

<正>在高校的大学生中,非音乐专业的人数占绝大多数,关于如何提高“非音乐专业”学生的音乐素质,是目前高校音乐公共课教学活动中的热点和焦点话题,素质教育的核心是强调人才的创造性发挥,这里包括教师教学方法的创新和学生学习方法的创新。提高“非音乐专业”学生的音乐素质,关键的任务是把不同学科人才对音乐创新精神实现能力的培养,要做到这点,笔者认为音乐公共课教学从以下几方面进行。  相似文献   

大学英语教学的主要任务是培养学生运用英语与不同文化背景的人进行交际的能力。跨文化交际能力是语言应用能力的重要体现。认真研究跨文化教学,探索培养学生跨文化交际能力,对提高英语教学质量、适应未来社会对外语人才的需求极其重要。  相似文献   

王海权 《商》2014,(40):266-266
随着改革开放不断深化,生产力不断进步,科学技术水平逐步提高,教育体制不断变革,职业院校也正探索新的教学模式,以培养出更多社会发展所需人才。在提倡培养社会所需高素质劳动者和技能型人才的职业院校中,音乐教学在提高职业院校学生审美和其他综合素质方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。与此同时,传统的职业院校音乐教学模式日渐不能满足目前教学发展需求,这就要求传统的职业音乐教学模式不断突破和创新。  相似文献   

黄彦琪 《商》2014,(52):316-316
钢琴伴奏是一种能力,也可以是一项工作,指的是弹奏声乐或器乐作品的钢琴部分,与他人合作完成音乐作品.对于现状或条件不允许专门成立钢琴艺术指导教研室的音乐院校,也应该将钢琴伴奏放到教学中的重要地位.钢琴伴奏是音乐专业学科中不可缺少的重要组成部分,也是社会音乐文化建设活动中不可缺少的一份子.培养钢琴伴奏人才是必须放在专业培养方案中的重要内容.  相似文献   

在音乐这门人文学科中,音乐与其相关的文化有着密不可分的联系.通过音乐我们可以感受一种文化.进而去了解一种文化;反之,通过文化,我们才可能真正地去体验一种音乐,整体地去认识一种音乐.国家新课程标准把"音乐与相关文化"作为音乐课教学的一个重要内容,本文拟探究如何在音乐课上培养学生的艺术修养,提高学生的兴趣,通过艺术来体验生活,体验人生,培养学生的审美观,以及如何在音乐课中适当的地渗透相关文化.  相似文献   

演唱音乐作品涉及多方面的修养,是音乐教学的一个重要课题。要帮助学生更好地演唱声乐作品,必需提高学生的音乐欣赏水平、充实学生的文化底蕴;加强音乐基础知识训练,提高学生的音乐素质;加强学生对声乐技能科学的学习与掌握;提高学生的心理素质,培养良好的自信心;发挥想象,用真情实感来演唱声乐作品。  相似文献   

This essay describes tenets of complexity theory including the precept that within the same set of data X relates to Y positively, negatively, and not at all. A consequence to this first precept is that reporting how X relates positively to Y with and without additional terms in multiple regression models ignores important information available in a data set. Performing contrarian case analysis indicates that cases having low X with high Y and high X with low Y occur even when the relationship between X and Y is positive and the effect size of the relationship is large. Findings from contrarian case analysis support the necessity of modeling multiple realities using complex antecedent configurations. Complex antecedent configurations (i.e., 2 to 7 features per recipe) can show that high X is an indicator of high Y when high X combines with certain additional antecedent conditions (e.g., high A, high B, and low C)—and low X is an indicator of high Y as well when low X combines in other recipes (e.g., high A, low R, and high S), where A, B, C, R, and S are additional antecedent conditions. Thus, modeling multiple realities—configural analysis—is necessary, to learn the configurations of multiple indicators for high Y outcomes and the negation of high Y. For a number of X antecedent conditions, a high X may be necessary for high Y to occur but high X alone is almost never sufficient for a high Y outcome.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to explore the necessary and sufficient conditions to obtain high consumer-brand identification (CBI) and high repurchase intentions (Rep). Different from most business research on CBI and Rep that is based on symmetric thinking, this paper uses asymmetric analytics and performs fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis. The findings show that (1) although it is possible to identify the necessary conditions for very high consumer-brand identification and very high repurchase intentions, no combination of conditions is sufficient to achieve these outcomes; (2) affective drivers have more importance than cognitive drivers for obtaining high CBI; (3) the configuration solutions for high CBI include at least two antecedents; (4) high CBI is a sufficient but not necessary condition for high Rep; (5) high Rep can also be achieved if brand-self similarity and brand identity occur; and (6) memorable brand experiences alone may be enough to obtain high Rep.  相似文献   

讨论了一种先进的基于快速离化波组件漂移阶跃恢复二极管 (DSRD)的开关特性、工作 原理及其在高压纳秒脉冲源中的应用。提出一种新方法解决了传统高压纳秒脉冲源设计难 以突破的高功率、高重复频率工作问题,实现了高压纳秒源的全固态、高重频、高压、高可 靠、长寿命工作。  相似文献   

本文认为,1978年以来中国宏观经济经历了四次较为严重的过热,前三次过热的共同特征是高增长、高投资与高物价并存。目前过热的特征是高增长、高投资与低物价并存。这一特征表明,中国经济的潜在危险不是通货膨胀,而是通货紧缩。对付这一特征的经济过热,最佳的政策选择是抑制投资和刺激消费。  相似文献   

中国:高储蓄、高投资和高增长研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
本文探讨了中国经济发展过程中长期存在的高储蓄、高投资和高增长并存的现象。文章认为:人口红利、工业化、城市化和市场化改革,是造成中国经济“三高”的实体经济因素和体制因素,这些因素并不能由宏观经济政策予以调整。文章最后提出了大力发展直接融资的改革对策。  相似文献   

This study, apparently the first of its kind, looks at the relation between unemployment and absenteeism. It is hypothesized that high unemployment is associated with low absenteeism for two reasons: (1) when unemployment is high, layoffs are high and workers laid off are more likely to have been absence-prone than retained workers, and (2) when unemployment is high, currently employed workers, fearing job loss, will avoid absences to decrease their chances of becoming unemployed. Data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics support both hypotheses.  相似文献   

异质型人力资本是高新技术企业最重要的资源,异质型人力资本所有者的创造性劳动是企业价值的真正源泉,高稀缺性、强专用性、自学习性决定了异质型人力资本在高新技术企业多方博弈中处于主导地位,异质型人力资本理应主导高新技术企业合约。  相似文献   

Baker and Wurgler identify high sentiment betas with small startup firms that have great growth potential. On the surface, cryptocurrencies share important features in common with high sentiment beta stocks. This paper investigates the degree to which, during the period July 18, 2010–February 26, 2018, the return to bitcoin displayed the characteristics of a high sentiment beta stock. Using a sentiment-dependent factor model, the analysis indicates that in large measure, bitcoin returns resembled returns to high sentiment beta stocks. Additionally, we show that bitcoin's expected returns are low when sentiment measured by Volatility Index is high while expected returns are high when sentiment is low.  相似文献   

在高温、高湿环境下稻谷不易储藏,通过各种先进手段和措施,以及缜密、科学的计算,确保高温、高湿环境下稻谷能够安全储藏。  相似文献   

Why do firms often advertise their current price together with their past price? Although consumers expect high quality products to have high prices, such firms may optimally charge lower prices when faced with low production costs. Thus in markets in which quality is difficult to ascertain and costs often fall over time, for example technology products, high quality firms may face a challenge of signaling their quality through current price alone. In this paper we develop a price signaling model in which uninformed consumers draw inference not only from the current price but also the prior period's price (the “strikethrough price”) if the firm chooses to disclose it. We find that a high quality firm benefits from using strikethrough pricing when the prior probability of high quality is relatively low while the probability of costs falling is relatively high.  相似文献   

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