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雍亮 《中国电子商务》2014,(21):299-299
合理、高效的采煤技术是增强煤矿开采工作的效率的前提,也是保证煤矿生产工作顺利进行的基础,但结合我国煤矿开采现状来看,仍存在一些问题,这就需要对煤矿开采过程中的采煤技术应用进行深入的研究.本文基于我国采煤技术的应用现状,对煤矿开采过程中的主要采煤技术进行了分析,并探究了采煤技术应用状况,以期为我国煤矿行业的发展提供参考意见.  相似文献   

从山西省发改委了解到,2005年。山西省拟对能源战略做出重大调整,控制煤炭挖掘总量和外输煤炭总量,变输煤为输电,确定晋北、晋中、晋东三大煤炭基地建设规模及发展目标,并对年产能力小于9万吨及采煤工艺落后、回采率低、安全生产不达标的各类小煤矿全部淘汰,全省中小煤矿全部实现壁式开采。  相似文献   

科学的采煤工艺和开采技术,是煤炭行业科学、高效发展的关键.因此,煤炭企业要根据自身实际情况,深入了解传统的采煤技术和工艺,切实掌握现代化采煤方法,并在此基础上,不断改进与创新,才能真正实现煤炭生产的智能化、现代化和科学化.本文笔者就煤层采煤工艺与开采技术进行粗浅的探讨,以供参考.  相似文献   

胡继雄  敖祥 《现代商贸工业》2012,24(14):180-181
为保证极薄煤层的可持续开采,提高本质安全水平、建设安全质量标准化矿井和本质安全型矿井,根据马河煤矿目前在安全生产主要存在的采煤工艺落后、工作面支护和通风系统等方面的问题,通过矿井升级技术方案的改造,将会提高矿井技术装备水平,大大降低安全事故的发生率,创造更好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

目前我国在不同采煤区,所采用的采煤工艺各有不同.尤其是在极薄煤层的采煤工艺上,由于其煤层极薄、煤层间距较小等特点,极大的加剧了煤矿的开采难度.本文对极薄煤层采煤工艺的选择进行研究,以寻找到适应极薄煤层的最佳采煤工艺,提高极薄煤层采煤效率与质量.  相似文献   

我国的煤矿资源非常丰富,适合露天开采的煤矿较多,近年来在国家能源战略思想的指导下,全国的露天煤矿日新月异的发展起来,随之而来的是露天煤矿采掘生产设备的研发和发辰,滚筒式露天采煤机做为一种新型的露天煤矿采煤生产设备,在露天采掘生产现场崭露头角.采用滚筒式露采机采煤必须要有一套完善的开采工艺和操作规程,以保证设备正常运行和生产效率的发挥.  相似文献   

随着煤炭科学技术水平的不断进步、煤矿开采技术水平的不断提高以及地质采矿条件的不断变化,水体下安全采煤技术也在不断发展.水体下采煤的问题越来越来显出重要性和迫切性.本文叙述了水体下采煤的内容,并提出了几种防止地表水和地下水涌入开采空间的技术措施.  相似文献   

对于地方煤矿来说,谋炭资源相对较为丰富,可是其开采煤炭资源的条件却是出于中等偏下的水平,除了晋陕蒙宁、新疆等部分地区的开采条件较好之外,其他谋田的开采都较为复杂.地方煤矿可供露天矿开采的资源极度缺乏,谋炭资源的地域呈现出分布不均的情况,谋矿的规模也各不相同,使采煤技术也有一定的局限性,本文就地方煤矿目前的采煤技术的发展现状及趋势做了简单的分析探讨.  相似文献   

煤炭的开采不仅要考虑设备、材料以及技术的问题,采用科学的采煤技术是煤矿企业实现安全生产中一个非常重要的因素。本文着重阐述了煤矿采煤技术的原则,并就煤矿采煤技术的合理优化进行分析。  相似文献   

我国是一个煤炭资源非常丰富的国家,煤炭是我国的重要能源之一,高回采率、高产、高效、高安全是采煤工艺必须坚持的基本原则。由于各个煤层之间的差异不同,煤矿开采的方法也应随着煤层的变化而变化。本文阐述了不同煤层的各种开采技术,并将此技术不断发展与完善,对煤矿前景的发展有着决定性的意义。  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(1):20-42
This article examines the importance of path dependence effects in impeding the diffusion of high throughput mechanized mining systems in the British coal industry. It demonstrates that the industry had become ‘locked in’ to low throughput underground haulage technology, on account of institutional interrelatedness between Britain’s traditional practice of extensive in-seam mining and its unique system of fragmented, privately owned mineral royalties. Fragmented royalties prevented the concentration of workings and introduction of high throughput main haulage systems that underpinned the rapid productivity growth of European producers. Meanwhile, technical interrelatedness between the haulage systems taking coal to the pit shaft and operations further ‘upstream’ created bottlenecks which both slowed the overall rate of mechanization and limited the productivity gains from the mechanization that did occur.  相似文献   


The study presented here analyzes mining accidents and fatal injuries in Serbian underground coal mines over a period of 50?years, in order to assess the effectiveness of legislation changes in the overall safety of work environment. Two distinct periods, prior to 2000 and after 2000 were compared. The data from the period after 2000 were further analyzed to provide better understanding of the results. In order to assess the overall state of safety in Serbian mines, the data on fatal injuries were also compared to the international data. It was found that the legislative changes are more easily accepted by the common workers than by the mine management. Consequently, the key recommendation for the safety of coal mine companies in Serbia is the investment in the new technology. Additionally, mine management should be in the focus of the mining inspection with a stronger penal policy regarding mine safety neglect.  相似文献   

本文以煤矿煤层开采为例,作为矿区大采高一次采全高综采工作面.为保证采面安全高效开采,在对设备选型、巷道超前支护、回采工艺等进行研究的基础上,提出了合理的开采技术方案,证明煤层面开采技术可靠合理性.  相似文献   

通过运用区位商分析法对河南省产业集群发展进行分析,得出结论河南省的煤炭开采、有色金属矿采和冶炼、非金属矿物制品业、农副食品加工和食品制造业、纺织业、设备制造业等行业具有较强的发展优势,这些行业应该确定为河南省产业集群度较高的行业;河南省产业关联度较高的行业主要为资源型和劳动密集型行业,缺乏高科技型产业群。在一定时期内,河南省应需要继续巩固和发展传统优势行业,并积极培育新的临空产业,大力加强传统产业集群升级,注重产业集群的创新,充分利用河南区位优势,加大技术承接,培育技术创新,从而提升河南省工业整体实力。  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(3):47-70
This essay examines the behaviour of coal mining companies in late nineteenth-century Australia in light of recent research on strategic firm behaviour. The Northern Collieries vend explored a number of institutional arrangements designed to increase the amount of public information and raise the costs of cheating. Output apportioning and profit redistribution schemes were employed to increase the costs to any individual firm of over-production. Wage contracts between the coal mining union and collieries included a sliding-scale component linked to the cartel price; the union was an important monitoring agent increasing the amount of public information on firm behaviour. Periodic price wars involved chiselling on the cartel price and bargaining behaviour to influence future agreements.  相似文献   

This paper presents the analysis of large mining machinery related accidents in Indian opencast coal mines. The trends of coal production, share of mining methods in production, machinery deployment in open cast mines, size and population of machinery, accidents due to machinery, types and causes of accidents have been analysed from the year 1995 to 2008. The scrutiny of accidents during this period reveals that most of the responsible factors are machine reversal, haul road design, human fault, operator's fault, machine fault, visibility and dump design. Considering the types of machines, namely, dumpers, excavators, dozers and loaders together the maximum number of fatal accidents has been caused by operator's faults and human faults jointly during the period from 1995 to 2008. The novel finding of this analysis is that large machines with state-of-the-art safety system did not reduce the fatal accidents in Indian opencast coal mines.  相似文献   

SHELL粉煤加压气化与新型水煤浆气化技术都是高效低污染的先进煤气化方法。本文简要介绍了这两种技术的工艺原理、技术特点及开发现状,并指出了这两种煤气化工艺技术在改造我国大中型氨厂领域内的应用前景。  相似文献   

随着乡镇煤矿企业的发展,改革的不断深化,乡镇煤矿的财务管理问题将显得更加突出.笔者提出了解决办法:一是建立一支高素质的队伍;二是建立健全管理监督机制;三是建立健全财务管理制度;四是加强企业管理。  相似文献   


A variable profit function is used in a novel way to estimate wage–risk premiums in Ohio bituminous coal mining. Unlike the dominant hedonic method, the profit function does not assume equilibrium and allows inferences about the marginal opportunity cost of accidents to mining companies. The profit function risk premium, expressed as a value of a statistical life (VSL), is $12,000 (in 1915 prices), and is below published estimates covering this period. The hedonic method is also used and yields a very similar VSL, a robustness check. It is also shown that the use of piece rate–based wages of coal loaders (the main group of miners) yields more plausible hedonic estimates than the fixed daily wage of “inside” miners typically employed.  相似文献   

The main objective of this review was to build upon a previous study on the root causes of truck-related fatalities in surface coal mining operations in West Virginia, and to develop intervention strategies to eliminate these fatalities. This review considers a two-pronged approach to accident prevention: one that is fundamental and traditional (safety regulations, training and education, and engineering of the work environment); and one that is innovative and creative (e.g., applying technological advances to better control and eliminate the root causes of accidents). Suggestions for improving current training and education system are proposed, and recommendations are provided on improving the safety of mine working conditions, specifically safety conditions on haul roads, dump sites, and loading areas. We also discuss various currently available technologies that can help prevent haul truck-related fatal accidents. The results of this review should be used by mine personnel to help create safer working conditions and decrease truck-related fatalities in surface coal mining.  相似文献   

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