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王鑫 《理论观察》2022,(5):68-72
在创新驱动发展的宏观背景下,我国传媒企业的创新发展仍以模仿为主。本研究以传媒企业创新投入与企业成长之间是否存在显著相关性为问题。采用非参数检验方法,对36家(540个观测点)传媒上市公司2018-2020年的数据进行验证分析。研究表明:传媒企业创新投入(研发及人力投入强度)对营业收入增长率有显著促进作用,但存在滞后性;传媒企业总资产增长率、利润总额增长率与创新投入强度之间无显著相关性。由此可知:创新投入不会直接转化成经济效益是传媒企业不热衷创新的可能原因之一;对于希望扩大规模、提高市场占有率的传媒企业而言,提高创新投入强度是一个有效的途径。  相似文献   

外商直接投资的工资效应分析--以江苏为对象的实证研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文以经济发达、FDI规模较大的江苏省为样本,采用实证方法进行分析,结果显示,FDI的区域分布不均衡是地区工资率差距扩大的重要原因;FDI越是集中的地区越能提高当地的劳动力和土地等要素的价格;劳动力跨地区流动可以扩散这种效应。降低劳动力跨地区流动障碍,促进劳动力跨地区的流动;引导FDI(包括国内资本)转向经济相对落后的地区,扩大FDI的价格效应是缩小我国地区间工资率差距的有效途径。  相似文献   

技术创新、知识溢出与贸易竞争   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将技术创新、知识溢出范围、经济增长与产品竞争之间建立起理论联系,这是产品创新模型在贸易与增长理论中的一个重要扩展。在南北贸易框架下(北方创新-南方模仿),发展中国家的技术进步和经济增长取决于知识溢出的范围,知识国际溢出有效地剔除重复研究以降低创新成本,而知识国内溢出不利于产品创新和长期增长。南北贸易框架忽视了发展中国家大国也有高技术部门从事技术创新的事实,本文通过刻画高技术部门创新与低技术部门模仿对两部门产品的相对价格和相对成本的影响发现,知识的国内溢出对发展中国家的技术进步与产品竞争同样具有重要的促进作用,这对于理解和调整贸易竞争政策具有重要含义。  相似文献   

加工贸易的分配效应分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
田文 《世界经济》2007,30(1):12-19
本文在新古典贸易理论的分析框架下,对Jones的要素跨国流动对偶均衡贸易模型进行改进,以发展中国家从事产品内分工的加工生产与贸易为研究对象,在要素不能跨国流动的条件下,得出加工贸易使发展中国家工资租金比率下降的结论;在特定资本跨国流动的条件下,得出工资租金比率的变动是不确定的结论;在资本为非特定要素且可跨国流动条件下,得出租金比率上升进一步变小,且一体化与外包的均衡取决于FDI与国内资本流动的规模,即取决于产业的相对规模与要素需求的价格弹性的结论。  相似文献   

标准化生产、最优知识产权保护和内生增长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
闫佳  许志成 《南方经济》2012,(7):117-130
本文在Acemoglu et al.(2010)的基础上建立了一个动态一般均衡模型,其中产品周期分为创新和标准化两个阶段——刚创新出来的产品只能由高技能劳动力生产,而将其标准化之后就可以由工资较低的低技能劳动力生产。尽管标准化之后生产成本更低,但也更易为竞争对手模仿。知识产权保护可以缓解企业在创新和标准化决策之间的困境。本文模型对内生增长理论和国际贸易理论提供了更新的研究方法,并得到结论:一、本文模型丰富了内生增长理论;二、本文从新的角度解释了为什么南方国家的知识产权保护要弱于北方国家;三、知识产权保护越弱越会伤害低技能工人的利益,加剧工资不平等。  相似文献   

中国城市全要素生产率研究:1990~2003   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
本文利用M alm qu ist生产率指数分析中国41个主要城市在1990年~2003年期间城市全要素生产率的动态变化。本文的分析发现:(1)虽然有些城市的全要素生产率有所提高,但是其规模效率却下降了,表明城市的生产效率未达到最佳规模状态;(2)为了提高城市的全要素生产率,城市需要的是技术进步,而不是技术利用效率以及规模效率;(3)通过M alm qu ist指数和城市人口年平均增长率的分析,本文得出初步的结论,城市规模增长和城市全要素生产率之间具有负相关关系。  相似文献   

李权 《特区经济》2012,(3):164-166
重庆市会展旅游目前还存在诸多制约自身发展的问题,主要表现在,政府职能部门严重越位主办会展,会展公司与旅游企业各自为阵,服务不配套,会展管理和运营能力较弱等方面。重庆市应该借鉴国内先进省市和发达国家办会展旅游的经验,创新重庆市政府管理会展旅游途径是:政府应该建立统一管理会展旅游的职能部门,创新政府主办会展的职能,创新会展旅游的市场调查研究工作,创新管理会展旅游的制度,依托会展旅游组织,发挥会展行业协会的作用,培育重庆市专业会展旅游企业,创新会展旅游营销,科学培养人人才。  相似文献   

知识产权保护、FDI技术转移与自主创新   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过建立一个南北技术转移模型,作者探讨了知识产权保护、FDI技术转移和东道国自主创新的关系。文章的研究表明:(1)FDI技术转移对南方国家相对知识资本存量的影响取决于其模仿能力,只有南方国家的模仿能力超过一定的门槛值后,FDI技术转移才能有效地促进南方国家相对知识资本存量的增加。(2)南方国家加强知识产权保护将导致国际生产格局发生变动。(3)当南方国家模仿能力较弱时,加强知识产权保护不利于南方国家自主创新;只有南方国家的模仿能力达到一定的门槛值后,加强知识产权保护才能有效地促进南方国家的自主创新。  相似文献   

刘汉蓉 《改革与战略》2006,9(3):129-132
在0.005的显著水平下,政府政策对企业合作创新绩效及其维度 DOC、DOL、DOM有着显著的积极影响。政府抓紧制订相关的配套政策、加强对科技成果转化工作的领导和指导、加强对大学与企业的合作技术创新的宏观调控,对于促进企业与大学的合作创新会起到显著的积极作用。  相似文献   

农村养老保险、养老金待遇与最优政策组合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用OLG模型考察了农村养老保险个人缴费率、集体补助率、地方政府补贴率、基础养老金率和人口增长率对资本积累、人均消费和养老金的影响,并寻求政策变量最优组合。研究发现,提高个人缴费率会增加养老金;提高集体补助率、地方政府补贴率以及人口增长率下降都会增加资本劳动比、人均消费和养老金;提高基础养老金率会降低资本劳动比和人均消费而增加养老金。同时,最优的地方政府和集体补贴率随最优基础养老金率同方向变动。若最优基础养老金率不变,则人口增长率小幅变动会引起最优地方政府和集体补贴率大幅反向变动。根据影响方向和力度,应提高个人缴费率和集体补助率,调整财政支出结构以维持现有基础养老金率、相应提高地方政府补贴率,控制人口增长率。  相似文献   

Using a North–South trade model with innovation and imitation, we investigate the interaction of intellectual property rights (IPR) protection and trade protection. We show that unlike a Southern tariff, a Northern tariff supplements IPR protection and is not necessarily a beggar-thy-neighbor policy. The globally optimal Northern tariff increases as IPR protection in the North or the South decreases. Global welfare may rise as Northern tariff increases, but necessarily declines as Southern tariff increases. This suggests that pushing for freer trade in the South is more urgent than in the North in innovation-intensive sectors where IPR protections are weak in both regions.  相似文献   

Suppose imitation becomes easier in developing countries due to international technology diffusion or other reasons. If imitation also occurs in the North, Northern imitators (as well as innovators) would become less secure from low-cost Southern imitations. Does the resulting rise in Southern imitation lead to a decrease in Northern imitation (and perhaps even innovation)? If so, does the overall rate of imitation rise or fall? This paper builds a product cycle model with imitation in both the North and the South (along with innovation in the North) to address questions related to the level and composition of imitation across countries.  相似文献   

Globalization and wage inequalities: A synthesis of three theories   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Globalization and Wage Inequalities: A Synthesis of Three Theories. — The theoretical insights of Heckscher and Ohlin, Feenstra and Hanson, and Tang and Wood provide a plausible explanation of the effects of globalization on wage inequalities in developed and developing countries. In combination, these three theories can explain, among other things, why inequality has fallen in some developing countries but risen in others. Improved travel and communications facilities raise the relative wages of highly skilled Northern workers, but in both the North and the South have mixed effects on wage gaps between medium-skilled and unskilled workers, sometimes reinforcing and sometimes offsetting the effects of falling barriers to trade.  相似文献   

Using a North–South framework, this study proposes a theoretical general equilibrium model with multiple Northern firms offshoring innovative R&D to the South. Northern firms vary in their ability to manage Southern researchers, and Southern researchers vary in quality. Southern researchers of higher quality are more productive but also more likely to leave the firm and start a competing firm through imitation of the product. A strengthening of Southern IPR‐protection increases offshoring, global welfare, and innovation while eliminating employment opportunities for skilled Southern researchers. Therefore, stronger Southern IPR‐protection has the potential to contribute to the emigration of highly qualified researchers. The model then predicts the effects of changes to the Northern country as a result of this increased emigration. Increases in Northern technology increase offshoring and innovation while decreasing the amount of technology transferred. The effect of an increase in Northern researcher quality depends on the degree of the increase in productivity as a result of the higher quality workers.  相似文献   

Do Southern intellectual property rights (IPRs) affect Northern innovation? There is much theoretical debate on the impact of IPRs in the South on the incentives of Northern firms to innovate and transfer technologies to the South. While empirical research exists on the effects of Southern IPRs on Northern technology transfers, empirical evidence on the effects of Southern IPRs on Northern innovation is absent. This paper seeks to fill that gap. Using a comprehensive micro-database of US multinational firms and their foreign affiliates in developed countries, this study finds that patent protection in the South has statistically insignificant effects on the research and development of these firms. Rather, the patent regimes of developed countries matter significantly to the R&;D of these firms. Developing countries constitute a relatively small share of the world market so that variations in the patent rights of developing economies have contributed marginally to Northern incentives for R&;D.  相似文献   

本文首先运用理论模型推导出垄断竞争市场条件下产业内贸易与行业相对工资差距之间的关系。理论结果显示,当产品的产出技能替代弹性(高技术工人相对雇佣量的变化率/产出的变化率)为正时,产业内贸易将会扩大相对工资差距;当产品的产出技能替代弹性为负时,产业内贸易将会缩小相对工资差距。然后以中美工业制成品产业内贸易为例对该结论进行验证,计量检验结果表明,我国制成品的产出技能替代弹性为正,中美工业制成品产业内贸易扩大了相对工资差距。  相似文献   

Summary The primary purposes of this paper have been to provide a theoretical explanation of the declining ratio of union to nonunion wages during economic expansion and to identify the bargaining ranges associated with changing labor demand conditions and also associated with variation in the degree of union power relative to management.By modifying the Marshall-Cartter bilateral monopoly model to permit firm wage preferences to be consistent with the assumption of profit maximization, the feasible negotiation ranges were identified. Depending upon the degree of relative union power, the nature of the union labor supply and MRC functions were found to vary, resulting in variation in the firm's optimum feasible wage-employment combinations. Generally, the more imbalanced the relative power ratio, the smaller will be the size of the bargaining range. Also, the more imperfect the union's information concerning the firm's demand for labor function, the larger the bargaining range.Because of the discontinuity in the firm's marginal resource cost function, a large rise in the marginal revenue product of labor may be required, for unionized firms compared with nonunion firms, before the firm will seek additional employment at the expense of rising wages. However, as expansion continues, the consequent narrowing of the union-nonunion differential will cease and may be partially reversed as a lagged wage patterning response by union firms occurs. Because the discontinuity is not an influence on wage determination during the recession phase, the increase in the union-nonunion wage ration during recession will be less than the decrease resulting from an expansion of equal strength.  相似文献   

Multinational firms are increasingly sending their innovative tasks abroad. This article examines whether offshoring research and development, design, and engineering activities provides any gains in terms of firm‐level innovation output. The effects of trade in innovative tasks on the probability of firms being innovative and the share of innovative product sales in total turnover are examined using an instrumental variable approach. The data in use come from a recent survey, which provides cross‐section observations for more than 14,750 firms in seven European countries. The results suggest that those firms that offshore their innovative activities are 60% more likely to successfully innovate. Also, offshoring innovative activities increases the share of innovative product sales in total turnover up to 35%. Furthermore, firms in this sample appear to gain from trade in innovative tasks when such trade is in product innovation but not when such trade is in process innovation.  相似文献   

Developing countries face significant challenges arising from automation. While the trade theory literature has tended to focus on factor‐neutral and factor‐augmenting technical change, automation processes suggest another form of technical change is relevant: factor‐eliminating. We explore the impact of a labor‐eliminating technical change in the context of a small developing economy. Unlike labor‐augmenting technical changes, labor‐eliminating technical changes are not necessarily cost‐reducing, and thus will not necessarily be adopted. A manufacturing wage held artificially higher than at the market‐clearing level, as in the Harris–Todaro framework, increases the incentive to automate. We establish the conditions under which firms will adopt a labor‐eliminating technology, and describe the resulting changes in equilibrium outcomes. Under plausible circumstances, automation can actually lower output, and may raise both the rate and level of unemployment. Immiserizing growth becomes a possibility, and can be tied directly to the underlying wage distortion.  相似文献   

The present note builds a two-country model of Cournot oligopoly with country-specific labor unions. The impact of trade liberalization on wages and its consequent impact on union behavior and trade patterns are examined. We show that the union with relatively fewer number of firms will face the stronger pressure for wage moderation when trade is liberalized. We use this result to construct a simple example in which a country with higher autarky price becomes a net exporter of that good. We also discuss that our results are critically dependent on the mode of competition between firms.  相似文献   

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