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This study proposes that the responses of more and less deal-prone consumers to price discounts and premiums depend on the promotional benefit level. At low and moderate benefit levels, low deal-prone consumers show a higher evaluation for price discounts than for premiums but if the benefit is high, deal proneness does not bias the higher evaluation of price discounts. An experimental study shows that low deal-prone consumers are concerned with obtaining price discounts. Taken together, these findings suggest that consumers more concerned with obtaining promotions do not always prefer price discounts.  相似文献   

There are three types of schemas for evaluating sales promotions: schemas using cognitive algebra, schemas analogous to perceptual processes, and simple nonalgebraic heuristics. Each type of schema requires different information to evaluate a promotion. The schema a consumer uses to evaluate a promotion may therefore determine whether or not the promotion is seen as valuable. The effects of salespeople, product type, and the consumer's situation on the schemas used to evauate promotions are discussed.  相似文献   

This research augments efforts to produce a richer understanding of the drivers of consumer choice confidence. It examines the interplay between two marketing interventions that consumers encounter in retail marketplaces, diagnostic product information and multi-item sales promotions. Results indicate that the influence of product information varies as a function of sales promotion format. The information effect is weaker when consumers are allowed to select the products that will be included in the promotion. Perception of information adequacy is revealed as a mediator of the information diagnosticity effect. The implications for marketing theory and promotional strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

Sales promotions are an important part of retail advertising strategy. Traditionally, research on sales promotions has generally assumed that the buyers are end consumers who do not engage in reselling, in large part due to high transaction costs. However, the recent Internet related technologies have dramatically lowered the cost of transferring goods between consumers, leading to relative ease of reselling activity amongst individual consumers. Little is known about the impact of this phenomenon on retailer's sales promotion strategy. In this research we investigate the reselling activity in online auctions for products that active deal seekers can obtain at deeply discounted prices from retailers. We further investigate the role of deal-forums in the resale process. Data is collected from an online deal-forum (http://www.fatwallet.com/) and eBay to test various reselling-related hypotheses. The results show that there is a significant abnormal increase in the number of newly posted auctions of a product after the deal information of this product is posted on deal-forum website. We also find that there is a significant price incentive for individuals to resell. The implications for sales promotion research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

服务营销学脱蜕于市场营销学,20世纪60年代兴起于西方。不少学者敏锐地指出服务营销学的兴起和发展,标志着市场营销领域的服务革命。自20世纪60年代以来,服务营销学的发展大致可分为以下三个阶段:  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study of Danish consumers' attitudes to packaging and the importance of the environmental and functional characteristics of packaging for their purchasing decisions. The aim is to evaluate whether and how purchasing behaviour can be influenced in such a way as to limit the environmental problems caused by packaging. The study deals with consumers' attitudes to (a) packaging in general, and (b) the specific packaging which consumers take home with them (primary packaging). Consumers' attitudes to various industrial, transportation, and storage packaging are not explicitly included in the analysis. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of the results for the environmental authorities and food and packaging manufacturers.
Einstellungen dänischer Verbraucher zu Funktions- und Umwelt-Eigenschaften von Lebensmittelverpackungen
Zusammenfassung Berichtet werden die Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung der Einstellungen dänischer Konsumenten zu Verpackungen und der Bedeutung der Umwelt- und Funktions-Eigenschaften von Verpackungen für ihre Kaufentscheidungen. Ziel ist es, beurteilen zu können, ob und wie stark das Kaufverhalten so beeinflußt werden kann, daß Umweltprobleme, die durch Verpackung entstehen, eingegrenzt werden können. Die Studie befaßt sich mit Verbrauchereinstellungen (a) zu Verpackungen ganz allgemein und (b) speziell zu den Verpackungen, die Verbraucher mit nach Hause nehmen (Primärverpackungen). Die Einstellungen zu anderen Verpackungsarten, wie z.B. Industrie-, Transport- oder Lagerverpackungen werden nicht gesondert erhoben. Abschließend diskutiert der Beitrag die Implikationen der Ergebnisse für Umweltbehörden und für die Hersteller von Lebensmitteln und Verpackungen.

Tino Bech-Larsen is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Marketing, The Aarhus School of Business, Haslegaardsvej 10, DK-8210 Aarhus V, Denmark.  相似文献   

This study aims at identifying the factors influencing consumers' perception on food labelling and its impact on food purchase decision making, through personal interviews of 631 respondents using a structured questionnaire. To analyse the consumers' perceptions on food labelling, factor analysis has been carried out to identify the underlying dimensions among a set of food labelling attributes using the principal component analysis. Based on factor analysis, four sets of components/factors have emerged, that is, (i) serving method; (ii) quality and nutrition; (iii) production and storage; and (iv) product identification, which explain 66.271% of the variance. Logit regression analysis indicates that among the socio‐demographic indicators, the estimated coefficients for gender, education, income and location of residence are statistically significant. Similarly, information on quality and nutrition, production and storage processes, and basic information of the product is found to be significant, implying that these factors are more likely to influence the use of food labels in making informed purchase decisions by the consumers. The findings of the study give practical insights on food labelling issues for the food processors and policy makers.  相似文献   

This research proposes and empirically tests a theoretical model of consumers' response to online daily deal promotions. A unique feature of such promotions is their social influence, as they provide information about how many others have already purchased the offer. Integrating cue utilization and social influence theories, the model outlines how the social cue about the number of deals purchased by others influences consumers' deal evaluations and purchase intentions across a variety of conditions. The research findings indicate that the number of deals as an extrinsic cue affects consumers' deal evaluations and intentions only when intrinsic product and deal cues (good vs. service, discount size) and consumer personal characteristics (familiarity with the provider) are not present or are insufficient to infer deal attractiveness. The research offers managerial implications with respect to effectively designing and promoting online daily deals.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to model the antecedents of consumers' willingness to pay for eco-labelled food products. This research utilizes the Theory of Planned Behaviour to model the impact of consumers' awareness of eco-labels, environmental concerns, beliefs in the environmental ability of eco-labels, and presence of children on their willingness to pay for eco-labelled food products. This study uses structural equational modelling and PROCESS macros, to test the moderated mediation model on a sample of 333 online responses. Findings suggest the impact of consumers' environmental concerns and eco-label awareness on their willingness to pay for eco-labelled food products is partially mediated by consumers' belief in the environmental ability of these eco-labels. The relationship is further moderated by the presence of children living in the household. This study establishes the value of consumers' beliefs in the environmental ability of eco-labels and implies that communication strategies need to be carefully refined to provide consumers with more information about eco-labels and to emphasize the environmental ability of eco-labels utilized within the food industry as this can have an impact on their willingness to pay for these products, especially for consumers, who have children in the same household.  相似文献   

Consumers' lifestyle changes and striving towards better time management have resulted in the greater choice they are offered with regard to store formats. Therefore, this study was undertaken to identify the factors that influence consumers in their patronage of a particular store format and to categorize department and specialist food store consumers according to their preferences in store layout and product range in a South African context. A qualitative research approach was used and data were collected using semi‐structured interviews with open‐ended questions. Purposive sampling recruited participants shopping for food in a department store in Johannesburg. Forty semi‐structured interviews were conducted before data saturation was reached. Store‐related factors such as store location, appearance and hygiene, service quality, convenience of trading hours, and consistency in store layout predominantly influenced participants in their patronage of a specific store format. Furthermore, product‐related factors such as quality, price, product range and convenient packaging enhanced consumers' store preference. Department store consumers were orientated towards one‐stop shopping and time‐saving strategies, while specialist food consumers were focused on food shopping and the trading hours of the store. Although similarities in participants' preferences with regard to department and specialist food store were found, different preferences were found regarding the placement of specific items within the store. Participants had similar preferences regarding the product range of a food store. However, department store participants emphasized the provision of convenience food and non‐food items. The findings of this study are valuable in providing department and specialist food store retailers with guideline recommendations regarding store layout and product range in order to effectively respond to the needs and preferences of consumers within an emerging economy.  相似文献   

The area of convenience food has become an insightful context for studying consumption because it is full of tensions and contradictions. This context has attracted an ample amount of research on buying motivations, consumer attitudes and preferences. However, the practices of consuming convenience food have remained a rather unexplored area of research. The purpose of this study is to identify and dissect consumers' online conversation practices related to convenience food. Consequently, the study uses a practice theoretical approach to analyse consumers' online conversations about the topic. Three different categories and nine different practices within them are identified. The practices are further dissected to reveal their tension‐increasing and tension‐relieving characteristics. Finally, the article draws conclusions regarding practice theory and convenience food consumption.  相似文献   

新中国要有自己的汽车工业,这是全国人民和共和国第一代领导人的共同心声。1953年,毛泽东主席亲笔命名并题写“第一汽车制造厂奠基纪念”,一代伟人赋予了一汽第一的使命。由伟人亲笔命名的“解放”卡车,作为中国人制造的第一辆汽车,从此引领了中国汽车产业的滚滚东流。  相似文献   

A reformulation of the CAPM is derived by taking account of short-sales restrictions on both risky and safe assets. The induced security market line is shown to be consistent with the empirical security market lines of various researchers.  相似文献   

The stated preference data were used to simulate and examine consumers' valuation of important extrinsic and intrinsic cues that are associated with risky foods. This analysis generates information on how consumers assess trade‐offs between price and selected intrinsic and extrinsic cues to determine their choice among alternative products. From this, optimum level of product quality attributes (i.e. intrinsic cues) and optimum price level for import products can be derived. Also, most effective sources of communicating food safety and risk management can be identified. The results show that the country origin cue is a key factor in understanding consumers' choice behaviour for food product that entails potential risk, which may suggest that consumers are using this information as a risk‐reduction strategy.  相似文献   

Consumers' willingness to pay for cowpea products was analysed by a multi-ordered response model. The analysis indicated that sociodemographic factors are weakly linked to consumers' willingness to pay while product characteristics are strongly linked. Marketing promotion is possible. Thus, akara products, made from cowpea paste, have potential for extending the utilization of cowpeas.  相似文献   

汽车厂商们开始意识到。无序的价格战只能导致两败俱伤。于是在营销策略上费尽心机,招数想绝,营销方式纷纷变脸——精心打造的十大另类“脸谱”终于在厂商促销的吆喝声中粉墨登场了。  相似文献   


The present study aims to explore the moderating effect of culture-related values on responses to male and female gender role stereotyping in advertising. Based on an experiment in Sweden (n = 507) and Germany (n = 506), we test the impact of respondents' masculinity, power distance, assertiveness values and feminine role orientation on ad attitudes and brand attitudes. The results show that, in general, perceived stereotyping contributes positively to ad and brand attitude, and this effect is enhanced for more masculine, more power distant, more assertive and less feminine-role oriented individuals. In addition, consumers respond more negatively to perceived female stereotyping compared to male stereotyping, and this is especially true for more power distant and more assertive individuals.  相似文献   

The objective of the research was to highlight the role that socio-economic and spatial attributes of consumers – households exert on their choices regarding not only the supply modes but also the price they are willing to pay for different categories of olive oil. Regarding WTP for different olive oil labels, consumers are willing to pay premiums only for olive oils being processed by either private companies or cooperatives, with the latter to gain 34% of them in case they would decide to change the olive oil they usually purchase. The most important consumer profile is the young educated consumer one.  相似文献   

Co-branded advertising (two brands featured in the same ad) is a relatively new and under-researched area of advertising that offers advertisers the opportunity to share advertising costs and leverage brand equity. Despite its growing popularity, few research studies have examined the potential benefits and/or limitations of this executional strategy, and particularly a strategy in which one brand (a focal brand) is paired with another, but less emphasized (peripheral) brand. This study reports the results of an empirical investigation that examines how modifying reference to the peripheral brand (visual-only versus simultaneous visual and audio references) influences consumers' perceived associations of the advertised brands, as well as their attitudes toward the advertisement and intentions to purchase either brand. Employing a convenience sample of undergraduate students on a university campus in the United States, the results of this study indicate that audio-visual cues enhance brand association and purchase intentions. However, additional analyses reveal that attitude toward a co-branded advertisement mediates the brand association effect on purchase intentions toward the focal brand, whereas brand association has a direct effect on purchase intentions toward the peripheral brand.  相似文献   

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