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Transaction cost analysis (TCA) includes the frequency of exchange as a significant dimension of the transaction, and order frequency is expected to influence the efficacy of inter-firm co-ordination arrangements. To date, transaction frequency has received little attention in empirical TCA-studies. This research focuses in particular on the frequency of inter-firm exchange and how it affects the calibration of inter-firm co-ordination efforts in supplier–buyer relationships. Empirical findings from a survey of 161 industrial purchasing relationships indicate that increased transaction frequency gives rise to administrative economics of scale, and there is a positively and logarithmic-shaped association between the order frequency of standardised items (low asset specificity) and inter-firm co-ordination efforts.Furthermore, increased asset specificity seems to improve the economics of specialised inter-firm co-ordination efforts when the transaction frequency increases. As asset specificity becomes substantial, the marginal co-ordination efforts of increased inter-firm exchange are significantly reduced. This research provides some new insight into the economics of inter-firm organisation and supports the TCA-assumption that the frequency of inter-firm exchange improves the utilisation of specialised co-ordination arrangements in business to business relationships.  相似文献   

Most executives do not fully understand the notion of keiretsu or keiretsu business groups (KBG) nor the implications of dealing with a KBG member. A keiretsu is a sophisticated, multifaceted management device—not a form of organization. KBGs are not trusts, cartels, or conglomerates but groups of firms with an intricate web of inter-firm relations. Both are products of Japan’s peculiar culture, history, and business system and represent the manner in which many Japanese firms conduct their collective operations.  相似文献   


While prior research has shown that market and brand orientation are key contributors to successful business performance, research to date has not fully explored how inter firm collaboration for these two key orientations can enhance business performance. The purpose of the paper is to investigate the relationship between inter-firm market and performance; to test for the moderating role of brand orientation in that relationship. A total of 169 completed pairs of surveys were collected of small and medium enterprises operating internationally in a variety of industries in Switzerland. The results show that inter-firm market and brand orientation are two antecedents of marketing and financial performance. The impact of inter-firm market on marketing and financial performance is significant when the brand orientation is favorable. This study extends previous research by examining the moderating role of brand orientation on inter firm market orientation, which is important, especially for firms wanting to increase their brand reputation by entering into partnerships with other firms. Further research is indicated, to identify the key moderators of the driving force of inter-firm market in relation to business performance and the reason why maintaining a strong brand presence is important in the international marketplace.  相似文献   

This research examines the moderating effects public policy has on relationship strength in a relationship marketing context. Prior research suggests that many positive outcomes emerge from forming inter-firm relationships, yet few examine potential negative outcomes such as anti-competitive behavior. This paper examines what happens to both positive and negative outcomes, when close inter-firm relationships are regulated directly by public policy. It is found that regulations intended to protect consumers and small retailers from anti-competitive behavior are effective in reducing the negative outcomes of such behavior, yet they simultaneously have an unintended effect of dampening the positive outcomes that close inter-firm relationships provide.  相似文献   


Vertical co-ordination of business-to-business relationships figures prominently as an effective response to inter-firm dependence. Current empirical works based on transaction costs economics, however, have scantily examined whether the alignment of inter-firm coordination really serves governance efficacy and lowers transaction costs. This study focuses on the transaction costs efficacy of vertical co-ordination in industrial purchasing relationships. Building on transaction costs arguments and related works within marketing and contingency theory, the author explores whether vertical co-ordination is an effective means to adapt to technologcal and economic inter-firm ties.

This research examines in particular possible impacts the buyer's manufacturing technology and deployment of specific assets on the governance efficacy of vertical co-ordination. Empirical findings from a survey of 171 industrial buying firms demonstrate that when asset specificity is substantial, increased vertical co-ordination reduces ex post transaction costs. Further, the governance efficacy of inter-firm co-ordination turned out to be more evident in purchasing relationships among buyers with flexible manufacturing technology (e.g., order based industries) than was the case in process production with high workflow rigidity.  相似文献   

Heavy investments tailored to a specific JIT-relationship highlight the trade-off between improved value-added and inter-firm dependence in industrial purchasing relationships. The main reason for dedicating specific investments in a JIT-relationship is to enhance production efficiency and logistics performance. On the other hand, such investments induce substantial inter-firm dependence and high switching costs, which must be offset by stronger inter-firm co-ordination. Using transaction costs analysis (TCA) and relational contracting theory (RCT), the authors have examined whether the buyer's influence on a JIT-relationship is contingent upon the length of that relationship. Data from a survey of 165 industrial purchasing relationships demonstrate that as a JIT-relationship evolves over time, inter-firm co-ordination tends to increase reliance on relational governance. When the level of the JIT-investment is substantial, hierarchical buyer control relaxes significantly as the length of the relationship increases.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of policies in promoting inter-firm networks, by contrasting policy frameworks for small businesses in Japan and the United States. While the policies in two countries share similarities in many respects, different historical underpinnings have led small business policies to play different roles in economies of Japan and the United States. This paper analyzes how Japan's small business policy came to encourage inter-firm collaborations over the course of its history, while policies in the United States have not had explicit orientation toward the development of inter-firm networks until the 1990s.  相似文献   

This multi-year study examines the relationship between financial performance and language use, observing 405 partnerships between microfinance banks and their international financial partners in 74 countries. Drawing on language research in international business, we find that microfinance banks based in English-speaking, French-speaking, and Spanish-speaking countries have higher performance. Furthermore, the linguistic distance between the home country of a microfinance bank and the home country of its international partner(s) is negatively related to its financial performance. Our large-scale study confirms the effect of language use on organization-level financial performance and extends research on language in multinationals from intra-firm to inter-firm relationships.  相似文献   

This paper examines how Japanese multinational companies manage corporate social responsibility (CSR). It considers how the concept has come to be framed within Japanese business, which is increasingly globalized and internationally focused, yet continues to exhibit strong cultural specificities. The discussion is based on interviews with managers who deal with CSR issues and strategy on a day-to-day basis from 13 multinational companies. In looking at how CSR practice has been adopted and adapted by Japanese corporations, we can begin to see what implications arise from the fact that CSR is a Western-led concept, so opening up critical questions about the future development and evolution of CSR practice within a global context. In being exposed to the concept of CSR as practiced vigilantly in western countries, Japanese multinational company managers have certainly come to re-evaluate aspects of business likely to need rectifying (with potential concerns being gender inequalities, discrepancies in employee conditions, and issues over human rights and supply chains). Japan can be thought to be lagging behind in its understanding and adoption of CSR, in part because corporations do not necessarily state their policies as formally as might be expected. Yet, by analyzing more deeply the kinds of responses gained from CSR managers in Japan (and by placing their remarks within a broader context of Japanese culture and business practices) a far more subtle and revealing picture becomes apparent, not least a more complex picture of the local/global interaction of the frames of reference of corporate responsibility.  相似文献   

It is often argued that competition takes place between networks or value chains, rather than between individual companies. This means that market orientation needs to be recognised at this level, in order to understand how an inter-firm network can become more competitive and effective in serving its final market. Still, market orientation has been analysed only as a property of individual companies. This paper stresses the importance of recognising market orientation on a network level and as an inter-firm phenomenon. The notion of inter-firm market orientation, i.e.joint activities by firms that make a network more sensitive to market demands, is thus suggested. A framework is presented that discusses the meaning and content of inter-firm market orientation in a distribution network, and how it is influenced by different network and relationship characteristics. The framework is based on previous research on market orientation, inter-firm networks and relationships.  相似文献   

Significant differences are known to exist among organizations operating in different countries due to different national and organizational cultures, strategic orientations, and management styles. Less clear, however, is whether there are significant patterns of differences in how marketing-related factors drive performance in the most successful firms regardless of country. Building on a previous study of major Japanese firms [Deshpandé et al., 1993. Journal of Marketing 57, 22–27], an exploratory study compared samples of business-to-business relationships of Japanese, English, French, German, and US companies. We found the expected significant differences in organizational cultures, but found no country-specific slopes or intercepts in regressions relating factors such as innovativeness, organizational climate and culture, and market orientation to business performance. Successful firms appear to transcend differences in national culture and develop a common pattern of drivers of success which include primary focus on organizational innovativeness, a participative work climate, and an externally oriented organizational culture.  相似文献   

A survey of new product development (NPD) managers finds both a linear, positive relationship between managerial guanxi and new product speed to market and an inverted U-shaped relationship between managerial guanxi and new product innovativeness. In addition, both transaction-specific investments (TSIs) and relationship commitment have a positive moderating impact on the relationship between managerial guanxi and new product speed to market. However, TSIs increase the damaging effect of managerial guanxi on new product innovativeness, whereas relationship commitment reduces such an effect. The results from this study can help business practitioners use guanxi to improve NPD performance under different contexts of inter-firm relationships.  相似文献   


Japan has a reputation for being a non-litigious society. In Japan, the law and the minutiae of a written contract are not the guiding principles of relationships, but rather something to reluctantly fall back on if business people cannot act reasonably and fairly of their own accord. Under such a view, litigation serves only to make society more confrontational, less harmonious, and less orderly. An examination of the reactions of most Japanese in business settings can yield productive suggestions for those desiring to do business with the Japanese.  相似文献   

This study untangles the social processes and inter-firm mechanisms underlying human resource management (HRM) knowledge networks. The research questions serve to advance understanding of why HRM knowledge flows between firms under contractual relationships and in the absence of formal relationships. The study analyzes data from a complete network of 51 high-technology firms located in a science and technology park to report the structural properties and relational dimensions of inter-firm flow of HRM knowledge. The results from this social network analysis show that the firms in the study actively engage in the sharing of HRM knowledge. Specifically, the results not only indicate the preeminence of formal ties but also of relational factors relating to firm legitimacy, prestige, and collaborative interaction. Participation in inter-firm knowledge networks appears to be an effective tool for obtaining HRM knowledge as well as for enhancing legitimacy and prestige between firms and developing trust and reciprocity within collaborative relationships.  相似文献   

The entrepreneurial view of the firm stresses the need for a more insightful understanding of business leaders within sets of SMEs. Here, competitiveness emerges as a network-embedded capability and the coordination among firms, maximizing firm-specific competencies, represents a strategic leverage in accomplishing and maintaining a sustainable competitive advantage. When the goal is not only greater efficiency in terms of the lowest cost but innovation in terms of how to improve productive performance by changing the way in which it is undertaken, a critical issue becomes the entrepreneur's ability to create, manage, and recombine the set of relationships with external suppliers. The ability to glue external expertise and capabilities in an original and unique way is considered the key factor in pursuing innovative performance.As orchestrators of inter-firm linkages, entrepreneurs relying on personal networks and prior relationships are able to identify possible sources of knowledge. As coordinators of such innovative ties, they combine a wide set of diverse competencies not only to overcome size constraints through development cost reduction, but also to recoup ideas and creativity for the realization of more complex typologies of innovation. These elements reduce the level of uncertainty, while enhancing early cooperation between firms.Because the entrepreneur is supposed to be able to manage a higher number of “innovative poles”, which can be better managed thanks to trust and reputation developed in prior relationships, the different management topology could be associated with a different level of supplier contribution to the development of new products.This paper provides insights into the role of suppliers in the new product development process, and explores the role of the entrepreneur in promoting and managing a wide set of external, innovative ties. Attention is focused on 103 small- and medium- sized firms located within two Italian industrial networks where interdependencies are unusually large and complex.With respect to the first aim, the empirical analysis confirmed SME's structural recourse to suppliers. More important, the contribution of such resources is not necessarily limited to cost reductions and marginal improvements. Although incremental contributions certainly exist and are relevant, more complex relationships largely focused on joint design and development emerge as important patterns in buyer—supplier interaction.With respect to the second aim, an entrepreneurial explanation of SMEs' innovative performance is advanced. In a competitive environment where the actors are not atomistic, but exist within systems of actors, the relational capability could represent for entrepreneurial firms the way to gain a sustainable competitive advantage. We found entrepreneurs who, exploiting basic experiences, seek new combinations among the various inter-firm ties, relying upon such linkages as a vehicle for transferring and combining their organizationally embedded learning capability. Our findings showed that (1) when the entrepreneur is leading and managing the business, more suppliers are involved in the development of new products, and (2) the type of contribution given by suppliers differs by management typology. More precisely, the incremental type of contribution is dominant whenever professional management is present, while the relevance of architectural and radical topologies increase when the entrepreneur is present.On a broader level, the findings suggest further studies to address the question of how internally determined, rather than spontaneous, is the evolution toward a network structure in sets of SMEs similar to those studied. We showed that the number and the quality of inter-firm relationships cannot be explained merely by environment-specific factors.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurs work in an uncertain, novel, and high-stakes environment. This environment can lead to disagreements and conflicts over how to develop, grow, and run a business venture, thus triggering destructive social interactions. This research sheds light on the role of destructive interpersonal relationships by examining daily perceived social undermining from work partners and how and when this perceived undermining affects entrepreneurs' work engagement. Building on a resource-based self-regulation perspective, we develop a theoretical model of the self-regulation impairment process whereby an entrepreneur's perceived social undermining disrupts sleep quality at night, which dampens work engagement the next day. We further theorize trait resilience as a self-regulation capacity that buffers this impairment process. We test the model in a study based on daily surveys over 10 workdays from 77 entrepreneurs. The results largely support our hypotheses and further indicate that trait resilience is more crucial for less experienced entrepreneurs. Our study contributes to research on how entrepreneurs' interpersonal relationships—particularly destructive ones—affect entrepreneurial well-being.  相似文献   

This paper examines the performance of a sample of 211 U.K.subcontractors to evaluate whether differences in how they manage their supply chain relationships are associated with differences in (sales and employment)growth rates over two consecutive 3 year periods from 1993 to 1999.We identified 34 firms that had close partnership relationships with members of their supply chain. Our empirical findings indicate that firms with inter-firm partnership arrangements with members of their supply chain experienced significantly higher growth rates. These results suggest that inter-firm partnerships may facilitate more rapid and sustained SME growth,though further research is required to determine the role played by partnerships and the extent to which this may vary to reflect differing owner-manager motivations and growth opportunities.  相似文献   

As a subset of the international business literature, cross-border equity based partnerships have drawn significant academic attention. In the context of inter-firm partnerships, the power dynamics between parties and the implications that power has on the relational dynamics between firms is an important consideration. Research that connects power with network theory has recently emerged, suggesting that the network, as a source of power, plays a significant role in inter-firm dynamics. Yet, while there has been a substantial body of work either articulating the antecedents and consequences of power, little research has paid attention to the role that power plays in international JV formations; this presents a significant gap in the international business literature. Consequently, this study investigates the role that global network structure plays in the formation of new equity based international partnerships. Secondly, it contributes to the international JV literature by developing and testing a theoretical framework that examines inter-firm power dynamics as derived from the network position of each firm in the global network. Global network prominence, brokerage and weakness are key factors utilized in the analysis. The hypotheses are tested using a global manufacturing joint venture longitudinal dataset that contains 985,689 observations from 1985 to 2003. The results of the event history analysis indicate that for the manufacturer global network prominence, brokerage and weakness play an important role in new joint venture formations. On the other hand, only global network prominence is a significant factor for the potential partner.  相似文献   

Effective communication between international business partners is critical for global success. Underlying national and organizational cultural differences in international business relationships creates hurdles to effective communication, hindering performance. To assist managers in understanding this issue, a model of communication effectiveness for international relationship development, derived from industry examples, theory, and a dataset consisting of 123 qualitative interviews conducted with American, Canadian, Chinese, and Japanese managers is presented. Further, in order to assist managers in the task of developing more effective communications, a six-step process aimed in directing managerial action is presented. By proactively managing its communications, a firm can develop stronger international business relationships facilitating the rapid response to market opportunities and challenges.  相似文献   

This study examines (1) inter-firm relational resources for cloud service adoption and (2) their effects on service innovation. A research model and the related hypotheses are developed based on resource-advantage (R-A) theory that combines inter-firm relational resources identified in theoretical and empirical research as important antecedents of cloud service adoption and its effect on service innovation. This study collects data from 165 managers from service firms in Taiwan. The results show that resources, including reliability, cost, and compatibility significantly affect a firm’s cloud service adoption. Furthermore, the adoption of cloud service significantly contributes to service innovation. The findings add to the current understanding of service innovation in two important ways. First, drawing on R-A theory, this study is among the first attempts to identify inter-firm relational resources (reliability, cost, compatibility, and customer orientation) for cloud service adoption and their effect on innovation performance. Second, this study introduces cloud services as effective technological platforms for a firm and its business partners to share, integrate, and reciprocate information, knowledge, and experience for service innovation.  相似文献   

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