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This paper examines the presence and the determinants of exchange risk premia in stock returns using firm level data from South Korea. We conduct empirical asset pricing tests based on cross-sectional data sorted by firm characteristics such as firm size, liquidity, foreign ownership, and industry. Using alternative model specifications and exchange rate measures, our results support the hypothesis of a significant unconditional exchange risk premium in the Korean stock market at firm and industry levels. More specifically, we find that the exchange risk premium is directly related to firm liquidity and inversely related to firm size and foreign ownership.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to discover whether companies that adopt a stakeholder approach, and thereby demonstrate a wider remit of corporate responsibility, provide inferior returns to those that embrace the shareholder value approach. To classify approaches, mission statements were analysed, the final sample comprising 32 shareholder oriented companies and 48 stakeholder oriented companies. To assess performance both accounting–based and market–based measures were used. A number of moderating variables were taken into account: systematic (beta) risk, gearing (long–term debt to total long–term finance), tax ratios, and firm size. ANOVA and Kruskall–Wallis tests revealed that mission orientation did not affect performance, whether in terms of stock returns or excess returns. Neither were accounting returns on equity different overall, although shareholder oriented companies experienced wider variations in this measure. A number of multiple regressions were also performed. However, the mission dummy was not found to be a significant variable.  相似文献   

Assuming a symmetric relation between returns and innovations in implied market volatility, Ang, A., Hodrick, R., Xing, Y., and Zhang, X. (2006) find that sensitivities to changes in implied market volatility have a cross‐sectional effect on firm returns. Dennis, P., Mayhew, S., and Stivers, C. (2006), however, find an asymmetric relation between firm‐level returns and implied market volatility innovations. We incorporate this asymmetry into the cross‐sectional relation between sensitivity to volatility innovations and returns. Using both portfolio sorting and firm‐level regressions, we find that sensitivity to VIX innovations is negatively related to returns when volatility is rising, but is unrelated when it is falling. The negative relation is robust to controls for other variables, suggesting only the increase in implied market volatility is a priced risk factor. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 31:34–54, 2011  相似文献   

The dream of many entrepreneurs is to some day take his or her growing small firm public and, to thereby become the CEO of a publicly-traded corporation. Currently, entrepreneurs are continuing to utilize initial public offerings (IPOs), as a viable source of venture financing. IPOs also represent a viable mechanism for harvesting venture capital and entrepreneurial investments. The touted entrepreneurial benefits of taking a company public include the abilities to borrow additional funds; return to the public equity market; negotiate mergers without depleting cash; the potential for enhanced personal wealth and so forth. Investors in small firm public equity issues are often motivated by the potential for discovering another Apple Computer, or perhaps an IBM at the “ground floor.”This study empirically examines the aftermarket returns of small publicly-held firms that have issued initial public offerings. Aftermarket returns refers to stock returns immediately after a stock begins trading. The study specifically examines two questions. First, “Is there a positive risk-return relationship for small firm aftermarket returns, where higher firm risk will generate higher aftermarket return?” Second, “Will aftermarket returns show on industry effect, where certain industries will automatically generate higher returns?” Answers to these questions will affect the strategic financial alternatives available to entrepreneurs both before and after going public and, will also affect the decisions of investors interested in financing small public corporations.The research findings indicate that entrepreneurs planning to take younger firms public will probably not have available to them numerous subsequent financial alternatives, utilizing corporate stock, if the true aftermarket performance of their stock is taken into consideration. Likewise, investors in small firm public issues may also be disappointed in the aftermarket performance of younger firms. A positive risk-return relationship, where age was a proxy measure of risk, did not exist. This was true even though the initially quoted returns of these same younger firms may have been substantial. On the other hand, the aftermarket performance of older firms is typically favorable.Finally, the study suggests that neither entrepreneurs nor investors should bet solely on a particular industry categorization to “carry” their aftermarket stock performance. While certain industries indicated significant positive initial returns, aftermarket returns based on industry classification were generally not statistically significant. Investors should therefore always exercise firmspecific due diligence and research before investing in small firm public equity issues, since the variance of their aftermarket market returns tends to be large.  相似文献   

While the relation between equity-based compensation and firm performance has been widely discussed, the findings on how executive stock options (ESOs) affect firm value are still inconclusive. This research examines the risk-taking effect of ESOs on firm performance by taking into consideration managers' personal risk aversion. A three-stage-least-squares approach is adopted to examine a simultaneous system of equations describing option compensation, risk-taking, and firm performance. Evidence confirms that ESOs increase managerial risk-taking, but such risk-taking is constrained by managers' personal risk aversion. In addition, evidence indicates that managerial risk-taking induced by ESOs would increase both long-term and near-term stock returns. The negative impact on near-term and the positive impact on long-term returns on investment imply that it takes time for accounting performance to reflect the risk-taking effect of ESOs. These results further indicate that managers focus their concerns more on stock risk and return rather than near-term accounting results.  相似文献   

This paper reports the announcement effects of insider transfer trades and relates these with firms' characteristics. Regulations in Taiwan specify that insiders give three days prior notice to the competent authority of stock transfers and this news can stimulate market participants' investment decisions. We find both the positive and negative abnormal returns exist following insider transfer trade announcements, especially for smaller firm. However, smaller firm sizes associate with larger magnitudes of negative abnormal returns. Furthermore, the connection between smaller firms and those with higher book-to-market ratios strengthens for larger negative abnormal returns.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how the announcement of negative information about a celebrity endorser impacts firm value, as measured by abnormal stock returns. The unique data sample consists of 93 celebrity disgraces that occurred between 1986 and 2011, affecting firms listed on US stock exchanges. Some evidence is documented of negative and statistically significant abnormal returns around these events. Returns are lower when the disgrace attracts much media attention, or when the celebrity itself is prominent. No significant returns are observed when a firm decides to terminate its endorsement contract with the disgraced celebrity. Endorsement contracts for “edgy” products, for which consumers may actually be attracted by negative publicity, are less likely to be terminated.  相似文献   

Investors’ responses to a firm’s name change and the determinants of their response are scantly explored areas in the field of behavioral finance. Based on a sample of 415 Indian firms from 2005 to 2014, this study suggests that investors respond positively to the announcement of firm name changes. Furthermore, the study indicates that when firms do not indicate geographical specificity in the name and have a specific rather than generic name, then the firm will experience greater abnormal returns. Also, when firm names are fluent and are associated with the owner’s family name, again, abnormal returns generated are positive. Nevertheless, as a firm ages and investors gain more information about it, then abnormal returns due to name change decrease.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to examine empirically the impact of environmental certification on firm financial performance (FP). The main question is whether there is a “green premium” for certified firms, and, if so, for what kind of certification. We analyze the short-run and the long-run stock price performance using an event-study methodology on a sample of Canadian and U.S. firms. The results of short-run event abnormal returns indicate that forest certification does not have any significant impact on firm FP regardless of the certification system carried out by firms. Unlike the short-run results, the long-run post-event abnormal returns suggest that forest certification has, on average, a negative impact on firm FP. However, the impact of forest certification on firm FP depends on who grants the certification, since only industry-led certification (Sustainable Forestry Initiative, Canadian Standards Association and ISO14001) are penalized by financial markets, whereas non-governmental organizations–led Forest Stewardship Council certification is not.  相似文献   

《Journal of Business Research》2006,59(10-11):1105-1115
Much of the attention in the risk literature focuses on organizational risk. This research argues that industry-level risk indirectly influences firm performance in addition to the direct effects of organizational risk. We contend industry-level risk norms influence market performance. Our general hypothesis is that when managers pursue strategies that deviate from industry risk norms, the firm's market performance will decline. We also test for the moderating effects of performance relative to targets and managerial ownership. The general hypothesis was supported for market risk and returns risk, but not for strategic risk. In addition, performance relative to target moderates this deviation-market performance relationship for market and returns risk. These findings have implications for the risk literature, particularly a firm's risk premium, and institutional theory, in terms of the tradeoff related to conformity to norms.  相似文献   

Several firms preannounce their price increases with the expectation that such announcements will be evaluated favorably by investors. However, little is known about the actual effect they have on shareholder value. Accordingly, the authors present the first systematic empirical examination of investors' evaluations of 274 price-increase preannouncements (PIPs). Results show that whereas the average increase in abnormal returns following a PIP is 0.51%, almost 41% of the PIPs result in negative abnormal returns. To explore this heterogeneity, the authors propose a conceptual framework that focuses on three key pieces of information that investors can use when evaluating a PIP: information on the nature (time to implementation and magnitude) of the preannounced price increase, the stated attribution for the preannounced price increase (demand and/or cost based), and information on prior PIP occurrences by the firm and its competitors. Results indicate that PIPs with greater time to implementation, higher own precedence and greater competitive precedence result in lower abnormal returns, while PIPs with higher magnitude and PIPs with an explicit demand attribution result in greater abnormal returns.  相似文献   

We examine the robustness of size and book-to-market effects in 35 emerging equity markets during 1985–2000. Mean returns for high book-to-market firms significantly exceed mean returns for low book-to-market firms. These findings are robust to tests that control for size effects and that remove extreme returns. Similarly, mean returns for small firms exceed mean returns for large firms. But, the firm size results lack robustness to the removal of extreme returns. Moreover, significant size effects are found in tests that define firm size relative to the local market average, but generally are not found in tests that use absolute firm size. Our findings are confirmed by cross-sectional regressions that control for systematic risk at the global and local levels.  相似文献   

This article employs a state-of-the-art panel threshold model by allowing for regime intercepts, in order to shed new light on the asymmetric/nonlinear effects of local and global sentiments on expected industry stock returns among 11 Asian countries during the period from 1996 to 2010. Empirical evidence demonstrates that once the regime intercept is included, the asymmetric effects of global sentiment on oil & gas, financials, and health care industry returns become less under optimism, as compared with under pessimism. More critically, the positive (negative) impact of global sentiment above (under) the threshold turns significant, indicating that global optimism leads industry returns to be overvalued, while pessimism leads them to be undervalued. For local market sentiment, our results support that higher local sentiment enhances the returns of basic materials, telecommunications, and utilities industries. The empirical results confirm that the nexus of industry returns and investor sentiments is subject to change between different sentimental intervals.  相似文献   

The authors explore the relation between the way different family firms are named, and the shareholder value impact of these firms’ new product introductions. Using an event study of 1,294 product introduction announcements of 107 publicly listed U.S. family firms, the authors find that the presence of the founding family’s name as part of a family firm’s name acts as a valuable firm resource, increasing the abnormal stock returns surrounding the firm’s new product introductions. Superior returns to family-named firms’ new product introductions are partially mediated by these firms’ history of ethical product-related behavior: family-named firms, particularly those with corporate branding, and those wherein a founding family member holds the CEO or chairman position, are more likely to exhibit a history of avoiding such product-related controversies as product safety issues, and deceptive advertising. The authors highlight the managerial and theoretical contributions of this research.  相似文献   

This article examines whether and how the participation of women in the firm’s board of directors and senior management enhances financial performance. We use the Fama and French (1992, 1993) valuation framework to take the level of risk into consideration, when comparing firm performances, whereas previous studies used either raw stock returns or accounting ratios. Our results indicate that firms operating in complex environments do generate positive and significant abnormal returns when they have a high proportion of women officers. Although the participation of women as directors does not seem to make a difference in this regard, firms with a high proportion of women in both their management and governance systems generate enough value to keep up with normal stock-market returns. These findings tend to support the policies currently being discussed or implemented in some countries and organizations to foster the advancement of women in business.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of deceptive advertising on the abnormal stock returns of firms. Using an event study analysis with 101 cases from the FTC database over the period 1987–2005, the FTC rulings on deceptive advertising were found to have the negative effects on the abnormal stock returns of firms. Among the firm-specific factors examined in this study, the amount of advertising expenditures played a role in alleviating the impact of deceptive advertising on the abnormal stock returns, and the firms charged with consent agreements alone were found to lose less firm value than those charged with additional actions by the FTC. Results also showed that the negative effects on the abnormal stock returns created by the FTC actions did not quickly disappear afterwards. These results imply that marketing managers should exercise caution in designing advertising messages that may or may not intend to violate the FTC rules and regulations on deceptive advertising.  相似文献   

张俊 《财经论丛》2015,(7):66-74
本文以酒鬼酒“塑化剂”事件为案例,运用事件研究和双重差分的方法,研究该食品安全事件对酒鬼酒及白酒行业带来的影响。结果表明:事件日后20天内酒鬼酒的累计异常收益平均下降了30%,证券市场发挥了“用脚投票”的功能,对肇事企业起到惩罚作用;此外,酒鬼酒“塑化剂”事件对整个白酒行业带来的“传染效应”大于“竞争效应”,平均意义上“塑化剂”事件使得白酒类企业的累计异常收益下降了6%,说明食品安全问题会带来一损俱损现象。  相似文献   

Announcement period abnormal returns for target banks are generally considered low compared to non-bank mergers. In this paper the factors that influence those returns in European bank mergers is examined. Sixty-seven deals from the EU, Norway and Switzerland are studied for which both targets and acquirers were listed companies (some of these being cross-border mergers and acquisitions), and find that European cross-border acquisitions tend to generate higher returns than national acquisitions. Cash deals and deals that are settled by a mix of cash, equity and loan notes create higher returns than equity transactions. It was also found that the target profitability and the relative asset growth rate have significant positive relation with the stock return. In addition, the significance of loan quality, the relative cost to income ratio and the ratio of loans to deposits, all point to the importance of efficiency in the European financial services industry.  相似文献   

Despite the new momentum in cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) by emerging market firms, we have a limited understanding of the impact of these activities. Drawing on signalling theory and the institution-based view, this paper examines the extent of stock market reactions to the announcement of cross-border M&A deals, based on an event study of a sample of Chinese firms during the period 2000–2012. The findings indicate that the announcement of cross-border M&As results in a positive stock market reaction; this effect is more significant in the mainland Chinese stock markets (Shanghai and Shenzhen) than that in the Hong Kong market. The shareholders of Chinese firms that acquire a target firm in a host country with a low level of political risk gain higher cumulative abnormal returns than those firms targeting companies in countries with a high level of political risk. The shareholders of Chinese state-owned enterprises experience lower abnormal returns compared with those of Chinese privately owned firms when engaging in cross-border M&A deals.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between CEO turnovers and shareholder wealth and/or the volatility of firm performance, and examines whether CEO power matters in this relationship. Successors tend to possess less power than predecessors. The announcement effects of CEO turnovers present higher abnormal returns for turnovers in which predecessors and successors share a similar power level and a lower volatility for turnovers in which successors have less power. Volatility is lower and liquidity is higher when CEO turnovers involve successors with less power.  相似文献   

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