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U.S. society is aging. The nature of work has changed from work that requires physical strength to work based on knowledge. As a result, workers are beginning to phase into retirement rather than going directly from full-time work to full retirement. From a retirement income perspective, many final-average-pay defined benefit plans have features that make phased retirement difficult at best and detrimental at worst. U.S. pension law and regulations present barriers to phased retirement if the phased retiree wants to receive a portion of available pension benefits during phased retirement.

This paper examines private sector options to encourage phased retirement and to eliminate the disincentives that currently affect defined benefit plans. It offers alternative calculations of final average pay that do not penalize the part-time worker. It also demonstrates that the plan’s early retirement reduction and late retirement increase can be set to maintain actuarial equity throughout phased retirement. The paper presents benefit calculations with equal actuarial values for various payout patterns.

The paper discusses the coordination between phased retirement and subsidized early retirement. Finally, the paper notes some of the changes in ERISA that will be needed to facilitate phased retirement in defined benefit plans, especially for participants who want to receive pension distributions while working part time.  相似文献   

This stochastic simulation analysis compares funding costs and volatilities for private sponsors of traditional defined benefit (DB), pension equity (PE), cash balance (CB), and defined contribution (DC) retirement plans. Plan provisions of equivalent benefit generosity in the different plan types are determined. The modeling includes current funding requirements and practices as well as a comprehensive set of uncertainties in asset and labor markets. The results show that costs and risks for sponsors vary significantly with plan types, investment and funding strategies, and participant demographics. The hybrid PE and CB plans exhibit characteristics of cost efficiency, as in the DB plan, and risk reduction, as in the DC plan, for plan sponsors under conventional investment strategies. These features are more saliently observed in the CB plan, but it is also more difficult to implement effective asset–liability management strategies for it.  相似文献   

This article examines how behavioral economics can be used to improve the spending decisions of retirees, using a SPEEDOMETER (or Spending Optimally Throughout Retirement) retirement expenditure plan that employs defaults within a choice architecture. The plan involves just four key behavioral nudges: (1) first, make a plan—ideally by being auto‐enrolled into one or with the help of a financial adviser; (2) automatic phasing of annuitization, which is designed to tackle the aversion to large irreversible transactions and losing control of assets, and so allows the greatest possible degree of flexibility in managing the rundown of retirement assets; (3) capital protection in the form of “money‐back” annuities that deals with loss aversion, that is, the fear of losing your money if you die early; and (4) the slogan “spend more today safely” that utilizes hyperbolic discounting to satisfy the human trait of wanting jam today, and to reinforce the idea that “buying an annuity is a smart thing to do.”  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the usefulness of expected rates of return (ERR) for public pension plans. Specifically, we test the correlation between the expected rate of return on plan assets and asset allocation. We also examine the predictive power of ERR on the actual returns of the pension assets. We find that the correlation between expected return and the percentage of assets that are equity securities is relatively weak. Further, we find that the percentage of assets that are equity securities is a much better predictor of actual returns than the disclosed expected return in public pension plans. These results provide evidence to support SFAS No. 87 , which requires the disclosure of plan assets and against recently promulgated SFAS No. 132 , which eliminates this disclosure requirement. The evidence also supports GASB 25'sStatement of Net Plan Assets .  相似文献   

Sponsors of defined contribution retirement plans typically limit the investment choices of plan participants to a small number of investment managers and a limited number of investment vehicles. Such restrictions may limit excessive risk-taking by participants but also may preclude opportunities for efficient diversification. Many college and university 403 (b) plans have restricted investment choices to the retirement annuities offered by TIAA-CREF, the current manager of over half of all 403(b) contributions. Using 10 years of historical data, we study the efficiency of this TIAA-CREF opportunity set relative to a larger set that includes several standard index funds. Extrapolations must be interpreted -with caution. Assuming optimal rebalancing, depending on loss aversion and diversification constraints, the historical sample of returns implies that over a 20-year remaining work life, an employee -with an expanded menu that includes standard index funds could gain over 40% in terminal wealth compared to one who is restricted to TIAA-CREF retirement annuities. Even when a naive diversification strategy of equally weighting (1/n) all available funds is used, the expandedmenu outperforms the restricted portfolio by more than 25% over20years. These differences generally are significant at conventional levels based on parametric and nonparametric testing and do not appear to result from idiosyncratic market performance durinz the sample period.  相似文献   


Aging of the population raises many questions and issues for individuals, families, and society: economic, political, social, psychological, medical, ethical, moral, religious, and legal, all of which bear on the quality of life in its many dimensions. Economic security in old age is one rubric under which many of the problems and their possible solutions may be discussed. How a society arranges for its members to work and retire is an important facet in the provision for old-age economic security.

This article is concerned with the implications of demographic and labor force changes for work and retirement. It discusses the role of gradual (or phased) retirement in introducing flexibility into the range of choices between work and retirement.

Section 1 explains the rationale for gradual retirement. Section 2 spells out the barriers to implementing gradual retirement programs, including legal barriers and barriers relating to pension plan objectives. Section 3 discusses some possible solutions for implementing gradual retirement programs. Section 4 describes some selected examples of gradual retirement programs, and Section 5 contains concluding remarks.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a survey of Australian retirees' attitudes to financial planning advice before, at or after retirement. The results demonstrate that, despite government initiatives aimed at enhancing consumer confidence in the financial services market, most retirees feel dissatisfied with, and lack confidence in, the services provided by their financial advisers. This suggests an increased role for financial planners in providing not only the additional information required under government policy, but also information that is understandable and useful to retirees.  相似文献   

In recent years, multivariate insurance risk processes have received increasing attention in risk theory. First-passage-time problems in the context of these insurance risk processes are of primary interest for risk management purposes. In this article we study joint-ruin problems of two risk undertakers in a proportionally shared Markovian claim arrival process. Building on the existing work in the literature, joint-ruin–related quantities are thoroughly analyzed by capitalizing on existing results in certain univariate insurance surplus processes. Finally, an application is considered where the finite-time and infinite-time joint-ruin probabilities are used as risk measures to allocate risk capital among different business lines. The proposed joint-ruin allocation principle enables us to not only capture the risk dynamics over a given time horizon, but also overcome the “cross-subsidizing” effect of many existing allocation principles.  相似文献   

Dynamic Asset Allocation with Event Risk   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Major events often trigger abrupt changes in stock prices and volatility. We study the implications of jumps in prices and volatility on investment strategies. Using the event-risk framework of Duffie, Pan, and Singleton (2000), we provide analytical solutions to the optimal portfolio problem. Event risk dramatically affects the optimal strategy. An investor facing event risk is less willing to take leveraged or short positions. The investor acts as if some portion of his wealth may become illiquid and the optimal strategy blends both dynamic and buy-and-hold strategies. Jumps in prices and volatility both have important effects.  相似文献   

Capital allocation rules are derived that maximize leverage while maintaining a target solvency rate for credit portfolios where risk is driven by a single common factor and idiosyncratic risk is fully diversified. Equilibrium conditions ensure that capital allocations depend on interest earnings as well as credits’ probability of default, endogenous loss given default, and asset correlation. Capitalization rates exceed those estimated using Gaussian credit loss models. Results demonstrate that credit risk is undercapitalized by the Basel II AIRB approach in part because of ambiguities regarding the definition of loss given default. An alternative proposed capital rule removes this bias.  相似文献   

After financial disasters, financial risk models are often blamed for failing to provide adequate warning. The author argues that, in many cases, the models provided accurate warnings but were ignored by market participants who did not like what they said. The financial crisis of 2008–2009 was not the first time this has happened. The author describes similar but smaller debacles in 1994 and 1998 that had their roots in financial innovation that took place a decade earlier. In both cases, risk models warned that volatile securities would become impossible to hedge; but rather than exiting those positions as they should have done, some market participants simply ignored the flashing warning lights. Some current financial risk models have proven to be quite robust. Large commercial banks have mined their internal data to create empirical models of default probability that forecast accurately out of sample. Default models based on contingent claims analysis have been available for years, including some that use continuously‐traded equity and equity options prices. Hybrid models that combine empirical data‐mining and forward‐looking market‐based signals have been shown to provide reliable early warning signals about corporate credit risk. The author recommends making banks' data bases and risk models freely available to regulators, ratings agencies, and independent analysts. When provided with access to the findings of independent efforts to measure the riskiness of bank portfolios, public scrutiny and third‐party analysis would compel bank senior management to improve risk measurement and increase transparency. Banks would benefit by restoring market confidence in the quality of their books. Making risk models transparent could also help break the present impasse between regulators and financial intermediaries. It may be possible for markets to establish a standard for credit risk that is more robust and more trustworthy than the ratings‐based system that fell into disrepute after the 2008 crisis. This would be preferable to the present thrust of bank regulation, which proposes to apply the severest standards to bank ownership of risk, and threatens to dampen economic growth.  相似文献   

养老目标基金是基金公司围绕养老金投资管理、完善资本市场资金结构而推出的创新产品.本文借助理论模型还原了国外养老目标风险基金产品资产配置风险控制和目标风险两个策略的数理模型,并结合中国市场要求、调整核心参数,设计了8种策略,最后基于2005年1月3日至2019年9月30日内的收益率数据进行回测检验.研究表明,在控制风险效...  相似文献   

It is well known that an unbiased forecast of the terminal valueof a portfolio requires compounding at the arithmetic mean returnover the investment horizon. However, the maximum-likelihoodpractice, common with academics, of compounding at the estimatorof mean return results in upward biased and highly inefficientestimates of long-term expected returns. We derive analyticallyboth an unbiased and a small-sample efficient estimator of long-termexpected returns for a given sample size and horizon. Both estimatorsentail penalties that reduce the annual compounding rate asthe investment horizon increases. The unbiased estimator, whichis far lower than the compounded arithmetic average, is stillvery inefficient, often more so than a simple geometric estimatorknown to practitioners. Our small-sample efficient estimatoris even lower. These results compound the sobering evidencein recent work that the equity risk premium is lower than suggestedby post-1926 data. Our methodology and results are robust toextensions such as predictable returns. We also confirm analyticallythat parameter uncertainty, properly incorporated, producesoptimal asset allocations, in stark contrast to conventionalwisdom. Longer investment horizons require lower, not higher,allocations to risky assets.  相似文献   

武剑 《海南金融》2007,4(3):4-9
对我国的商业银行来说,操作风险管理历来是一个薄弱环节,而针对操作风险的经济资本配置更是一个"盲区",引起业界的广泛关注.本文在巴塞尔新资本协议的框架下,从理论和实务两个方面,探讨了关于操作风险的经济资本计量模型、配置方法与管理流程,并结合我国银行业的实际情况,提出了一个较为可行的操作风险经济资本管理的实施路线.  相似文献   


We examine properties of risk measures that can be considered to be in line with some “best practice” rules in insurance, based on solvency margins. We give ample motivation that all economic aspects related to an insurance portfolio should be considered in the definition of a risk measure. As a consequence, conditions arise for comparison as well as for addition of risk measures. We demonstrate that imposing properties that are generally valid for risk measures, in all possible dependency structures, based on the difference of the risk and the solvency margin, though providing opportunities to derive nice mathematical results, violates best practice rules. We show that so-called coherent risk measures lead to problems. In particular we consider an exponential risk measure related to a discrete ruin model, depending on the initial surplus, the desired ruin probability, and the risk distribution.  相似文献   

This article investigates a fund manager's risk-taking incentivesinduced by an increasing and convex relationship of fund flowsto relative performance. In a dynamic portfolio choice framework,we show that the ensuing convexities in the manager's objectivegive rise to a finite risk-shifting range over which she gamblesto finish ahead of her benchmark. Such gambling entails eitheran increase or a decrease in the volatility of the manager'sportfolio, depending on her risk tolerance. In the latter case,the manager reduces her holdings of the risky asset despiteits positive risk premium. Our empirical analysis lends supportto the novel predictions of the model.  相似文献   

Recent literature suggests that optimal asset‐allocation models struggle to consistently outperform the 1/N naïve diversification strategy, which highlights estimation‐risk concerns. We propose a dichotomous classification of asset‐allocation models based on which elements of the inverse covariance matrix that a model uses: diagonal only versus full matrix. We argue that parsimonious diagonal‐only strategies, which use limited information such as volatility or idiosyncratic volatility, are likely to offer a good tradeoff between incorporating limited information while mitigating estimation risk. Evaluating five sets of portfolios over 1926–2012, we find that 1/N is generally not optimal when compared with these diagonal strategies.  相似文献   

We show that in dynamic choice problems, the observability of a decision maker's first move does reveal his plan for the dynamic choice problem, only under strong restrictions about the structure of his preferences. These restrictions imply consequentialism which in turn implies dynamic consistency, a condition which is not necessarily satisfied by experimental subjects.  相似文献   

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