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This paper analyzes the role of production distortion in income redistribution in an international trade model. In particular, it examines the role of the Stolper and Samuelson effect on efficient income redistribution. It first shows that production inefficiency can be part of a Pareto-efficient tax system for a small country when there is an asymmetric information problem between the government and individuals. Second, the paper shows that such production inefficiency is not only Pareto-improving for a small country, but is also essential in achieving worldwide tax-constrained Pareto-efficient allocation. These two results suggest important implications for commercial policies. The original version of this paper was circulated in 1996 as No. 391 of the Discussion Paper Series of Research Seminars in International Economics at the University of Michigan (http://www.fordschool.umich.edu/rsie/workingpapers/wp.html), with the title “Tariffs and production subsidies as devices to relax the incentive problem of a progressive income tax system”. Since the distribution of the working paper version, this paper has been cited and used in several papers, such as Guesnerie (2001) and Spector (2001). I hope that this updated version of the paper is useful for researchers.  相似文献   


We show analysts’ own earnings forecasts predict error in their own forecasts of earnings at other horizons, which we argue provides a measure of the extent to which analysts inefficiently use information. We construct our measure by exploiting two sources of variation in analysts’ incentives: (i) more recent forecasts have greater salience at the time of the earnings release so accuracy incentives are higher (lower) at shorter (longer) forecast horizons and (ii) analysts have greater incentives for optimism (pessimism) at longer (shorter) horizons. Consistent with these incentives affecting the incorporation of information into forecasts, we document (i) current year forecasts underweight (overweight) information in shorter (longer) horizon forecasts and (ii) the mis-weighting is more pronounced when recent news is negative—when analysts have greater (weaker) incentives to incorporate the news into shorter (longer) horizon forecasts. Finally, returns tests suggest that forecasts adjusted for the inefficiency we document better represent market expectations of earnings.


This paper models a competitive financial market economy in which there are forward markets as well as stock and bond markets. Although there are separation theorems in the stock and forward markets literatures, this analysis shows that neither separation theorem survives in this integrated financial market economy. Next, the analysis shows that the separation results hold and are equivalent if the manager has an appropriate compensation package. Then the model is modified to allow for depreciation charges and tax credits. A positive theory of hedging is developed that shows that the corporation can preserve deductions and credits by hedging and so increase corporate value.  相似文献   

Tax evasion is a widespread phenomenon and encouraging tax compliance is an important and debated policy issue. Many studies have shown that tax cheating has to be attributed to a considerable extent to the tax morale of taxpayers. The aim of the present paper is to shed light on the relationship between the taxpayer and the public sector; specifically, we investigate whether public spending inefficiency shapes individual tax morale. Combining data from Italian municipalities’ balance sheets with individual data from a properly designed survey on tax morale, we find that the attitude towards paying taxes is better when resources are spent more efficiently. This evidence seems not to be driven by some confounding factor at the municipality level or by spatial sorting of citizens and proves robust to accounting for alternative measures of both inefficiency and tax morale. We also find that the negative effect of inefficiency is larger if the level of public spending is lower and/or the degree of fiscal autonomy is higher.  相似文献   

The vast amount of high-frequency data heralds the use of new methods in financial data analysis and quantitative trading. This study delivers a proof-of-concept for a high frequency-based trading system based on an evolutionary computation method. Motivated by a theoretical liquidity asymmetry theorem from the market microstructure literature, grammatical evolution is used to exploit volume inefficiencies at the bid–ask spread. Using NASDAQ Historical TotalView-ITCH level two limit order book data, execution volumes can be tracked. This allows for testing of the strategies with minimal assumptions. The system evolves profitable and robust strategies with high returns and low risk.  相似文献   

In a recent article, MacMinn [5] argues that the presence of forward markets eliminates the incentives of the firm's manager to choose production levels that maximize firm value. In this comment, we show that his results do not depend on the presence of forward markets. The critical assumptions are that the manager is endowed with money rather than stock in the firm and that there is no competitive labor market for managers. In addition, his results require time-inconsistent behavior on the part of the firm's manager.  相似文献   

Financial Intermediaries, Markets, and Growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We build a model in which financial intermediaries provide insurance to households against idiosyncratic liquidity shocks. Households can invest in financial markets directly if they pay a cost. In equilibrium, the ability of intermediaries to share risk is constrained by the market. From a growth perspective, this can be beneficial because intermediaries invest less in the productive technology when they provide more risk-sharing. Our model predicts that bank-oriented economies can grow more slowly than more market-oriented economies, which is consistent with some recent empirical evidence.  相似文献   

We study a broad sample of firms across 32 countries and find that strong shareholder protections and better access to stock market financing lead to substantially higher long‐run rates of R&D investment, particularly in small firms, but are unimportant for fixed capital investment. Credit market development has a modest impact on fixed investment but no impact on R&D. These findings connect law and stock markets with innovative activities key to economic growth, and show that legal rules and financial developments affecting the availability of external equity financing are particularly important for risky, intangible investments not easily financed with debt.  相似文献   

An extensive literature documents the role of financial markets in economic development. To help explain this relationship, this paper constructs an endogenous growth model in which a stock market emerges to allocate risk and explores how the stock market alters investment incentives in ways that change steady state growth rates. The paper demonstrates that stock markets accelerate growth by (1) facilitating the ability to trade ownership of firms without disrupting the productive processes occurring within firms and (2) allowing agents to diversify portfolios. Tax policy affects growth directly by altering investment incentives and indirectly by changing the incentives underlying financial contracts.  相似文献   

In an arbitrage-free economy with non-zero bid-ask spreads the existence of payoffs whose price is lower than the price of a dominated payoff cannot be discarded in general. However, when the former price corresponds to trivial portfolios which involve buying or selling one unit of the basis assets, its presence, although not an arbitrage, is a severe market anomaly which we refer to as an inefficient quote. In an empirical study, we report evidence that indicates that in options markets both the frequency and the magnitude of these anomalies are substantial and we document puzzling patterns in their behavior.  相似文献   

DAVID MILES 《Fiscal Studies》1997,18(2):161-187
This paper considers some of the economic impacts that demographic change may have in developed economies over the next fifty years. I focus on the role that financial markets might play in economies where the pressure on government-run unfunded pension systems is likely to rise. The role of unfunded schemes is considered in a world where financial markets are incomplete and important types of risk cannot easily be offset by trading. How demographic shifts might affect labour productivity, asset prices and aggregate output is investigated using a simulation model of an economy where population structure is changing. JEL classification: E21, E60, G10, H1.  相似文献   

FDI、金融市场与经济增长   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文根据不同的金融市场类型,利用全国28个省市自治区1978-2007年的数据,检验了信贷市场、资本市场在FDI促进经济增长过程中所发挥的作用.为保证结果的稳健性,本文还分别对我国东、中、西部地区进行了独立研究.研究的实证结果总体上支持信贷市场在提高FDI溢出效应以促进经济增长方面的作用较资本市场更为有效的观点.  相似文献   

Firms and institutions are monitored and controlled through a complex set of implicit and explicit contractual relations. Because of these agency theoretic relations, institutional behavior in financial markets is not a simple reflection of the preference structures of individuals. Institutional preferences give rise to a demand for new financial instruments and innovations, even when the returns on these instruments are “spanned” in the sense of complete pricing. The innovations can be thought of as solving moral hazard problems. An agency theoretic example serves to illustrate the demand, supply, and financial marketing of stripped securities. In short, institutions matter.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether people's animal spirits were drivers of U.S. business cycle fluctuations. In the context of an estimated macroeconomy with endogenous financial market frictions, allowing for “psychological” or nonfundamental expectational shocks improves the fit of the model and, at the posterior mode, these shocks account for well over one-third of output fluctuations. Exogenous financial frictions are considerably less important. U.S. data favor the indeterminacy model over versions of the economy in which animal spirits cannot play a role.  相似文献   

交易成本、电子市场与公司内贸易   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公司内贸易是随着跨国公司的发展而产生的,目前公司内贸易已经成为国际贸易的重要组成部分.越来越多的公司内贸易反映出公司具有回避外部国际市场的动机,国际市场的作用正在淡化.随着互联网的发展,一种新型的、依赖于互联网的、虚拟的国际电子市场出现了,这种电子市场大大降低了交易的成本.本文以交易成本理论为基础,简要综述了电子市场的理论研究成果,并在此基础上分析了国际电子市场对企业关于市场与"内部化"的选择和对公司内贸易的影响.  相似文献   

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