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社区参与旅游既可以看作是旅游可持续发展的一种途径,又可以看作是参与旅游发展的一种行为。社区参与旅游发展中的"社区",最后要落实到社区居民的身上,参与式发展的一个重要过程是强化和提高当地人自我发展的能力。因此,社区参与旅游发展是合理利用社区现有资源和外来援助,从社区的共同意识、利益和需要出发,有计划地推动和引导社区居民共同参与旅游发展。  相似文献   

在城市现代化和社会民主化的推进下,社区参与、居民自治成为我国城市社区建设的新主题、新动力。但在当前我国城市社区的发展和建设中,普遍存在着居民社区参与不足的问题。从对泰州市莲花社区居民参与情况的调研来看,参与人群分布不平衡;参与的内容多以非政治性参与为主;参与意愿不强,多被动参与;参与行为零碎化、非组织化。制约莲花社区居民参与的影响因素既有体制上的,又有意识和能力方面的。居民参与不足已成为我国社区建设中的一大障碍。为了改善这种状况,需要调整社区建设的路径,推动社区自治组织和非政府组织参与社区建设;积极探求居民参与的生发机制,寻求居民社区参与的契合点并提升社区工作的专业化程度。  相似文献   

我国城市社区建设中社区参与问题成因及对策探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭文峰 《城市发展研究》2011,18(12):134-136
社区参与是社区建设的关键环节,在社区发展起着举足轻重的作用.但是我国城市的社区参与存在总体参与率低、参与被动、渠道不畅通等问题,严重制约着社区建设工作的开展.只有增强居民的社区参与意识,完善社区管理体制和相关法律法规,才能进一步促进社区参与,进而实现社区自治的目标.  相似文献   

随着我国企业改制和市场经济的发展,城市社区日渐成为和谐社会下越来越受关注的话题。社区居民自治作为社区民主的直接体现获得了良好的发展契机,而社区居民参与作为实现社区居民自治的有效途径,其在当前社区建设的地位和作用也日益凸显,社区居民参与的状况也愈来愈受到大家的重视。  相似文献   

国内社区参与旅游发展模式的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在分析国内学者对社区参与旅游发展模式的研究基础上,将目前国内社区参与旅游发展的模式概括为:①古村落社区参与旅游的四种模式;②基于委托代理理论的社区参与模式;③利益相关者共同参与的模式;④以政府为主导的社区参与模式;⑤由社区主导的社区参与模式等5种模式.  相似文献   

在公民的单位角色失落后,社区空间引起了人们的重视.而目前城市社区研究多关注于社区自治、社区机制体制创新、社区参与、社区权力、社区服务等方面内容,对社区公共空间这种物质基础与社区发展之间的关系问题很少有人做研究.社区成员是社区发展的主体,只有社区成员充分参与到社区活动中来社区才能得到真正意义上的发展,公共空间则是居民参与社区事务的一个重要渠道,在一定意义上说公共空间开辟的程度决定了社区成员对社区事务的参与,进而影响到社区发展.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代后,可持续发展的思潮在世界范围内兴起,旅游也开始关注旅游可持续发展的问题。1985年,旅游社会学大师墨菲(Murphy.P.E)在《社区旅游方法》一书中提出了社区参与的概念,重视居民在当地旅游发展中的作用,强调社区居民参与旅游规划和决策,使规划能反映当地居民的态度和想法,以减少居民对旅游的反感情绪。此后,社区参与旅游发展的研究日益受到学者们的重视。学者们对社区参与旅游发展的意义、内容、途径、社区参与的层次、类型、旅游发展对社区的影响及社区参与的影响因素等问题展开了探讨。  相似文献   

本文从政府、企业、非营利组织和基层自治组织等方面梳理了北京社区参与城市管理的保障支撑体系现状,指出现有保障体系存在的五个方面的问题:政府对社区参与城市管理的投资在增加,但是存在资金使用效率问题;社区的工作人员普遍素质不高,社会招聘的人才流动性过高;非营利组织发展还不完善,提供的投入有限;企业支持很有限;基层自治组织透露现有体制的弊端。据此提出完善社区参与保障支撑体系建设的建议:加强政府对社区参与的投入,完善监督机制,使资金用到实处;加大对社区就业人员的培训,努力为社区就业创造良好保障;促进有利于社区建设的非营利组织壮大;更多争取企业的资金、人才、技术的支持;发挥社区党组织团结群众的作用,增强社区向心力;关注城镇困难群体生活需求;促进城镇困难群体就业。  相似文献   

随着经济的全球化和知识经济的发展,企业文化逐渐成为企业的核心竞争力。企业文化建设是一个多方参与的、长期的、复杂的过程,企业员工应积极地参与到企业文化的建设中。文章通过对我国企业文化建设中员工参与现状的分析,总结了企业文化建设中员工参与存在的普遍问题,探讨企业文化建设中员工参与机制,以树立良好的企业形象,促进企业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

在当代社会中,社区治理作为一种重要的社会管理模式,对于促进社会稳定、提升居民生活质量具有重要意义。多元参与作为社区治理的核心理念之一,强调广泛吸纳居民的参与和决策权力的分享,已经成为推动社区治理创新和发展的重要路径。而思政教育作为培养公民意识、价值观和社会责任感的重要途径,具有引领多元参与社区治理的潜力和作用。基于此,文章将探讨思政教育引领下多元参与社区治理模式,旨在促进社区治理的民主化、科学化和法治化。  相似文献   

We present findings from a study of employee participation in seven International NGOs (INGOs) operating in Kenya. The inherent constraints of hierarchy and the need to accommodate a range of stakeholder interests imposed a strict ceiling on the degree of participation even in this propitious environment. Being headquartered in a liberal market economy, the low salience of trade unions among Kenyan employees and/or individual management styles within the INGOs meant that some of the agencies fell short even of that ceiling. Contrary to the normative aspirations of both the HR and international development literatures, our study suggests that the co-determination and employee control styles of participation are undesirable and unrealistic goals. On the other hand, a consultation style of participation was appropriate to the seven INGOs, and may also be in other sectors and countries.  相似文献   

This study investigates the direct and indirect effects of financial participation (FP) and participation in decision-making (PDM) on employee job attitudes. The central premise is that both financial participation and participation in decision-making have effects on job attitudes, such as integration, involvement and commitment, perceived pay equity, performance-reward contingencies, satisfaction and motivation. After reviewing the theoretical and empirical literature and testing two theoretical frameworks, developed by Long (1978a) and Florkowski (1989), a new model was constructed to consider a combined effects of both FP and PDM, herein referred to as employee participation (EP). The underpinning of the model is based on the assumption that both (a) the combination of financial participation and participation in decision-making (‘employee participation’), and (b) participation in decision-making produce favourable effects on employee job attitudes. The test of the new model showed that employee participation does not produce more favourable effects on employee job attitudes, than does participation in decision-making on its own. The data were gathered from a questionnaire study administered in a large British retail organization that operates two types of ownership schemes – profit-sharing and SAYE schemes.  相似文献   

国内目前为止几乎没有将品牌社群与品牌延伸领域相结合的研究文章。本文分别从这2个领域中选择了既有很强理论价值又是品牌企业十分看重的品牌社群认同度、品牌社群参与度和品牌延伸评价三个潜变量,通过对来自汽车行业某奢侈品品牌社群的社群成员样本进行基于结构方程模型的数据分析,探讨了品牌社群认同度和参与度对品牌延伸评价的作用机理。研究结果证实了研究假设:品牌社群认同度对品牌延伸评价有正向作用,并且通过品牌社群参与度这个中介变量对品牌延伸评价有间接的正向影响。这个结论不仅为品牌社群作用的机理理论提供了较为有效的补充,还为奢侈品品牌企业建设、培育品牌社群和发展延伸品牌提供了较为有力的指导。  相似文献   

Pressures for flexibility among enterprise employees have been explained in previous studies to be largely the result of exogenous factors driven by market pressures for improved product variety, quality and service. This paper derives new insights into the concept of flexibility based on the premise that manufacturing systems based on traditional hierarchical control have significantly given way to enterprise practices that stress a direct connection between employee skill enhancement, market outcomes and rewards. Through an analysis of the 1998 Workplace Employee Relations Survey (WER98) the study provides a more substantive explanation of the variables associated with flexibility, which have become significant in the transition process towards modern enterprise practices. Flexibility is demonstrated to be not only market driven but also dependent on endogenous factors directly promoted by management that stress workforce participation, collaborative working and multifaceted skills development. We provide empirical support for these arguments from an analysis of WERS98.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to assess whether informal institutions can affect human resource management practices. Specifically, we examine whether the social norm of respect for authority, an important informal social institution in countries like China, constrains employee participation, and whether this affects employee satisfaction in foreign-invested and state-owned retailers in China, respectively. Data are derived from questionnaires completed by almost 1900 employees at 22 foreign-invested and state-owned retail stores in nine Chinese cities. We indicate that a norm such as respect for authority can operate as a constraint on human resource management practices such as employee participation with related impacts upon satisfaction levels in foreign-invested and state-owned retailers, but that these play out in unexpected ways.  相似文献   

社区的本原应归属社会学意义,在于居民的参与.当前,我国城市社区建设如火如荼地展开,但居民参与环节却十分薄弱.美国学者梅尔霍夫的《社区设计》一书给了我们较大启迪.我们应当借鉴《社区设计》,使城市社区真正成为居民参与的场域.  相似文献   

公众安全文化教育与安全社区建设模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
联合国所倡导的“社区发展”,是指社区居民积极参与社区生活并与政府组织合作,以促进社区的经济、社会和文化的发展,进一步协调和整合各社区,使它们与整个国家的生活合为一体。本文重点介绍了国内外关注的公众安全文化教育与安全社区建设的理论与发展问题,并对中国正兴起的安全社区建设提出了建议。  相似文献   

This study tests the hypotheses that environment, diversification strategy, and union/nonunion setting affect the number and variety of employee participation programs. A survey of large U.S. manufacturing firms measured the implementation of employee participation programs. Regression results suggest that environmental pressures exert a direct effect on participation in union settings. However, in nonunion settings, environment and diversification strategy both correlated directly with participation. These results suggest that unions could potentially affect participation program implementation.  相似文献   

农民集中居住社区建设个案研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以苏州市F社区为个案,研究农民集中居住社区建设中的三大问题:空间、网络以及参与。在阐明社区空间、网络以及参与现状的基础上,就如何塑造社区空间、如何拓展社区人际网络以及如何推动社区公众参与等,提出了相关对策与建议。  相似文献   

Despite the wealth of literature on HRM and employee involvement, now there has been a remarkable lack of large-scale survey evidence on the diffusion employee involvement in work organizations in Europe. This gap in large-scale survey evidence on the diffusion of direct employee participation has now been filled representative sample of workplaces in ten major European Union countries which commissioned by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions in Dublin (the EPOC project). It is by far the most comprehensive overview of the implementation and effects of direct employee participation of its kind. The paper shows that, on the basis of the EPOC survey results, there appears to considerable gap between the rhetoric and reality of direct participation. The paper shows that while the incidence of different forms of direct participation was widespread ten countries, the scope, in terms of number of issues involved and the number of given to employees, was relatively limited for most direct participation forms. The survey also showed that the introduction of direct participation posed little threat to trade representatives. Indeed, works councils and union representatives were in most 'agents of change' rather than barriers to the development of the more intensive practice of direct participation.  相似文献   

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