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董事会是公司治理的核心,能够对董事会的绩效进行有效的评估是有效公司治理的重要标志。随着公司治理的边界由单个企业扩展到企业集团,对企业集团公司治理的研究越来重要,鉴于国内外对企业集团公司治理的研究不是很多,对集团公司董事会绩效进行评估的研究几乎是空白。因此,有必要结合集团公司的特点和平衡记分卡这一优良绩效评估工具,建立集团公司董事会绩效评估体系。  相似文献   

谢永珍 《商业研究》2003,(19):63-66
完善的董事会约束机制是确保上市公司董事会有效参与公司决策与监督的关键。由于我国上市公司处于由行政型治理向经济型治理转化的过程中,公司治理的各项外部监督机制如公司控制权市场、产品市场、专业董事市场等对上市公司董事会的约束力较弱。掌握董事会治理的状况,强化对董事会的约束,对提高董事会治理的效率具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

董事会是公司权力执行机关 ,具有股东与公司在权力上的承接关系。但由于信息不对称 ,可能导致董事滥用权力造成损害性后果 ,且股东及监事的监督作用又具有滞后性。因此 ,对发达国家公司法律制度与我国制度现状进行有效评析 ,借鉴与设计有效的董事会内部权力制衡构架 ,对完善我国公司治理结构具有现实意义。  相似文献   

本文以沪深两市2007-2014年发生非流动资产处置损益的A股上市公司为样本,分析处置非流动资产的盈余管理动机以及公司董事会特征对真实盈余管理的抑制作用。研究结果表明:上市公司为了实现扭亏的目标,存在利用非流动资产处置收益实施盈余管理的行为;董事会治理机制中,董事长与总经理两职合一、独立董事比例和董事会开会次数与真实盈余管理水平显著负相关;相对于民营上市公司,国有上市公司真实盈余管理动机更强,其董事长与总经理两职合一和独立董事比例抑制盈余管理的功能优于民营上市公司,而民营上市公司的董事会开会次数的监督功能更为有效。  相似文献   

In an open, unregulated and globalised economy, it is logical that the problem of corporate government not only occupy the time of academics, but also preoccupy both companies and the public administration. Corporate governance varies depending on several factors, such as the culture of a particular country, the economic situation and the organisational structures. Thus, there is no single recipe which can be applied automatically and is universally valid in all contexts. However, it is possible to propose some general principles which have duly stood the test of experience and are recognised as providing valuable guidance for efficient corporate governance.The aim of this article is to present the Spanish "Olivencia Report", which is an attempt to draft an "ethical code" containing a number of practices and principles, which, if they were to be applied, could improve the governance of the larger Spanish companies listed on the Stock Market.The pages which follow narrate the story of the making of the report, and highlight those features which distinguish this report from other analogous reports published in other countries, and which inspired the Olivencia Report. These reports, which include the "Cadbury Report", the "Viénot Report" and the "Peters Report" among others will also be dealt with. Once the more outstanding aspects of the Spanish report have been highlighted, the article closes with a brief concluding section, which goes beyond the case in question and stresses the relationship between ethics, corporate governance and the mission of the enterprise. This focus is of some importance as the literature on corporate governance rarely brings the ethical problem to the fore.  相似文献   

本文以我国地方控股国有上市公司为研究样本,实证研究检验了公司与政府之间的政治关联对公司董事会结构和公司治理效率的影响。研究发现我国国有公司的政治关联水平对董事会结构存在显著的负面影响,政治关联主要通过影响地方控股国有上市公司董事会的"人文结构"特征而弱化公司治理的效率。  相似文献   

选取2001-2005年期间被我国证券监督委员会公开处罚的财务报告舞弊的上市公司为研究样本,并选取了股权结构、董事会特征等方面的10个指标,对公司治理结构与会计信息舞弊的关系进行实证研究。研究发现:独立董事比例、审计委员会的设置与会计舞弊显著负相关,董事会规模、控制股东的性质、监事会规模与会计舞弊显著正相关。  相似文献   

一直以来,公司治理研究偏重董事会结构特征与公司绩效之间的关系,忽略了董事会行为过程影响。文章就董事会行为过程中一系列关键要素如信息获取、努力水平、信任关系和认知冲突对治理有效性的影响进行理论分析,构造了一个行为心理〖CD*2〗治理有效性结构方程模型。利用问卷调查数据,就上述过程变量对治理效率的影响进行实证分析。研究发现,董事会信息获取及其与管理层相互信任状况对治理效率产生显著积极影响;会议频率对战略和服务职能发挥产生显著积极作用;会议出席率、群体认知冲突等因素影响不显著。研究为改善和提高董事会治理效率提供了新的经验证据。  相似文献   

Board composition, insider participation on compensation committees, and director compensation practices can potentially cause conflicts of interest between directors and shareholders. If these corporate governance structures result in situations where actions beneficial to directors do not also benefit shareholders, then shareholders may suffer.Corporate ethics programs usually address conflicts of interest that may arise in the firm's activities. Some boards of directors take active roles in their firms' ethics programs by actively overseeing the programs. This paper empirically examines the relationship between ethics programs and potential conflicts of interest and the relationship between board involvement in a firm's ethics program and potential conflicts of interest.Evidence in this paper shows that firms with ethics programs have a lower percentage of inside directors on their compensation committees than do firms without ethics programs. Firms in which boards are actively involved in the programs have more independent boards (higher percentage of independent directors and lower percentage of inside directors) and are more likely to compensate outside directors with equity than are firms in which boards are not actively involved in the programs. Supplemental analyses show that the incidence of potential conflicts of interest is not significantly different between firms without ethics programs and firms in which boards are not actively involved in the programs. Taken together, the evidence in this paper indicates that a board actively involved in an ethics program, and not the simple existence of an ethics program, is related to the incidence of potential conflicts of interest.  相似文献   

Increased export experience on the board of nonexporting firms has a causal effect on their propensity to enter foreign markets in later periods. Using a universal set of Swedish employer–employee panel data for the period 2000–14, this paper finds evidence on spillover from exporters to non-exporting SMEs through outside board directors. The identification strategy to account for endogenous selection of external board members relies on external instruments and applications of different instrumental variable approaches, capturing also unobserved heterogeneity. Our findings are robust to controlling for export background among managers and employees, as well as firm size, human capital, total factor productivity, productivity spillovers, firm location and industry classification.  相似文献   

杨萱  罗飞 《财经论丛》2016,(5):87-95
基于高层梯队理论和薪酬激励理论,采用聚类分析法和FGLS,以2009-2014年我国中小板上市公司数据为研究对象,实证检验中小企业高管团体特征对企业创新行为的影响,并进一步分析高管货币薪酬对二者关系的调节作用。研究发现,中小板上市公司的高管团队特征影响企业创新行为,高管货币薪酬在高管团队特征对企业创新行为影响中具有正加强效应,即高管货币薪酬在企业创新行为中发挥重要的激励促进作用,能调节高管团队特征在企业创新行为中的影响。本研究不仅丰富了管理者异质性和高层梯队理论,为中小板上市公司高管的薪酬激励提供新的研究视角,同时也有助于政府部门全面掌握企业创新行为的影响因素,为研究中小板上市公司创新行为提供理论依据和经验证据。  相似文献   

Governance scholarship has suggested that venture boards should be structured so as to stimulate internal conflict. However, structure is a weak predictor of board effectiveness. Moreover, conflict can be dysfunctional, especially when it is focused on relationships rather than tasks. We show that venture boards experience more relationship conflict when they make financing decisions that involve devaluation of the venture and that this effect is moderated by whether the CEO is a founder. Our findings should prompt venture governance scholars to reconsider the importance of board structure, the value of board conflict and the behavior of founder- versus non-founder CEOs.  相似文献   

目前,项目后评价理论的迅速发展为城市体育设施的开发和利用提供了良好的理论基础。城市体育设施项目后评价关注的是城市体育设施项目在建成使用一段时间后,在社会效益、经济效益和环境效益等方面的满意度。本文在项目评价和体育设施理论基本概况的基础上阐述了项目后评价理论对城市体育设施研究的重要意义,同时还借鉴城市中各类项目后评价理论方法体系,结合我国城市体育设施项目实际阐述了我国城市体育设施项目后评价研究的重要意义和研究现状,探讨了城市体育设施项目后评价的理论方法体系。  相似文献   


This paper looks at the notion of community within online teaching and learning, in particular within that of online discussion. It offers a review of conceptions of community across different settings and considers that an online learning community should show spirit, trust, interaction, and learning. The notion of community is then explored within a case study of a Masters level online course on action research taught at a distance from a public University in USA. This course encouraged practitioners with different roles in education to begin action research projects to develop their professional practice. A multimethod approach was taken to explore the actions and perceptions of course participants. Findings are organised around the four elements of spirit, trust, interaction, and learning with each element described and elaborated in the context of the study. It is suggested that there were elements of community within the course but interaction was limited by time and course requirements. It is further suggested that the course better illustrates the idea of a community-minded practitioner learning group, rather than a community, and the strengths and weaknesses of this characterisation are set out.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of a community-based injury prevention program on home injuries. Unintentional injuries occurring in private homes and during leisure time account for 70-80% of injuries treated in public health care. A quasiexperimental design was used for the study, with cross-sectional preand post-implementation measurements in the program area and in a neighboring control community. Children and the elderly were two main target groups of the intervention program, which was based on a participative strategy for community involvement. The study was based on defined total populations. The total relative risk for home injury occurrence decreased in the study area, whereas it increased in the control area. Regarding age and gender, there was a decrease for females and males in the study area and a slight increase in the control area. For males, the youngest and oldest age groups showed no decrease, whereas females showed a decrease among the youngest and those aged 60-79. No decrease was observed in the control area. The study showed that the Safe Community approach had a general effect on the incidence of home injuries.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between chief executive officer (CEO) pay fairness and future stakeholder management (SM) as well as the effect of the board of directors on this relationship. The results show that CEO pay fairness has an effect on future SM such that when underpaid, CEOs decrease SM and when overpaid, CEOs increase SM. Additionally, the relationship between CEO pay fairness and SM becomes stronger as the ratio of inside directors on the board increases, which suggests that as both management control increases and board diversity decreases, the CEO's control over SM increases. Implications for SM and CEO pay are discussed.  相似文献   

目前关于中国区域经济发展差距的研究主要归因于某种具体的因素.注重从要素投入或者某些外在影响因素去分析。本文以新制度经济学为分析框架,从转型中对经济发展起决定作用的市场主体的角度考察不同主体的发展战略和行为选择对经济发展的影响。国家发展战略的不同、区域历史禀赋和自然禀赋的差异、地方政府官员的异质性以及这些因素的不同组合构成了区域间的巨大发展差异。  相似文献   

Background: In this study, qualitative research methods were used to explore the behavioral, normative, and control beliefs underpinning parents’ decisions to purchase functional weaning food products.

Methods: Seven focus groups were conducted with 44 parents in two locations in Malaysia (Sabah and Selangor). Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior theoretical framework, participants were prompted with questions about commercial weaning foods including functional weaning foods and shown several different products to stimulate discussion.

Results: Important behavioral beliefs (product attributes, babies’ needs and suitability of the product, perceived healthiness), referrals and influences (family and friends’ opinions and experiences, internet and social media influence, health professionals’ recommendation and advice) and facilitating and inhibiting factors (trust and confidence, brand and cost, and product availability and options) were identified.

Conclusions: Overall functional weaning food purchase intention was influenced positively and negatively by behavioral, normative and control beliefs. To increase the awareness and commercial product knowledge on weaning food are suitable for their children, more information on functional weaning food products from reliable sources that can reach the parents and other potential customers is needed. Government, health professionals and manufacturers should work together to develop a better way to inform parents about functional weaning foods.  相似文献   

杨勃  刘娟 《商业研究》2020,(5):146-152
在数字经济时代,组织所处的外部环境越发呈现高度动态性、不确定性甚至颠覆性特征,"变革"越来越成为组织应对颠覆性环境、保持竞争优势的重要途径。组织身份是组织成员关于"作为组织,我们是谁"的集体认知和共同信念,也是指导组织战略决策与实施的认知模式和行为准则(即"我是谁"决定"我应该做什么"),改变组织身份是实现很多重要战略变革的前提条件。通过构建组织身份变革与战略变革的整合性理论框架,本文对组织身份变革与战略变革进行系统比较,分析两者的差异性与内在逻辑关系,并从两者的整合视角探究传统企业转型升级、企业跨界经营、破坏性创新技术采纳等现象,发现跨界经营已成为数字经济时代企业经营战略的显著特征和普遍现象,传统企业转型升级应深入到组织身份层面,只有变革组织身份才能"抛弃"过去的认知模式和行为准则,真正将自己融入到数字经济时代。  相似文献   

根据商务成本现有研究成果,从要素成本和交易成本两方面构建区域商务成本评价指标体系,并选取山东省作为对象,依据统计年鉴的指标数据对其商务成本变动情况进行分析研究。研究发现,山东省在商业设施及土地成本、劳动力成本总体上呈现出上升态势;而在政府运作效率、市场化和信息化程度、基础设施和研发能力等方面有明显提高,一定程度上减弱了要素成本上升的影响。  相似文献   

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