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借助文献计量和知识图谱分析,本研究有序呈现了国内外数字治理研究的主题和趋势。从横向主题看,国外研究主要从资源、技术、规范和组织等要素视角解构数字治理,国内研究则从思想、制度和技术等整体层面对具体问题进行分析;从纵向演进看,国外文献呈现出从概念转向应用、理念转向技术、系统转向要素、低维转向高维等特性,国内文献表现为应然与实然的反复、宏观至微观的下沉、单一向多元的牵转、城市到乡村的扩散。该结论可启示国内数字治理研究,从而推动国家治理能力建设。  相似文献   

加入 WTO,将进一步引发国人思想观念的新变化 ,如促使多元思维、公平竞争观念形成 ,自由平等意识深入人心 ,人本精神得以光大。但我们的思想观念与WTO还有很大的差距 ,为此 ,在观念创新上应完成从封闭到开放、从单向到多维、从守业到开拓、从经验到科学的四个转变 ,以使我们缩短与 WTO的差距 ,更快地融入 WTO。  相似文献   

We summarize the evidence on the gains from trade in monopolistic competition models, arising from three sources: (i) price reductions due to increasing returns to scale; (ii) increased product variety available to consumers; (iii) self-selection of firms with only the most efficient firms surviving after trade liberalization. There is little direct evidence to support the first source of gains from trade, though some indirect evidence from the European Union. The second and third sources of gains from trade find strong empirical support from studies from various countries, relying on new models and new empirical methods. JEL no. F10, F12, F15  相似文献   

我国产业结构演进特征及现实问题:1978~2006   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高煜  刘志彪 《改革》2008,(1):73-79
改革开放以来,我国产业结构经历了从一元驱动向二元驱动、从传统部门向现代部门、从轻工业向重化工业、从内向向外向、从产业分立向产业融合的演进,其驱动因素包括资本积累、技术进步、需求转换、外向发展及信息化等。目前我国产业结构存在着外向发展层次低、区域发展差异明显、重化工业化的结构和质量问题突出、生产者服务业发展滞后等问题。未来我国产业结构将向外向型产业升级、区域产业协调发展、新型工业化发展以及服务业与制造业融合发展的方向演进。  相似文献   

汇率波动牵扯产业发展:由制造业和服务业生发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国外经典研究和我国调查数据发现,汇率波动对中、美制造业和服务业的影响是多方面的,但各行业存在差异。由于人民币汇率对不同企业影响差异较大,因此目前客观存在实施产业转移(汇率影响大的企业)和产业调整(汇率影响小的企业)的时机。虽然人民币汇率升值对企业影响较大,但钉住美元的成本更大,升值对我国贸易的整体收益大于成本。  相似文献   

王志伟  孙科 《亚太经济》2008,(6):46-50,33
本文通过误差修正模型,对1994-2007年中国对美出口决策机制进行短期动态分析得到:1994-2001年中国对美出口与美国国内物价指数(GDP deflator)存在显著关系,2002-2007年中国对美出口与美国经济增长率以及出口价格指数密切相关。通过脉冲响应分析得出,长期影响中国对美出口主要因素是美国经济增长率和出口价格指数。  相似文献   

魏博通 《特区经济》2012,(3):197-199
利用构建的投资转移指数、企业转移指数、就业转移指数对2004~2009年江西承接沿海产业转移的状况作了分析。结果发现,沿海向江西的产业转移不明显,很大程度上仅是部分企业的对外投资行为,但是江西承接沿海的产业转移却很显著,这和江西自身的产业基础较为薄弱和产业承接条件较为优越有关。江西承接的产业转移来源地较为集中,行业分布较为广泛,民营资本和外商投资是沿海向江西产业转移的主要驱动力。  相似文献   

This paper quantifies Indonesian trade liberalisation between 1987 and 1995 as measured by changes in real effective rates of protection (RERP), i e effective rates of protection corrected for trade policy-induced changes in wages. The RERP for manufacturing, including oil refining, fell from 27% in 1987 to 11% in 1995, for manufacturing, excluding oil refining, the fall was from 59% to 16%, and for agriculture from 9% to 4% The standard deviation of RERPs for all tradeable sectors fell from 42 percentage points to 26; and for manufacturing, excluding oil refining, from 102 percentage points to 39.  相似文献   

农业转移人口市民化是提高城镇化质量的重要抉择。新型城镇化本质,是通过提高农业转移人口的素质和能力,破除现有体制机制障碍,促进农业转移人口市民化的全面发展。文章试从农业转移人口市民化的定义特点出发,分析新型城镇化与农业转移人口市民化的全面发展的关系,并从农业转移人口市民化制度存在的问题找出原因,进而提出提高新型城镇化质量、实现农业转移人口市民化的全面发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

跨国公司FDI理论的演进特征及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在对传统跨国公司FDI理论进行分类与梳理的基础上,深入探讨了20世纪80年代以来跨国公司FDI理论思维取向的演变特征,即优势分析由静态化走向动态化,实践背景从发达国家扩展至发展中国家,基本对象从大型跨国公司转向中小型跨国公司,研究侧重点从动机探究偏向于区位分析。最后归纳总结了FDI理论发展的四大基本趋势。  相似文献   

As one of the countries sharing the world's largest population of smokers and drinkers, China has been facing serious health-related problems from smoking and drinking in recent decades. This paper attempts to investigate the impact of education on unhealthy consumption behaviors (smoking, binge drinking, and drinking) and their intergenerational persistence, using data from the China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS) for the period from 1991 to 2011. Estimation results suggest that there exists significantly positive intergenerational persistence of unhealthy consumption behaviors in China, and this persistence seems to be higher from the mother than from the father. After introducing two institutional changes as instruments to address the endogeneity problem of education in unhealthy consumption equations, we find that education has a significantly negative impact on smoking and binge drinking according to the results from instrumental variable estimation. Specifically, an additional year of education decreases the probability of smoking and binge drinking by 4.1% and 3.4%, respectively. Although the health effect of drinking is ambiguous, we also find that the likelihood of drinking decreases by 1.6% with one additional schooling year. Interestingly, an additional year of education could counteract intergenerational persistence of smoking and binge drinking from the father, but it has no impact on intergenerational persistence from the mother. Our results suggest that education might be an efficient way to control unhealthy consumption behaviors in China, but it might not be an efficient way to prevent intergenerational persistence of unhealthy consumption behavior from the mother.  相似文献   

作为印度佛教与中国传统文化结合的产物,禅宗文化具有自然和谐的智慧、平等真实的智慧、简约朴素的智慧和开拓创新的智慧。研究禅宗文化的当代价值,从社会发展角度看,有助于构建生态文明和谐社会;从自然环境角度看,有助于提升环保意识;从文化创新角度看,有助于多元文化的开拓创新;从企业管理角度看,有利于培养感恩心态和正确价值观;从个体修炼角度看,有利于调控个人行为,增强幸福感。  相似文献   

王欣 《走向世界》2011,(26):32-35
大众对艺术的追求、对文学的欣赏,体现着一座城市的文化。 随着市民对文化需求的提高,青岛文艺演出也变得越来越丰富多彩,从《蔚蓝青岛》到《蓝色畅想》,从青岛音乐节到国际小提琴比赛,从交响音乐会到茂腔柳腔,  相似文献   

魏浩浩 《走向世界》2011,(11):64-65
婉约的自纱、笔挺的礼服、精致的牧窖……即便青春不在,镁光灯下的那一刻,也能抹掉岁月痕迹,找回年轻的自己——摄影棚里,越来越多的“旧人”在此寻找到了爱情最初的记忆。  相似文献   

本文按照从理论到实际、从静态到动态、从单一税种到多税种为线索,对国内外的税收CGE模型的应用研究进行了评述。进而,对CGE模型研究存在的争议进行了分析,对CGE模型在经济分析中所具备的优势进行了讨论。  相似文献   

One important reason the Indonesian government stores rice is to reduce risk for growers who have restricted access to private insurance It does so to stabilise their real incomes, and to promote rice production with a view to ‘self-sufficiency’. This paper shows that grower risks are reduced only to the extent that growers' real incomes ate linked through taxation to the financial flows of the storage scheme. This is because their real incomes and the financial flows are negatively correlated. Under current arrangements this linkage is negligible, so price stabilisation raises the share of the production nsk they face, Recent increases in production are shown to result from larger expected grower profits, and not from reduced risk. In addition to profiting from price stabilisation, growers have benefited from government subsidies on fertiliser, irrigation and plant research, and from increases in the average domestic price of nee through Bulog intervention.  相似文献   

包有或 《改革与战略》2012,28(5):49-52,77
在转变发展方式背景下,中国城市化应从粗放型向集约型、从单体向集群、从生产型向消费型、从东部向中西部、从单元向多元化功能升级转型,但在升级转型的进程中,受到发展理念、经济结构与制度、规划与战略和高房价等因素的约束。因此,文章提出消除制度障碍和体制创新、新型城市化与新型工业化有机互动、依托大城市促进中小城市和小城镇发展、重建政府治理结构以提高城市管理水平等对策措施,推动中国城市化的成功转型和健康发展。  相似文献   

Introducing the concept of memory utility, we explore the effect of memory capacity on overweight and weight control by building a theoretical model and conducting related empirical research with a double-hurdle model. The result shows that better memory capacity can lead to a higher probability of overweight due to the higher discount rate and more food consumption when this person is not obese; while it helps the overweight individuals to lose weight due to memory disutility from obesity. The different effects of memory result from the tradeoff between memory utility from food consumption and memory disutility from obesity.  相似文献   

黄丽蓉 《特区经济》2008,228(1):295-296
电子商务给传统贸易方式和社会经济活动带来了巨大的冲击,同时也对税收制度、税收征管、税收规则等提出了新的挑战。银行的支付系统与电子商务交易以及电子商务税收征管都息息相关,但因为历史的原因,我国银行、税务、国库、工商、公安各自独立的网络体系又制约了目前依赖银行、工商等部门网络体系的税务机关对蓬勃发展的电子商务税收征管的进程。本文从基于"资金流"的电子商务税务征管思路出发,针对我国现状,探讨从银行支付系统本身以及银税横向联网等各方面来完善电子商务税收征管,使我国经济在21世纪能持续发展。  相似文献   

高质量发展已经成为中国经济发展的根本导向。作为经济体系的重要组成部分之一,区域经济的高质量发展要求增强发展动力的均衡性、精准性、融合性、复制性和专业性。其中,由外需动力为主转向内外需动力并重、由所有区域的齐头并进到不同区域的各展所长、由地方竞争的发展速度到区域协调的规模经济、由个体区域的率先发展到个体区域的综合示范、由综合性区域战略到专业性区域政策是动力转型的主要方向,培育具有世界级竞争力的产业集群、细化主体功能区规划、构建共享型的区域利益关系、构建可复制的区域发展路径、完善区域管理制度是实现上述转型的支撑路径。  相似文献   

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