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This paper rigorously examines the public-private wage differential. Two novelties: it deals with a newly industrialized economy-Taiwan, and an attempt is made to isolate out any alleged “favorable” industry/occupation job distribution that may exist for the public sector.Significant wage advantages were found to exists for both genders in the public sector. Both the absolute magnitude of this advantage premium and the relative size between genders were comparable to the estimates for the U.S and for Canada. The often alleged superior industry/occupation distribution of public sector jobs were verified and found to account for a significant portion of the observed sectoral wage differential.  相似文献   

Though Indonesia had been making considerable progress in expanding its education system before the economic crisis broke in 1997, 30% of children were still failing to complete primary school,and the quality of education was far from satisfactory. The economic crisis threatened to lead to massive dropout, and social safety net programs were therefore introduced. This paper outlines issues facing primary and secondary education before and during the crisis, assesses the extent to which the social safety net programs have helped to limit dropout, and discusses longer-term issues in achieving the goal of nine years' universal basic education, raising educational quality and achieving increased equity of access.  相似文献   

Abstract. Evidence of strategic behavior in public financial disclosure is provided by analyzing 673 disclosures that were made before, during, and after four Canadian labor strikes. Financial disclosures included quantitative and qualitative information about the sampled companies that appeared in print media during the periods of interest. Strategic behavior involved the naming of one actor by another in the disclosures. The analyses showed that disclosure frequency was much higher during and immediately preceding the strikes than in other periods. Network-analytic techniques were employed to examine the linkages among seven groups of actors that were named in the disclosures. The disclosure networks increased in density during the strikes but became less centralized. Our analysis supports the view that strategic interactions in disclosures are multilateral and dynamic. Thus, any attempt to model financial disclosure during labor negotiations as a bilateral single-period game would appear to be simplistic. Disclosure management in this setting seems to occur within a complex economic and social setting.  相似文献   

Total factor productivity plays an important role in the growth of the Indian economy. Using state-level data from 1993 to 2005 that were recently made available, we find widespread regional variation in productivity changes. In the years immediately following economic liberalization, productivity growth improved technical efficiency; however, in subsequent years, productivity growth was propelled by technological progress. We find a tendency toward convergence with regard to productivity growth among states; however, the states that were technically efficient when the economic reforms were instituted remained innovative in later years.  相似文献   

The economic objectives of recent governments of the Left werefull employment, reducing inequality, and enhancing economicperformance and democratic control by measures of planning andsocialization. The economic inheritance was difficult - stagnantinvestment, high unemployment in a number of cases, and inflationhigher than that of competitors. The generalized productivityslow-down, slow growth, and the drive to reduce inflation representedan unfavourable context. The supply-side interventions atrophied,were abandoned or reversed. Employment performance was pooroverall and sometime s disastrous. Some extensions of the welfarestate were achieved and major increases in inequality were avoided,but this record was hardly exceptional. Globalization is oftenblamed for such disappointments. Here, the emphasis is on theinherent difficulties of the social democratic project - containingdistributional conflict other than by unemployment, sustainingsupport for redistribution when living standards are stagnating,and constraining business while relying on it to maintain highinvestment.  相似文献   

This paper examines the view that the recent Indonesian crisis was largely unforeseen. The broadest macroeconomic indicators were of virtually no help in presaging the crisis; neither were high-frequency financial indicators. But warnings were there, just below the surface, in some of the macro indicators and in certain structural weaknesses that were long recognised as threats to financial stability. That said, none of these warnings suggested crisis of the magnitude that eventually occurred. The Indonesian experience indicates that macroeconomic stability should never be taken for granted. Signs of vulnerability to financial instability include: the degree of reliance on gross private capital inflows (taking into account maturities and the implications for rollovers); the extent of unhedged foreign exchange positions; and certain indirect indicators, such as policy slippages and key personnel changes. Finally, in a world of volatile capital flows, crisis will tend to occur before standard economic data suggest that crisis is imminent.  相似文献   

企业家创业过程研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据以往文献,总结得到创业过程的三阶段模型,模型将企业家的创业活动分为三个阶段:概念开发、风险事业开拓和组织建设。文章根据创业三阶段模型分析企业家在创业过程中的实践要点和问题。  相似文献   

What drove the precocious industrialisation in Britain was not demand for machines but rather (as Joel Mokyr and his co-authors have argued) the supply of useful knowledge and the skills needed to put it into practice. They were the force behind early innovation. But they did not act alone. They were reinforced by British institutions, which gave the British economy a century's head start over the rest of Europe and likely too over the rich parts of Asia. The institutions included a uniform fiscal and legal system; an effective means of training apprentices, who had escaped from local guild control; and a parliament that could raise taxes and exercise eminent domain but was at the same time a credible protector of private property. Among other things, these institutions facilitated the transportation of goods such as coal and they were backed up by policies that worked in favour of manufacturing. Together, the institutions and policies generated agglomeration effects that encouraged innovation. The agglomeration effects were more pronounced in western Europe than anywhere else in Eurasia and more developed in Britain than anywhere else.  相似文献   

This paper, using multi‐level modelling, sought to highlight student‐level and school‐level characteristics that differentiate the academic performance in mathematics from a sample of 6080 Moroccan secondary students who participated in the 2011 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) test. The results indicated little evidence to support the Heyneman–Loxley effect, as they showed that individual and family characteristics were the strongest determinants of achievement compared to the schools’ factors. Students scored higher when they were boys, were younger, were more self‐confident, were more ambitious, and felt secure in school. They also scored higher when they came from families with a higher socioeconomic status, particularly when their parents were able to ensure the availability of learning resources, and were of a higher level of education. Finally, schools were matter for their pupil achievement mainly through the location channel, as urban pupils outperformed rural ones. However, the other school characteristics, including those related to teachers, played a negative, or at best neutral, role in pupil outcomes. These findings have important public policy implications. Redesigning education policy towards improving the school's environment and fostering inclusivity would be needed to enhance learning performance of Moroccan students.  相似文献   

The results shown in Fig. 1 and in Table 2 argue that steel was a cost-minimizing choice for railroad companies in Canada by 1870, given the assumed 5:1 ratio of steel rail life to iron rail life and an average life for the latter of less than 7 years. The evidence in Table 1 shows that there was a very rapid switch from iron to steel over the decade from 1870. This evidence suggests that there is no case for the inertia argument in Canada.It is possible that there was inertia in the United States but not in Canada. Such a situation is possible if the two countries were completely separate entities. But this was not the case. First, the Canadian lines were built as through lines to carry freight from the American midwest to the Atlantic seaboard and were thus in direct competition with American lines. The vigorous competition which resulted can be seen in the freightrate situation of the 1870s. Second, there was some degree of overlapping ownership between the Canadian and American railroads. Both the Grand Trunk and the Great Western owned lines in Michigan and in New England, while the Canada Southern was organized under the presidency of Milton Courtwright of Erie, Pennsylvania. At least for those railways with overlapping ownership, it seems reasonable to assume that decisions were made in the same fashion on both sides of the border.  相似文献   

This study examines the effectiveness of the enterprise zone concept as a tool for economic development, particularly as it relates to increased minority business ownership and minority employment. Two research tests regarding the extent of minority firm participation and minority employment in the enterprise zones, as well as the incentives which were most likely to attract minority firms to the enterprise zones, are presented. The results suggested that enterprise zones contributed to business development and the creation of several new jobs. However, minority firms were not found to be participating in the program at meaningful levels. It is recommended that the enabling legislation be amended to address these issues.  相似文献   

Racial steering by real estate agents: Mechanisms and motives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data from fair housing audits conducted in Cincinnati (1983–85) and Memphis (1985–87) are analyzed to discern whether and how racial steering occurs. The six real estate firms analyzed here engaged in some sort of steering during at least one-half of the audited transactions, on average. This steering did not limit the number of alternative areas shown to black auditors, nor their geographic concentration. Rarely were black auditors not shown dwellings in predominantly white areas, especially if they requested such. But of all the homes they saw, black auditors were shown significantly smaller fractions in predominantly white areas, and significantly larger fractions in mixed and predominantly black areas. These racial patterns persisted regardless of the geographic definition of area chosen: census block, census tract, school district, or community. In addition, blocks adjacent to the homes shown black auditors had higher percentages of black residents, on average, than those shown to white auditors. White auditors rarely were shown houses in racially mixed areas unless they requested them. Even then, after the requested home was shown the bulk of subsequent showings were located in predominantly white areas. This pattern of showings was buttressed by numerous favorable comments by agents about such predominantly white areas and school districts . . . comments that were rarely given to black auditors. The evidence was fully consistent with only one hypothesis about why real estate agents steer. They steer so as to perpetuate two segregated housing markets buffered by a zone of racially transitional neighborhoods, thereby maximizing housing turnover and agents’ commissions.  相似文献   

In this study an attempt has been made to evaluate the validity of the boundaries of the officially approved ‘development regions’ of South Africa. A variety of statistical methods were used for the evaluation of the empirical validity of the boundaries of these regions. Firstly, two sets of homogeneous regions based on different sets of parameters were delimited. Secondly, two sets of regions indicating areas of different levels of economic development were determined. With the aid of this information, some changes in the boundaries of the existing regions are suggested. A historical account of attempts at regionalisation in South Africa for development management purposes is also given. A semantic assessment of definitions points to the need for a change in the use of the term ‘development region’ — for this specific purpose — to the term ‘development management region’.  相似文献   

In this paper, data from the 1999 Survey of Social Development Trend (SSDT) in Taiwan were used to examine the effects of income, tax price, as well as demographic variables on donations to different types of nonprofit organizations. The findings of this paper suggest that the effect of income on the level of donations was positively significant only for charitable and religious donations, but not for other types of donations. In addition, lowering the tax price of a donation exerted a significant effect on the probability of making donations only for religious contributions, but it also raised the level of contributions both for charitable and religious donations. The effects of most demographic variables were significant for the participation decision for all the different types of donations, but not significant for the levels of donations to academic, medical, and political organizations.  相似文献   

A significant recent development has been the extension of marketprocesses to activities which were previously provided by thepublic sector. A central feature of newly privatised marketsis the emergence of widespread forms of contracting. Explicitcontracting is used where in the past transactions had takenplace internally within a public enterprise of a governmentdepartment. The design of efficient forms of contracting hasbeen an essential component of the development of new marketsand quasi-markets such as those in defence and health. Thispaper examines evidence of the structure of contracts and theextent to which they contribute to or detract from the efficientoperation of markets, discusses the role of contracts in somenewly emerging markets, and evaluates contracts in utilitieswhere regulation rather than competition policy is widespread.  相似文献   


In SEHR No.2, 1978, Eino ]utikkala took issue on a number of points with my article published in SEHR No.2, 1977, and I should like to make several comments in reply, Firstly, I have found it misleading to call the results of my data adjustments as ‘correction coefficients’. This term tends to suggest that my corrections produce precise results, an impression which the caveats explicitly stated in my text were designed to prevent. My purpose was to provide a rough suggestion of, and an approximation to the extent of errors, since it would have profited no one had I concluded the study with the simple acknowledgment of gaps in the registers and the admission that there is no way of determining their extent. Because this type of research is still relatively new, and because there seemed to be no other way of assessing the number of infants who died below one year of age, but were omitted from the registers of ‘baptised’ and ‘buried’, the national figures were used for the corrections, and an attempt was made to ensure that this approach did not lead to an overestimation of error.  相似文献   

张彦 《特区经济》2010,(3):78-79
工业化时期的美国工业在经济发展中,存在浪费资源及破坏生态环境的问题,美国政府尤其是西奥多.罗斯福总统认识到其严重性,采取了一系列保护措施,为保证美国经济振兴和工业持续发展做出了重要的贡献。处于工业化阶段中的中国应明确树立合理开发和保护自然资源的可持续发展观念,加强政府立法和政策的支持,强化公民道德教育和约束,因地制宜,走多种开发模式并举的方针,恢复和保护资源与环境,避免重蹈覆辙。  相似文献   

Developing start-up business support programmes may become attractive again, particularly to the new Regional Development Agencies (RDAs), following the promotion of new venture entrepreneurship in recent Government policy statements. This paper examines the results from two start-up business support programmes in the West of Scotland; a region where new venture entrepreneurship has been a feature of policy. Both programmes provided support for an 18 month period to selected clients. Although, there were differences in the programmes in terms of design; in terms of impacts there were more similarities. The paper examines some policy implications of developing business start-up support programmes.  相似文献   

This paper explores the economic reality behind the balanced development aspect of the Chinese development strategy more thoroughly than has been done previously. Firstly, it introduces material from the Wan-sui volumes to shed more light on its economic ideology, but mainly it uses the recently available macroeconomic information about the Chinese economy to examine how empirically the policy was put into effect, what its implications were for the intersectoral allocation of investment, choice of technologies, etc., and what its effects were in terms of incomes and employment. A final section compares the strategy with the ‘balanced growth’ policies of Western economic literature and the ‘harmonic growth’ advocated by Kornai.  相似文献   

This paper examines internal labour markets in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century using personnel records from the Union Bank of Australia and the Victorian Railways. Both employers hired young workers and offered them the possibility of very-long-term employment. Salaries were determined by impersonal rules, such as being attached to tenure and to position. Workers rarely received nominal pay cuts. This approach to human resources was designed to retain and motivate workers. We show that all of the classic features of internal labour markets used to describe American firms in the 1970s were present dating back to the Victorian period.  相似文献   

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