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旅行社质量保证金制度的重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪传才 《旅游学刊》2006,21(3):68-72
旅行社质量保证金是用于保障旅游者权益的专用款项.它对保证旅游质量、减少旅游纠纷、降低交易风险发挥了一定作用,但保证金制度设计的缺陷,致其功能远未充分彰显.本文从保证金制度的性质及功能出发,分析其实施中存在的问题,最后提出具体的重构措施和方法.  相似文献   

郑晶 《旅游学刊》2013,(12):97-104
建立旅游公共赔偿基金的目的在于为旅游者出游活动提供财务保证, 香港地区的旅游业赔偿基金和台湾地区的旅游品质保障金就是很好的例证。大陆现行的旅行社质量保证金制度只是个体旅行社对自身债务的担保, 赔付作用有限。尤其值得注意的是, 《旅行社条例》和《旅游法(草案)》根据写作时间, 本文依据的是《旅游法(草案)》的内容。《旅游法》关于质量保证金条文虽然和《旅游法(草案)》有所不同, 但是不影响本文的研究结论。没有明确旅游行政管理部门的行政裁决权和行政强制执行权, 这可能导致质量保证金成为纸面上的制度。所以, 在现有的立法框架下改进质量保证金制度之外, 更应当考虑在未来的发展中, 充分发挥市场主体的自律作用, 再辅以必要的社会监督, 为旅游公共赔偿基金的建立创设条件。  相似文献   

旅行社质量保证金使用去行政化原因、问题及完善对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅行社质量保证金使用去行政化制度变革,源于质量保证金具有的公私法双重属性、旅游行政裁决具有民事与行政交叉的双重法律关系及旅游纠纷损害赔偿的法律与规章不一致规定等多种因素。但简单地将质量保证金使用去行政化不符合行政法理论,也缺乏现实合理性。我国应保留旅游行政裁决制度,实行旅游行政裁决的准司法化;强化旅游纠纷行政调解以及创设旅游纠纷调解、和解协议履行协助法律制度。  相似文献   

郑晶 《旅游学刊》2007,22(4):84-87
中国旅游强制保险立法分为旅游意外保险和旅行社责任保险两个发展阶段.在这一发展过程中,对旅游强制保险究竟在多大程度上能够规避旅游风险,理论界和实务界始终存在疑问.本文从旅游意外保险制度、旅行社责任保险制度的具体规定出发,论述旅游强制保险制度在立法上存在的问题及问题的成因,并探讨该项制度的发展思路.  相似文献   

旅游质量投诉索赔是个一直困扰游客和旅行社的问题。旅游者要求舒适怡然,旅行社也说自己有苦难言。现在好了,最新出台的《旅行社质量保证金赔偿暂行办法》可以给大家一个合理的依  相似文献   

随着现代经济的增长,人们的生活水平逐步提高,人们开始重视精神的享受,旅游成为当前的潮流。伴随着旅游事业需求量的增大,很多旅游区的开发和旅游企业顺势而生,得到迅速发展,并且带动了一大批的相关产业链和地区的经济发展。但由于旅游规模发展速度太快,各种制度、管理跟不上,各个方面存在着很多的缺陷,并随着时间逐渐暴露出来。本文通过对当前旅游管理中存在的问题进行分析,对优化管理策略进行了研究和论述  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,人们对建筑工程的质量要求越来越高。而建筑工程管理对建筑工程的质量有着十分重要的作用。本文在分析当前建筑工程管理中存在问题的基础上,进一步探析了解决建筑工程管理中存在问题的方法,希望可以为提高我国建筑工程管理的效率和建筑工程的质量提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

我国经济快速发展,城市现代化进程也在不断的推进,与此同时人们对于房屋建设的质量、适用性以及安全使用性能都提出了更加严苛的要求,而土木工程企业想要满足现代社会人们对建筑物的要求,就必须采取行之有效的工程施工管理来对施工的质量进行严格的管理和把控,才能从根本上杜绝各种建筑质量问题的发生。本文就针对目前我国土木工程管理中存在的问题以及提高土木工程管理质量的有效措施进行了分析和阐述,希望对我国该行业的相关人士提供参考。  相似文献   

关于准入制度与导游管理体制的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
很多研究从不同视角就导游管理问题进行了深入探讨,提出的对策主要是两个方面:严格导游职业准入制度和完善相关管理体制。文章认为,职业准入制度的主要功能对于解决我国导游服务中存在的市场机会主义问题并不具有针对性,对于真正实现导游数量控制、提高导游服务质量作用有限。加强监管的思路是合理的,但如何监管需考虑行业管理制度与企业微观机制的衔接和相互影响,从制度建设方面引导旅行社自身组织结构优化。从市场关系看,导游具有独立性,又对旅行社具有从属性,旅行社才是市场责任主体,其追求利益的方式影响企业组织结构,决定了旅行社与导游之间的关系,进而影响导游的行为和服务质量。旅游行业管理应该建立以旅行社为核心的行业治理模式,明确和强化旅行社的质量责任主体地位,促进导游服务质量提升。  相似文献   

业务流程重组(BPR),它的定义是“对企业的业务流程进行全面性思考与重新设计,以确保成本、质量、服务获得提高。”将BPR理念引入到企业中,不但可以将企业原先冗杂繁杂的制度以及部门进行深度优化,而且还能够运用全面的理论来为业务流程精简化处理给予正确的指导。许多濒临倒闭的企业在运用BPR思想之后都获得良好的转机。文中现阶段国内高校教务管理流程中存在的问题进行了简要论述,在确保教务管理质量的基础上将教务管理效率提升到一个新层次,在减少管理成本的同时运信息化方式,引入业务流程重组理念来为高效提升教务管理质量提供参考。  相似文献   

The current study examines the relationship between executive compensation and firm performance in the U.S. lodging industry. It is not clear-cut whether performance leads to compensation or compensation drives firm performance. Our contention is that cash and lagged equity-based compensation drive the firm performance. Our findings suggest that chief executive officer's (CEO) contemporaneous cash-compensation and one-year lagged equity-compensation positively affect the accounting performance measures return on assets and Tobin's Q; but neither compensation components affects the market-performance measure, stock returns, in the lodging industry. Quantitatively similar findings are found for the chief financial officer (CFO). Further robustness test show that further lags of equity compensation of both named executives do not result in increased stock performance in the lodging industry.  相似文献   

旅游生态补偿标准的测度方法与模型构建是建立旅游生态补偿机制的难点。本文以黄山国家公园创建区为例,基于国家公园旅游生态产品和服务显性和隐性供给成本的视角,综合考虑管理者、经营者、守护者(社区居民)等旅游利益相关者的供给成本和利益诉求,以保障生态系统的完整性、周边社区生存发展权的公平性和行政管理的可行性为原则,划分核心区、毗邻区和辐射区三级旅游生态补偿空间范围,确立国家公园旅游生态补偿标准测度方法与模型,测算得出黄山国家公园旅游生态补偿标准的下限值为5.1亿元/年。研究以期为构建国家公园旅游生态补偿机制,协调国家公园保护与利用的人地关系矛盾,实现国家公园生态共建、利益共享和经济共赢的高质量发展路径提供理论指导。  相似文献   

旅游生态补偿标准的测度方法与模型构建是建立旅游生态补偿机制的难点。本文以黄山国家公园创建区为例,基于国家公园旅游生态产品和服务显性和隐性供给成本的视角,综合考虑管理者、经营者、守护者(社区居民)等旅游利益相关者的供给成本和利益诉求,以保障生态系统的完整性、周边社区生存发展权的公平性和行政管理的可行性为原则,划分核心区、毗邻区和辐射区三级旅游生态补偿空间范围,确立国家公园旅游生态补偿标准测度方法与模型,测算得出黄山国家公园旅游生态补偿标准的下限值为5.1亿元/年。研究以期为构建国家公园旅游生态补偿机制,协调国家公园保护与利用的人地关系矛盾,实现国家公园生态共建、利益共享和经济共赢的高质量发展路径提供理论指导。  相似文献   

公仆型领导风格对员工服务质量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文作者对13家宾馆和餐馆进行了一次实证研究,探讨中、高层管理人员的公仆型领导风格和部门的集体情感性归属感对员工服务质量的影响。多层次线性模型分析结果表明,企业的公仆型领导氛围会通过部门的公仆型领导氛围,间接影响员工服务质量;员工感知的企业负责人的公仆型领导风格会通过员工感知的部门负责人的公仆型领导风格,间接影响员工服务质量。此外,部门的集体情感性归属感会调节员工个人的工作满意感对服务质量的影响,部门的公仆型领导氛围会调节员工的情感性归属感对服务质量的影响。  相似文献   

This paper reports the existence of asymmetries in the preference formation of potential guests with regards their perception of hotel attributes. In the same way, using choice experimentation, we can confirm that similar asymmetries exist in their willingness to pay measures based on the valuation of losses or gains. The specification of a reference dependent utility function allows the application of prospect theory to an analysis of choices made by consumers when they evaluate attributes that define hotel service quality. The results show the existence of significant discrepancies between the monetary compensation a customer would accept if a reduction in hotel quality was produced and the amount he/she would be willing to pay if the service quality were improved. The results imply important implications and recommendations for hotel managers and policy makers.  相似文献   

Efficient working capital management is becoming important for restaurant firms coping with weak financial conditions and increased economic uncertainty. This study investigates the impact of restaurant firms’ working capital on their profitability. We further examine the effects of firms’ cash levels on the relationship between working capital and profitability. The findings ascertain a strong inverted U-shape relationship between working capital and a firm's profitability, which indicates the existence of an optimal working capital level for restaurant firms. This study also reveals that a firm's cash level is an important factor for efficient working capital management. The results suggest that interactive effects exist among working capital, cash levels, and profitability. Thus, restaurant managers should consider these different roles and impacts when developing an efficient working capital management strategy. Detailed results and implications are presented in the main body of this paper.  相似文献   

This study examines the determinants of cash-holding levels for restaurant firms. After examining a panel data set obtained from 125 publicly traded US restaurant firms between 1997 and 2008, the study provides evidence that restaurant firms with greater investment opportunities tend to hold more cash. At the same time, large restaurant firms, firms holding liquid assets other than cash, firms with higher capital expenditures, and firms paying dividends were shown to hold less cash. The results are generally supportive of the trade-off theory of cash holdings. In particular, both precautionary and transaction motives play important roles in explaining the determinants of cash holdings for restaurant firms.  相似文献   

This research investigates the effectiveness of complaint management according to company–client relationship quality (RQ). Interactional recovery efforts are critical for efficient complaint management in the hospitality management (restaurant) context; this study addresses the potential compensatory interaction effects of interactional recovery efforts (personal apology vs. impersonal apology via email) and two types of compensatory recovery efforts (voucher vs. refund), as well as their intensity (full vs. partial). A robust cut-off effect emerges, such that a minimum level of interactional effort influences the effectiveness of compensation efforts. Furthermore, RQ influences complaint management effectiveness: For loyal, high-RQ customers, interactional recovery effort (personal apologies) is more important, regardless of compensation intensity (full vs. partial) or type (voucher vs. refund). High- (low) RQ customers are more (less) likely to accept vouchers than refunds; vouchers symbolize their willingness to continue relationships. Thus, interactional effort allows firms to decrease the intensity of customer compensation required.  相似文献   

Extant research in finance suggests asymmetric information increases the cost of external financing substantially and creates underinvestment problems. While franchising might reduce underinvestment problems, it might exacerbate overinvestment problems in poorly-governed firms. Using combined postulations from both the pecking order theory and the free cash flow theory, this study examines the value of cash holdings in hotel firms and the extent to which franchising, financial constraints, and corporate governance affect this value. The findings suggest that cash can be a curse and a blessing; cash is more valuable for financially constrained firms than for unconstrained firms and less valuable for poorly-governed firms than for well-governed firms. Also, financial constraints have a greater effect on the value of cash holdings than weak corporate governance. Although franchising could solve underinvestment problems, it makes poorly-governed firms more vulnerable to overinvestment. Practical and theoretical implications are discussed within realms of corporate finance and franchising.  相似文献   

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