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In recent years, general risk measures play an important role in risk management in both finance and insurance industry. As a consequence, there is an increasing number of research on optimal reinsurance decision problems using risk measures beyond the classical expected utility framework. In this paper, we first show that the stop-loss reinsurance is an optimal contract under law-invariant convex risk measures via a new simple geometric argument. A similar approach is then used to tackle the same optimal reinsurance problem under Value at Risk and Conditional Tail Expectation; it is interesting to note that, instead of stop-loss reinsurances, insurance layers serve as the optimal solution. These two results highlight that law-invariant convex risk measure is better and more robust, in the sense that the corresponding optimal reinsurance still provides the protection coverage against extreme loss irrespective to the potential increment of its probability of occurrence, to expected larger claim than Value at Risk and Conditional Tail Expectation which are more commonly used. Several illustrative examples will be provided.  相似文献   

When estimating the risk of a P&L from historical data or Monte Carlo simulation, the robustness of the estimate is important. We argue here that Hampel’s classical notion of qualitative robustness is not suitable for risk measurement, and we propose and analyze a refined notion of robustness that applies to tail-dependent law-invariant convex risk measures on Orlicz spaces. This concept captures the tradeoff between robustness and sensitivity and can be quantified by an index of qualitative robustness. By means of this index, we can compare various risk measures, such as distortion risk measures, in regard to their degree of robustness. Our analysis also yields results of independent interest such as continuity properties and consistency of estimators for risk measures, or a Skorohod representation theorem for ψ-weak convergence.  相似文献   

We provide a variety of results for quasiconvex, law-invariant functionals defined on a general Orlicz space, which extend well-known results from the setting of bounded random variables. First, we show that Delbaen’s representation of convex functionals with the Fatou property, which fails in a general Orlicz space, can always be achieved under the assumption of law-invariance. Second, we identify the class of Orlicz spaces where the characterization of the Fatou property in terms of norm-lower semicontinuity by Jouini, Schachermayer and Touzi continues to hold. Third, we extend Kusuoka’s representation to a general Orlicz space. Finally, we prove a version of the extension result by Filipovi? and Svindland by replacing norm-lower semicontinuity with the (generally non-equivalent) Fatou property. Our results have natural applications to the theory of risk measures.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of sharing pooled risks among n economic agents endowed with non-necessarily monotone monetary functionals. In this framework, results of characterization and existence of optimal solutions are easily obtained as extensions from the convex risk measures setting. Moreover, the introduction of the best monotone approximation of non-monotone functionals allows us to compare the original problem with the one which involves only ad hoc monotone criteria. The explicit calculation of optimal risk sharing rules is provided for particular cases, when agents are endowed with well-known preference relations.   相似文献   


In this paper asymptotic properties for the risk process will be studied when the number of risk units tends to infinity. The paper extends asymptotic properties for the classical risk process to more general processes. In the classical risk process the claim amounts are assumed independent and identically distributed, and the claim number process is a homogeneous Poisson process.

The key tool is point process theory with associated martingale theory. The results are illustrated by examples.  相似文献   

This contribution focuses on a discrete-time risk model in which both insurance risk and financial risk are taken into account and they are equipped with a wide type of dependence structure. We derive precise asymptotic formulas for the ruin probabilities when the insurance risk has a dominatedly varying tail. In the special case of regular variation, the corresponding formula is proved to be uniform for the time horizon.  相似文献   


The main object in the statistical analysis of high-frequency financial data are sums of functionals of increments of stochastic processes, and statistical inference is based on the asymptotic behaviour of these sums as the mesh of the observation times tends to zero. Inspired by the famous Hayashi–Yoshida estimator for the quadratic covariation based on two asynchronously observed stochastic processes, we investigate similar sums for general functionals. We find that our results differ from corresponding results for synchronous observations, a case which has been well studied in the literature, and we observe that the asymptotic behaviour in the setting of asynchronous observations is not only determined by the nature of the functional, but also depends crucially on the asymptotics of the observation scheme. Several examples are discussed, including the case of \(f(x_{1},x_{2}) = |x_{1}|^{p_{1}} |x_{2}|^{p_{2}}\) which has various applications in empirical finance.


A recent strand in the literature has investigated the relationship between idiosyncratic risk and future stock returns. Although several authors have found significant predictive power of idiosyncratic volatility, the magnitude and direction of the dependence is still being debated. Using a sample of all S&P 100 constituents, we identify positive risk premia for option-implied idiosyncratic risk. Depending on the model used to identify unsystematic risk, we observe a statistically and economically significant average annual premium of 1.72 percent. To investigate whether this impact is driven by the definition of idiosyncratic risk, we extend the pricing kernel by implied skewness. Using a double-sorting procedure, we show that the compensation of unsystematic risk is mainly driven by firms with high positive implied skewness.  相似文献   

Brown and Gibbons (1985) developed a theory of relative risk aversion estimation in terms of average market rates of return and the variance of market rates of return. However, the exact sampling distributions of the relative risk aversion estimators have not been derived. The main purpose of this paper is to derive the exact sampling distribution of an appropriate relative risk aversion estimator. First, we have derived theoretically the density of Brown and Gibbons' maximum likelihood estimator. It is shown that the centralt is not appropriate for testing the significance of estimated relative risk aversion distribution. Then we derived the minimum variance unbiased estimator by a linear transformation of the Brown and Gibbons' maximum likelihood estimator. The density function is neither a central nor a noncentralt distribution. The density function of this new distribution has been tabulated. There is an empirical example to illustrate the application of this new sampling distribution.  相似文献   

Motivated by recent axiomatic developments, we study the risk- and ambiguity-averse investment problem where trading takes place in continuous time over a fixed finite horizon and terminal payoffs are evaluated according to criteria defined in terms of quasiconcave utility functionals. We extend to the present setting certain existence and duality results established for so-called variational preferences by Schied (Finance Stoch. 11:107–129, 2007). The results are proved by building on existing results for the classical utility maximization problem, combined with a careful analysis of the involved quasiconvex and semicontinuous functions.  相似文献   

The main focus of this paper is to extend the analysis of ruin-related quantities to the delayed renewal risk models. First, the background for the delayed renewal risk model is introduced and a general equation that is used as a framework is derived. The equation is obtained by conditioning on the first drop below the initial surplus level. Then, we consider the deficit at ruin among many random variables associated with ruin. The properties of the distribution function (DF) of the proper deficit are examined in particular.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate portfolio optimization in the Black–Scholes continuous-time setting under quantile based risk measures: value at risk, capital at risk and relative value at risk. We show that the optimization results are consistent with Merton’s two-fund separation theorem, i.e., that every optimal strategy is a weighted average of the bond and Merton’s portfolio. We present optimization results for constrained portfolios with respect to these risk measures, showing for instance that under value at risk, in better markets and during longer time horizons, it is optimal to invest less into the risky assets.This research was partially supported by the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and the Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS) Network of Centres of Excellence.  相似文献   

This paper extends the literature on the estimation of expected utility and non-expected-utility preference functionals (and the consequent exploration of the superiority of non-expected-utility over expected utility preference functionals) to a comparison of two different ways (pairwise choice and complete ranking) of experimentally obtaining data on such preferences. What is revealed is that the magnitude of the subject error is clearly conditional on the elicitation method used and, rather alarmingly, that the preference functional apparently employed by the subject may also be conditional on the elicitation method.  相似文献   

The realized-GARCH framework is extended to incorporate the two-sided Weibull distribution, for the purpose of volatility and tail risk forecasting in a financial time series. Further, the realized range, as a competitor for realized variance or daily returns, is employed as the realized measure in the realized-GARCH framework. Sub-sampling and scaling methods are applied to both the realized range and realized variance, to help deal with inherent micro-structure noise and inefficiency. A Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method is adapted and employed for estimation and forecasting, while various MCMC efficiency and convergence measures are employed to assess the validity of the method. In addition, the properties of the MCMC estimator are assessed and compared with maximum likelihood, via a simulation study. Compared to a range of well-known parametric GARCH and realized-GARCH models, tail risk forecasting results across seven market indices, as well as two individual assets, clearly favour the proposed realized-GARCH model incorporating the two-sided Weibull distribution; especially those employing the sub-sampled realized variance and sub-sampled realized range.  相似文献   


Tail conditional expectations refer to the expected values of random variables conditioning on some tail events and are closely related to various coherent risk measures. In the univariate case, the tail conditional expectation is asymptotically proportional to Value-at-Risk, a popular risk mea-sure. The focus of this paper is on asymptotic relations between the multivariate tail conditional expectation and Value-at-Risk for heavy-tailed scale mixtures of multivariate distributions. Explicit tail estimates of multivariate tail conditional expectations are obtained using the method of regular variation. Examples involving multivariate Pareto and elliptical distributions, as well as application to risk allocation, are also discussed.  相似文献   

Residual income subtracts from operating income an interest charge for invested capital. Residual income can be calculated each period from current accounting information, unlike discounted cash flow (DCF), which requires the knowledge of future cash flows. This paper provides a normative justification for residual-income maximization by showing that if investment decisions are made myopically each period to maximize residual income, the resulting path asymptotically maximizes discounted cash flow. Thus, under the assumptions of the model, residual-income maximization is a heuristic that leads to the long-run DCF-optimum.  相似文献   

Asymptotic arbitrage in large financial markets   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A large financial market is described by a sequence of standard general models of continuous trading. It turns out that the absence of asymptotic arbitrage of the first kind is equivalent to the contiguity of sequence of objective probabilities with respect to the sequence of upper envelopes of equivalent martingale measures, while absence of asymptotic arbitrage of the second kind is equivalent to the contiguity of the sequence of lower envelopes of equivalent martingale measures with respect to the sequence of objective probabilities. We express criteria of contiguity in terms of the Hellinger processes. As examples, we study a large market with asset prices given by linear stochastic equations which may have random volatilities, the Ross Arbitrage Pricing Model, and a discrete-time model with two assets and infinite horizon. The suggested theory can be considered as a natural extension of Arbirage Pricing Theory covering the continuous as well as the discrete time case.  相似文献   

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