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卢爱华 《广西经济》2004,(12):41-41
一、多功能农业及其特征 所谓多功能农业,系指农业除向人类提供更多、更好的特定产品以满足社会不断增长的基本需求之外,还应该承担其他日益增多与不断扩大的社会、经济、生态功能,包括环境保护、国土整治、水资源管理、保持生态平衡、维系自然资源的永续利用、扩大就业、推动和促进整个国民经济的可持续发展等等。其具有以下特征:  相似文献   

人类要生存和发展,就必须进行消费。消费就是人类社会对所生产的物质资料和提供服务的实际耗用。在商品经济社会中,消费又是消费者通过向市场提出消费需求并用货币购买来实现的。消费需求就是人们为了满足物质和文化需要而对物质产品、劳务和精神产品所具有的有货币支付能力的购买动机和购买行为。社会正是通过生产符合人们消费需求的商品来满足消费的。为了使生产更好地符合消费需求,也为了按照消费需求来组织好商品营销,因而  相似文献   

医疗事业作为我国现代社会发展的重要组成部分,随着社会的进步与发展,对医疗服务的需求也在不断增长,为了更好地满足人们对医疗服务的需求,增加非在编人员数量十分必要。在现代社会里,非在编人员已成为医院管理中不可忽略的一股重要力量,加强非在编人员的管理,稳定人才队伍,调动非在编人员的工作积极性和主动性,提高医疗服务质量。文章就公立医院非在编人员的管理进行了相关的分析。  相似文献   

文章基于我国1979~2011年的数据,通过建立VAR模型对其进行了检验,并进行脉冲响应函数分析,方差分解和格兰杰因果分析。实证结果表明:经济增长是政府规模的格兰杰原因,即当国民收入增长时,政府支出会扩大,而没有证据显示由政府规模到经济增长的单向因果关系。这一结果支持了瓦格拉假说,而并没有证实Armey曲线和凯恩斯主义的观点。  相似文献   

彩票:其实我并不新 彩票是利用人们希冀侥幸获利的心理,筹集社会闲散资金并用于社会公益事业的一种特殊金融凭证,有"微笑的纳税女神"和"无痛的税收"之称.彩票的起源可以上溯到古代罗马.那时国王利用节假日和举行大型活动的日子开展"博彩"活动,为国库筹集资金.近代意义上的彩票出自欧洲.18世纪,欧洲各国和美国逐步认识到彩票的税收功能,于是大力发展,将收入用于建桥、修路、兴学等公益事业.  相似文献   

按照西方人的说法,博彩乃是一种"奉神的旨意"受上帝之手操纵的经济游戏,所谓中彩就是指彩民掷出的骰子必须与上帝手中的骰子相符才算被幸运之神宠幸。毋庸置疑,彩票这种"输远大于赢"的游戏能带给人们一种诱惑、一种期待和一种乐趣,彩民在受"上帝之手"操纵的彩票面前一律平等,这或许正是彩票独特的魅惑所在。此外,博彩也是调节财富分配的重要方式。彩票是利用人们希冀侥幸致富的心理筹集社会闲散资金并用于社会公益事业的一种特殊金融凭证,有"微笑的纳税女神"和"无痛的税收"之称。客观地讲,彩票是一种利弊兼容的载体,彩票的发行既可以以其公益性造福社会,  相似文献   

社区中介组织的出现以及快速的发展不仅更好地满足了居民日益增长变化的生活、服务和民主需求,而且使政府从大量具体的社会服务性事务中解脱出采,从而实现"小政府、大社会"的管理格局.  相似文献   

一、引言生态公益林是指为维护和改善生态环境,保持生态平衡,保护生物多样性及满足人类社会生态、社会需求和可持续发展为主体功能,主要提供公益性、社会性产品或服务的森林(李卫忠,2001)。由于生态公益林是服务于社会、受益于全民的非赢利性的社会公益事业,具有公共品性、外部经济性、不可控制性、难以计量等经济特性。(洪流,2005)。本文借鉴机制设计理论的框架,以信息的充分性和激励相容为主要标准,通过对阿拉善地区牧民对待公益林政  相似文献   

裴利花 《黑河学刊》2007,1(5):18-20
精神产品是人们在认识世界的活动中创造出来的思想成果,它因能满足人的精神需求而具有价值,但与物质产品不同,其价值是经济价值与社会价值的统一。精神产品的价值实现具有价值多项性、长效性、流变性和无限性等特点,在精神产品价值实现过程中,我们要根据其这些特点来实现精神产品经济价值与社会价值的统一。  相似文献   

随着后金融危机时期的到来,资源、环境和科技进步对我国形成了越来越严峻的挑战,必须清楚地认识到,转变经济发展方式是适应全球需求结构重大变化。提高我国经济抵御国际市场风险能力的需要;是保持经济平衡较快增长,实现可持续发展的需要;是在新的国际竞争中培育新优势和抢占新制高点的需要;是促进国民收入分配合理化,保证社会和谐稳定的需要;是实现全面建设小康奋斗目标,满足人民群众过上更好生活的需要。  相似文献   

詹志斌 《特区经济》2011,(9):225-227
本文在梳理现有我国政府彩票融资研究成果的基础上,对我国政府彩票融资发展的背景、现状进行了分析,认为目前我国政府彩票融资存在运行效率低、福利效应有待提升以及未能有效遏制非法博彩等问题。针对存在问题提出了明确彩票融资发展定位、完善融资环境和创新发展手段等建议。  相似文献   

A theoretical model of state tax structure implies that revenue enhancement due to the introduction of casino gambling is less likely in states where incomes taxes do not exist and where casino tax rates are lower than the corresponding tax rates on sales taxable and excise taxable goods. Further, it is clear that casino gambling is likely to adversely impact lottery tax revenues earmarked for education. Due to the cross-price effects of gambling, tax revenues will likely decline in states that introduce nontaxable casino gambling on Indian reservations. In the longer term, as casino gambling proliferates increasing competition among states, there will be negative revenue consequences due to fewer tourism and employment dollars.  相似文献   

目的:研究港币在澳门的流通情况,分析其流通可能受哪些因素的影响。方法:对澳门的港币流通情况进行定性分析,并收集流通量数据和贸易量、博彩消费收入等数据,在ADF检验和Granger检验后,建立多元回归模型。结论:港澳之间的贸易量、澳门从香港游客身上获得的博彩和旅游收入这两个因素将对港币的流通量产生正面影响,而且这种影响还会滞后一期;港币对人民币的汇率、港币对澳门币的利率差这两个因素对港币的流通量产生负面影响。而长期来看,港币在澳门的流通情况可能还取决于直接投资以及澳门居民对香港和内地的信心。  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a questionnaire survey conducted recently in the city of Taipei on people's expectations regarding certain macroeconomic variables, such as consumer prices, the GNP growth rate, and the money supply growth rate. The survey sample is divided into two groups: "non-economists" and "economists". We find that there is a significant difference between economists' and non-economists' expectation behavior. We also find that only a very small fraction of people (26.8% among economists and 6.5% of non-economists) can say how many % they expect the money supply growth rate will be.  相似文献   

王宁 《华东经济管理》2005,19(1):131-133
受教育权利的非竞争性和教育受益主体的非排他性表明了教育的准公共物品属性。然而在我国,具有准公共物品性质的教育面临着现实的筹资困境:国家的财政性教育经费投入严重不足和个人投入教育水平有限。而教育作为一项国家事业决定着国民素质高低和国际竞争力,国家在教育投入上应扮演一个更为积极的角色,多渠道筹集资金,发展教育事业。发行彩票是国家为筹集公益金的一种方式,可以有效、迅速地募集大量社会闲散资金,用于公益事业,作为社会公共事业有益资金补充。在教育投入渠道不多和投入量有限的前提下,发行教育彩票,弥补教育投入,在理论和实践上都具有可行性。  相似文献   

State lottery revenues are shown to increase during the week transfer payments are distributed. The timing of the increase in lottery purchases suggests a portion of the transfer payments is used to purchase lottery tickets. In addition to providing information on the timing of lottery purchases, this study finds sales of Pick 3 and Pick 4 tickets increase during the period, while sales of Pick 5 and Pick 6 games do not, suggesting a general preference for the relatively higher probability, smaller jackpot games for the group.
Rodney J. PaulEmail:

种养大户随着种养规模的扩大,其资金需求也随之增加,仅靠自身积累难以满足扩大再生产资金需求,必须依靠金融系统的支持.农村资金原本就处于供小于求状态,邮政储蓄资金外流更加大了农村资金供给缺口,存款增幅越大,占市场份额越高,外流资金就越多,用于支持农村经济进一步发展的资金就越少,从而阻碍种养大户规模的扩大和农村二三产业的发展.为此应扩大邮政储蓄业务范围;将邮政储蓄收入的资金转让给信用社;在农村地区建立简易的社会保障体系;组建邮政储蓄银行.  相似文献   

With little exception, research has shown that state-sponsored lotteries are regressive in the aggregate, in that lottery sales do not increase proportionately with area income. We test whether the purpose of lottery revenues mitigates this spatial regressivity. In August of 1997, the statutory earmark for Texas Lottery proceeds moved from the General Fund to the Foundation School Fund, which supports K-12 education. Beginning in 2000, the lottery was increasingly marketed as a funding stream for public schools. Drawing on a content analysis of lottery commission press releases from 1993 to 2006, we find that Instant game sales were modestly responsive to education messaging, in that sales became noticeably less regressive in the wake of more intense reminders of the education component of the state lottery. It is likely that unobserved heterogeneity in local sales factors played a much bigger role than education marketing.  相似文献   

During the early eighties the liquidity ratio in The Netherlands shows a sharp rise. The aim of this article is to inquire into the causes of this rise. This has been done by means of the demand theory of money. The analysis leads to the following conclusions.
(1)  An aggregate analysis of money demand does not seem appropriate.
(2)  Disaggregation of money demand into household and business demand yields more satisfactory results:
(a)  money demand by business depends on the real value added of the business sector, the GNP deflator and labour's share in the value added of the business sector;
(b)  money demand by households depends on real gross national product, the GNP deflator and the capital market interest rate.
(3)  The rise in the early eighties is essentially due to the increase in the money holdings of the business sector, which in turn is mainly caused by the increase in profitability.
The authors are indebted to Mr. E. Sterken for his suggestions with respect to the allocation of the money stock to the household and the business sector, to Mr.A.R.M. Gigengack and Professor J. Pen for improving the English and the readibility of the paper and to Professor A.H.E.M. Wellink for his penetrating comments on an earlier draft of the paper.  相似文献   

选取上海市房价作为研究对象,通过建立VAR模型来分析上海市地价、居民消费价格指数、房屋竣工面积、贷款利率、货币供应量及热钱流入对上海市商品房价格的影响。协整分析表明,各个变量之间具有长期的均衡关系。Granger因果检验表明,上海市商品房价格与地价之间存在双向的Granger因;货币供应量、贷款利率、房屋竣工面积、热钱与上海市商品房价格是单向Granger因;而上海市居民消费价格指数与商品房价格互不为Granger因。  相似文献   

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