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许正林  马蕊 《中国广告》2014,(3):127-133
上海市是我国最主要的广告经营中心之一,本文通过对2012年上海市广告企业的普查数据的分析,解读上海市广告产业发展现状。与2011年度的数据统计相比,2012年的统计数据更为准确集中,更真实全面的反映了上海广告产业的现状。数据显示,小型微型广告公司数量占据上海主营广告企业绝大多数,国际广告公司与本土广告公司的经济地位成反比,生活服务仍是本土广告经营服务收入的主业,广告业务收入电视仍是主流,互联网与电影展露锋芒,少量规模庞大的内资广告公司分走较多收益,微型广告公司的广告业利润最低。  相似文献   

广告公司是广告经营业的基本组织形态,广告公司的发展是推动广告事业发展的重要因素之一.目前,甘肃省的广告公司普遍规模较小,经营水平比较低,经济发展模式造成本土企业广告投资规模有限,广告媒体的竞争力不强,广告公司的广告策划能力和管理能力较弱,广告主缺乏现代广告理念,广告策划缺乏系统性、连贯性,难以树立鲜明的品牌定位.发展广告业务,必须具备科学的现代广告理念,才能进行正确的广告策划与实施,从而推动广告业的发展.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代,随着欧美大型广告公司开始全球广告版图的扩张之旅,许多国家的广告市场也卷入了全球化的竞争之中。然而,在同样有着开放性经济特征的韩国,其本土广告业却成功地抵御了外国广告运营模式和广告文化对于民族广告业的冲蚀。与欧美国家采用独立的代理机构来运营广告的发展模式不同的是,韩国很多广告公司都是作为大型企业集团子公司的形式成长起来的,  相似文献   

苏东  黄娜  范亮 《网际商务》2004,(8):30-31
兼听则明,偏信则暗。对于广州本土广告业的发展,尽管广州4A的召集人张小平先生并不赞成“本土广告公司与洋广告公司”之分,而认为只有“专业广告公司与非专业广告公司”之分,但是物以类聚、人以群分的自然法则无疑更有说服力。正因为如此,广州本土广告业的发展参照体就自然有两个:一个是国际4A,一个是广州外的广告中心地带,主  相似文献   

乔均 《中国广告》2005,(12):64-65
2006年以后中国广告市场将对外资完全地开放,这是广告业所期待的时代,也是广告业深为担忧的时代。跨国国际广告公司的高管人士不断放言,在今后几年,国际广告公司看好中国市场的发展,将加大对华投资,重点加大对中国本土广告公司的兼并:同时本土有实力的广告公司也纷纷放言,重组合资,加强兼并,强化联盟,提高竞争力。无论未来出现怎样的结局.可以断言,中国广告市场资本重组的划时代的阶段即将到来。  相似文献   

谢春林 《中国市场》2006,(1):118-119
2004年,我国广告经营额突破1200亿,广告业表现出了强劲的势头; 2005年,我国将实现广告业向世界开放的承诺,外资可以控股甚至独资经营我国的境内的广告公司.这些变化的背后究蕴涵着对我国本土广告公司的机遇和挑战,本土广告公司已经明显感觉到了竞争压力  相似文献   

在20多年的发展后,中国本土广告发展线索日渐清晰,户外广告、媒体依托及广告综合代理成为中国本土广告的三大方向,在每年的中国广告TOP10中,这三类广告公司不时出现。但是广告业似乎总是认为中国本土广告犹嫌不足。[第一段]  相似文献   

谢春林 《中国市场》2006,(2):118-119
2004年,我国广告经营额突破1200亿,广告业表现出了强劲的势头; 2005年,我国将实现广告业向世界开放的承诺,外资可以控股甚至独资经营我国的境内的广告公司.这些变化的背后究蕴涵着对我国本土广告公司的机遇和挑战,本土广告公司已经明显感觉到了竞争压力.……  相似文献   

时间跨入2005年,面对即将开放的市场和更加激烈的竞争环境,在中国广告业中,谁才是最具影响力的本土广告公司?在迎来了中国广告业发展的第26个年头的时候,我们经过1年多的城市广告业态的深入走访和各地广协、专家团的推荐、筛选,隆重推出“中国最具影响力的100强本土广告公司”和“中国本土广告公司综合实力30强”。  相似文献   

宋秩铭 广告业的洗牌是可预见的,中国本土广告公司将遇到一个发展机遇。 在金融海啸中,广告业无疑是一个公认的重灾区。在利润空间被压缩的年代,广告和营销费用往往首先被CFO砍掉。奥美整合传播集团大中华区董事长宋秩铭表示,—方面,在经济不景气的背景下,消费者将转向更为价廉物美的商品,这对一些处在市场中低端的本土品牌而言,无疑是一个突破时机。按照国际广告行业发展的规律,本土广告客户的成长往往会带动一批本土广告公司一起成长。另一个方面,在资金吃紧的年代,广告主花钱将更为谨慎,同时对广告公司的要求也更高。  相似文献   

Every year companies spend billions of dollars on advertising in an effort to induce consumers to purchase their goods. Yet, unlike almost any other investment that a company makes, management's advertising allocation decision is made with little, if any, substantive information on the return received from that investment. This research presents a methodology for determining the monetary gains from advertising and provides an estimate of the return to advertising investment for a sample of firms. Substantial gains exist for firms from advertising. This effect is seen to vary by type of industry and is strongly related to other positive strategic decisions of the firm.The authors would like to thank Deborah Heisley, two anonymous referees, and the participants at the 1991 Marketing Science Conference for their comments and suggestions. We thank Sylvia Graham, Camilo Riano, Patrick Grant, Patricia James, and Cordy Cates for assistance in gathering the information for this paper.  相似文献   


Researchers have documented whether and how companies use advertising disclaimers in regulated markets. We complement the extant work by analysing a sample of 449 online toy advertisements targeting children in Brazil, a largely unregulated market. Results show that multinational corporations are more likely to include disclaimers in their online ads than local Brazilian companies. Further analyses reveal, however, that advertising disclaimers used by multinational subsidiaries have more distractors that reduce viewer comprehension. Our research contributes to the fields of advertising and institutional theory by being the first to document whether and how multinational subsidiaries use disclaimers in online ads targeting an unregulated market.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study which investigated the international advertising practices of a sample of major advertising spending multinationals, and the rationales behind their policies. The objective was to obtain insights into the efficacy of international advertising standardization options. When the rationales behind the international advertising practices of the sampled companies were examined, it was found that the executives concerned brought a wide‐ranging agenda to the decision‐making process and that factors beyond the specific benefits of standardization influenced their policies. As regards their actual policies, the practice of some form of standardization was found to be widespread, but the practice of total standardization was rare. As such, the data indicate that standardization is a flexible option, with many possible variants, i.e. it can be adapted to circumstances and is not an either/or policy. The paper concludes that the focus on whether or not multinationals should practice international advertising is misplaced, if only because, just as at the local or national level, there will be good and bad international advertising. Accordingly, more emphasis should be placed on reviewing issues relating to how to improve the quality of international advertising campaigns.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of consumer preferences, firms’ costs, and advertising efficiencies on firms’ pricing and persuasive advertising strategies. We show that as the firms’ horizontal differentiation increases, the firm with a lower value-added product tends to increase persuasive advertising, whereas its competitor tends to reduce advertising. Second, the firm receiving a favorable shock in product valuation will complement the favorable change with additional persuasive advertising rather than reduce advertising spending. Third, an equal improvement in advertising efficiency in the industry will lower the profits for both firms, whereas a decrease in advertising efficiency in the industry can benefit both firms. Fourth, a larger shock that improves a firm’s product valuation or unit cost is more likely to induce higher advertising spending in the industry. Lastly, an exogenous increase in the separation between firms’ product valuations or perceived qualities may actually reduce the price dispersion in the industry.  相似文献   

从广告产业发展趋势看当前高校广告教育存在的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴红 《广告大观》2009,(6):90-93
我国广告产业正处于转型升级之中,大广告产业形态将是产业发展的必然趋势。一方面,是否符合产业发展趋势是衡量我国高校广告教育质量的重要标准,另一方面,我国高等院校广告教育质量的高低将直接影响与制约着我国广告产业的转型与升级。本文旨在从广告产业发展趋势的角度检视当前我国高等院校广告教育存在的问题并提出调整与改进的方法,以使我国高校广告教育能适应产业发展需求,更好更快地推动我国广告产业的转型与升级。  相似文献   

Dietary supplement advertising is an important, yet neglected, advertising research subject. This article overviews the US dietary supplement industry, describes advertising practices for dietary supplement products, and reviews the existing research on the topic. Based on the literature review, we offer a research agenda for advertising researchers around the world to stimulate and guide future investigations of dietary supplement advertising.  相似文献   

A particularly interesting area of research concerns how international fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) companies from small and open economies that operate in turbulent markets plan successful advertising campaigns for international markets. The objective of this research was to determine how they are planned and what factors affect this planning. The theoretical part of the study reviews literature related to the internationalization of firms, international advertising campaigns, and standardization versus adaptation of international advertising. Based on the literature, a theoretical framework and propositions regarding the international campaign planning process for FMCG companies were developed. The empirical part uses the multiple-case study method to examine four FMCG companies that were founded in Finland. The empirical results show that five stages are especially important in the international campaign planning of FMCG companies. Moreover, the companies need to consider a number of factors when deciding on international adverting campaigns. The study presents a number of theoretical contributions and managerial implications. A novel finding relates to the importance of understanding the impact of the internationalization/globalization phase of the company. During internationalization often within the home continent, companies increasingly adapt advertising campaigns to different countries, whereas globalization to other continents calls for increased standardization across countries. Another interesting finding was that FMCG companies from small and open-economy (SMOPEC) countries often use innovative non-traditional campaigns to overcome the resource limitations.  相似文献   

One of the fastest growing sectors in China's transforming economy is advertising. Within the industry, large numbers of ‘advertising agencies’ are typically reported. This article charts growth in the industry and classifies agencies by type, in order to establish a more accurate understanding of agency numbers and growth. Advertising agencies are but one type of organization among the huge number of licensed ‘advertising practitioners’ in China, which are often erroneously referred to as agencies.  相似文献   

中国广告产业的战略转型与产业核心竞争力的提升   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用核心竞争力理论,具体阐述了广告产业核心竞争力的内涵,通过对当前中国广告产业转型问题的深入剖析,提出广告公司经营的“泛专业化”和主营业务的“模糊化”,正严重消解中国广告产业的核心竞争力。作者在比照全球广告产业两次重大升级的基础上,指出中国广告产业的转型是广告产业可持续发展的战略必需,转型的核心和目标就是以广告产业为主导整合营销传播的相关领域,转型的实现途径是通过广告公司价值链的集聚和张大,提升广告产业的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

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