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In an attempt to ascertain the measure of agreement as to what constitutes dryness in textile goods following laundering and during domestic storage, a series of trials were carried out employing a large sample of testers. Each was asked to register a decision, whether damp or dry, for articles in wool, cotton and poly-cotton (67% polyester, 33% cotton). These articles were of known moisture contents, measured as percentage moisture regains, following exposure to controlled atmospheres ranging between 0 r.h. and 95% r.h. Considerable variations in dampness perception were recorded between individual testers and results differed with the fibre content; poly-cotton presented the most difficulties. Nevertheless it was possible to discern for each textile, a moisture content band below which goods could be declared acceptably dry. Implications for the indoor drying and storage of laundered articles were reviewed. Dryness acceptable to the majority (90% of the sample) could be achieved within a normal indoor atmosphere (50% r.h., 20°C) for poly-cotton but not for wool or cotton. For these, a reduced humidity or an elevated temperature would be required, necessitating the expenditure of energy such as is commonly available in the domestic airing cupboard. Results were applied to a psychometric chart to make recommendations for effective temperatures within such cupboards.  相似文献   

This study identifies factors influencing the behaviour of the household in energy conservation, and reports on a survey carried out to investigate knowledge in the area of energy and its conservation and the extent to which knowledge is put into practice to save energy. The survey showed that, amongst working class women, the need to reduce the bill, or at least stop it rising so fast is the greatest incentive to conservation. Knowledge of how and where heat is lost from the house is poor and there is little awareness of the need for insulation. Conservation practices in cooking are poor and where money is less tight, women easily become careless users of hot water. Most women do not have the knowledge to choose between fuels and appliances. The knowledge of women over 60 is significantly lower than that of younger women.  相似文献   

韩正出席并发表致辞达沃斯世界经济论坛2020年年会开幕本刊讯(编辑白星星)以“凝聚全球力量,实现可持续发展”为主题的世界经济论坛2020年年会1月21日在瑞士东部小镇达沃斯开幕。本届年会与会代表会聚达沃斯,为全球可持续发展凝聚力量。  相似文献   

外经贸部成立国际电子商务管理机构为促进我国电子商务健康快速的发展,外经贸部专门成立了电子商务管理司,以加强政府部门对电子商务的宏观规划和指导,并为我国电子商务的发展提供良好的法律环境。据报道,这次成立的外经贸部国际电子商务管理司的主要职责就是,研究拟定我国在国际经济贸易中电子商务应用和对外经济贸易信息化建设的总体规划、发展战略,起草相关法律法规、规则并组织实施;统一组织国家"金关工程"的相关工作;拟定国际经济贸易领域中运用电子商务开拓国际市场的相关政策、措施;承担与国际经济贸易相关的电子商务规则和标准的对外谈判;拟定我国国际经济贸易领域电子商务相关标准和规定;规划实施外经贸领域电子政务网络化建设,协调解决外经贸信息化工作的重大问题。  相似文献   


中国将是西班牙经贸合作的重要目标2001年11月7至8日,由西班牙政府经济部下属西班牙对外贸易协会主办,广东省对外贸易经济合作厅协办的中西企业合作交流会在广州中国出口商品交易会举行。卢瑞华省长和拉托副首相兼经济部长共同为合作交流会揭幕,同时西班牙贸易及旅游国务秘书科斯塔及广东省对外贸易经济合作厅梁伟发厅长致开幕词。合作交流会分别举行了中西企业对口洽谈和行业专题会,共有46家西班牙企业和大约270家中国企业举行了3D0多场对口洽谈,行业专题研讨会涉及基础设施、环保工业、广电通讯、交通控制和现代农业技术多个重要行业。  相似文献   

Digital 数字 CPI 11月份CPI同比上涨4.2%2011年11月份,全国居民消费价格总水平同比上涨4.2%。其中,城市上涨4.2%,农村上涨4.3%;食品价格上涨8.8%,非食品价格上涨2.2%;消费品价格上涨5.0%,服务项目价格上涨2.4%。  相似文献   

本刊讯 《中国会展》2020,(10):16-24
论坛其他大会将举行博鳌亚洲论坛决定2020年不举办年会本刊讯(编辑白星星)受新冠肺炎疫情影响,博鳌亚洲论坛理事会决定,2020年不举办年会。4月30日上午,博鳌亚洲论坛官网公布了这一消息。论坛组织方称这是一个“艰难决定”,此举是为支持和配合国际社会的防疫措施,保障参会代表健康和安全,希望得到各方理解和支持。  相似文献   



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