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近年来,由于建筑市场的竞争日趋激烈,各种因素导致施工企业的资金紧张,严重地制约了企业的生存和发展。现结合施工企业的资金现状,就施工企业的资金管理问题作简要论述。  相似文献   

资金管理是财务管理的集中体现和核心内容,资金管理能力直接关系施工企业的现金流状况和财务安全。而面对日益严峻的竞争形势,施工企业有必要通过加强资金管理来改善和提升自身的竞争力,以赢得更大的发展空间。  相似文献   

杨明  罗秀 《企业研究》2011,(1):35-36
由于园林绿化工程市场的竞争日趋激烈,对企业的竞争力要求也越来越高,资金管理的问题不断暴露出来,制约了园林施工企业的生存和发展。加强园绿化施工企业资金管理,必须提高认识,建章立制;开拓融资渠道,解决资金短缺难题;强化资金的预算管理,确保资金的安全和完整,提高资金使用效率。  相似文献   

陈亚玲 《活力》2024,(1):121-123
资金管理作为企业管理工作中重要的一环,在企业发展中起着至关重要的作用。资金作为企业流动性、周转率、风险都最高的资产,对企业发展起着关键作用。科学的资金管理,对施工企业发展至关重要。基于此,本文对施工企业资金管理进行分析,首先探讨施工企业资金管理的意义,之后论述施工企业资金管理存在的问题,并重点探讨了解决策略,对施工企业资金管理具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

陈芳 《中外企业家》2014,(2):160-160,165
目前,水电施工企业发展十分迅速,基础设施方面也逐渐完善起来,随之而来的就是越来越激烈的水电项目竞争。为了加强对水电施工企业项目的资金管理,我国已经把它作为重点管理内容之一了。主要从财务方面入手,深入了解施工企业项目资金管理,并找出减低项目资金管理的效率损失,以期实现企业价值最大化。  相似文献   

田玉红 《现代企业》2021,(1):156-157
资金管理是企业管理的重要组成部分,贯穿于企业经济活动的各个环节,资金管理可以有效评估企业财务管理水平的高低.近年来,随着我国经济的快速发展,施工企业越来越多,竞争越来越激烈,施工企业资金压力越来越大.某集团公司业务量近几年快速增长,伴随而来的是资金需求越来越大,资金越来越紧张,对于企业的资金管理要求日益提高.本文以某集...  相似文献   

唐晓丽 《企业导报》2011,(21):43-44
随着市场经济的不断发展,施工行业的竞争日益激烈。财务管理是施工企业经营管理的重要内容,其范围扩大到企业经营管理的各个环节,财务管理水平能直观、准确地反映施工企业在不同时期的资金流向以及经营状况。如何加强施工企业的财务管理水平,以提高施工企业的经营效益以及社会效益,对于加强施工企业的核心竞争力具有巨大推动作用。本文主要介绍了施工企业财务管理的内容,分析了现阶段施工企业财务管理存在的问题,并针对问题提出解决对策。  相似文献   

施工企业作为劳务密集型的企业,资金垫付的压力较大,随着竞争的加剧施工企业的利润空间也逐步缩小,施工企业向管理要绩效的方向越来越明确。但很多施工企业的项目管理还是存在很多的改进空间,需要明确自身存在的问题,采取必要的措施。  相似文献   

近年来,我国的经济水平不断提升,企业之间的竞争日益激烈,因此,企业的投融资管理显得尤为重要.本文主要分析施工企业投融资管理中存在的问题,并提出具有针对性、科学性改进措施,帮助施工企业得到更多的资金支持,促进企业的快速发展,从而提高我国建筑物的质量,为人们创造更加宜居、和谐的环境.  相似文献   

施工企业项目资金管理是企业财务管理的核心,亦是整个企业管理的重心。本文明确资金管理的重要性,分析罗列了一些施工企业项目资金管理中出现的问题,并针对问题提出了提高施工企业项目资金管理的策略方法。  相似文献   

张建星 《价值工程》2014,(10):223-224
网络安全在企业信息化中的位置越来越重要,越来越多的网络和系统需要防火墙设备进行安全防护。防火墙设备上的安全策略部署质量的高低,是防火墙设备是否起到安全防护作用的关键。但对于企业网络中众多复杂的各种应用,其数据流向往往比较复杂。本文针对企业网防火墙策略发现问题,提出一种采用网络设备日志分析实现识别业务流的方法,该方法可以低成本、高效率的发现网络中的业务流,进而为防火墙策略的部署提供依据。  相似文献   

Barbara Sianesi   《Labour economics》2008,15(3):370-399
The differential performance of six Swedish active labour market programs for the unemployed is investigated in terms of short- and long-term employment probability and un-employment-benefit dependency. Both relative to one another and compared to more intense job search, the central finding is that the more similar to a regular job, the more effective a program is for its participants. Employment subsidies perform best by far, followed by trainee replacement and, by a long stretch, labour market training. Relief work and two types of work practice schemes appear by contrast to be mainly used to re-qualify for unemployment benefits.  相似文献   

The objective of the study reported in this paper was to examine the role of deep cuts in capital expenditures as a firm's strategy for becoming more efficient and, in turn, more competitive. Based on an empirical study, support is provided for the argument that deep cuts in capital expenditures may be a viable strategy for realigning corporate priorities toward a more efficient operation. The measure of performance utilized in this paper is the stock market reaction to announced deep cuts.  相似文献   

The use of 360 degree feedback is becoming increasingly commonplace in organisations. It is claimed that this programme offers a more rounded diagnosis of development needs resulting in more effective development plans for individuals and more strategically focused investment in training for the organisation as a whole. These claims are tested in a qualitative and quantitative field study of participants in a 360 degree programme for middle and senior managers at a UK university. Some elements of the programme are found to work better than others, but participants rate their experience of almost all aspects of training and development as significantly better than a matched sample of non‐participants, and this leads to more positive global evaluations of the employer. The implications for the use of 360 degree programmes are discussed with regard to the critical HRM literature.  相似文献   

We use data on British football managers and teams over the 1994-2007 period to study substitution and complementarity between leaders and subordinates. We find for the Premier League (the highest level of competition) that, other things being equal, managers who themselves played at a higher level raise the productivity of less-skilled teams by more than that of highly skilled teams. This is consistent with the hypothesis that one function of a top manager is to communicate to subordinates the skills needed to succeed, since less skilled players have more to learn. However, we also find that managers with more accumulated professional managing experience raise the productivity of talented players by more than that of less-talented players. This is consistent with the hypothesis that a further function of successful managers in high-performance workplaces is to manage the egos of elite workers. Such a function is potentially more important the more accomplished the workers are-as indicated, in our data, by teams with greater payrolls.  相似文献   

林平 《价值工程》2014,(13):171-172
随着房地产市场的迅速发展,房地产测绘工作就越来越重要,因此房地产在人们生活中也起着越来越重要作用,这对从事房地产测绘的技术及如何协调房产测绘市场也将是一场挑战,同时也是保证房屋以及房屋用地等相关信息是否准确、客观以及公正的主要手段,也可以对房地产市场的交易进行合理的规范,以此增加科学性的房产管理,并能够如实保护当事人的合法权益。本文就如何加强质量管理以及确保房产测绘质量进行了探讨。  相似文献   

黄爱军  赵明泽 《价值工程》2014,(28):311-312
在国际单位制中千克是表示质量的基本单位,它的符号是kg,它等于国际千克原器的质量。千克的使用日渐频繁,深入地了解千克、正确地理解和使用千克对于人们对物体的质量有较全面的认识大有裨益,对于保证质量量值的统一、准确、一致的作用越来越大。本文研究和回顾了质量单位千克的由来和发展历史,为今后相关研究的开展打下了坚实基础。  相似文献   

This article compares the practice of and attitudes towards performance appraisal for managerial and professional staff in Hong Kong and Britain, and considers the extent to which actual practice and employee preferences are in alignment. Findings suggest that appraisal may be more widespread in Hong Kong than in Britain. However, British appraisal tends to be more participative and to place greater emphasis on discussing objectives, development and career plans. Hong Kong appraisals appear to be more directive and Hong Kong respondents perceive a higher level of 'negative' appraiser behaviour. In spite of this, Hong Kong respondents show if anything slightly more confidence in the utility of appraisal than do British respondents. They show stronger support for appraisal's use for reward and punishment and less support for the objectives-setting and training and development uses than do the British sample. Hong Kong respondents are more likely than their British counterparts to favour involving a more senior manager in appraisal, and they are less likely to prefer more frequent appraisals. There was little evidence that Hong Kong respondents had a stronger preference for group-based appraisal criteria, although they did show more support than the British sample for the use of personality as a basis for appraisal. Overall, the suggestion is that appraisal has been adopted in Hong Kong organizations but that the practice of appraisal has been adapted to suit the cultural characteristics of the society.  相似文献   

王健  王晓 《企业活力》2010,(7):33-36
企业想创建一个成功品牌往往伴随着巨大的风险,借牌发展的策略是一个不错的思路。但仅仅是借牌还远远不够,创牌才是最终目的,而更适合于中国企业的应该是借牌之后再创牌的方式。希望有更多的中国企业成功地推出自己的品牌,希望出现更多"中国创造"的产品。  相似文献   

李云龙  刘铁良 《价值工程》2011,30(16):273-274
本文分析了常规的等值线绘制算法的缺点,根据经验提出了一种由离散数据生成等值线的算法,不但简单有效,又能达到更好的精度,而且适应能力更强,并且能方便地实现颜色填充,丰富了等值线图的表达能力。文中给出了具体算法的实现原理和过程。  相似文献   

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