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This article is concerned with the application of the marketing audit, a commercially derived marketing tool, to a public sector non-profit organization. The paper reviews the literature extensively before turning to research findings derived from interviews with internal and external publics in the organizational environment. While findings indicate that a marketing audit would indeed be useful in underpinning marketing orientation, possibly as a prelude to marketing planning, they also show that organizational constraints may militate against adoption of marketing orientation. The article concludes by suggesting that marketing itself, as a generic paradigm, may not be an appropriate mechanism for organizations like ERS (Employment Rehabilitation Service). Rather ERS, and its private sector counterparts, may require the development of an entirely new discipline which may be more applicable than marketing.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between countries' fiscal balances and current accounts with an emphasis on the role of fiscal rules. The direct effect of fiscal policy on the current account via aggregate (import) demand is potentially amplified by indirect effects, materialising through interest rate effects and intergenerational transfers that reduce savings. On the other hand, the implied positive relation between fiscal and external balances is potentially attenuated by offsetting changes in savings through Ricardian equivalence considerations. We expect this attenuation effect to be stronger in countries with more stringent fiscal rules and test this hypothesis using a panel of 73 countries over the period 1985–2012. As with previous studies, we find a positive effect of fiscal balances on the current account, supporting the twin deficit hypothesis. However, the effect of fiscal balances on the current account depends on the stringency of fiscal (budget balance or debt) rules in place; it is reduced by one‐third on average and virtually eliminated for countries with the most stringent fiscal rules.  相似文献   

In the debate about the Stability and Growth Pact the focus is mainly on the stability part of the Pact. However, in many European economies, economic growth is a far more important issue. How can economic growth be stimulated by a coordinated European fiscal policy?   相似文献   

Beyond fleeting references, there is surprisingly little analysis about the interrelationship between fiscal policy and safe assets. This study analyses this interrelationship and argues that, at a certain point, more public debt will not “buy” more safety: countries face a kind of “safe assets Laffer curve”, with a maximum amount of safe assets at some level of indebtedness. The position and stability of this curve depend on a number of national and international factors, including international risk appetite and the quantitative easing policies implemented by central banks. The study also finds evidence of declining safe assets, as reflected in government debt ratings.  相似文献   

Beetsma  Roel 《Intereconomics》2022,57(1):11-15
Intereconomics - Because they exert cross-border spillover effects, fiscal policies of individual EU member states are a common concern for the entire EU.  相似文献   

贾康  马晓玲 《财贸经济》2004,(10):52-59
从当前及今后一个时期国内外经济发展态势分析和配合中央近期的宏观调控政策,应对积极财政政策加以调整.这不仅有利于巩固当前我国经济发展的良好势头,而且对于把握机遇促进我国经济社会长期稳定发展具有战略意义.在积极财政政策调整中要适当调减财政政策扩张力度,改进原来以长期建设国债为主的实施财政扩张性政策的工具组合,根据公共财政要求调整支出投向和重点.特别是应注重结合财政政策调整推进财政改革,完善税费制度,构建内需平稳增长机制,强化财政对结构优化的作用,并健全分税分级的公共财政体制,在长期建设国债规模缩小后,发展新的财政支出方式.  相似文献   

张宝贵 《商业研究》2004,(16):65-67
宏观经济学理论运用IS-LM模型分析财政赁币政策效应时,通常采用IS和LM曲线斜率法,但斜率法所得出的结论并不总是成立的。正确的路径应该是放弃分析政策效应与曲线斜率的惯常思路,取而代之以直接分析影响政策效应的参数法。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,为抵御外部风险、稳定经济增长,我国持续实施积极财政政策,政策设计愈发重视反周期相机调控理念.但政策的实施效果存在争议,不完全满足反周期特征,导致调控结果与初衷存在背离难题.为厘清我国财政政策效应的周期特征,本文引入多频谱分析,以极大似然小波分解(MODWT)剔除序列趋势成分的扩张效应干扰,利用带有时变参数的结构向量回归模型(TVP-SVAR)分析我国预算收支和经济波动的关系.结果显示,我国预算收支变化与经济周期趋同,财政政策的实施结果具有顺周期性.具体来看,我国经济增速变化一个单位将导致预算收支分别同方向变化0.7及 0.05个单位以上,预算收入变化一个单位将导致预算支出变化0.9个单位以上.本文还证明,预算收入的顺周期属性是导致支出与经济波动顺同的主要影响因素.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代中期以来,第二代财政分权理论有了极大发展。本文回顾了这一新理论区别于传统理论的特征,以及将其用于经济增长研究得出的新发现和主要问题。在此类研究中,中国改革开放以来的经济绩效,一方面为回答“财政分权是否有助于促进经济增长”提供了重要的经验研究依据,另一方面也在一定程度上证实了制度设计对财政分权效果具有决定性影响的判断,这与国内一些研究得出的结论有相似之处。这些研究成果对我国未来的中央一地方财政关系的发展具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

Intereconomics - The fiscal framework needs in practice to achieve a balance between, on the one hand, effective budgetary rules that allow governments to commit to sound policies and, on the...  相似文献   

财政支持科技型中小企业方式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
财政支持科技型中小企业的方式与财政资金的使用效率密切相关。通过逐步降低无偿资助的比重、加强发展贷款贴息及贷款担保的力度、大力发展风险投资,发挥财政资金的引导作用、优化税收支持科技型中小企业发展方式、重点发展政府采购方式对其加以调整完善,将能较大幅度地提高财政资金支持科技型中小企业的效率。  相似文献   

政府财政绩效与金融市场约束   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王雍君 《财贸经济》2001,(10):31-36
在具备最低限度财政透明度的情况下,开放性的金融市场具有灌输财政纪律进而加强财政绩效的潜在作用.通过在公共财政领域中引入市场约束机制,改进信息披露和财政透明度,我国目前已经相当恶化的财政绩效可望在金融开放中逐步得到改善.  相似文献   

十九大报告指出,推动经济高质量发展是当前和今后确定发展思路、制定经济政策、实施宏观调控的根本要求。据此,本文构建新凯恩斯DSGE模型,采用Markov-Switch方法对我国财政货币政策搭配体制估计识别并进行数值模拟,以系统考察不同政策搭配下的经济波动性,最后借以探讨保障经济行稳致远的最优政策组合。经验估计表明,改革开放以来我国主要遵循以主动型财政政策和被动型货币政策组合为主的宏观调控范式。进一步的数值模拟发现,充分考虑物价稳定的主动型货币政策和充分考虑债务稳定的被动型财政政策组合更易消化外生冲击导致的经济波动,而主动型财政政策和被动型货币政策组合熨平经济周期的效果最差。为此,本文认为未来政府宏观调控应从以主动型财政政策和被动型货币政策为主的协调配合范式逐步转向以主动型货币政策和被动型财政政策为主的协调配合范式,以全面提升宏观调控效率,并为推动新时代中国经济高质量发展营造稳定的宏观经济环境。  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the implications of Greece’s intense and long-lasting fiscal and external imbalances for the potential efficacy of a discretionary fiscal policy response to the current recession. It argues that, given recent developments in interest rate spreads and the credit markets’ increased sensitivity to risk, the interest rates applicable to the entire amount of Greece’s external debt would tend to be higher with a fiscal expansion than without one. Moreover, it deduces from a simple model that the leakages associated with increased interest payments to foreign creditors could well cancel out any positive multiplier effects generated by a fiscal expansion, resulting in a failure to stimulate growth. The implications of this finding for policy is that Greece should continue to avoid the adoption of a fiscal stimulus package, not only out of respect to its fiscal obligations as an EU member but, ultimately, because such a package would be ineffective as an economic recovery tool. While the analysis focuses on the Greek economy, it may be of relevance to other EU economies suffering from serious macroeconomic imbalances.  相似文献   

周晋 《商业研究》2007,(4):115-117
对养老基金的政府财政投入会影响短期和长期的社会福利。首先是确定合理财政投入的两个准则,在描述基金收支核心机制后刻画了财政投入对经济发展的负面影响,在此基础上建立了合理财政投入的目标约束模型,在理论上做出探索。  相似文献   

中西部地区产业发展与相关财税政策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
财政税收政策是影响产业发展的重要因素.在制定支持中西部地区产业发展和进步的财政税收政策时,我们应坚持合理制定中西部开发中的产业政策,加大财政税收政策支持力度,逐步、稳固地促进中西部地区的产业发展;中西部地区产业发展中应突出政府支持重点,并发挥市场作用,实现"有形的手"与"无形的手"的结合;综合运用多种财政税收政策手段,并使之逐步规范化、法律化.应集中政府财力,为中西部产业发展创造基础条件;制定税收优惠政策,吸引社会资金、鼓励人才流动,促进中西部地区的产业发展和结构升级;制定规范、科学的财政转移支付制度,调整财政支出结构,为中西部地区产业发展提供资金支持.  相似文献   

西方财政理论变迁的政治学分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
政治学是研究以国家为中心的各种政治现象及其发展规律的科学,财政学则是研究政府的经济行为及其效应的经济学分支.二者在研究内容上存在许多交叉领域,如国家的本质及职能、公共选择、国家制度等.实践中,各国的财政体制皆与其政治体制、国家结构密切相关,不同的政治制度、国家结构必然产生不同的财政制度安排.理论上,政治学的进步有利于财政理论的创新,历史上几乎每一次财政理论创新都与一定的政治思想和国家学说密切相关.  相似文献   

The German federal government’s fiscal consolidation package, announced in June, is designed to permanently reduce the federal deficit to a new target level. This article uses a three-region version of the European Commission’s QUEST model to gauge the impact of the package on Germany and the spillover to the rest of the euro area and the rest of the world.  相似文献   

The United States faces a long-run fiscal imbalance because of rapid projected growth in Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid spending. The policy response to the imbalance will be shaped by four long-term fiscal realities. First, revenue will rise as a share of GDP. Second, entitlement spending will be reduced, relative to current policies. Third, the middle class, broadly defined, will bear much of the burden of addressing the fiscal imbalance. Fourth, consumption taxation is likely to become a significant part of the federal tax system, probably through the partial replacement of the income tax by a value added tax.  相似文献   

略论政府职能与财政功能的转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘国光 《财贸经济》2003,(10):21-25
通过今年上半年抗击非典的斗争,我们比过去更深刻地认识到,我国经济发展和社会发展还不够协调.经过讨论,比较倾向性的意见是,政府职能和财政的功能要从经济建设型转向公共服务型.在这个转变中,可以探讨经济建设与社会建设孰轻孰重的问题.发展社会主义现代化建设既包括经济建设,也包括社会建设.经济增长本身不是目的,它只是实现社会发展的手段.发展的政策目标应当是提高人的生活质量和增强人的能力,提高人类发展水平,而不仅仅是人均GDP水平.我国市场化经济改革进程,为政府职能、财政功能的转换奠定了坚实的基础.多种所有制共同发展格局形成,市场经济主体不应再由政府承担,转应由企业主要是民营企业来承担.政府应更多地把注意力和公共资源投向提供公共产品和公共服务,转向为社会发展政策提供财政保障方面来.政府应当是公共产品和社会服务的提供主体,而不是经济建设的主体.由于多年来我们没有把财政的行为目标锁定在满足社会公共需要上,经济建设费用过多和公共支出的虚耗,挤占了稀缺的公共资源,侵蚀了政府的财力,在社会公益事业(特别是医疗卫生和基础教育方面,政府行为与财源分配严重失误)方面投入太少,欠账太多,因此社会问题越积越多.为了缓解社会矛盾,保持社会的稳定和安全,实现以人为本的发展目标,普遍提高全体人民特别是低收入群体的福利,我们政府要加快从那些不属于社会公共需要的领域抽身,降低财政支出中用于经济建设的比重,压缩越位的公共产品和非公共产品的支出,把更多的公共资源真正用到社会公共需要的领域来.  相似文献   

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