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[]山西票号书信是票号在具体的业务实践中产生的文献,目前留存的票号书信总量有数千封,分别被民间收藏家、私人博物馆、科研机构等收藏,且进行了不同程度的整理。从票号书信的文本形式和内容可知,其具有专业性、规范性、民间性、私密性等特征。票号书信的海量信息,对于票号史、商业史、会计史、金融史、货币史、城市史、城市历史地理、交通史、邮政史、社会史等专题研究和本土化理论的构建都具有重要的史料价值。而要使其价值得以充分发挥,研究者首先要对其进行归户,在此基础上予以文献学整理和数字化处理。  相似文献   

山西票号作为我国近代民营金融的主要组织形式,有着一套完备的制度设计和先进的经营理念.通过与现代企业制度的比较,在组织制度与管理模式上,二者有很多共通之处,其中的许多优秀品质值得我国现代民营金融借鉴与发扬.  相似文献   

王渊 《经济问题》2012,(1):123-125
从产权制度、激励约束机制、组织架构三个方面对山西票号与现代商业银行的企业治理机制进行了比较,认为山西票号尊重股东、管理者、员工利益,以人为本,注重构建激励约束体系,强调总号对分号的控制力及各机构间的紧密联系和信息共享,对现代商业银行有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

山西票号的规制研究是一个有待进一步深入探讨的领域。在长期的商事活动中山西票号形成了一系列商事规制原则,包括针对票号的行业习惯法与行会习惯法。山西票号行会习惯法是在票号行业习惯法的基础上产生发展的。虽然票号的行会习惯法形成以及成熟较晚,但对票号的发展却起过重要作用。从行会习惯法的产生及其基本内容的视角对山西票号的规制予以解读,并挖掘其对现代社会的价值。  相似文献   

山西票号在晋商五百年的辉煌中具有举足轻重的作用。在票号不断发展壮大的过程中,逐步认识到了人才的重要性。他们采取了‘诚商’培育,以信为本和避亲用乡,东掌互信的人才选拔机制,这一机制对于当代企业人才培养、市场经济运行甚至践行社会主义核心价值观等都有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

称雄中国金融业百年之久的山西票号具有一整套独到的经营管理制度,对现代商业银行具有一定启示和借鉴意义。票号经营管理制度的形成深受当时外部环境的影响,从票号经营管理制度形成的经济环境、社会环境和文化环境三方面探究影响票号经营管理制度的核心因素,指出山西票号独特的经营管理制度是基于当时外部的独特环境而形成的,是顺应经济发展趋势的,因而具有很强的时代性和一定的先进性。  相似文献   

山西票号国际学术研讨会观点综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国金融学会、中国商业史学会和山西财经大学联合举办的“山西票号国际学术研讨会”于2002年7月12-14日在山西太原召  相似文献   

康翻莲 《经济研究导刊》2009,(32):114-115,125
美国金融危机与信用制度有着密切的联系,信用制度的不完善是导致本次金融危机的重要原因。因此。如何建设我国的信用制度?如何防范信用风险成为目前我国关注的重要问题:在分析美国金融危机根源的基础上。结合山西票号及我国信用制度的现状,指出我国信用制度建设应注意的问题。  相似文献   

孙丽芝  陈志华  齐鑫 《经济师》2005,(12):53-54
委托代理关系是现代企业管理的核心问题,由于企业委托人和代理人之间信息不对称,代理人出现道德风险的情况时有发生。文章通过对山西票号成功委托代理关系的分析,提出建立集体惩罚机制在成功委托代理关系中的必要性,建议我国尽快建立个人诚信体系和相应的法律法规。  相似文献   

有效地防范操作风险,关键的一点就是要对员工进行积极而有效的管理。对于山西票号来说,他们成功运用选拔机制、激励机制、约束机制和训育机制等,使得员工和票号融为一个整体,增加了其凝聚力,从而创造更多的财富,对现代商业银行的人力资源管理有很大的启示。  相似文献   


The paper reviews the International Monetary Fund's (IMF's) non-concessional lending programs following the global financial crisis, with a view to understanding how the IMF applied the lessons of the Asian crisis in designing its approach to crisis management. For this purpose, the paper focuses on the 2008 programs in Hungary, Iceland, Latvia and Ukraine – the first of its kind since the early 2000s – and compares them with the 1997 programs in Indonesia, Korea and Thailand. Our analysis finds the European programs better funded and their structural conditionality more focused. Other than these, the overall thrust of the programs was similar: fiscal and monetary tightening, coupled with banking reforms. The real difference was not so much about content but about philosophy. Relative to the Asian programs, the European programs were characterized by more emphasis on ownership, greater collaboration among stakeholders, more realistic assumptions and greater transparency about the risks and the logic of policy actions, and more built-in flexibility of targets and policy options. This approach to crisis management incorporated the changes that had been made since the Asian crisis in the IMF's policies and procedures to manage capital account crises more effectively.  相似文献   

会计管制在其经济生活中,存在着管制论与非管制论两种不同的观点,在这次金融危机中,金融企业会计管制的重要性再次得到新的关注.本文分析了金融危机中金融企业会计管制的经济根源,进一步提出我国金融企业实施有效会计管制的对策建议.  相似文献   

文章从公允价值会计制度的两重功能--反映资产负债现有的公平交易价格和向投资者传递信号影响其行为出发,构建均衡模型,并利用美国市场的实证数据分析了公允价值会计制度的缺陷:内生的共振效应、加剧市场波动.在市场繁荣时,公允价值会计制度会促进资产价格的进一步上升,而在危机时期,公允价值会计制度与资本金监管要求共同作用所产生的共振效应会使危机进一步恶化.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that the credit channel of transmission of monetary/financial shocks appears to have aggravated Korea's economic crisis. We use micro-data gathered at the individual bank level to identify this channel of transmission. Our major findings are as follows: i) consistent with banks' autonomous retrenchment in loan supply, monetary tightening broadens the spread between marginal bank lending rates and corporate commercial paper rates; ii) credit limits on overdrafts – arguably a proxy identifying shifts in loan supply – react negatively to the monetary squeeze; iii) large negative capital shocks induce banks to disproportionately slow-down both lending and deposit taking and to disproportionately raise their lending rates. Our findings lend unequivocal support to the hypothesis that banks' autonomous contraction restricted the availability of credit and magnified the increase in its cost. In turn, this compounded the Korean crisis by aggravating liquidity constraints for the vast majority of agents who rely only on bank credit as an external source of funds.  相似文献   

美国金融危机"腐蚀性"特点主要表现为:危机中受影响的金融机构量大且种类多样,危机的发展是持续渐进的.基于此.本文分析了该特点产生的原因.首先,抵押贷款证券化机制扩大了陷入危机的金融机构范围;其次.证券化产品的复杂性使其风险的暴露是渐进的;最后,美国金融体系运行的杠杆化造成了金融危机的持续演进.  相似文献   

民营银行业作为近代中国国民经济中发展较为成功的行业,其独特的发展道路说明:银行须构建现代企业制度,要与政府保持相对独立性,银行业发展离不开优秀的经营管理人才的支持,银行要以工业发展为基础、以信用制度、社会安定为保障等。  相似文献   

施海松 《经济师》2003,(9):68-68,70
文章着眼于厦门市民间投资实际情况 ,研究民间投资为什么会增长缓慢 ,以及如何启动民间投资以保持经济增长后劲。  相似文献   

The paper reports that no statistically significant empirical relationship can be shown between total bank credit and the US broad money supply in the period after 1995. It argues that the growing prevalence of non-bank deposits in the form of mutual money market funds and asset securitization are the main culprits for this result. Prior to financial liberalization, the connection between total bank credit and broad money supply was simple enough: new bank deposits were created when banks made loans and were extinguished when loans were paid back. In banks' consolidated balance sheet, total deposits made up total liabilities and were basically equal to the broad money supply. However, in the age of financial liberalization not all deposits bank loans created returned as deposits, whether in banks or non-banks, as deposits could be swapped for non-deposit liabilities without a corresponding draw down on the asset side. Moreover, loans could be extinguished in banks' balance sheets through asset securitization.  相似文献   

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