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世界贸易组织关于争端解决规则与程序的谅解协议(简称DSU),是整个WTO司法程序最主要的法律依据,为解决国际贸易争端发挥了不可替代的作用。其第21.5条规定的对败诉成员裁决履行情况的复审规则,更是富有创新性的法律制度。然而实践表明,21.5条的规定不够成熟,存在好几处用语含义模糊不清与可操作性差的缺陷,影响到该条款作用的发挥。因此,需要进一步探讨未来如何通过修改立法对21.5条条文内容进行改革完善。  相似文献   

面向国土空间规划的人居环境自然适宜性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究目的:基于"以人为本"国土空间规划理念和实现人口分布与人居环境相匹配的现实需求,研究人居环境自然适宜性评价的技术方法体系。研究方法:对比分析和总结归纳法,并选择西藏自治区开展案例研究。研究结果:(1)传统的人居环境自然适宜性评价存在评价指标不够简化、指标集成方法缺乏科学逻辑、数据精度不高、评价结果与规划编制缺乏有机衔接等问题;(2)改进形成了新的评价方法,选取了海拔、坡度、温度等影响因子作为评价指标,并根据影响因子间的内在逻辑确定了指标集成方法;(3)案例研究验证了评价方法的科学性和实用性,证实了因地制宜选择特色指标和阈值、采用高质量数据的必要性。研究结论:科学的人居环境自然适宜性评价有助于识别人地矛盾、调整优化国土空间开发格局、支撑国土空间规划编制,应当被纳入"双评价"体系。未来需进一步研究自然因素和人文因素对人居环境的影响,改进和完善不同空间尺度的人居环境自然适宜性评价技术体系。  相似文献   

Dairy remains among the most protected agricultural sectors within OECD countries. Trade implications of this protection are import barriers and policies to induce greater exports, all of which distort markets. The Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture (URAA) set limits on subsidized exports and tariff rates for dairy products in order to liberalize trade. Yet few of the nations engaged in dairy market support have quit their efforts since the agreement. Continued implementation of the URAA with its accompanying limits, or possibly expanded liberalization after future trade talks, may result in greater stress on domestic price support mechanisms. We investigate implications of the URAA limitations on world dairy markets and some alternative methods of dairy product trade intervention by examining cases of existing and potential trade distortion. La filière du lait demeure le secteur agricole le plus protégé au sein des pays de l'OCDE. Sur le plan des échanges internationaux, cette protection se traduit par des barriéres à l'importation et par des politiques d'exportation agressives, autant de causes de distorsion du commerce mondial. Dans l'esprit de libéraliser les échanges commerciaux, l'Accord sur l'agriculture de l'Uruguay Round (AAUR) a fixé des limites aux exportations subventionnées et aux taux tarifaires imposés à l'importation des produits laitiers. Pourtant, quelques-unes seulement des nations appliquant des mesures de soutien du marché laitier ont jusqu'ici relâché leurs efforts. La poursuite de la mise en application de l'AAUR et des limites qu'il impose, ou une libéralisation éventuelle plus grande survenant après les prochaines discussions commerciales, peut créer une pression accrue sur les mécanismes de soutien des marchés intérieurs. Nous analysons la portée des restrictions de l'AAUR sur les marchés laitiers mondiaux ainsi que quelques méthodes d'intervention sur le marché des produits laitiers, par l'examen de certains cas de distorsion actuels, et éventuels du commerce extérieur.  相似文献   

The welfare impacts of the 1987–91 Canadian "voluntary" 15% lumber export tax and the current 6.51 % U. S. import duty are analyzed using a simultaneous equations model of the softwood lumber market. The results show that U.S. consumers suffer losses 35% to 45% of those endured by Canadian producers. Canadian national welfare was much higher under the voluntary export tax, indicating the Canadian government erred in unilaterally terminating the agreement. In both instances, the U.S. government pursued policies that benefited domestic producers at the expense of U.S. lumber consumers, with no attempt or discussion of compensation. Thus, this appears to be a case of "beggar thy consumer" trade policy.  相似文献   

Poor countries were induced to enact the strong intellectual property rights required for membership of the World Trade Organization by empty promises of better access to markets and reductions in US farm and EU export subsidies. Patents have prevented access to cheap generic versions of drugs which such countries badly need, such as for the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Registered Trade Mark protection could be equally serious in future, as this will enable tobacco firms to build up their brands through mass advertising. This must cause rapid growth in related diseases. One palliative could be to use some aid funding to buy in the intellectual property of western firms in these countries. In the drugs case, this would allow development of local capacity to produce inexpensive copies, without diminishing global investment in R&D. Success in this could lead to allocation of the much larger amounts that would be needed to extinguish tobacco branding.  相似文献   

世界金枪鱼生产及贸易现状研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
基于价格上涨等原因,世界金枪鱼无论是渔获量还是养殖量都呈增长态势.主要渔获地为日本、中国台湾省和印度尼西亚,主要渔获品种为鲣和黄鳍金枪鱼;主要养殖地为澳大利亚、西班牙和墨西哥,主要养殖品种为黄鳍金枪鱼.尽管金枪鱼进口额变化不大,但贸易额增长迅速.主要的进口地为泰国、日本、西班牙和美国,主要的出口地为中国台湾省、西班牙和法国.  相似文献   

Impacts of agricultural and nonagricultural trade liberalization on agriculture are assessed in a multi-commodity, multi-country framework. By modeling simultaneously all goods sectors of the economy, we evaluate the importance of: (a) relative price changes between sectors, and (b) income and exchange-rate adjustments that follow trade liberalization in a world of floating rates. Specifically, we compare two cases using a static world policy simulation (SWOPSIM) model: agricultural multilateral liberalization and complete multilateral liberalization with floating exchange rates for all countries/regions. In both cases agricultural commodity prices tend to increase, an effect which is more pronounced when currency values adjust. The developing countries, in particular Argentina, Brazil and Mexico, have the most significant advances in agricultural and total production when exchange rates vary. Moreover, the gains from international trade are extended to all countries/regions explicitly specified in the model.  相似文献   

中国是世界最大的家具出口大国。利用WITS和COMTRADE数据并经整理,对1988~2006年的世界家具总出口额、出口结构、地区结构变动等进行了分析,得出结论:世界家具需求旺盛;木质家具是世界家具贸易的主体,但木质家具占整个家具出口比重有下降趋势,金属家具出口比重近几年有所提高;欧洲家具出口市场决定着世界家具出口格局,世界家具产业有向亚洲转移的趋势。  相似文献   

The article develops three hypotheses about how policy interventions in major trading nations influence price integration in the world beef market. Simple correlation coefficients, tests for significant differences between coefficients, and Granger causality tests are used to test the hypotheses. First, segmentation between prices in Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD)-free and FMD-endemic countries is found, but it is much less than previously assumed. Second, European Community policies that closed the E.C. import market have isolated prices in the E.C. from other markets. These policies also led to greater integration among prices in FMD-free and FMD-endemic market segments by forcing exporters from both segments to compete directly in new import markets. Third, the U.S.A. is found to be the price leader in world beef markets, due not only to market size, but also to U.S. policies that allow transmission of price information from the U.S. market to the world market but not vice versa.  相似文献   

Government support and trade restrictions on agricultural commodities are among the most globally distorting protectionist policies. This is especially true with regards to corn. Vast production subsidies and import barriers, primarily within the European Union and China, have artificially inflated the global supply of this commodity, while restricting the available consumer markets. This impact is augmented by the preferential treatment granted in these countries to the production and importation of the best available substitute to corn, soybeans. Using an econometric model with commodity data over the past 20 years, this article predicts the likely impact of potential World Trade Organization (WTO) trade pacts on these corn trade distortions. Despite the WTO setback in Seattle, the vast global benefits resulting from agricultural trade liberalization in corn alone validate a continued push towards freer trade.  相似文献   

利用联合国粮农组织数据库(FAOSTAT)1961-2007年的刨花板统计数据,基于全球化的视角从总量变动、结构变动和区域分布变动三个方面入手,分析世界刨花板生产和贸易的特点和变化趋势.指出刨花板已经成为世界人造板生产和贸易的最主要品种;刨花板产业不仅有传统的生产销售强国,新兴市场国家逐渐成为中国刨花板的竞争对手;世界刨花板生产的区域分布变动出现了欧美向亚洲转移的趋势,但目前刨花板的主要的生产国、进口国和出口国仍然集中于发达国家,第二次产业转移尚未真正完成.  相似文献   

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