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This paper investigates the market structure of the Greek manufacturing industry over the period 1984–2007 at the two-digit SIC level. Three models are used to investigate the competitive conditions of the manufacturing industry. The paper investigates factors affecting the markup of the Greek manufacturing industry by estimating two additional models, i.e., the markup cross-sectional model and the markup time-series model, for identifying both sectoral and intertemporal factors. The empirical results indicate that the whole Greek manufacturing industry, as well as each sector of the industry, operates in non-competitive conditions for each year during the period 1984–2007. The findings also support that labor intensity, the sector size, and the number of establishments influence the markup at the sectoral level, while labor intensity, and the growth and the number of establishments affect the markup over time.  相似文献   

交易制度应与市场环境相匹配,经济现实中如此,实验设计中亦是如此。文章首先基于市场制度与市场环境匹配理论对相关实验进行了概述,随后对不同交易环境下交易制度的变化做了综述,并选择与买方有权搜寻其他选择的市场环境相对应的有搜寻交易制度作为重点,对已有文献进行了详细梳理,最后报告了一项已经开展的以搜寻为基础的交易制度实验研究实例,阐明了在实例中选取以顺序搜寻为基础的“接受否则拒绝”交易制度的研究思路、实验设计和实验结果。  相似文献   

彭品志  王鹏 《山东经济》2004,20(6):78-81
基于当今全球旅游文化市场变化的态势,文章探讨了开发山东省商务旅游市场的战略价值,发展山东省商务旅游市场已具备的优势条件及其机遇。强调促进山东省旅游业由支柱产业向主导产业的发展,应当高度重视潜在而巨大的商务旅游市场,有计划有重点地积极开发。为此,必须树立商务旅游新观念,建立政府专职管理机构,借助于市场中介组织进行市场化运作,建设多层次的商务旅游市场格局,展开全程性促销,提高山东省商务旅游在国内外市场的形象,吸引更多的国内外旅游者观光、投资与经商。  相似文献   

During 2003–2016, China experienced an unprecedented housing market imbalance. The present paper applies the user cost approach to conduct a systematic analysis of this important phenomenon, examines the policy factors behind the persistent housing market imbalance, and explores policy options to correct the housing market imbalance. We found that during most of 2003–2016, the user cost was significantly lower than 2 percent, caused by high income growth, rapid credit expansion and low interest rates, which led to the persistent housing market imbalance. Therefore, the government should control bank credit and introduce property taxes during the possession of houses.  相似文献   

Employer mandates typically have small effects on wages and employment. Such effects should be most evident using data on employment transitions and wages among new hires. Quarterly Workforce Indicators (QWI) provides county by quarter by demographic group data on the number and earnings of new hires, separations, and recalls (extended leaves). The QWI is used to examine the effects of California's 2004 paid family leave (CPFL) program, comparing outcomes for young women in California to those for other workers within and outside of California. CPFL had little effect on earnings for young women, but increased separations, hiring, and worker mobility.  相似文献   

We develop a dynamic integrated modeling approach to identify the effect of global warming on the global timber market. The Timber Supply Model (TSM) 2000, BIOME 3, and Hamburg are used as suitable economic and ecological models. In particular, the TSM 2000 is developed to incorporate important additional components in the global timber market. We estimate dynamic ecological change based on the simulation results of BIOME 3 using Hamburg and linearity assumptions about change in climate and ecosystem. The projected dynamic ecological changes are run through the TSM 2000 to identify the effects of dynamic climate change on the timber market. We simulate a non-climate change base scenario and a climate change scenario of the TSM 2000, and we conclude that global warming has a positive effect on the global timber market through an increase of timber production causing stumpage prices to be lower than they otherwise would have been. In the welfare sense, we also identify that global warming is economically beneficial to society through the global timber market.  相似文献   

推动有效市场和有为政府更好结合,为不同制度解决政府和市场关系、破解市场失灵贡献了中国智慧和中国方案。在现代经济运行体制中,市场失灵是市场经济相伴而生的痼疾。在中国社会主义现代化建设中,在处理市场和政府关系中经过了四个发展阶段,最终提出有效市场、有为政府的组合方案。有效市场、有为政府能够破解市场失灵的奥秘在于,一是强调要有一个坚强的领导核心,二是强调要做强做优做大国有企业,三是强调要坚持两点论、辩证法。  相似文献   

This study aims to develop a productivity index which takes into account the multidimensional characteristics of productivities. Our multidimensional productivity index (MPI) not only measures individual productivities of economic resources but also evaluate productivity enhancing general capacities of economy. Individual productivity indices such as labor productivity are limited because they do not consider the factors, such as the globalization of economies and the market and institutional variables, that could have profound impacts on productivity. The multidimensional Productivity Index (MPI) is measured for 60 countries including 23 OECD countries and 10 Asian countries. Our methodology employs the concept of technical efficiency that allows us to measure the extent to which institutional and market factors contribute to the economic performance. Our findings indicate that standard productivity measures such as labor productivity may overestimate the overall productivity differences across the economies.  相似文献   

This paper first examines two approaches to money adopted by Keynes in the General Theory. The first is the more familiar ‘supply and demand’ equilibrium approach of Chapter 13 incorporated within conventional macroeconomics textbooks. Indeed, even Post Keynesians utilizing Keynes's ‘finance motive’ or the ‘horizontal’ money supply curve adopt similar methodology. The second approach of the General Theory is presented in Chapter 17, where Keynes drops ‘money supply and demand’ in favor of a liquidity preference approach to asset prices that offers a more satisfactory treatment of money's role in constraining effective demand. In the penultimate section, I return to Keynes's earlier work in the Treatise on Money as well as the early drafts of the General Theory to obtain a better understanding of the nature of money. I conclude with policy implications.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether, during the Asian crisis, contagion occurred from Thailand to the other crisis countries through the foreign exchange market, and, if so, determines the contribution of this contagion to the crisis. More specifically, we examine whether the effect of the exchange market pressure (EMP) of Thailand, the origin of the crisis, on the EMP of four Asian crisis countries increased during the crisis. Instead of measuring contagion by the commonly used correlation coefficients, we apply regression analysis. To control for the impact of macroeconomic fundamentals, we construct a time-varying indicator measuring the fragility of each economy. Additionally, we control for spillovers and common external shocks. We find evidence of contagion from Thailand to Indonesia and Malaysia, with 13 and 21 percent of the pressure on the respective currencies attributable to that contagion. For Korea and the Philippines there is no evidence of contagion from Thailand. JEL no. F30, F31, G15  相似文献   

中医学有着数千年悠久的历史,对衰老机理有其独特见解。中医学说衰老机理大致可归纳为四种:一是脏腑虚衰学说,二是气血失常衰老学说,三是精气神衰老学说,四是津液不足衰老学说。其中,脏腑虚衰学说又分别从肾脏虚衰、脾虚、肺脏衰弱、心脏虚衰、肝脏虚衰五个方面进行了剖析。  相似文献   


Using a data-set from the ASEAN-5 countries over the January 2000–August 2013 period, this paper revisits the Granger causal nexus between the equity and foreign exchange markets by employing the bootstrap panel Granger causality approach developed by Kònya, which allows for both cross-sectional dependency and heterogeneity across countries. The results indicate a unidirectional causality from stock prices to exchange rates in Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand and from exchange rates to stock prices in Indonesia. These findings have important implications for policy-makers and institutional investors who should rigidly monitor the dynamic linkages between stock price and exchange rate movements across the ASEAN-5 financial markets when making policy decisions and investing in these countries.  相似文献   

The primary aim of this study is to investigate the validity and predictability of technical analysis in eight Asian equity markets. We employ the bootstrap tests of White (2000) and Hansen (2005) to determine whether any superior trading rule is found to exist amongst the ‘universe’ of technical trading rules identified by Sullivan et al. (1999). We use these powerful bootstrap tests to ascertain the profitability of technical analysis, along with two institutional adjustments for non-synchronous trading and transaction costs. The empirical results indicate that these three elements, data snooping, non-synchronous trading and transaction costs, have significant impact on the overall performance of technical analysis; indeed, the results for these eight Asian stock markets support the efficient market hypothesis, demonstrating that the generation of economic profits through the use of technical analysis is extremely unlikely with these particular markets.  相似文献   

通过对我国证券审计市场集中度的变化过程进行分析,发现证券审计市场集中度的提升主要是由于准入政策调整所致,市场机制并没有起到显著作用。但政府对证券审计市场准入条件的及时调整有效地缓解了集中度徘徊不前的状况。通过实证检验,进一步明确了集中度的提升有利于提高审计市场绩效,可以在一定程上缓解证券审计市场收费偏低、质量不高的问题。据此,文章提出要依靠政策与市场机制进一步提高审计市场集中度,同时加强对会计师事务所的监管。  相似文献   

张树义   《华东经济管理》2007,21(9):66-69
文章在介绍了制度及其功能后,然后运用演化经济学理论,从进化博弈的视角分析了建筑施工企业技术制度的演化进程和路径:基于技术管理实践的个人"技巧",企业技术组织逐渐形成管理"惯例"的规则和制度.  相似文献   

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