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我国公立医院改革将取消医院药品加成,积极探索多种有效方式逐步改革以药补医机制,通过采取适当调整医疗服务价格、增加政府投入、改革支付方式等措施完善公立医院补偿机制。本文对医院药品加成的历史背景、取消渊源及部分区域取消药品加成情况进行总结,分析取消医院药品加成的影响,从主客观两方面探索对策。  相似文献   

公立医院改革势在必行,取消药品加成政策是其重要措施之一。它是一把双刃剑,一方面,随着药品价格的降低,患者就医压力和医患紧张关系得以缓和;另一方面,药品收入不再作为医院收入来源,虽然增加了医院运行困难,但从总体上看,取消药品加成政策利大于弊。文章主要从药品加成政策取消的必然性、取消后的影响和医院的应对措施三个方面进行了分析和阐述。  相似文献   

新医改中有一项重要的举措---取消药品加成。为分析这一举措带来的近期效果和远期效果,本文从药品加成政策的影响和取消药品加成的影响出发,提出一些完善取消药品加成政策的措施。  相似文献   

新医改中有一项重要的举措---取消药品加成。为分析这一举措带来的近期效果和远期效果,本文从药品加成政策的影响和取消药品加成的影响出发,提出一些完善取消药品加成政策的措施。  相似文献   

随着新医改政策的推行和不断深入,医院改革的重点内容之一就是取消药品加成。针对当前的医疗环境,取消药品加成政策对医院既存在积极的影响,也带来了一定的负面效果。本文从药品加成政策产生的影响出发,重点分析了取消药品加成政策给医院带来的积极影响和消极影响,并提出了保证取消药品加成政策顺利实施的相关措施。  相似文献   

关于医院取消药品加成措施的对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文对当前医疗服务价格进行一个总分析,指出取消药品加成、提高技术劳务价值是医院医疗服务价格改革之重要趋势。通过对医院的收入、支出和经营特点的界定,本文提出了提高技术劳务价值、取消药品加成这一改革方案的相关实施保障措施,以更好地促进人民健康水平的提高和社会的和谐发展。  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,人们对生命的健康和质量有了更多更高的要求,目前,作为最为突出的看病贵问题,严重困扰着我国社会的公共医疗卫生的发展,也一定程度上妨碍着人们的健康.按照“新医改”的要求,各大公立医院纷纷取消药品加成,让利于老百姓,让老百姓真正的领会到社会的福祉.本文就公立医院取消药品加成的措施及配套的改革方法提出了自己的见解,希望能对我国的医疗改革起到一定的促进作用.  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,人们对生命的健康和质量有了更多更高的要求,目前,作为最为突出的看病贵问题,严重困扰着我国社会的公共医疗卫生的发展,也一定程度上妨碍着人们的健康。按照"新医改"的要求,各大公立医院纷纷取消药品加成,让利于老百姓,让老百姓真正的领会到社会的福祉。本文就公立医院取消药品加成的措施及配套的改革方法提出了自己的见解,希望能对我国的医疗改革起到一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

公立医院的主要责任是为人们提供基础的医疗卫生服务,满足人们的卫生服务需求。但随着取消药品加成政策的全面开展,公立医院如何在该政策的大环境下持续发展是现阶段的重要问题。对此,文章主要对公立医院取消药品加成之后的成本管理进行了简单的分析,综合实际状况提出了必要的策略与手段。  相似文献   

药品零加成后,为弥补公立医院因取消药品加成而减少的合理收入,各地财政都会给予医院补偿。本文介绍了取消药品加成财政补助收入的背景,通过案例分析法分析当前公立医院对取消药品加成财政补助收入的不同会计处理,及其对医院本期结余、药品收支配比、耗占比等方面的影响,并结合当前医改政策及医院经营状况,提出了财政以基本补助收入下达拨款的建议。  相似文献   

2014年我国医药卫生体制改革工作已经进入深水区和攻坚阶段,药品零差价销售改革、实现医药分开是医改工作的重点和难点。公立医院面对药品零差价改革,应采取积极、主动态度,分析医院面临的挑战和管理困境,配合国家一系列政策补偿措施以及逐步完善的医疗保障体系,改善医院管理运行机制,提高医疗服务质量,以专业、优质的技术为人们提供可信赖的医疗、保健服务,成为得到社会信赖和尊重的医院。  相似文献   

通过构建最低收购价政策影响下小麦期现货市场的价格传导机制的理论框架,并选取2015年我国小麦最低收购价政策改革前后两个时期各4年的周度数据,使用ADF单位根检验、Johansen协整检验、Granger因果关系检验和方差分解对最低收购价政策改革背景下小麦期货市场的价格发现功能进行实证研究。研究结果表明:无论是强麦还是普麦,最低收购价政策改革对于小麦期货价格与现货价格均衡关系的形成均具有促进作用;在最低收购价政策改革之前,强麦期货市场不具有价格发现功能,之后这种功能才得以形成,同时普麦期货市场的价格发现功能变得更为显著;小麦期货市场的影响力强于现货市场,在价格发现功能中占据主导作用。  相似文献   

This paper employs the smooth transition autoregressive model to evaluate the persistence of oil price changes, and chooses monetary policy variables as transition variables of the model to assess their roles in the persistence effects. The empirical results show that oil price changes displayed asymmetric adjustments within different regimes and were more sensitive to the movement of interest rates than inflation rate. In addition, high inflation rate would give rise to low oil price persistence, and expansionary monetary policy would bring about higher oil price persistence. Moreover, when the short- and long-term interest rates were over their threshold values, the persistence effects of oil price changes were opposite. In the present relatively low US interest rates, adopting either an inflation-targeting policy or/and a debt-financing policy to stimulate economic growth, the timing is appropriate and the effect will be positive and expected because of low persistence of oil price changes.  相似文献   

调控上网电价对稳定市场价格的政策效果实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于VAR模型和中介效应模型等定量分析手段,研究了我国上网电价波动对市场价格波动的影响效应,探索调控上网电价对稳定市场价格是否具有积极的政策效果。结果表明,上网电价的调整在滞后一期会对CPI和PPI产生负向冲击,从而抑制市场价格上涨,而随着滞后期不断增加,影响作用趋于减弱;同时,在上网电价波动影响市场价格波动的过程中,存在CPI和PPI之间相互中介效应,即存在上网电价→PPI→CPI、上网电价→CPI→PPI的影响途径。总体来看,我国调控上网电价,在一定程度上起到了稳定国内市场价格的积极作用。  相似文献   

中国生猪价格周期性波动分析、展望及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年以来,中国生猪价格波动经历了三个半周期,呈现出价格波动周期日益延长、价格波动幅度前窄后宽、传统消费旺季作用逐渐消退等特征。其中既有生猪养殖自身规律、规模化养殖比例提升等内因的影响,也有上游行业价格变动、生猪疫情等外因的影响。综合来看,2019年非洲猪瘟疫情发展、规模化生猪养殖场补栏、气温条件变化及冬季的猪肉旺季消费等情况会对后续的生猪价格波动走势产生较大影响,至2020年春节前生猪价格持续走高。应通过加快生猪养殖产业结构升级、加强生猪市场信息服务体系建设、推进生猪产业链市场化发展等措施,有效减缓中国生猪价格周期波动的影响。  相似文献   


This paper aims to understand how a brand’s price level, relative to its competitors, will affect consumers’ responses to price changes of the brand. The study uses experiments to examine brand choice responses to price increases and decreases across contexts differing in competitor brands and their respective prices. These experiments are conducted with six consumer goods categories. The research identifies three key factors that affect the size of responses to brand price changes – (1) passing a competitor brand’s price, (2) narrowing versus widening the price gaps with competitors, and (3) whether competitors are predominantly higher or lower priced brands.  相似文献   

Inaction inertia is the phenomenon in which people are less likely to accept a less attractive opportunity after having missed a relatively more attractive one. Previous studies have mainly explored the inaction inertia effect on single products or services, whereas this study explored how the promotional frames of sales packages influence inaction inertia toward the individual items within the sales packages and the inaction inertia effect of the target product under different price strategies. On the basis of the cost assignments of mental accounting and comparisons of the current inferior promotion with missed superior promotion, this study found evidence that when consumers encounter a freebie (bundle) condition, they assign a higher cost to the focal (supplementary) product and a lower cost to the supplementary (focal) product. Therefore, consumers who have missed a freebie (bundle) promotion exhibit lower (higher) inaction inertia toward the focal product, but higher (lower) inaction inertia toward the supplementary product. Applying a similar internal mechanism to pricing strategies, the findings also show that when consumers encounter a two‐component sales package with a surcharge promotion using a partitioned price (vs. a price discount promotion using an all‐inclusive price), they assign a higher cost to the base product and a lower cost to the surcharge. So, consumers who have missed the surcharge (vs. price discount) promotion show higher inaction inertia when the surcharge of the current inferior opportunity is salient, but show less inaction inertia when it is not salient. Moreover, the percent of a surcharge as a part of the total package value moderates the impact of promotional price strategy frames on inaction inertia. These findings have significant implications for both theoreticians and practitioners interested in inaction inertia, promotional frames, and price strategies.  相似文献   

明晰粮食价格与居民消费价格水平之间的关系意义重大。基于1979—2020年中国粮食价格和居民消费价格水平年度数据,运用向量误差修正模型和Granger因果分析,对粮食价格与居民消费价格水平间的关系进行实证分析。结果表明:短期内,居民消费价格水平对粮食价格的影响远大于粮食价格对居民消费价格水平的影响,居民消费价格水平变动与粮食价格变动之间存在单向Granger因果关系;长期看,两者之间存在双向Granger因果关系。根据研究结论,提出了加强粮食价格和居民消费价格监测、稳定粮食价格水平、加大市场调控等对策建议。  相似文献   

This study adopts fee thresholds to measure users' fee sensitivity and employs a two-step logit model to predict a phone user's probability of choosing a certain service provider. The results indicate that the choice probability can be overestimated if the reference fee effect is not taken into consideration. Furthermore, the lower calling fee image and perceptions shaped by the telecommunications service provider can increase the probability of it being chosen. Users' benefit (saving money) perceptions also reveal a significant difference. In this regard, price promotion effects may not necessarily be successful for every service provider at the time. Service providers with a larger base of benefit perception users have a relative advantage in price-cutting activities. The characteristics of users in the low-loss perception (insensitive to an expensive fee) group are younger, female, and college-educated. Service providers could focus on this segmented market and implement a non-price strategy in order to attract more users. This study may be useful to mobile phone service providers in terms of price-setting policy and image management.  相似文献   

This research examines the effects of price and brand endorsement that are adopted by firms from a consumer-based viewpoint, and provides practical brand management discussions as a reference for both manufacturer brands and retail store brands. According to the findings, manufacturer brands support high prices and boost those vivid impressions which are helpful in engendering consumer loyalty intention. Without a careful evaluation process, a brand-endorsing strategy may prove detrimental to the manufacturer. Retail store brands follow distinct pricing policies and carry out brand-endorsed strategies. Price/endorsement stimuli influence consumer brand loyalty through the partial mediating effect of brand impression. Manufacturers and retailers could define appropriate price premiums on products with a potential for a manufacturer–retailer brand co-branding as identified by market research, thus increasing the sales of both.  相似文献   

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