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云南省纺织品进出口公司,获国家对外经济贸易合作部批准有进出口经营权,是具有法人地位的经济实体,多年来,自营进出口业务从小到大逐步发展;现已是一家有一定规模,享有一定声誉的纺织品专业进出口公司。 公司开展纺织品自营出口以来,在改革开放政策的指导下,经营管理日趋成熟,正朝着全方位、多元化、国际型方向发展。我公司经营的出口纺织品达数百个品种:棉纱、棉布、T/C纱 T/C布、 麻纱、麻棉布、白厂丝、干茧、废丝、废茧、胚绸、染色绸、丝绸服装及其制品,全棉、麻棉、涤棉、人棉麻、全麻、全涤服装、文化衫、T恤衫… 相似文献
Zhejiang Textiles Imp. & Exp. Group Corp. is one of the leading professional traders of textiles and garments in China. Through 22 years' steady growth, we now have 8 overseas firms, 11 subsidiaries, 4 branches, 7 wholly owned factories, 相似文献
在2008年发生金融危机后,对我国的经济产生了巨大的影响,特别是对我国纺织品的进出口问题的影响,我们要在这篇文章中来重点讨论纺织品进出口存在的问题,然后拟定出一套完整的合理的解决方案。首先,我们对于纺织品的进出口问题应该实施品牌战略手法,依然坚持走科技创新这条路;其次,我们的纺织品企业还应该健全企业的产业链,这样不仅可以增加企业的利润,还可以降低企业的风险;最后,对纺织品的进出口业采用的多元化的战略都应当予以支持,还应该在纺织品的行业内部建立起贸易摩擦预警制度,进而鼓励纺织品企业能够积极的申请各方面的认证。 相似文献
Company Introduction
FAW Group Corporation is China's oldest and largest vehicle manufacturer. Headquartered in China's northeastern city of Changchun in Jilin Province, the company can trace its roots back to July 15,1953 when the cornerstone of its first assembly plant was laid. Over a span of five decades, FAW Group has evolved into one of the world's largest vehicle producers. Renowned in the commercial market for its outstanding light, medium and heavy trucks, FAW Group is also a leader in the bus, coach and bus chassis industry. 相似文献
FAW Group Corporation is China's oldest and largest vehicle manufacturer. Headquartered in China's northeastern city of Changchun in Jilin Province, the company can trace its roots back to July 15,1953 when the cornerstone of its first assembly plant was laid. Over a span of five decades, FAW Group has evolved into one of the world's largest vehicle producers. Renowned in the commercial market for its outstanding light, medium and heavy trucks, FAW Group is also a leader in the bus, coach and bus chassis industry. 相似文献
<正> 工贸结合的进出口公司在我们广东省出现,只有一、两年的历史,但它在一些部门已经起到了良好的作用。如省盐业进出口公司,成立仅几个月,就增加了出口品种,开拓了新的市场。省机械设备进出口公司在去年广东口岸出口收汇6,051万美元,比1980年增长了47.59%,比工贸结合前的1978年增长了1.85倍;其中本省货源收汇4,300万美元,比1980年增长了1倍,比1978年增长了5.9倍。省冶金进出口公司,去年代理出口收汇5,418万美元,其中本省长线产品1,733万美元,超额完成计划的70%。实践证明,工贸结合是外贸体制改革的一种可行的过渡形式。 相似文献
Company Introduction
FAW Group Corporation is China's oldest and largest vehicle manufacturer. Headquartered in China's northeastern city of Changchun in Jilin Province, the company can trace its roots back to July 15, 1953 when the cornerstone of its first assembly plant was laid. Over a span of five decades, FAW Group has evolved into one of the world's largest vehicle producers. Renowned in the commercial market for its outstanding light, medium and heavy trucks, FAW Group is also a leader in the bus, coach and bus chassis industry. 相似文献
FAW Group Corporation is China's oldest and largest vehicle manufacturer. Headquartered in China's northeastern city of Changchun in Jilin Province, the company can trace its roots back to July 15, 1953 when the cornerstone of its first assembly plant was laid. Over a span of five decades, FAW Group has evolved into one of the world's largest vehicle producers. Renowned in the commercial market for its outstanding light, medium and heavy trucks, FAW Group is also a leader in the bus, coach and bus chassis industry. 相似文献
Company Introduction FAW Group Corporation is China's oldest and largest vehicle manufacturer.Headquartered in China's northeastern city of Changchun in Jilin Province,the company can trace its roots back to July 15, 1953 when the cornerstone of its first assembly plant was laid.Over a span of five decades,FAW Group has evolved into one of the world's largest vehicle producers.Renowned in the commercial market for its outstanding light,medium and heavy trucks,FAW Group is also a leader in the bus,coach a... 相似文献
近几年来,我国农机企业通过技术引进和企业改造工作,产品质量不断提高,品种不断增加。目前,我国农机产品可以广泛用于各种水田、旱田作业,并且结构新颖、简单,操作、维修方便,性能可靠,价格合理,不仅深受东南亚、非洲、南美洲等市场的欢迎,而且已经引起欧洲、北美市场的注意和赞扬。近几年,我国农机产品出口始终保持稳定发展局面。目 相似文献