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Job analysis is an integral part of any human resource function. Recent advancements in technology and changing worker environments have drastically altered the means by which job analysis data are collected and stored. These changes have led to an increase in the amount of data that is collected and the potential for the data to inform complex decision making. However, due to a lack of tools available for configuring and analyzing data, human resource professionals are often unable to keep themselves abreast of changes in their workforce, make complex decisions using job data, and facilitate communication across jobs, job families or departments in their organization. As a result, advanced methods for analysis of job data are needed. Metrics are quantitative algorithms applied to job data that aid in decision making in areas such as recruitment, selection, transferability, promotion, training, and development. Metrics are a sophisticated, user-friendly approach to analyzing job data that have the potential to meet the needs of human resource professionals in today's dynamic workplace. The development of metrics, their application and benefit to human resource professionals, and their use of ONET are discussed.  相似文献   

案例:张莉应该怎样做 张莉是某名牌大学经济管理系学生,毕业后进入了一家民营食品公司从事管理工作.在上班的最初几周内,她多次发现下属食品店的管理混乱,管理人员随心所欲地安排工作,有很多事务未能得到及时妥善处理.  相似文献   

Over the next decade, the number of working adults relegated to the role of caregiver for one or more elderly family members will rapidly surge. The emotional, physical, and financial stress of caregiving has already begun to impact the productivity of the employee elder caregiver in the workplace, with estimates placing the annual costs around $30 billion. We can expect costs to grow as workers and their elderly parents continue to age. This particular study addresses the fundamental research question of what affects the job performance of employee elder caregivers. The results support the conclusion that the relationship among caregiving, personal support, organizational accommodation, and job productivity is multidimensional. Organizations attuned to the demands of elder caregiving can work with affected employees to reduce or eliminate declines in job productivity. Future researchers and practitioners can reconsider their research protocols and interventions along a wide continuum of interactions in the employee's home and workplace environments.  相似文献   

Job shop scheduling usually includes the process of selecting dispatch rules for loading shops with work. Traditionally, dispatch rules have been formed on the basis of processing time, operating time, or queueing order. A job shop scheduling model was developed to include external factors (such as due dates), internal factors (e.g., capacity), as well as influence factors (e.g., job status). Based on the model developed in this report a survey of industrial engineers, shop foremen, and production control supervisors was undertaken to determine what dispatch rules experienced job shop schedulers would select and if the selection process could be influenced by schedule conditions (status) or other organizational factors. Results suggest that schedulers may be influenced by other factors. This article suggests a model for further research with respect to job shop scheduling.  相似文献   

本文以工作分析方法为切入点,讨论了评测指标的关系,在此基础上运用动态规划方法提出了模块化处理的思路,并且采用模糊理论对评测指标加以运用,旨在讨论在现实中无法或者不必要明确全部评测指标时,组织获得、处理并使用评测指标,尽可能高效地进行员工招聘、绩效考核的方法。  相似文献   

John Kelly examines and rejects the claim that job redesign satisfies the mutual interests of workers and employers through its provision of improved job satisfaction and performance. He investigates the costs to the parties involved which have been almost invariably neglected.  相似文献   

This note reports part of a larger study of “petty corruption“ by government bureaucrats in the process of approving new business projects. Each bureaucrat may demand a bribe as a condition of approval. Entrepreneurs use the services of an intermediary who, for a fee, undertakes to obtain all of the required approvals. In a dynamic game model we investigate (1) the multiplicity of equilibria, (2) the equilibria that are “socially efficient”, and (3) the equilibria that maximize the total expected bureaucrats’ bribe income. We compare these results with those for the case in which entrepreneurs apply directly to the bureaucrats.  相似文献   

现有文献中的顾客购买行为模型不能直接解释收入管理中的策略型顾客行为。通过搜索和研究与行为运作、收入管理相关的文献,分析顾客的策略性学习过程、购买时机选择过程、物流风险与渠道选择过程,从收入管理角度提出一个分析顾客策略性购买行为的概念模型。分析发现,顾客在购买决策过程中表现出动态性和复杂性。应用该模型,企业可以识别顾客策略行为的影响因素并对这些因素进行分类,从而为制定有效的收入管理策略提供参考。  相似文献   

We propose a spatial search-matching model where both job creation and job destruction are endogenous. Workers are ex ante identical but not ex post since their jobs can be hit by a technological shock which decreases their productivity. They reside in a city, and commuting to the job center involves both pecuniary and time costs. As a result, workers with high wages are willing to live closer to jobs to save on time commuting costs. We show that, in equilibrium, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the productivity space and the urban location space. Workers with high productivities and wages reside close to jobs, have low per distance commuting costs and pay high land rents. We also show that higher per distance commuting costs and higher unemployment benefits lead to more job destruction.  相似文献   

We quantify the impact of offshoring and other globalisation measures on individual perceptions of job security. For the analysis we combine industry-level offshoring measures with micro-level data from a large German household panel survey and estimate ordinal fixed effects models. Our results indicate that offshoring to low-wage countries significantly raises job loss fears whilst offshoring to high-wage countries somewhat lowers them. Over our sample period from 1995 to 2006, offshoring to low and high-wage countries together can account for about 13% of the total increase in job loss fears. High-skilled workers are more sensitive to offshoring although their objective job loss risk is lower relative to low-skilled workers, which we argue reflects the fact that they have more to lose from unemployment.  相似文献   

The objective of the current work is to analyse the determining factors of sales manager job satisfaction. In particular, we study the effect of various human resources management (HRM) practices – compensation, promotion, training and job design – on this satisfaction, using a model empirically tested on a sample of Spanish industrial firms. The results of the empirical analysis of the model, which uses data from a postal survey, indicate that human resources practices based on compensation – level and type – as well as on the job design – resources and autonomy – appear to be the fundamental determinants of sales manager job satisfaction. In the research we confirm that there is a growing need for firms to combine economic and non-economic incentives in order to satisfy their executives.  相似文献   

Despite growing interest in the aging of the workforce, few investigations have explored a key aspect of diversity among older workers: whether or not they consider themselves retired. Using a sample of workers ages 50 and older from the National Study of the Changing Workforce (2008), we apply career development theory and the job demand–control(–support) framework to investigate potential differences between working retirees (i.e. employed older adults 50+ who consider themselves retired) and working non-retirees (i.e. employed older adults 50+ who do not consider themselves retired) in terms of their job characteristics (i.e. demands, control, support) and how these job characteristics are related to job satisfaction. We find that working retirees report lower job demands and higher social support, and that there is limited evidence for the buffering hypothesis. Implications for researchers and employers are discussed.  相似文献   

This study applies the concept of job specialization and job rotation based on early principles of job design in solving employees' perception of job burnout, using employees of Taiwan's high-technology industry as targets for re-examination. In past management systems of traditional industries, job rotation was adopted to address employees' feelings of monotony, boredom and fatigue as a result of job simplification and specialization. However, with the advancement of technology, shortening of technical life cycles and changes in job characteristics, the relationship between job rotation, job specialization and job burnout is now different from in the past. The results from 304 valid samples collected from employees of Taiwan's high-technology industry reveal that the adoption of job specialization in high-tech industry in fact raises professional efficacy and reduces employees' feeling of job burnout, which is opposed to the benefits of job design purported in past management systems. Therefore, this paper seeks to re-examine the relationship between the three variables. By implementing job rotation or job specialization systems as means to address issues related to employees' job burnout, organizations should not only consider the benefits to job management, but also adjust according to technology and environmental changes. Only by doing so could organizations release the maximum potential from human resources management systems.  相似文献   

The relationship between Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefit duration, unemployment duration and subsequent job duration is investigated using a multi‐state duration model with state specific unobserved heterogeneity. I examine two potential explanations for the negative correlation between unemployment and job spell durations; UI benefits increase job matching quality (the ‘Matching’ effect) versus unobserved heterogeneity (‘Adverse Selection’). The Matching effect is found to be weak. Although new jobs accepted within 5 weeks of benefit termination seem to have a higher dissolution rate, the negative correlation between unemployment and job duration is mostly explained by unobserved heterogeneity. Various simulations indicate that increasing the maximum benefit duration by one week will raise expected unemployment duration by 1.0 to 1.5 days but will raise expected job duration by 0.5 to 0.8 day only. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We investigate a crucial event for job satisfaction: changing one's workplace. For representative German panel data, we show that the reason why the previous employment ended is strongly linked to satisfaction with the new job. Workers initiating a change of employer experience extraordinarily high job satisfaction, though in the short term only. To investigate causality, we exploit the event of plant closure as an exogenous trigger of job switching. In this case, we find no significantly positive effect of job changes on job satisfaction. Our findings complement research on workers’ well‐being and concern labor market policies and human resource management.  相似文献   

天津滨海新区建立国际物流中心的战略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天津滨海新区由于具有良好的区位优势和海陆空交通条件,物流业发展迅猛,2006年完成货物吞吐量2.55亿吨,集装箱运量595万标箱,货物吞吐量位居世界十强,与世界180多个国家和地区的400多个港口有贸易往来,成为全球营销网络的重要节点和中国北方连接海内外大进大出的绿色通道。  相似文献   

20世纪60、70年代的战略管理思想指出了战略的长期导向以及组织内外部相互匹配的本质;80年代的波特战略管理思想对企业外部产业环境与竞争对手更加关注;90年代迄今的战略管理思想则聚焦于企业内部资源尤其是无形资源与能力。80年代产生的SMA突破了传统管理会计的内向性局限,具有明显的外向性与长期性特征。90年代迄今的战略管理思想拓展了SMA的研究视角,为21世纪的SMA提供了新的研究维度——企业无形的资源与能力。本文认为,需重新认识SMA的特征。随着战略管理思想的不断发展,21世纪的SMA作为交叉学科,内容与方法将更加丰富和完善。  相似文献   

Never before has there been so much organizational restructuring, in spite of consistently mixed results. This article argues that the reason organizational restructuring so often fails to increase productivity and profit is that it is not guided by business strategy. While most managers agree that structure should follow strategy, few have a process for moving from strategy to restructuring at the business level where most restructuring occurs. A number of businesses, however, have based restructuring decisions on a clear and well-understood strategy. This article describes what is common to the processes these businesses have followed. Human resource managers, whose role and competence should include the alignment of change processes with business needs, have often abdicated responsibility for ensuring that restructuring efforts are strategic and are competently implemented. © 1996 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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