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6月中下旬,在中共中央政治局委员、广东省委书记李长春率中共代表团出访欧洲的同时,汤炳权副省长带领经贸代表团先后在德国、法国、波兰和俄罗斯举行了系列经贸活动.此次欧洲系列经贸活动主要包括:6月13日在德国法兰克福举行的中国广东--德国投资推介会、20日在波兰华沙举行的中国广东--波兰经贸合作洽谈会和25日在俄罗斯莫斯科举行的中国广东(俄罗斯)贸易暨经济技术洽谈会.  相似文献   

Purpose: The research investigates the impact of emergent technologies, specifically supply-chain technology and food-production technology (i.e., genetically modified organisms [GMO]), on global food retailers' supplier decisions.

Methodology/approach: Qualitative research is conducted to examine technology-related vendor selection criteria of food retailers in 5 European countries comparing to those in the US.

Findings: Our findings show that global food retailers view supply-chain technology as a competitive advantage and is integrated as an important selection criteria; however, selection criteria differ for food-production technology between the United States and the European countries. European food retailers explicitly oppose food-production technology (GMO), while U.S. food retailers implicitly accept food-production technology. Emerging from this opposing view, global food retailers establish similar criteria for organic food (non-GMO) supplier selection: reliability, distance, consistent quality, and relationships with suppliers.

Research implications: Applying the supplier choice criteria framework (Lehmann and O'Shaughnessy 1982 Lehmann, D. R. and 'Shaughnessy, J. O. 1982. Decision criteria used in buying different categories of products. Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management, 18: 914.  [Google Scholar]) to further analyze organic food suppliers, we find that reliability (adaptive criterion), distance (integrative criterion), consistent quality (performance criterion), and relationships with suppliers (economic criterion) are essential, but price is not.

Practical implications: This study suggests that to sustain competitiveness in the global food market, food suppliers not only need to ensure technological compatibility in supply-chain, but also adapt to the local food-production restriction (GMO) and organic food selection criteria preferences.

Originality/value/contribution: Supply-chain technology is strategically important and is adopted by global food retailers for competitive advantage; yet, there are dramatic differences regarding the acceptance of food production technology. This research contributes to the better understanding of how technologies exert significant and strategic weight in the food supplier selection process.  相似文献   

在强手如林的欧洲重卡市场中,曾经很难寻觅到中国卡车的身影。以往中国卡车出口只局限在非洲、亚洲、拉丁美洲等国家和地区,还没有大批量出口到欧洲的先例。而今,伴随着解放奥威等50辆重型卡车的行进车轮,我国自主品牌重卡首次成功登陆欧洲市场;解放奥威这款自主品牌的卡车杰作将在国际舞台上释放出更加耀目的光彩。  相似文献   

朱仁 《国际市场》2003,(8):53-53
上个世纪进入九十年代以后,中国的一些大公司开始进军国际市场,打国际牌,收购外国公司,这些公司在进军途中有胜有败,为后来的中国企业大规模进入国际市场赢得了不少经验。  相似文献   

欧洲和中国公众都没有留意到今年最为大快人心的一项收购行动去年10月,中国电视机制造商TCL宣布,就收购破产的德国电视机制造商辛奈德尔电子(Schneider Electronics)AG公司达成协议。  相似文献   

<正>一、应收账款买断的概念及流程应收账款买断是企业将赊销形成的未到期应收账款在满足一定条件的情况下,无追索权的转让给商业银行等金融机构,以获得银行的流动资金支持,加快资金周转的一种重要融资方式。它是一种无追索权的  相似文献   

Markets for information products exhibit varying degrees of competition on both the supply and the demand side. This paper studies the potential complementarity of information products, equilibrium information buying behaviors and information price setting in such markets. Our game-theoretic model consists of two information providers selling imperfect information to two competing clients and allows for different information quality levels as well as varying degrees of client competition. Absent of client competition, information providers compete on the statistical properties of the information they supply (i.e., the accuracy of the information). The competitive price can be high because of potential complementarity among information products when these are not very reliable. However, this may change when the clients are competing against each other. We adopt a reduced-form model of buyer competition that reflects situations where information buyers face discrete alternatives. We find that a buyer gains more through information acquisition when its competitor is less informed, suggesting a first mover advantage in information acquisition. More importantly, we also find that intense client competition can make the information products more substitutable, resulting in a lower equilibrium price for information. Furthermore, this effect leads to harsh competition between information providers and consequently provides incentives for exclusive contracting. In summary, it is found that the “quality” of information has a very different impact on sellers’ profits depending on the degree of client competition.  相似文献   

龚友诚 《广告大观》2006,(1S):116-116
“你必须随时站在不同的观点看事情。”这是希区考克对导演工作的一个形容。 因为导演的任务,是在荧幕上重建真实。他说:“戏剧就是人生,只不过把无聊的,不相关的全部拿掉了。剩下来的是什幺?剩下的才是观众真正在乎的。”  相似文献   

The paper discusses how technological convergence, manifested in increased mobility in organisations, changes the way purchasing organisations buy and use telecommunications and IT systems. The aim of the paper is to analyse how the implementation of mobility in firms is linked to changes in the relationships between units within the buying centre, between the buying centre and supplying organisations, and to some extent also between the buying centre and its customers. The study builds on interviews with purchasing functions in 61 small-, medium-sized and large organisations in different industries. The concept of mobility is discussed and defined. Industrial network conceptualisations, loose coupling theory and a buying centre model constitute the theoretical framework. Results indicate that management plays a more central role in the buying centre when major IT and telecom contracts are signed. The interviews also indicate few large changes in the exchange relationships with supplying organisations as a result of the implementation of new system solutions for increased mobility.  相似文献   

所谓的国际货物买卖合同,是指一国当事人与另一国当事人在不同的营业地点就一方的货物进入另一方而达成的买卖协议。提供货物的一方通常为出口商,接受货物的一方通常为进口商。  相似文献   

Retail buying in the United Kingdom has undergone considerable change in the last 20 years. Faced with a lack of satisfactory published material concerning what retail buyers actually do, the author carried out a survey of buyers in multiple food and apparel retailers. This paper discusses the main changes to have taken place in retail buying in recent years, describes what buyers do, their interface with other functional departments in the business, the characteristics needed by successful buyers, and how buyers are appraised. Finally, it is concluded that the perceived status of buyers does not always reflect their impact on the marketing activity and success of their companies.  相似文献   

周刚  杨赛勤 《商业研究》2000,(12):64-65
股份回购是上市公司收购本公司股票的一种行为,在西方成熟的证券市场上,股份回购是一种合法行为,而我国在一般情况下,是不允许上市公司对本公司股份进行回购.虽然我国公司法对禁止回购本公司股份也作了例外的规定,但由我国经济环境的特殊性,以及回购机制的不公平性和内幕交易难以防范等,股份回购在我国还不具有广泛的可行性。  相似文献   


Compulsive buying behavior is a negative form of behavior that leads to overspending. In the current study, the author examines the applicability of a compulsive buying behavior scale developed by Valence et al. (1988) with Indian consumers. Compulsive buyers are likely to relate money to power, success, and status. Compulsive buyers perceive their purchases as a way of overcoming negative self-esteem and anxiety. The influence of consumers’ attitude toward credit cards, demographic factors, and credit card use on compulsive buying was studied. The findings suggest the compulsive behavior scale should be modified in the Indian context. Age, income, education, and marital status influence compulsive buying. Consumers’ attitude toward credit cards did not affect compulsive buying.  相似文献   


The aim of this study has been to analyze important aspects of buying behavior of food retailers, i.e., trade buyers' evaluation of product and vendor attributes, based on a number of background variables, when choosing a new supplier of an already well-known product category. The study encompassed the retailers' buying behavior for pork, fish and cheese products. By conducting a conjoint analysis in sixteen Western European countries (15 'old' EU Countries (except Luxemburg), plus Norway and Austria), it is demonstrated that the traditional four Ps are losing ground to some previously neglected attributes, and that it is possible to generalise retailers' buying behavior for different food products across countries, retail organizations, and buyers.  相似文献   

Retail alliances are a mechanism which enables small and medium retail businesses to compete with corporate retail chains. Alliances face different organisational problems from those of corporate chains because of the need to ensure convergence of interests between the individual member and the organisation as a whole. This paper examines how retail buying groups organise in terms of membership structures, control mechanisms, incentive structures and management systems to meet these needs. A study of retail buying groups in the United Kingdom is reported. Results show that these groups are not mirror images of corporate retail chains but vehicles to preserve the independence of their members through voluntary participation and democratic control structures.  相似文献   

Consumers' use of nine food-buying practices widely recommended by consumer educators was investigated. With the use of cluster analysis a typology with five categories was created: (1) Compleat Consumers who used most of the money-saving and planning practices frequently, (2) Almost Compleat Consumers who also used most of the practices but typically did not shop in several stores in order to economize, (3) Economy Specialists who utilized chiefly those practices useful in saving money, (4) Planning Specialists who emphasized planning-related practices, and (5) Disinterested Consumers who seldom utilized the recommended practices.  相似文献   

The following article describes a study of the neural correlates of compulsive buying. Twenty-six non-compulsive (“normal”) and 23 compulsive buyers were measured using functional magnetic resonance imaging while performing purchasing decisions. The compulsive buyers were selected based on strict criteria, such that they were all undergoing psychotherapeutic treatment due to their buying behaviour. The results show evidence of significant differences between non-compulsive and compulsive buyers regarding brain activity in regions known to be involved in decision making. The findings give a deeper insight into the nature of compulsive buying and are relevant to consumer policy.  相似文献   

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