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票据行为性质的理论在学术界存在很多争议,主要分为双方法律行为和单方法律行为,在各国立法中也采纳了不同的学说,同时,根据理论和实务需要,两派学说还各自发展出不同的学说分支.笔者在整理现有学说的基础上,在双方法律行为说的单数契约说下提出了"参加契约说",试图解释单数契约说原来无法解释的问题.  相似文献   

In Zeiten zunehmender S?ttigungstendenzen der Konsumgüterm?rkte kommt der Profilierung des eigenen Angebotes in den Augen der Konsumenten eine herausragende Bedeutung zu. Hierbei stellt Design im Marketing eines der bedeutendsten Instrumente dar, zur Profilierung des eigenen Marktauftritts beizutragen. Vor diesem Hintergrund setzt sich der vorliegende Beitrag zum Ziel, die M?glichkeiten des Einsatzes von Metaphern zur Schaffung neuartiger und origineller Produktdesigns systematisch zu untersuchen. Dabei stehen neben der Frage, welche Funktionen metaphorisches Design im Rahmen des Marketing erfüllen kann, insbesondere überlegungen zur Umsetzung im Vordergrund.  相似文献   

本论文介绍一种以AT89S52单片机为核心具有A/D转换器、数码管显示、键盘输入等功能的水浴恒温控制仪表.该控制仪表可以实现对变送后的传感器信号进行处理并显示,实现测控.该控制仪表具有显示与调节功能,远远高于一般的数字电位器,可广泛用于生产过程控制等场合.其中,信号输入通道采用A/D方式实现对被测量模拟量的数字化,既经济又能满足分辨率要求.本设计设计了一路PT100直接测温输入通道,在工业现场中可以用于采集温度信号,设置不同的参数便可以进行数据处理.输出控制信号有两种方式:继电器输出控制和D/A输出控制.键盘显示接口模块采用HD7279.实现了设定值的连续输入和温度数据实时显示.软件部分采用适用的PID算法,能够满足大多数控制系统的控制要求,实现数字化控制.  相似文献   

票据在市场经济中发挥着重要作用,票据签章是确定票据主体的依据.我国票据法从交易安全出发,在票据签章的法律问题上制定的严格又机械.本文从法律角度出发,对比国内外票据签章规则,对我国票据签章规则的不足之处提出几点建议.  相似文献   

本论文介绍一种以AT89S52单片机为核心具有A/D转换器、数码管显示、键盘输入等功能的水浴恒温控制仪表.该控制仪表可以实现对变送后的传感器信号进行处理并显示,实现测控.该控制仪表具有显示与调节功能,远远高于一般的数字电位器,可广泛用于生产过程控制等场合.其中,信号输入通道采用A/D方式实现对被测量模拟量的数字化,既经济又能满足分辨率要求.本设计设计了一路PT100直接测温输入通道,在工业现场中可以用于采集温度信号,设置不同的参数便可以进行数据处理.输出控制信号有两种方式:继电器输出控制和D/A输出控制.键盘显示接口模块采用HD7279,实现了设定值的连续输入和温度数据实时显示.软件部分采用适用的PID算法,能够满足大多数控制系统的控制要求,实现数字化控制.  相似文献   

This study examined the psychometric properties of a popular instrument used to measure consumer decision-making styles. The findings of this study were compared to previous studies. An examination of psychometric properties of the instrument revealed that the instrument is not a reliable or valid measure of decision-making styles in both Korea and the United States. New constructs were identified that were in contrast with previous studies. Recommendations for future research are offered.  相似文献   

数控机床电气系统故障的调查、分析与诊断的过程也就是故障的排除过程,一旦查明了原因,故障也就几乎等于排除了.因此故障分析诊断的方法十分重要.  相似文献   

全球性自主基面定位导航仪是一种能够自主计量地点绝对方位即基面标格经纬度及其距离的专用定位导航仪器,由中心定位基轴、基轴平台装置、标位计量总成、外平衡胎架以及电子操纵台几个部分构成.  相似文献   

数控机床电气系统故障的调查、分析与诊断的过程也就是故障的排除过程,一旦查明了原因,故障也就几乎等于排除了.因此故障分析诊断的方法十分重要.  相似文献   

技术上的瓶颈是中国机床工具行业国际化的最大障碍.而纵观我国量仪工具行业发展史,技术依赖的痕迹也清晰可见.不少企业也承认,跟踪技术发展不了产业,况且产业的核心技术、特别是前沿和战略高度的技术是引进不了的.如果一味跟踪模仿,将会进一步拉大我国同世界先进水平之间的差距,并最终将形成技术依赖.要想从容地应对时代对我们要求,前期的准备必须充分.凭借科技创新,着力推动产业转型升级,设立专项发展资金,成立产业基地,以此来加强对产业研发的支持力度,增加企业研发经费投入,加快培育企业的技术创新体系,建立完善的产业价值链.推进我国机械工具行业不断奋进前行.  相似文献   

高校实验室是教学、科研的重要基地,是培养具有创新意识和实践能力的人才摇篮.高校实验室如何利用现有设备资源,最大限度满足学生的实践需求,为学生提供更多的实践机会和更好的实践环境是亟待解决的问题;北京科技大学中心实验室通过几年来在注重人才培养,加强实验队伍的管理开放实验设备,建立现代教育实验中心加强实验设备的管理,规范运行机制充分利用实验室现有资源,积极进行设备技术改造等方面进行了尝试,收到了良好的社会效益和经济效益.  相似文献   

高校实验室是教学、科研的重要基地,是培养具有创新意识和实践能力的人才摇篮.高校实验室如何利用现有设备资源,最大限度满足学生的实践需求,为学生提供更多的实践机会和更好的实践环境是亟待解决的问题:北京科技大学中心实验室通过几年来在注重人才培养,加强实验队伍的管理开放实验设备,建立现代教育实验中心加强实验设备的管理,规范运行机制充分利用实验室现有资源,积极进行设备技术改造等方面进行了尝试,收到了良好的社会效益和经济效益.  相似文献   

The spectacular opening of the People’s Republic of China to the capitalist world market and the flourishing state of East-West cooperation—up to the Afghanistan crisis—show that cooperation with more advanced industrial countries in selected fields is seen as a promising means of speeding industrial progress. Essential for the industrialization and modernization of less developed economies are—apart from convertible finance—the transfer and diffusion of technical and organizational know-how from countries in a more advanced state of development. The opportunities for industrial interstate and interenterprise cooperation between partners from developing and industrialized countries are analysed in the following article.  相似文献   

The problem of the current research is to develop an instrument that accurately measures individuals' adherence or nonadherence to both Protestant Ethic and contemporary work values. The study confirms that the traditional Protestant Ethic work values and the contemporary work values are different and the instrument used to measure the work values that individuals actually support is valid and reliable. Two scales were developed based on Protestant Ethic work values and contemporary work values. A four-point Likert scale was used to indicate the extent of agreement or disagreement with statements written to represent Protestant Ethic and contemporary work values. Face and content validities of the instrument were established by using two panels of experts — one consisted of authorities in the area of work values; the other consisted of editorial critics. Reliability of the instrument was confirmed by the Kuder-Richardson and test-retest methods. Four sets of work values emerged with significant discrimination among them.F. Stanford Wayne is an assistant professor in the Management Department at Northern Illinois University. He teaches, speaks, and consults in the areas of written, oral, and interpersonal communications. He has also published several articles relating to communication and ethics both on an education and business point of view.  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于LabVIEW环境开发的说话人识别虚似仪器.在实验室录音的情况下,该仪器具有较高的识别率,友好的用户界面,良好的存储能力,实现了实时的与文本无关的说话人识别.  相似文献   

The first Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change opened the path for a new policy instrument to mitigate anthropogenic climate change. It instituted a pilot phase for international emission offsets, “Joint Implementation”, open for all signatories to the Convention. During the pilot phase, however, emission reductions achieved abroad cannot be credited to domestic emission targets. By 2000, a decision on crediting and the final structure of the Joint Implementation regime must be taken by the Conference of the Parties.  相似文献   

Privatizing government enterprises is one of the most difficult tasks in the transformation process taking place in the former socialist economies. What contribution do management buy-outs have to make in coping with that task?  相似文献   

After over thirty years experience with food aid, there is consensus only on its use as a means of mitigating acute distress; except with regard to disaster relief of that kind, opinions are divided on the rationale of food aid deliveries from industrial countries with a food surplus to Third World countries with a deficit. What are the main arguments for and against food aid, and in which direction has the EC’s food aid programme developed?  相似文献   

The financing of long-term growth in developing countries has become more of a problem every year. In the following article one particular new financial instrument — Growth Participation Units — is discussed as a particular way to attract private sector long-term financing of development.  相似文献   

This study describes the development and validation of an instrument to measure organizational learning. Starting out from a comprehensive analysis of the main organizational learning models in the specialized literature, the organizational learning scale in this study consists of 18 items forming five dimensions: the ontological levels of learning, modes of knowledge conversion, learning sub-processes, types of learning, and feedback and feed-forward flows of learning. A survey to large Spanish companies provides data from 167 companies. Confirmatory factor analysis tests the construct measurement model and validates the scale. The results of the study indicate that the scale satisfies the criteria for reliability, and validity. The exploratory factor analysis permits the identification of four factors which make theoretical sense: information systems, the existence of a framework for consensus, procedures for the institutionalization and broadening of knowledge, and forms of management and the genesis of knowledge. The new construct promises to be more comprehensive, integrative and eclectic than previous constructs, achieving its broad scope by incorporating a number of the main theoretical perspectives on the matter. For practitioners, the scale could form the basis of an auditing tool, as well as being a useful target for organizational change initiatives.  相似文献   

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