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This paper examines how heterogeneous technologies impact the coordination of knowledge work in complex socio-technical settings. It is based on an in-depth field study of critical care practices characterized by intensive knowledge work and technological heterogeneity. We observe that heterogeneous technologies create workflow gaps within which health professionals adapt technology use to contingencies and local needs, prioritize interventions, and identify problems before they become detrimental to patient care. These adaptations provide opportunities for health professionals to continuously align work across heterogeneous technologies and to accomplish broader professional and ideological goals. Our analysis shows that health professionals use three coordination practices when working across heterogeneous technologies: controlling and enhancing information, reconstructing workflows, and circumventing requirements. We theorize how these practices address coordination needs associated with heterogeneous technologies and discuss implications for knowledge work. We provide a more complete understanding of coordination practices in complex, socio-technical settings which contributes to both knowledge work and coordination literatures.  相似文献   

With the commencement of the 21st century, the information age, knowledge economy and integration of information and knowledge among production factors, organizations show increasing interest in knowledge management. Managers are trying not only to preserve knowledge and transfer it efficiently within their organization, but also to ensure that it is not lost when a knowledge employee leaves the organization. Therefore, it is indispensable for organizations to monitor, record, transfer and preserve their knowledge. In order to ensure efficient preservation of knowledge by the organization, it is essential to integrate the area of the so-called knowledge continuity into the general management and ensure its maximum value. The goal of the article is to identify the role of control in the transformation process and its impact on ensuring knowledge continuity within the organization. A partial goal lies in identifying output quality control by means of productivity One of the conclusions of the article is that in today's economic situation, ignoring the existence of knowledge continuity could result in a crisis of management of knowledge and its loss.  相似文献   

Organisations increasingly adopt tracking technologies that allow managers to continuously collect highly detailed records of employee, performance, and health. On the basis of the theory of planned behaviour, we aim to identify attitudes, functions of monitoring, and control perceptions that should strengthen or lower employees' acceptance of these technologies. Our experimental vignette study among 800 respondents in Germany reveals that acceptance is more likely if employees have positive attitudes towards surveillance in general and towards monitoring in private life and if the technologies enhance labour productivity. The tendency to reject the technology increases if it is to be used for monitoring health and performance. The results indicate that these new technologies will not be accepted unconditionally and may be subject to bargaining and conflicts. In the implementation process, human resources departments will have to take account of employee interests and well‐being, which in turn may improve acceptance and performance.  相似文献   

International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal - Due to the increasing awareness on environmental issues, the necessity to implement more sustainable technologies is becoming a central theme...  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effects of high-performance work systems (HPWS) on the rent appropriation of employees and shareholders in firms from the viewpoint of appropriation theory. Applying a meta-analytical approach I test the hypothesis that HPWS shift the balance of power between stakeholder groups in an organization, favouring employees over other stakeholders. This hypothesis is confirmed. However, the overall results of HPWS are positive for both stakeholder groups, as HPWS also increase firm value creation. My study also emphasizes the need to decompose the construct ‘firm performance’ into value creation and value distribution among stakeholder groups. Directions for future research and recommendations for management practice conclude the paper.  相似文献   

This paper reports research on relationship between firm's knowledge sourcing strategy and green innovation. The data are taken from Spanish Technological Innovation Panel survey during 2007–2011. The study contributed to the literature by focusing on the moderating role of firm size on the relationship between knowledge sources and green innovations. Results from over 5,000 firms indicate a shift in the focus from internal knowledge to external knowledge when developing green innovations as firms grow in size. Despite benefits from broad knowledge search on green innovations, the relationship has an inverted U shape. The diminishing returns of knowledge breadth on green innovations are present for smaller firms and disappearing as firms get larger. Government policies promoting more coordination and knowledge complementarity between private and public sector will help to influence more knowledge transfer, ensuring a more sustainable and green economy.  相似文献   

This study investigates the approach required to achieve competitive advantages in the digital supply chain. Moreover, the study examines how digital transformation of companies can fuel smart technologies, leading to improved relationship performance. The results of the survey given to 280 Finnish small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) show that digital transformation of the companies alone cannot enhance relationship performance, and that it needs to be coupled with smart technologies to achieve this goal. This means that smart technologies fully mediate the relationship between digital transformation and relationship performance.  相似文献   

This article presents a model and a detailed process for redesigning the human resources (HR) function by contracting with line executives for new roles and by upgrading the competencies of the human resource management staff while reengineering the HR delivery systems. The experience of a large, successful company that developed and implemented the process is described. The article argues that the use of “best practices” contributes less to creating a world-class human resource management team than to redefining the fundamental partnership role supported by the line organization. Partnering is defined in an operational manner using the HR grid. © 1995 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper presents two complementary conceptual models that help shed light on the complexities of offshoring service and knowledge work. In developing the model, we draw upon existing literature in the realm of service operations and delivery and build on insights from allied areas such as management and practice. The models offer a simple yet powerful way to conceptualize offshoring of knowledge and service work and to identify the inherent challenges that such strategies entail. The evolutionary model of offshoring parallels well-established work in the manufacturing literature to present a sequential view of building organizational competence in offshoring. The implications of the conceptual models have been discussed in a range of propositions that can be viewed as foundations for new inquiry in this research stream.  相似文献   

This article examines the elimination of two old steel technologies, the Bessemer method and oxygen-steelmaking. This particular aspect of technological change has not been explored much, whereas substantial effort has been put into determining how these, and other steel technologies were originally adopted. The limited objective of this paper is to conduct a time analysis, i.e., to establish when the two processes began to be phased out, the pattern of such elimination, and how long it took for the steel industry to abandon completely these once-dominant technologies. While the elimination, or extinguishing of the two technologies was relatively fast in terms of their whole life-span, old technologies tend to hang on in a residual role a rather long period of time.  相似文献   

In this article we examine how loose coupling between units and people can benefit a firm's ability to combine and recombine knowledge-based resources continuously in a creative and flexible way. An in-depth study of Oticon A/S suggests that loose coupling can be deliberately brought into the design of the organisation by introducing a certain structural ambiguity into the configuration of role systems and authority relationships. In the first part of the paper, we show how loose coupling among units and people is a distinctive feature of the way Oticon organises its administrative activities. In the second, we explore the structural properties of a loosely coupled arrangement. We develop the concepts of multipolarity, fluidity and interconnectedness and we show how these properties conduce to an increase in the effectiveness, efficiency and flexibility of the processes of knowledge integration. Structural ambiguity is thus proposed as a viable design principle for organisations operating in hypercompetitive environment, where flexible knowledge integration represents a critical condition of survival.  相似文献   

The current competitive environment is characterized by new sources of information, new technologies, new management practices, new competitors, and shorter product life cycles, which highlights the importance of organizational knowledge in manufacturing companies. We integrate some of those knowledge-based approaches seeking to understand how aspects related to cross-functional orientation, new technologies, and increasing access to information affect manufacturing strategy. In this paper, “know-what” (where to find the needed information) and “know-how” (how to run operations smoothly) are considered key components of organizational knowledge in the process of manufacturing strategy formulation. Assuming that knowledge accumulation may lead to competitive advantage, we propose a model of manufacturing strategy process from a resource-based view perspective. We used a survey to collect field data from 104 companies. The results indicate that cross-functional activities integrate manufacturing knowledge and contribute to the creation of valuable and rare product characteristics.  相似文献   


As automation and structural transformations mark the new digital realities of the twenty first century, contemporary organizations demand a highly resilient and engaged workforce to sustain their competitive edge. Despite an eminent literature revolving around learning organization in the management discourse, there is a lack of research investigating the effect of learning organization on employee resilience and work engagement. With this precept in mind, this study developed and tested a mediation model linking learning organization to employee resilience and work engagement. The present study draws on the tenets of Fredrickson’s broaden-and-build theory and conservation of resource theory for supporting the study results. This study used cross sectional surveys of 300 IT professionals in India. Structural equation modeling was used for empirically testing the study hypotheses. Additionally, the study utilized Preacher and Hayes mediation analyses to investigate the mediating effect of employee resilience on the relationship between learning organization and work engagement. The results revealed significant relationship between variables of the study and shows that learning organization positively effect employee resilience and work engagement. The findings suggest that employee resilience partially mediate the effect of learning organization on work engagement. This study offers concrete insights to HR managers for fostering employee resilience which in turn can play a key role in building a highly engaged workforce. Future implications for theory and HRM practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

The misuse of information and communications technology (ICTs) in the workplace is a growing problem that is expected to continue to trend upward. The consequences of this form of behaviour range from minor outcomes with little impact, to more serious outcomes with significant negative impacts to individuals, groups, and even for entire organizations. Research into technologically mediated counterproductive behaviour has lagged behind the phenomena, remains limited in scope, and is conducted in disciplinary and theoretical isolation. Conceptual clarity and theoretical synthesis are viewed as critical steps for enabling a strong program of research into this new counterproductive domain. This article proposes a potential approach for fostering conceptual clarity and identifies the necessity for a theoretical model to facilitate future investigation.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to explore the inter-organisational knowledge networks that universities in the UK engage in through their knowledge transfer activities. In particular, it analyses the extent to which organisational and locational factors are associated with the nature of these networks. Based on a UK-wide survey of universities, it is shown that the nature and formation of inter-organisational knowledge networks is related principally to the organisational characteristics of network actors, and secondarily to their spatial location. The characteristics of a network actor, in this case a university, are likely to influence the type, diversity and location of other actors with which it networks. Nevertheless, spatial location is an important secondary factor influencing network formation, especially the geographic reach of a university's network. It is further found that the value generated by universities from their knowledge networks is associated with the type of organisations within which they interact as well as their spatial location. It is concluded that such networks impact both regional innovation capability and regional competitiveness. The results have implications for policymakers, especially in terms of the spatial scale at which the demand and supply for university knowledge can be best mediated.  相似文献   

Based on a survey of a sample of employees (n = 726), we examine whether work-to-family enrichment mediates the relationship between two types of flexible work arrangements (i.e. flextime and a compressed workweek) and two work-related outcomes (job satisfaction and turnover intention). In addition, we examine the moderating effect of gender on the relationship between flexible work arrangements and work-to-family enrichment and between work-to-family enrichment and the work-related outcomes. The results show that work-to-family enrichment acts as a mediating factor between flexible work arrangements and outcomes. In addition, the relationship between work-to-family enrichment and turnover intention is stronger for female employees. Finally, the implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The locus of innovation has shifted from single entrepreneurial firms to groups of networked firms. Inter-organizational cooperation rather than competition to exploit the value of knowledge through new product innovation lies at the heart of the knowledge-based economy. This paper focuses on the phenomenon of network product innovation and the holistic integration of distributed knowledge across organizational boundaries to foster production innovation. A new construct, knowledge integration, is found to have a strong positive impact on new product performance. Resource complementarity, market orientation, and information sharing are three antecedents that positively affect knowledge integration across organizational boundaries. Survey data also suggest that knowledge integration serves as a mediator between the three antecedents and product innovation performance. Managerial implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Under Title III of the 1973 Older Americans Act over 500 Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) have been established for the purpose of planning and coordinating services for the elderly. Critics claim the AAA's are doomed to failure because they do not control the budgets for services for the elderly. We show that a more crucial factor is meaningful planning information and demonstrate that AAA's can be effective as planning and coordinating agencies by operating as centers of information and analysis, either with or without budget control.  相似文献   


Process innovation drives industrial competitiveness and sustainability but remains elusive since it requires co-creation and the sharing of idiosyncratic design knowledge in ecosystems of providers and customers of process equipment. This paper investigates how firms can manage knowledge processing through co-creation in joint process innovation projects. Analysis of cross-comparative case studies –including nine industrial ecosystem actors – identifies three types of technological challenge (complexity, novelty and customization) that creates knowledge-processing requirements (uncertainty, equivocality) during the value co-creation process. To manage these knowledge-processing requirements, this paper explains how three joint knowledge-processing strategies (joint problem solving, open communication and end-user involvement) help ecosystem partners make sense of the requirements and demands in process innovation. In this context, the procurement approach (such as contracting and relationship development) helps to facilitate higher levels of joint knowledge processing, drawing on the diverse knowledge of ecosystem actors to secure successful process-innovation outcomes. The present study contributes to the emerging literature on co-creation in process innovation by developing a framework that highlights the knowledge-processing dynamics in ecosystem relationships for process innovation. The implications for management extends to a practical tool that guides project managers in ensuring appropriate levels of joint knowledge processing among ecosystem actors.


Professional work such as nursing has traditionally been examined as being localized in the individual’s body where professional know-how and skills are residing in the cognitive faculties and in embodied action. Contrary to such a view, the concept of agencement, recently used in the social study of finance, underlines that agency is in the contemporary technoscientifically determined times of necessity distributed and includes a variety of tempospatially distributed resources. Reporting a study nursing work in a leukemia ward in a Swedish regional hospital, it is demonstrated that the conventional view of nursing as primarily being bedside care is only accommodating a subset of the totality of the nurses’ work. In addition to face-to-face care and patient interaction, nursing work is the mobilization of a great number of actors with different domains of expertise to safeguard the health care status of the patient. Speaking of nursing work as agencement is opening up for alternative and more accurate understandings of nursing work in an increasingly technologically determined health care system.  相似文献   

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