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通过对营销学从G-D逻辑到S-D逻辑演进过程的对比分析,本文发现从品牌的发展阶段看,基于品牌价值创造的品牌理论从商品聚焦的品牌阶段逐步演进到价值聚焦的品牌阶段、关系聚焦的品牌阶段和利益相关者聚焦的品牌阶段,这种演进平行于并反映了营销学从G-D逻辑到S-D逻辑的演进,形成了品牌化演进的方向。 相似文献
In the innovation studies literature, innovation patterns have been described, such as science-based and practice-based innovation, that vary among industrial sectors. As a consequence, firms become distinguished with respect to their typical innovation pattern. Less attention has been paid to the possibility of intertwined innovation patterns. Focusing on public sector services, this paper argues that intertwined innovation patterns emerge within public services as a response to value-tensions. Values can be defined as measures for beneficial behaviour that guide innovation. Value-tensions in public services include tensions between the political, economic, communal, aesthetic and intellectual values. The contribution of the paper to service innovation research is the emphasis on the concept of intertwined innovation patterns, such as the intertwinement of science-driven and task-driven innovation. Furthermore, the paper contributes by pinpointing how varied values guide innovation in public services. 相似文献
Innovations in an organisation derive from multiple sources. In the public sector, users and the policy sphere provide important but often unconnected impulses for innovation. These impulses are transmitted to the organisation by grassroots employees who interact with users and managers who implement policy requirements. The paper examines the actors and activities that coordinate bottom-up and top-down initiatives and promote their development into innovations. It creates a theoretical framework that combines the views of employee-driven innovation and strategic reflexivity and supplements them with an analysis of coordination in innovation processes. The functioning of this framework is illustrated in the context of children's day care services. The results highlight the central role of middle managers and provide new knowledge regarding their ‘bridging’ activities in innovation. The adjustment of bottom-up and top-down processes requires the personal involvement of managers, and the creation of communication arenas, networks and mediating tools. 相似文献
服务研究已经成为近四十年来的热点研究问题,从传统经典理论发展出的产品主导逻辑到服务主导逻辑与价值共创,服务范式的研究不断演进,如何认知服务的问题一直是学术界讨论的热点,文章对服务范式研究的发展历史与演进过程进行了梳理和分析,归纳、识别了包括产品主导逻辑、服务特征范式、关系主导范式、顾客接触范式、服务体验范式、服务主导逻辑和统一服务理论等七种不同的服务范式,分析了当前研究中的不足和面临的挑战,并对未来的研究方向进行了展望。 相似文献
This paper investigates how the innovation–productivity relationship differs across various sub-branches of the services sector. The Crépon, Duguet and Mairesse structural model is used, consisting of equations for innovation expenditures, innovation output, productivity and exports. The data are taken from the Community Innovation Surveys for Estonia. It is shown that innovation is associated with increased productivity. The results indicate, surprisingly, that the association between technological innovation and productivity is stronger in the less knowledge-intensive service (KIS) sectors. Non-technological innovation plays a positive role especially in KISs. An indirect channel of the effects of innovation on productivity appears to function through increased exports. 相似文献
Catherine M. Farrell 《International Journal of Consumer Studies》2010,34(5):503-507
This paper is concerned with the involvement and participation of citizens and consumers in UK public services. It reflects on levels of involvement over a 30‐year period and maps this accordingly. Using models of participation, the paper reviews the citizen and consumer concepts. Conclusions are drawn about involvement and participation in practice and how this will develop in the future. 相似文献
文章以运满满为研究案例,对车货匹配平台的价值创造活动展开研究,分析平台价值创造逻辑的演进,从中归纳运满满的成功经验,为车货匹配平台的发展提供经验借鉴。研究发现:车货匹配业务是多个参与主体的价值共创活动,物流平台企业介入车货匹配业务后,促使新的车货匹配生态系统的形成,不仅使车货匹配平台的价值共创活动从车货匹配业务向其他增值业务延伸,也使价值实现的要素和价值共创的参与主体产生改变;平台经历了从“再中介化”到“去中介化”的演进,车货匹配生态系统内部“社会价值”的持续创造,为生态系统的发展演进提供了条件。 相似文献
顾客忠诚重要性已被学者和企业管理者广泛接受,对于如何提升和维持顾客忠诚,以往的研究主要以顾客导向经营模式进行探讨,基于企业与顾客合作创造这一全新视角来研究顾客忠诚提升在中国尚属空白。这篇文章拟研究在顾客与企业角色变化环境下,传统模式企业与顾客合作创造在顾客忠诚营造方面实施的可行性比较,拟对企业战略发展做出指引。 相似文献
近年来,价值共创成为企业营销领域的研究热点。价值共创强调从消费者体验出发,公司利用移动互联网等技术,在与消费者互动过程中,为消费者创造良好的消费体验,从而实现价值共创,即在满足消费者需求的同时,也为企业带来收益。在网络经济下,商业环境竞争更加激烈、复杂多变,价值共创的理念为国有林区林业企业利用互联网技术发展林下经济产品提供了新的营销思路。本文首先通过文献研究提炼具有代表性的价值共创的研究维度,其次据此设计调查问卷,最后应用回归分析法对问卷数据进行定量分析,研究价值共创各维度对企业效果的影响。研究结果显示,价值共创及其各维度对林业企业的营销效果有显著的正向影响。 相似文献
Innovative activities, driven by a knowledge economy era, globalization, and pressure of global competition, have profoundly impacted local economies since the late 1980s. Relevant studies in the recent decade have gradually emphasized the increasing importance and continuous expansion of knowledge intensive business services in current economic development. This topic represents a major trend impacting industrialized economies. Therefore, this study elucidates the roles and functions of knowledge intensive business services as an area innovation system evolves. Exactly how technology-based firms and knowledge intensive business services interact with each other, as well as the roles of knowledge intensive business services, is also analyzed by examining how the area innovation system centered in Hsinchu Science-Based Industrial Park in Taiwan has evolved. Results of this study demonstrate that knowledge intensive business services function in an intermediary role in the innovation system. These services enhance their customers’ capacity for specialization, subsequently improving their evolutionary capabilities and producing tangible innovative cycles. 相似文献
Innovation measurement in the knowledge-intensive services (KIS) industry is very complex, due to a lack of adequate innovation indicators. A rather new empirical approach involves the analysis of trademarks for the measurement. This paper aims to explore the use and relevance of trademarks for service firms. Data from the German section of the ‘Community Innovation Survey’ are used, and a survey with 278 participating firms is conducted. The results of the two independent empirical studies demonstrate that a trademark can be used as an innovation indicator, at least for knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) and product innovations. The results also illustrate which firm-inside and environmental features explain the use of trademarks as an intellectual property protection measure. 相似文献
Social exchange theory explains how a party in social interaction provides the other party with reciprocal rewards. Applying this concept to the customer context, this study empirically investigates determinants of customer citizenship behaviors (CCBs) in services. For the generalizability of the study across various service providers, the data were collected based on Bowen’s (1990) classifications of services. With a total of 665 usable customer responses, structural equation modeling was adapted to test the theoretical research model. This study reveals that customers’ perceived support and justice from the service provider positively influence affective commitment toward the organization, resulting in CCBs. The results show that customers’ perception of organizational support has the partial mediation effect between customers’ perception of organizational justice and their affective commitment. Furthermore, customers’ affective commitment partially mediates the relationship between customers’ perceived organizational justice and CCBs, but fully mediates the effect of customers’ perceived organizational support on CCBs. 相似文献
This paper reviews and analyses the rationale for an innovation policy in services. It focuses on the relevance of the various categories of market and system failures, on the basis of economic arguments and some empirical evidence at EU level. Results show that market and system failures affect service innovation, so that there are no economic reasons supporting any discrimination of policy actions against service activities. Moreover, some of the market and system failures may be even more relevant in the field of services than of goods, although differences between categories of services should be also taken into consideration. 相似文献
《Business Horizons》2016,59(2):137-147
Professional service firms are facing new competitive challenges in a global market with more value-focused clients, service commoditization, regulatory changes, and new Internet-enabled business models. They increasingly need to improve competitiveness through sustained innovation of the value they provide and the efficiency with which they provide it. But how can firms establish an effective and sustainable innovation system? This Executive Digest shares a best practice model for innovation based on academic research and honed by a decade of practical experience in application across professional service firms in consulting projects. This work covers how to develop innovation strategies by establishing processes and organization to support innovation, providing innovation training, developing new services, and re-engineering existing services. The author, Alastair Ross, details the practices required and shares some of the challenges encountered in realizing them. This article draws heavily on his latest book, Innovating professional services: Transforming value and efficiency. 相似文献
基于服务主导逻辑视角,可构建全渠道零售体验价值共创行为及其影响因素和驱动机制的理论模型。根据多渠道消费者的调查分析发现,服务质量和服务互动通过共创服务产品、共创体验环境、共创服务互动等具体维度对全渠道零售体验价值共创行为产生直接作用,进而对总体全渠道零售体验价值共创行为产生间接影响。其中,线下服务质量和线上服务质量对共创服务产品有积极影响,线下服务质量对共创体验环境和共创服务互动有积极影响;人际互动对共创服务产品、共创体验环境和共创服务互动有积极影响,人机互动对共创服务产品有积极影响,但人机互动对共创体验环境和共创服务互动的影响不显著;共创服务产品、共创体验环境和共创服务互动对总体全渠道零售体验价值共创行为有积极影响。此外,资源整合和顾客参与在全渠道零售体验价值共创行为具体维度与总体全渠道零售体验价值共创行为之间有一定正向调节作用。全渠道零售企业应从服务产品、服务互动、体验环境三个层面提升零售体验价值共创行为,促进线下线上渠道服务质量的均衡发展和有效整合,提高与顾客之间的人际互动和人机互动水平,重视零售体验价值共创中的资源整合和顾客参与。 相似文献
Mikko Pynnönen Jukka Hallikas Paavo Ritala Karri Mikkonen 《The Service Industries Journal》2013,33(14):1154-1166
This paper examines complex service offerings and the creation of systemic customer value in such settings. We explore the extent to which customers value systemic offerings as opposed to more separated offerings. We conducted a questionnaire survey within the customer base of two Finnish service companies. We utilized t-tests to find out how systemic offerings and separated offerings differed in terms of perceived customer value along different dimensions. The findings support the claim that systemic offerings are valued more than offerings that are more separated in nature. The results of the study carry practical implications for firms offering complex and integrated service solutions. In addition, analyses of the service-value elements included in the offering and of the related customer value will enable firms to optimize their service provisioning so as to give higher customer value and subsequently enhance their competitive advantage. 相似文献
Existing literature offers scant evidence of how BoP (bottom of the pyramid) consumers with limited product knowledge and interaction with product designers and marketers can co-create value. The current paper addresses this issue by analysing Bangladeshi farmers' use of mobile telephony. The findings suggest the value-in-use is facilitated or inhibited by product features, socio-economic practices, individuals' capabilities and the appropriation of mobile telephony. The paper demonstrates how BoP customers can co-create value with or without direct support from marketers and offers a theoretical framework for the co-creation of value and contributes to the current understanding of BoP market dynamics. 相似文献
Olivier Furrer D. Sudharshan Rodoula H. Tsiotsou Ben S. Liu 《The Service Industries Journal》2016,36(9-10):452-471
Drawing on research from design science, marketing, and service science, our paper provides an integrated framework for evaluating and directing innovative service design. The main goal of our review is to highlight the strengths of existing frameworks and to suggest how they can be enhanced in combination with design science principles. Based on our review, we propose a new framework for the design of innovative services that integrates several key paradigmatic approaches and identifies fundamental open research questions. Our approach is unique as it combines three service disciplines, namely services marketing, service science, and design science, and provides a new framework that describes step by step the procedure that needs to be taken and the conditions that need to be met for developing innovative services. We believe that providing such a framework is a valuable addition to the literature. 相似文献
Recently, literature on innovation in service activities has increased significantly. Much effort has been concentrated on understanding the importance of innovation for these activities, and on stressing innovative differences relative to the manufacturing innovation model. However, a deeper understanding is needed in three main areas: the degree of innovation heterogeneity among different service activities, the factors that explain this heterogeneity, and the primary drivers of the innovation process for each activity. Using results from the Third Community Innovation Survey, this paper aims to identify the extent to which there are similarities and differences in the main innovation attributes in four important service sub-sectors. After describing the characteristics of innovation and the behavior of variables in the sub-sectors, a typology of innovation patterns is identified. 相似文献
Juan José Tarí 《The Service Industries Journal》2013,33(7):1125-1142
The aim of this paper is to examine the European Foundation for Quality Management self-assessment process in order to analyse the similarities and differences between two of the most common self-assessment approaches (questionnaire and workshop). Using a case study methodology, it examines whether the process, the success of this exercise, the difficulties, the benefits and the success factors are the same in these approaches, or whether they are conditioned by the approach chosen. The results show the difficulties, benefits and success factors in workshop and questionnaire approaches and the significant differences between the two approaches. This study is relevant to managers who are faced with making a decision on which approach to self-assessment should be chosen. Managers must select an approach to self-assessment, considering the characteristics and the quality management maturity of the organisation; the level of quality management understanding and the objectives and degree of decentralisation of the self-assessment. Managers should not forget the importance of their commitment in order to promote the process, the need to train team members in order to facilitate self-assessment and the follow-up as a tool to assess the effectiveness of the process. 相似文献