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Satisfaction of customers' needs is particularly dependent upon the customer orientation of frontline employees. Understanding the drivers of such orientation is, therefore, a key issue in current research. Research relating perceptions of organisational values with the customer orientation of employees is rather sparse. This topic is approached by investigating the role of selected dimensions of psychological climate in promoting the customer orientation of frontline service employees. A structural equations model is developed and empirically tested, indicating that perceptions of customer, ethical, and innovation climates exert an indirect effect on the adoption of customer-oriented behaviours by frontline employees.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of the organizational commitment and occupational commitment of employees in Korean firms on their turnover intentions and organizational citizenship behaviours. In addition, using the interactional effect analysis, this study examined the interactional effects of the two types of commitment on turnover intentions and organizational citizenship behaviours. A total of 209 employees in nine different firms participated in this study. The results revealed that organizational commitment had a negative effect on turnover intentions, while occupational commitment had a positive effect. In addition, organizational commitment had a positive effect on organizational citizenship behaviours, whereas occupational commitment did not have any noticeable effect thereupon. Both organizational commitment and occupational commitment showed certain overall interactional effects regarding organizational citizenship behaviours as well as turnover intentions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the relations between organizational commitment (OC) dimensions and two focal and discretionary behaviours (intention to stay and organizational citizenship behaviour). Drawing on a sample of 310 Spanish employees of small services firms, this research reveals that in contrast to recent findings that detected a nonlinear (inverted U-shaped) relationship between continuance commitment and intention to stay, the form of the relationships between OC dimensions and the proposed outcomes is linear rather than nonlinear. Furthermore, when dividing continuance commitment into two subcomponents, the research results indicate that the dimension associated with commitment based on few existing employment alternatives is significantly, negatively and linearly related to intention to stay and organizational citizenship behaviour. This suggests that the three-component model of OC suffers from a conceptual inconsistency, which is further discussed.  相似文献   

The application of information technologies (IT) to logistics activities may have benefits beyond cost savings, as it can create bonds between the supply chain partners. The objective of this paper is to analyse the influence of customer orientation on the application of IT to the supply chain and of these on the development of channel relationships based on trust and commitment. A questionnaire-based personal survey was conducted among manufacturers. Structural equation modelling was used to test the hypothesis contained in the theoretical model. The results indicate that customer orientation affects the application of IT to logistics, and IT has a positive impact on manufacturer and supplier commitment to the relationship.  相似文献   

Frontline employees are generally under great pressure, and carry out repetitive and mundane daily tasks, leading to burnout and a high turnover intention among them. To identify ways to reduce this turnover intention, this study examines the effect of perceived organizational support (POS) on burnout and turnover intention in the Chinese context and adds to the literature on frontline employee burnout. Using data from a survey of the frontline employees of a gas station in Beijing, we examine the mediating effects of frontline employee burnout on their POS and turnover intention. This study shows that POS has a significant negative impact on burnout and turnover intention, and that job resources cannot substitute POS.  相似文献   

This study investigates the antecedents of organizational citizenship behaviours by using data consisting of 196 part-time instructors drawn from six sport centres in the Republic of Korea. The results of a structural equation analysis suggest that job satisfaction has a positive effect on organizational and occupational commitment, occupational satisfaction has a positive effect on organizational and occupational commitment, organizational commitment has a positive effect on organizational citizenship behaviours (OCBs) and a negative effect on turnover intentions, and turnover intentions has a negative effect on OCBs. The effect of occupational commitment on both turnover intentions and OCBs was not significant. This research addresses a number of important issues in the management of human resources (i.e. part-time workers) in service organizations; that is, this study examines how part-time employees' satisfaction and commitment with respect to their jobs, occupations or organizations are related to their OCBs; this relationship is arguably one the most important issues facing service organizations today.  相似文献   

顾客承诺是西方有关如何留住顾客的营销理论中继顾客满意、顾客忠诚之后又一重要概念。根据国内外学者对顾客承诺理论的研究,从行为层面和心理层面系统论述了顾客承诺的内涵。依据顾客承诺的产生将顾客承诺划分为盘算性承诺、情感性承诺、规范性承诺三个维度。综合国内外研究以及根据市场营销环境,分别总结归纳出顾客承诺三维度的主要影响因素:经济价值,转换成本;顾客满意,顾客信任;主观规范,优惠待遇。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationships among market orientation, learning orientation, organizational innovation and organizational performance through a structural equation modeling approach. This study uses a sample of 143 companies in the Pearl River Delta region of China. Results show that (1) market orientation has no positive direct impact on organizational performance; (2) market orientation has a direct impact on learning orientation; (3) learning orientation has a direct impact on administrative and technical innovation; (4) market orientation has a direct impact on organizational innovation by learning orientation; (5) administrative innovation has a positive direct impact on organizational performance while technical innovation does not impact on organizational performance directly; (6) technical innovation has a positive impact on administrative innovation; (7) learning orientation has an indirect impact on organizational performance through influencing organizational innovation; (8) market orientation has impact on learning orientation, which has an impact on organizational innovation, which in turn has an impact on organizational performance. Managerial implications are discussed, along with suggestions for further research. Translated from Guanli Shijie 管理世界 (Management World), 2006, (2): 80–94, 143  相似文献   


Because of the nature of services, namely the inseparability of production and consumption, employee behaviours influence customer perceptions of service quality and satisfaction with the service provider. In particular, customer-oriented employees seek to help customers by addressing their needs, and this contributes to the building of customer satisfaction and the development of a relationship. Not surprisingly, research has been investigating the drivers of employees’ customer orientation. This paper examines how individual values influence the customer orientation of front-line service employees, a topic that has been unexplored in extant literature, and this is useful for the selection of employees who match the firm’s service strategy. To accomplish this, the study relies on the Schwartz value theory, which is applied to front-line employees in banking. The findings indicate that both resultant conservation and resultant self-enhancement affect the customer orientation of employees, and that these effects are moderated by job satisfaction and autonomy.  相似文献   

Frontline employees must deal on a daily basis with emotionally demanding customer interactions. Such interactions, when coupled with organizational directives to focus upon exemplary customer service, can prompt employees to express feelings and emotions that are not genuine. Such ‘surface acting' has been found to create stress in frontline personnel, but an understanding of how this negative aspect of emotional labor may be minimized is lacking in the services literature. How a frontline employee's individual attributes might interact with a service work context to build deep, as opposed to surface, acting is the current focus. Applying job demands–resources theory, this study investigates how a frontline employee's customer orientation helps to develop positive work engagement, even in the face of contextual demands. Engagement is then linked positively to the beneficial behavior of deep acting which, in contrast to surface acting, has been identified as a less stressful form of emotional labor.  相似文献   


We analyze the direct effect of individual market orientation on selling orientation-customer orientation of corporate insurance agents licensed in an emerging market based on the data collected using a random survey of corporate insurance agents in the Life Insurance sector in India. The results indicated that individual market orientation had a significant relationship with selling orientation, but the intensity was weak. However, causal relationship between individual market orientation and customer orientation was moderate. Future research should focus on analyzing the influence of the dimensions of individual market orientation on employee commitment, loyalty and should analyze the moderating effects of various associated variables. The findings indicate that efforts should be made to generate market-oriented behavior among individuals to propel selling orientation and customer orientation.  相似文献   

关涛  阎海峰 《商业研究》2007,(7):122-125
顾客遗憾来源于消费者对不同企业产品或不同购买方案可感知价值的横向对比,遗憾感受程度受到交易情景因素如消费者决策现状、购买行为结果的可逆性以及对已购买产品的满意度的调节,同时会反过来影响顾客满意,最终影响顾客以后的购买行为。因此,它与顾客满意一起构成了影响消费者重购倾向的决定因素,企业在注重顾客保留和培养顾客忠诚时必须将二者同时考虑,做到需求导向和竞争导向的并重。  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of customers’ uncivil treatments on frontline retail employees’ emotions, deviant behaviors and relationship with the retail organization. Our theoretical model is based on both marketing and personnel management literatures. 415 frontline retailing American employees answered our questionnaire. Employees treated uncivilly by customers feel angry but have to hide their negative emotions, which leads them to emotional exhaustion and deviant behaviors. Paradoxically, employees’ strong commitment to their retailing organization brings about more deviant behaviors. We propose some managerial strategies to cope with uncivil customers, as well as future research on this important and under-researched topic.  相似文献   

Using structural equation modelling employing partial least-squares estimation, data from staff in the consumer transport industry were analysed to explore the role of implicit and explicit communications on their service delivery behaviour. Both implicit and explicit communications were found to impact service delivery. Explicit communications had a direct impact on service delivery, whilst implicit communications (in the form of internal market orientation) operated through affective commitment and customer orientation. This study provides quantitative evidence of the roles of implicit and explicit communications on staff attitudes and behaviours, and offers insights into the management of communications with employees to ensure effective service delivery.  相似文献   

Although understanding the concept of organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) in a service context is important, very few studies have investigated what motivates frontline service employees to exhibit such behaviors. This study examines how high-involvement human resource (HR) practices influence affective commitment, which contributes to citizenship behaviors in service settings from the employees' point of view. Based on previous studies, this study proposed a conceptual model and hypothesized that five constructs of HR practices (i.e. recognition, empowerment, competence development, fair rewards, and information sharing) facilitate the development of frontline employees' affective commitment. This kind of organizational commitment in turn contributes to OCB (i.e. loyalty, participation, and service delivery). Data were collected from 172 contact employees of Taiwanese restaurants. The result indicated that high-involvement HR practices play an important role in determining contact employees' affective commitment. Moreover, affective commitment was found to be an effective linkage between high-involvement HR practices and contact employees' citizenship behaviors.  相似文献   

刘石兰 《财经论丛》2008,18(2):90-96
本文将顾客价值与组织要素、组织能力进行有机结合,通过实证研究发现,相对表征组织执行能力和支撑能力的人力要素和文化要素而言,表征组织运营能力的物力要素对顾客价值创造的潜在效应最大。这一发现与我们日常的直觉判断截然不同,但为产业顾客如何从能力的角度评估供应商的顾客价值创造潜力进而选择最佳供应商提供了有效的管理工具,也为供应商制定基于顾客价值的能力发展战略提供了理论依据。  相似文献   


Research Purpose. The objective of this research was to examine market orientation in organisations that deliver manufacturing-based services to both client organisations and their customers.

Research Approach. The case study research method employed three data collection methods: in-depth, semi-structured interviews, document analysis and physical artefact analysis. Embedded study units comprising groups of different stakeholders with distinctly different perspectives provided a basis for replication logic to enhance validity of the findings.

Findings. The research revealed that a firm's transition toward a market-oriented state is progressive. At a given point in time, a firm may be adjusting to its markets intuitively or cognitively; market responsiveness may be occurring in specific pockets of the firm, or as an enterprise-wide strategy; and some of the conditions specified may be met, some may be partly met and others may remain to be addressed in the future. A specific customer focus was important to the conceptualisation of market orientation in the case organisation.

Research Implications. Key implications of the research are as follows:
  • In conceptualising market orientation as a process as opposed to an ideal state, important issues of structural and policy alignment and senior executive vision and drive are revealed;

  • in addition to customer and competitor orientations and intra-organisational co-ordination, other dimensions of a market orientation revealed in the research context are a customer focus and a new knowledge orientation; and

  • both inter- and intra-organisational co-ordination facilitate the development of market driven and market driving customer value.

Practical Implications. While the senior executives were aware of the significant performance benefits to be achieved through a national, market-oriented vision, the lack of a co-ordinated plan to achieve cultural change resulted in incremental achievements towards the vision. One key factor inhibiting the envisioned cultural change was the power base of those within the organisation who perceived that a national, market focus would eliminate local autonomy. Specific policy was required to align rewards with required behavioural change.

Contribution. This research provides a unique perspective of market orientation as process of organisational development directed towards aligning the organisation with its served markets. Intervention strategies and incremental changes attempted to achieve a national market perspective, highlight the importance of aligning structure, human resource management strategy, top management commitment and leadership drive in achieving such a cultural change.  相似文献   

市场份额向顾客资产份额的转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桑群芳  戴悦 《商业研究》2005,(22):190-192
市场份额在很大程度上反映了企业的竞争地位和盈利能力,但这一概念并不能完整地评估企业的经营状况。多数中国企业对这一概念的理解过于片面和肤浅,直接导致的后果是企业畸形发展,市场竞争恶性循环。客观地评价市场份额,逐步理解并接受一个新的、面向未来、顾客导向的指标—顾客资产份额。  相似文献   

Market orientation: Review, refinement, and roadmap   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
Over the past ten years, significant progress has been made in the market orientation area. Scholarly attention has focused on the definition, measurement, and impact of a market orientation. Attention has also focused on organizational drivers of market orientation and its enhancement. Despite progress, several research challenges remain and rich opportunities exist for further work in the area. This paper critically reviews the state-of-the-art and offers a roadmap for future work in the area. The review primarily focuses on (1) the meaning of market orientation, (2) its relationship with several emerging topics/themes in the literature (e.g., market information processing, organizational learning, knowledge use, industry foresight and driving markets), (3) the quality of market-oriented behaviors, (4) impact of market orientation, and (5) issues in enhancing market orientation. We conclude with a conceptual synthesis and methodological suggestions.  相似文献   

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