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This study develops a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model to account for the differences in fiscal policy stance over the business cycle between developed and emerging market countries, and, in particular, for the volatile and procyclical government consumption and transfer payment in emerging market countries. Two models with and without default option in sovereign borrowings replicate the contrasting cyclical behaviors indicating that the default option is responsible for procyclical fiscal policy. Further, augmented model with third-party bailouts, together with the stochastic trend income process, successfully predicts high volatilities of fiscal expenditures. These imply that procyclical fiscal policy, entailed by default option, may exacerbate the business cycle in emerging market countries.  相似文献   

This paper reviews advertising studies on China published in 13 advertising, marketing, and business journals during the decade after joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) (2002-2011). Since its WTO entry, China's advertising industry (including regulatory environment and advertising practices) has fundamentally changed, turning it into the world's fastest-growing advertising market and the country with the largest pool of netizens. We adopt the "glocalization" framework to selectively highlight five themes in our review: (1) diversified/shifting cultural values, (2) language and brand names, (3) acceptable/offensive advertising, (4) media growth and control, and (5) agency management. Our discussion follows Taylor's (2005) suggested agenda for international advertising research and focuses on the implications for academic researchers and advertising professionals that these papers collectively provide. In the transitional market in China, insights from past studies are relevant for its future development in advertising both locally and globally.  相似文献   

张文锋 《中国广告》2012,(3):128-131
在经济衰退期间减少广告支出,将导致在衰退期间及以后的商品销量下降,且不能带来实质性的利润的增加。在经济衰退期间增加广告支出对企业的销量、市场份额、利润及品牌资产都有积极的作用,且其影响远大于经济扩张期和稳定期。增减广告支出的影响时效往往超出衰退期本身。  相似文献   

近年来,随着安徽省广告媒体业的迅猛发展以及广告市场竞争的加剧,出现了一系列违规操作、盲目发展、广告市场管理混乱、人才溃乏、跳槽等扰乱广告媒体业生态环境的问题。依据对安徽省广告媒体业调研的数据,从意识、行为、绩效等多层面科学分析安徽省广告媒体市场的经营态势,探讨并提出科学合理的广告媒体经营策略。  相似文献   

This paper looks at how factor shares vary over the business cycle and how their movements fit into Kaleckian analysis. Heterodox accounts of factor‐share movements include both profit‐squeeze arguments (procyclical wage share) and underconsumption arguments (countercyclical wage share). Empirical evidence gives no decisive support for either account: factor shares may be procyclical and countercyclical at different stages of the business cycle. If factor shares vary in such a complex way, then Kaleckian models cannot have a stable distributive curve. The economy instead follows a distributive loop, with different adjustment paths during an upswing and a downswing.  相似文献   

This article constitutes a first attempt to systematically map the presence of women in the greatly changing Swedish advertising industry since 1930. The overarching aim of the study is to analyse how the gendered divisions of labour and business changed in relation to both business structure and the overall labour market in Sweden. While we conclude that women constituted around 40–50% of the workforce over time, we see an increase in the shares of women in higher positions and in women who were self-employed and managers. This upturn, however, stabilised during the 1990s. We argue that the changes in gendered divisions of labour and business coincided with a fast-changing business structure. First, the old cartel broke down in the mid-1960s. Then, the number of firms increased quickly during the 1970s and 1980s, and the market share for the largest firms declined. This, in turn, meant new business opportunities for women at the same time as their overall labour market participation increased. The article stresses the importance of both acknowledging women’s presence in the industry development as well as the structures constituting gender divisions.  相似文献   

We analyse the interaction of demand and income distribution in a dynamic Kaleckian model with endogenous natural output. Endogenous changes of the natural output level to changes in the demand-determined actual output level have featured prominently in discussions of hysteresis after the crisis of 2008. We consider wage-led and profit-led demand (PLD) regimes and goods market-led and labour market-led income distribution regimes. The stability of the steady state is related to the endogeneity of natural output level in certain regimes. Limit cycles arise when the strong flexibility of prices or wages to the output gap is combined with moderate natural output hysteresis. A Kaleckian model with a wage-led demand regime and anticyclical profit share is less unstable and pseudo-Goodwin cycles can arise in the PLD regime with a procyclical profit share.  相似文献   

We analyze whether product market advertising has a spillover effect on stock price synchronicity by transmitting firm-specific information to the capital market and attracting more investor attention. Using a sample of Chinese listed firms from 2009 to 2017, we find that firms with greater advertising expenditures have lower stock price synchronicity. The results are robust after we address endogeneity concerns. In accord with our hypothesis that product market advertising increases the amount of firm-level information capitalized into stock prices through the information channel, we find that the impact of advertising on synchronicity is more pronounced for firms with a higher degree of information asymmetry and firms in the consumer-product industry. Further tests show that product market advertising enhances the ability of current period returns to reflect future earnings, and thus rules out that the negative relationship between advertising and synchronicity is driven by noise trading. Our results imply that product market advertising plays an informative role and improves information efficiency in a capital market.  相似文献   

The objective of the research was to establish the various effects of the marketing instruments on the market shares of fast-moving consumer goods. The marketing instruments analyzed were price level, price changes, promotion, advertising, and media mix. Within the analysis the integrated effect of the distribution pattern had to be taken into account. The analysis of 186 brands and the data gathered over 7 three-month periods was taken from two models loosely based on Koyck. The results can be used to estimate the effectiveness of the marketing tools under scrutiny and their declining marginal revenue in the German market. A number of different efficiency ratings can be detected between the separate product categories under analysis. For marketing managers there are three particularly interesting points: (1) Brands with a low price index have only relatively small market advantages in comparison with expensive brands; (2) but price changes lead to very strong movements in the market shares; (3) in the case of brands with a small share of the advertising spent, both print and TV advertising have a similar effectiveness. With a larger share of advertising, the TV effectiveness declines because of saturation effects.  相似文献   

This paper is a preliminary report of research being carried out into the influence of advertising in five major areas of consumer expenditure. In each case it tests the proposition that changes in advertising cause changes in consumption, employing Box—Jenkins techniques to determine the existence of causality using quarterly data during the period 1963 to 1978. No market showed advertising to have any effect upon its size.  相似文献   

Weaknesses of advertising self-control: The case of the “Deutscher Werberat» (German Advertising Council, DWR). The paper scrutinizes the activities of DWR, the most important self-regulatory institution of German advertising business, founded in 1972. Its ten members come from the industry, the media, and the advertising agencies and professions. Consumers are not represented on the board; there is only a committee for co-ordinating contacts with the leading German organization, namely Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Verbraucher. DWR invites complaints from everybody about indecent, misleading, and unfair advertising. The main guideline of DWR is the code of the International Chamber of Commerce, the ICC Rules. DWR has hardly any possibilities to sanction those firms that infringe the rules; it can ask for only voluntary compliance with its opinions. In order to understand how DWR really works, the author examined advertisements in different German magazines (e. g.,Stern, Der Spiegel) from June 1976 to December 1978. For about 320 of those, published by well-known German and foreign firms, he filed complaints to DWR because of alleged contravention of advertising rules. They constituted a large part of the complaints received by DWR since in total, the Council dealt with about 670 complaints during that period. 73.9% of the author's complaints were not accepted by DWR (see Table 1 of the paper). The following weak points of the self-controlling system were discovered:
  1. Complaint handling takes an extraordinary long time: an average of 32 days for complaints which were successfully filed (see Table 2). This means that a suspect advertisement can appear for quite some time before it is stopped by the opinion of DWR.
  2. There are, in the view of the author, many wrong decisions, especially in cases of misleading advertising (ambiguous, hyperbolical, incomplete, untrue claims). Fifty-two of the advertisements which had been judged acceptable by DWR could be stopped with the help of other institutions.
  3. The procedure of complaint handling gives cause for criticism, for instance, in cases of ambiguity, interpretations usually favour the advertiser. Of the complainant, DWR demands proof that an advertiser's claim is untrue, whereas the advertiser remains in the clear if he makes some vague statements to the effect that the claim is true or the complainant's arguments are incorrect.
The author concludes by making some proposals for reform of the self-regulatory system and for the increase of its efficiency. In his opinion, self-regulation does not exclude government intervention in advertising, however.  相似文献   

In this paper, we empirically analyze the French print media market by modeling the existence of a reciprocal effect between the size of the readership and the amount of advertising. For this two-sided platform, we measure the cross-effects of advertising on the readership and periodical popularity on advertising. By estimating a structural model of simultaneous demand equations, we quantify some crucial elements in designing pricing and product-differentiating strategies. We measure the impact of advertising on reader demand and find in the data that it has opposite effects depending on whether the publication presents informational or entertaining content. By taking into account the market interactions, we compute price and advertising elasticities. Our results show that advertisers targeting a specific category of the audience would choose its corresponding periodicals and would trade off the size of the readership for these periodicals and the advertising insert price changes. Also, advertising campaigns aimed at reaching a broader spectrum of the population should focus on popular titles and on titles for which demand is inelastic to ensure a more consistent impact of the campaign. Finally, for magazines with low price demand elasticity on the readers’ side, editors’ revenues could be improved by increasing prices. These combined effects should allow a publisher to generate positive margins from both sides of the market, for certain content categories.  相似文献   

International advertisers often wonder whether to adapt their copy to each country they operate in or to globally standardize their message, especially in non-Anglophone markets. While the current business lingua franca is English, how easily can it be introduced into advertising without alienating consumers, and would a simpler English message work better? Does the culture of a brand also influence the impact of English use in non-Anglophone markets? This research examines the interaction between language choice and brand culture in a non-Anglophone market. Specifically, the studies review the value of Globish, a non-cultural form of English. The results suggest that using standardized English copy has relevance in non-Anglophone countries for global brands, but that Globish can also be useful for local brands seeking to upgrade their value in a local market. Globish is shown to be an interesting alternative option in adapting or standardizing advertising strategies. Managerial implications close the paper.  相似文献   

There are large differences between Steindl’s ideas on growth policies and the Brussels/Paris consensus. Steindl called for innovation and education policies, whereas the mainstream today rather favours deregulation and privatization. Steindl stressed the positive demand‐side effects of the public sector and the contribution of lower household savings and anticyclical policies to growth. The economic mainstream praises the efficiency effects of a declining public sector, the importance of high savings for investment and warns of active anticyclical policies being an impediment to budget consolidation. Steindl and the Keynesians regarded the labour market situation as a consequence of economic growth. Today many economists see low growth as a result of labour market rigidities.  相似文献   


As China continues to rapidly expand and further open itself to market forces, the People's Republic arouses significant interest as a new mega-market. Consequently, the influx of new business opportunities and advertising has resulted in Chinese consumers increasingly exposed to potentially offensive advertising. While some products and images may seem acceptable when advertised in the West, there are some that may offend Chinese cultural sensitivities. The purpose of this study is to better understand similarities and differences that exist between American and Chinese perceptions surrounding offensive advertising. The results highlight a number of statistical cultural differences that have business implications for international marketers.  相似文献   

Although a firm's choice of mode of entry to a foreign market is central to the implementation of international strategy, we have only limited understanding of the effects of international strategy on the choice. This study explores the effects of business relatedness and corporate international experience. Data were collected on 173 ventures of Swedish manufacturing firms that were present on the German market, and multivariate techniques were applied to test hypotheses. It was found that product/market relatedness and intangible resource relatedness between the foreign business unit and the industrial firm's core business unit favored a full control entry mode based on sole ownership. This finding was also valid for importance of foreign markets. Further, market importance moderated the two relationships regarding business relatedness. Contributions to the literature are discussed.  相似文献   

As a transition economy, Georgia has an uncertain, complex, and immature business environment, typical of transition economies in the Eurasian region. In an effort to provide insights into marketing and advertising practices in the Eurasian transition economies, this study empirically examines the marketing and advertising practices in Georgia through two surveys conducted with Turkish entrepreneurs in Georgia and Georgian consumers. On the one hand, the findings of the survey of the Turkish entrepreneurs indicated that an overall adaptation strategy is needed in Georgia; in addition, foreign entrepreneurs willing to enter the Georgian market are advised to offer a variety of products by collaborating with local distributors and agents. Although Georgian consumers do not have high income, low-price strategy does not always work as consumers equate low price with inferior quality. Marketing of prestigious products are to be sold at higher prices and appropriate product positioning strategies must be developed for each target market segment. Merchandising strategies must be congruent with the target market served as well as retail stores/outlets utilized. On the other hand, the Georgian consumers demand better customer service and increased variety of products; advertising is welcomed to a certain extent as long as advertising provides useful product/brand and company information.  相似文献   

A strategic issue facing marketing managers is ‘how much and when’ to spend on advertising. We argue that investor sentiment in the stock market may influence advertising expenditure by affecting firms' ability to raise new funds. We show that during periods of low (high) investor sentiment, firms decrease (increase) their advertising expenditure, even though the effectiveness of advertising is greater (lower) during such periods. We also find that these results are stronger for financially constrained firms that rely more on external financing. Our findings suggest that marketing managers can improve the efficiency of their advertising expenditure by raising (reducing) it during periods of low (high) sentiment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is not only to chronicle the rise and fall of advertising expenditures in Sweden from 1975 to the present day but also to consider possible causes for their rise and fall. It is hoped that understanding the nature of these variations will become a key to the deeper understanding of the advertising market place. Both traditional and non-traditional media were studied. It was suggested that variations in advertising expenditures stemmed from two broad factors: (1) the demand for advertising space, determined by the advertisers; and (2) the supply of advertising space, determined by the media. These factors are intrinsically affected by external factors such as business cycles and legal and social environments.  相似文献   


This study reports on developments in the international advertising agency business during the 1970s. Findings suggest that U.S. agencies remain the dominant force in international advertising in contrast to the declining performance of U.S. industry in other sectors. Specifically, American agencies have found faster growth in their overseas markets leading to continually larger shares of their total billings; there has been a growing concentration in the international business of U.S. agencies and in the industry internationally; and, the international experience of U.S. agencies has led to a growing penetration of foreign markets, to growth in productivity, and to increasing domestic market power. Results of the study indicate however, that U.S. agencies may be facing increasing challenges from non-U.S. agencies in the future; notably from the West European, Japanese, and some developing countries.  相似文献   

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