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我国上市银行竞争力比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胥晞  张军 《西安金融》2005,(11):34-39
本文通过对近年来国内商业银行竞争力研究的综述,发现仅有少量研究是从竞争力的角度进行分析,分析方法也较为简单.本文采用层次分析法对我国上市银行现实竞争力进行了比较分析,结合对上市银行潜在竞争力的定性分析,排出了我国上市银行目前竞争力强弱的层次.  相似文献   

余竑  王骏 《武汉金融》2006,(3):45-47
本文首先提出商业银行竞争力理论,勾画出商业银行竞争力研究的基本框架,然后通过对国内五家上市银行的成长性、资产质量、盈利能力和国际化水平进行分析来比较研究其现实竞争力。文章着重以它们目前财务状况和经营成果进行分析,而不对其排名,最后提出增强我国上市银行现实竞争力的对策与建议。  相似文献   

本文对国内2000~2009年间上市银行利差率的决定因素按照银行经营的安全、效率和盈利指标,结合行业和宏观经济状况等因素进行了实证分析。结论表明,虽然股份制上市银行经营状况普遍优于国有银行,但其经营行为可能会部分抵消央行的利率政策,同时股票市场发展对银行经营没有显著性影响。  相似文献   

代金宏 《济南金融》2012,(11):76-80
正确地评价上市商业银行的竞争力,并在此基础上找到影响竞争力的主要因素及其对竞争力的影响程度,对提升我国上市商业银行的竞争力非常必要。本文采用因子分析法对我国的A股上市银行进行实证分析。  相似文献   

中国上市银行效率分析——以2006-2011年16家上市银行为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩镕馨  孙一铭 《上海金融》2012,(9):107-108,119
本文对截至2011年底中国16家上市银行2006-2011年的技术效率、纯技术效率和规模效率进行测定,引入Malmquist指数对各家银行的效率值变化进行计算,并观测银行效率在国际金融危机时期的变动和IPO后银行效率的短期变动。  相似文献   

近些年银行业市场改革不断深入,截至2010年8月,四大国有商业银行都已在A股市场成功上市,我国银行业的发展翻开新一页.随着商业银行上市这一市场化进程的不断演进,我国上市银行的公司治理问题越显重要.新形势下对上市银行的公司治理提出了新的要求,内部公司治理需进一步完善.基于我国上市银行内部公司治理现状,本文从三个角度入手分...  相似文献   

近年来我国商业银行非利息收入规模不断增长,在营业收入中的占比进一步提高,非利息收入已经成为体现银行竞争力的重要特征。本文针对我国上市商业银行,通过对2011~2015年间非利息收入在营业收入中的占比以及非利息收入结构分析,比较国有控股银行、全国性股份制银行和城商行的非利息收入状况,并与国外大银行进行比较,进而揭示其差异,最后是结论和建议。  相似文献   

本文结合国内外学者对银行效率和经济增长之间关系的研究,搜集16家上市银行的数据,从经营效率、竞争效率和信贷配置效率这三个维度,选取合适的银行效率指标来分析银行效率和经济增长之间的关系。经过单位根检验、协整检验和格兰杰因果检验来检验它们之间的相关关系,通过实证研究得到银行经营效率与经济增长负相关,而竞争效率、信贷配置效率和经济增长之间正相关。  相似文献   

从银行监管的视角分析我国上市银行2007年年报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2007年上市商业银行在资产总额、盈利能力方面都取得了很好的发展,不良贷款余额和不良率实现了双下降,贷款拨备计提水平继续提高,银行抵御风险的能力得到了有效提升,新会计准则在上市银行中也得到了顺利实施。但是目前上市银行会计准则的执行,以及会计准则与监管政策协调方面仍然存在一些问题,通过分析年报,可以让我们深入了解目前上市银行信息披露情况,更清楚地看到目前存在的问题。  相似文献   

In this article, we date the ‘recession’ and ‘expansion’ phases of 46 stock markets around the world from December 1994 to September 2013. We use the Harding and Pagan methodology to identify peaks and troughs in these stock market indices. This approach enables us to establish periods of synchronization between the markets based on the timing of peaks and troughs and to measure this synchronization by means of the Harding and Pagan statistic. We find that several recent world crisis episodes and simultaneous recoveries can be identified with this method. We also present evidence demonstrating an increase in the pro-cyclicality of stock markets around the world.  相似文献   

We use country level data and bank level data from 71 countries and 857 banks to investigate the impact of bank regulations, supervision, market structure, and bank characteristics on individual bank ratings. The results indicate that less cost efficient banks, with higher than average levels of provisions relatively to their income, and lower liquidity tend to have lower ratings. Larger and more profitable banks tend to obtain higher ratings. Higher equity to assets ratio results in higher ratings only when we do not control for bank supervision and regulations. Capital requirements, restrictions on bank activities, official disciplinary power, explicit deposit insurance scheme, higher deposit insurer power, liquidity and diversification guidelines, entry requirements, fraction of entries denied, and economic freedom have a significant impact on ratings in all of our specifications. Disclosure requirements and foreign banks entry have a significant impact on ratings only when we simultaneously control for the regulatory environment and the market structure, while auditing requirements have a significant impact only when we control for the regulatory environment alone. Finally, banks in developed countries are assigned higher ratings. However, this impact disappears when we include the regulatory and supervision variables in the models.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the spillover effects of aggregate stock market liquidity on bank market power using a sample of 44 countries and 7297 individual banks from 1999 to 2014. Country-level and bank-level analysis shows that enhancement in stock market liquidity strengthens the market power of the banking sector. This relationship is more pronounced in developed market countries and in countries with common law origin, which offer better investor protection. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper to provide comprehensive empirical evidence of the complementary relationship between banks and stock markets, providing important policy implications for regulators.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether or not functionally diversified banks have a comparative advantage in terms of long-term performance/risk profile compared to their specialized competitors. To that end, this study uses market-based measures of return potential and bank risk. We calculate the franchise value over time of European banks as a measure of their long-run performance potential. In addition, we measure risk as both the systematic and the idiosyncratic risk components derived from a bank stock return model. Finally, we analyze the return/risk trade-off implied in different functional diversification strategies using a panel data analysis over the period 1989–2004. A higher share of non-interest income in total income affects banks’ franchise values positively. Diversification of revenue streams from distinct financial activities increases the systematic risk of banks while the effect on the idiosyncratic risk component is non-linear and predominantly downward-sloping. These findings have conflicting implications for different stakeholders, such as investors, bank shareholders, bank managers and bank supervisors.  相似文献   

Despite the central importance of the federal fund market, little research has been undertaken on the micro-decision making of individual market participants and their interactions. This paper demonstrates that there are asymmetries of information between federal funds' lenders and borrowers that can only be resolved through frequent and continuous trading. Smaller banks are constrained in their ability to borrow federal funds due to their size and location. It is shown that information asymmetries and resulting adverse selection problems may be resolved through the use of implicit multi-period contracts.  相似文献   

上个世纪90年代,夜市银行风靡一时,人们夜晚上街,不时看到大街两旁的银行亮着灯光,迎送着来来往往的客户。然而,如今人们夜晚再走在大街上,夜市银行已不多见,各家商业银行曾出现了的夜市银行纷纷“退市”,为什么呢?  相似文献   

为认真贯彻落实党中央、国务院有关农村金融改革发展的总体要求,人民银行陆续出台了一系列推动农村金融改革和改善农村金融服务的政策措施.在人民银行政策的指引下,中国银联、商业银行和以银联商务为代表的第三方机构携手努力,促进银行卡受理网络向区县和广大农村地区延伸.本文结合银联商务在农村地区受理市场建设中的经验,对加快银行卡受理市场的发展提出几点建议,供决策参考.  相似文献   

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