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The problem of finding an explicit formula for the probability density function of two zero‐mean correlated normal random variables dates back to 1936. Perhaps, surprisingly, this problem was not resolved until 2016. This is all the more surprising given that a very simple proof is available, which is the subject of this note; we identify the product of two zero‐mean correlated normal random variables as a variance‐gamma random variable, from which an explicit formula for the probability density function is immediate.  相似文献   

Summary The multivariate normal distribution is characterized in the class of infinitely divisible distributions.  相似文献   

Summary The null density of the multiple correlation coefficient when sampling from a mixture of two normal populations has been derived by Srivastava (1983). However, he does not express this density in a rather standard form. The present paper obtains the nonnull densities of the multiple correlation coefficient and the partial correlation coefficient in a rather standard form when sampling from a mixture of two normal populations.  相似文献   

彭芳 《企业技术开发》2005,24(12):43-44,104
文章指出,当电源一定时,电路中负载消耗的电功率与负载大小有关,负载电阻与电源内阻相等时电路为匹配状态。电路中负载消耗电功率与电源传输效率之间是矛盾对立的关系,它们在电力线路与电子电路中有着不同的应用。  相似文献   

Let D be an invertible matrix and L1 (x) denote the well‐known 1‐norm of xRn. In this note we analyse the kth moment of the ratio L1 (D?1z) and its asymptotics in special cases, where z is uniformly distributed over the unit hypersphere. Conceptually, L1 (D?1z) can be seen as the (weighted) length, measured along fixed orientations, of a path connecting any two points relative to their straight line distance.  相似文献   

In a recent paper Zheng (1997a) proposed a new specification test of independence between two random vectors by the kernel method. He showed asymptotic normality under the hypothesis and local alternatives. The present work investigates the asymptotic distribution of the corresponding test statistic under fixed alternatives. In this case asymptotic normality of a standardized statistic is still valid but with a different rate of convergence. Received: January 1999  相似文献   

Box-Behnken designs and central composite designs are efficient designs for fitting second order polynomials to response surfaces, because they use relatively small numbers of observations to estimate the parameters. In this paper we investigate the robustness of Box-Behnken designs to the unavailability of observations, in the sense of finding t max , the maximum number of arbitrary rows in the design matrix that can be removed and still leave all of the parameters of interest estimable. The results are compared to the known results for the central composite designs found in MacEachern, Notz, Whittinghill & Zhu (1995). The blocked Box-Behnken designs are equally as robust as those that are not blocked. Received December 1997  相似文献   

Yijun Zuo 《Metrika》2000,51(3):259-265
In this note, general results of finite sample breakdown point are obtained for two classes of projection based location and scatter statistics: the Stahel-Donoho statistics and the Maronna-Yohai statistics. It is shown that these projection based location and scatter statistics can achieve the maximum breakdown point of affine equivariant multivariate location and scatter statistics. General relationships between the finite sample breakdown point of these statistics and the uniform finite sample breakdown point of the sample median and a modified sample median absolute deviation are formally established. Received: May 1999  相似文献   

毛晓全 《价值工程》2010,29(27):35-35
建设部于2008年7月9日发布《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》GB50500-2008(08规范)。本文把08工程量清单计价规范中对工程造价管理机构作用的规定罗列,并说明了工程造价管理机构应发挥的作用和措施,最后,说明了现阶段发挥工程造价管理机构作用的前提和基础。  相似文献   

文章从理论上对通电长直螺线管轴线上的磁场分布情况进行了推导和论证,并通过两种不同的实验进行了验证。  相似文献   

This study investigates the role of supportive human resource management policies and practices in senior HR managers’ intention to promote women to senior management positions. Based on the theory of planned behaviour, we argue a model in which supportive HR policies and practices affect managers’ attitudes towards the promotion of women to senior positions and their perception of organisational norms and control over the decision. We employ partial least squares based structural equation modelling to investigate data from a sample of 183 firms in Bangladesh. Our results support the utility of the theory of planned behaviour in understanding the positive effects of HR practices on the intent of senior managers to promote women. Our findings suggest that the role of HR policies and practices is not only to eliminate opportunity for discrimination but also to encourage the development of deeper attitudinal and normative acceptance of women’s role in senior management.  相似文献   

Calculating the probability of the corresponding significance point is important for finite sample sizes. However, it is difficult to evaluate this probability when the sample sizes are moderate to large. Under these circumstances, consideration of a more accurate approximation for the distribution function is extremely important. Herein, we performed a saddlepoint approximation in the upper tails for the distribution of the sum of independent non‐identically uniform random variables under finite sample sizes. Saddlepoint approximation results were compared with those for a normal approximation. Additionally, the order of errors of the saddlepoint approximation was derived. © 2014 The Authors. Statistica Neerlandica © 2014 VVS.  相似文献   

房地产上市公司Logistic预警模型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前,从整个房地产市场来看,随着房贷新政的作用延续,开发商的融资渠道压缩。投资者纷纷立场,购房者购房趋于理性。开发商受资金链压力,建立预警管理体系可提升企业的反应能力。因此,基于我国房地产行业背景,建立针对房地产企业的财务预警系统,非常具有现实意义。论文以我国61家上市房地产公司为研究样本,其中主要包含A股企业以及少部分的B股企业。并根据是否为ST公司分为正常和危机公司两类,基于主成分分析法和Logistic回归分析,利用SPSS经济统计软件,对各上市公司的财务指标数据进行分析来构造财务预警模型,最后再对构建的预警模型进行回判和最优度拟合检验,估计模型预警效果。  相似文献   

我国国家审计文化建设的内涵和路径研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
国家审计文化建设是国家审计人员的价值观念、行为标准和道德规范的设计、实施、认同和完善的过程.国家审计文化建设的路径主要有:把儒家文化与西方文化的精髓吸收到国家审计文化建设中、把国家审计制度融入国家审计文化建设中、在绩效考评中落实并完善国家审计文化建设.  相似文献   

某油料运输分队承担某后方油库与某战役野战油库之间的油料输转任务,如何确定合适的运油车数量,才能确保战役野战油库在规定时间内各种油料的库存量满足部队需求。文章利用GPSSW语言进行反复模拟,对输出结果进行详细分析,然后与实际情况进行比对,从而得出准确的、实用的结论。  相似文献   

文章分析了加快发展农付小城镇建设的重要性,揭示了相关存在问题,并提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

李歌维 《价值工程》2011,30(33):271-272
地方中小企业因观念、资金、技术、人才等局限,信息利用水平很低,与地方高校图书馆合作是地方企业既节约又高效获取信息服务的好途径。共建共享、信息整合、牵线搭桥、远程服务、专业导航"、镜象"服务、个性化服务等方式是地方高校图书馆向当地中小企业提供信息服务的主要途径和方法。图书馆主动与地方企业交流合作,是充分发挥信息搜集、加工、处理和传递功能,繁荣当地社会文化,服务当地经济建设,推动高校与地方经济协调发展,促进地方高校图书馆自身快速成长的明智选择。  相似文献   

环境保护是我国“十一五”期间和2010年远景目标的一项重要任务,但目前我国环境状况仍然十分严峻,其中资金严重不足是一个重要因素。探讨我国环保投融资的必要性及其重要意义,以及环保投融资体制存在的问题,从财政、税务、金融、外资、社会等方面着手,建立一种新型的环保投融资体制提出政策建议与制度安排,以期对政策制定者和相关市场操作者有所启迪。  相似文献   

本文以安徽市场为例,由对本土零售企业与外资零售企业竞争力的比较入手,从理论上分析外国商业资本直接投资对本土零售业市场进入壁垒的突破和重建,以及对市场集中度的影响。认为外商直接投资将使本土零售业进入壁垒和集中度提高,使某些大企业具有转向寡头垄断的趋向和可能。并进一步通过对外资零售企业在中国开放较早城市的实证分析,证实了理论分析与实际相吻合。  相似文献   

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