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滨海旅游业是依靠滨海地区发展起来的新兴旅游业,是现代旅游增长最快的领域。自20世纪90年代以来,我国滨海旅游业发展迅猛,成为中国旅游业的主体。以中华白海豚而著称的三娘湾景区,近年来快速发展,而一些不容忽视的管理问题阻碍了景区的可持续发展,基于此,本文以钦州市三娘湾景区为例,将利益相关者理论应用于本研究中,通过分析利益相关者的利益诉求,归纳总结利益冲突存在的原因,对景区管理、开发、经营等提出优化对策。  相似文献   

旅游企业利益相关者管理理论研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利益相关者理论是近年来颇受西方管理学界重视的一个新兴的企业管理理论,被认为是理解和管理"现代企业"的工具.旅游业关联性强的性质决定了旅游企业必定有众多的利益相关者.文章对利益相关者理论在旅游管理研究中的引入、旅游企业利益相关者的界定,以及旅游企业利益相关者的管理策略的研究进展进行了综述,并作出了简要评价.  相似文献   

星级酒店利益相关者结构及其影响分析——以广州为例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
熊伟  吴必虎 《旅游学刊》2007,22(4):92-96
文章采用实地访谈的方法,对广州星级酒店业的高层管理者、股东以及政府部门相关负责人等18位行业人士进行了深度访谈,访谈结论认为广州星级酒店利益相关者由核心利益相关者、战略利益相关者、边缘利益相关者以及环境利益相关者构成,各利益相关者对酒店的经营发展有着重要的影响,但这种影响的力度和内容存在较明显差异,同时受访者还普遍认为酒店要建立利益相关者管理模式意义重大,但是实践具有一定的难度.  相似文献   

从系统学角度透视生态旅游利益相关者结构关系   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
刘静艳 《旅游学刊》2006,21(5):17-21
从系统动力学著名的"内生"理论角度分析,生态旅游可持续发展的关键就是要建立各利益相关者之间的利益均衡机制,从而形成一体化的共生系统.本文将政府、社区、保护区、旅游企业和生态旅游者五个主要利益相关者作为生态旅游系统中的内生变量,用系统动力学方法,分析协调利益获取和分配、权利和义务、生态耗损和补偿等问题,初步构建各利益相关者之间的结构关系,为建立协调各方利益的参与机制提供理论参考.  相似文献   

旅游规划与管理中利益相关者研究进展   总被引:46,自引:2,他引:46  
周玲 《旅游学刊》2004,19(6):53-59
国外旅游研究在20世纪80年代中后期引入“利益相关者”概念,并在20世纪90年代中期开始进行相关研究;近年来,我国学者也开始在旅游规划与管理中引入利益相关者分析方法和理论。本文对国内外旅游研究中有关利益相关者分析方法和利益相关者管理的研究成果进行综述,并对今后国内关于利益相关者研究的方向作了思考。  相似文献   

本文借鉴管理学的利益相关者理论,从游客感知视角探讨了我国的导游服务质量问题,提出导游服务质量管理是一个系统工程,把矛头单一地指向导游有失公允;导游服务质量问题的根源在于导游与其利益相关者间的利益失衡,而调整失衡关系的根本在于改革管理体制.完善制度保障.  相似文献   

文章在文献研究和专家调查的基础上,界定了村落遗产地利益相关者,并借鉴“多维细分法”和“米切尔评价法”,以开平碉楼与村落为例,对村落遗产地利益相关者的分类进行了实证研究.研究结果表明,村落遗产地利益相关者在主动性、重要性和紧急性等3个维度上存在不同差异,而且根据这3个维度可以将村落遗产地利益相关者细分为核心利益相关者、蛰伏利益相关者和边缘利益相关者.每一类利益相关者在村落遗产地旅游发展过程中所处的地位、发挥的作用、扮演的角色等各不相同,对于村落遗产地旅游可持续发展的影响也不一样.  相似文献   

国外旅游研究领域利益相关者的研究综述   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
李正欢  郑向敏 《旅游学刊》2006,21(10):85-91
本文对利益相关者理论在国外旅游领域研究的缘起、研究概况、研究内容进行了总结.研究发现,国外旅游领域对利益相关者的研究大多沿袭了传统利益相关者理论已有的研究基础,集中在利益相关者的界定、利益相关者的权力、利益和关系等几个方面;研究涉及范围广泛,无论是具体案例的分析,还是对基础理论的探讨,研究开始深化和细化,研究方法趋于多样.同时,本文对目前研究中所显现出来的一些局限性进行了归纳分析.  相似文献   

关注旅游地居民这一利益主体的诉求,重视他们的利益,有利于消除他们与其他利益相关者的潜在冲突,实现旅游地可持续发展.采用深度访谈、问卷调查的方法对南昆山乡村社区居民的利益诉求进行研究.因子分析表明,居民的利益诉求可归为4个因子,由强到弱依次是保障经济利益、优化民主管理机制、维护提升景区环境、塑造良好旅游文化氛围.基于各社会人口统计学特征,用单因素方差分析方法分析了居民利益诉求的差异,并进一步发掘差异背后的深层问题.深度访谈反映居民对部分利益要求有更为具体而复杂的表达,居民要求程度低的利益,并非都得到了较好满足.研究还将弱权利意识型古村落社区“应以心理增权优先”的理论推广到生态旅游地乡村社区.基于以上分析,最后从规范研究的角度对高效和谐解决旅游发展中的社区居民利益问题,实现有序开发与可持续发展提出了建议.  相似文献   

文章运用社会网络分析法,分析潮州古城在旅游发展的规划决策中,其利益相关者之间的社会关系.研究发现:就网络中心性而言,整个利益相关者网络向某一点集中的趋势较小,但以专业知识参与的规划专家团队、掌握资源的潮州古城管理委员会及其属下的旅游发展公司,以及作为重要“中介”的街道办中间中心度最高,而居委会、古城居民、非旅游类商户处于边缘地位;就网络结构洞而言,利益相关者网络存在一定的结构洞,其中,当地社区作为最庞大的东道主利益相关群体,却与其他利益相关者联系较少;就网络密度而言,利益相关者之间没有形成全网关系,处于核心地位的潮州古城管委会及其属下的旅游发展公司的密度较低,与其他利益相关者相互之间的联系还不够密切.因此,在旅游规划决策中要加强边缘利益相关者,如当地居民、居委会、一般商户的中心性,提高整体网络的网络密度,建立桥连接,使利益相关者网络实现良好的信息沟通和资源共享.  相似文献   

黄远水 《旅游学刊》2007,22(2):59-62
以武夷山为例,对风景名胜区产品开发与持续竞争力的提升进行了探讨.本文认为,风景名胜区的发展,不应过于强调短期竞争力,而应该关注持续竞争力,风景名胜区的产品开发对于持续竞争力的提升具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Tourism stakeholders’ perceptions of national park management in Norway   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Local tourism firms represent an important stakeholder interest in national parks. The present study examines these stakeholders’ perceptions of management processes and their assessments of the resulting management plans and operations. This research is based on qualitative interviews with representatives of tourism businesses in two different national park settings in Norway – Rondane National Park and Jotunheimen National Park. The findings illustrate that despite their general support for the national park status, the local tourism stakeholders interviewed had experienced only minor involvement in the management planning process, and had had very little influence in the final management decisions. They believed that opportunities for business operations were lacking due to excessive management restrictions, and that managers lacked competence with regard to business management and tourism development issues. In addition, they thought that management authorities should more explicitly include sustainable tourism development in their visions and goals. Based on the findings, it is assumed that there is potential for local tourism operators to take greater responsibility in planning processes and management operations. It is concluded that measures should be taken to foster durable social links and trustworthy planning partnerships between responsible managers and local tourism stakeholders in the two national parks.  相似文献   

Research in the Isle of Man, British Isles, reveals limited and dysfunctional collaboration between stakeholders, and in particular between public and private sector actors. Power and influence over tourism decision-making is generally felt to be restricted to a small and opaque network. Moreover, different levels of interest in and support for tourism further divide stakeholders. Various negative consequences are shown to arise from this absence of collaboration, including a lack of shared vision or future strategy for local tourism, and high levels of mutual mistrust between stakeholders. Resulting conflict, wasted resources, lost enthusiasm and lack of strategic direction appear to undermine the current and future management of island tourism. Emphasised by research is the importance of stakeholder collaboration to sustainable tourism management and underlying factors which may enhance or undermine. Focus on describing dysfunctional collaboration within an untypical small island setting makes a unique contribution to the existing literature.  相似文献   

Collaborations among stakeholders to develop policies for a destination are the subject of growing interest among researchers and managers. This paper presents an analytical framework to assess whether local collaborative arrangements are inclusionary and involve collective learning and consensus-building. The framework considers whether or not specific collaborations reduce the power imbalances between stakeholders, and it develops the concept of partial consensus. The practical value of the framework is suggested in an examination of local collaborative arrangements to develop a visitor management plan for the Hope Valley in Britains Peak District National Park.  相似文献   

In places of tourist interest and attractions, such as museums, Augmented Reality (AR) is an emerging technology that enhances (through additional digital contents) and leverages visitor experience creating opportunities for an array of immediate and peripheral stakeholders. However, to achieve this, both researchers and managers need to better understand how to effectively co-create value through the involvement of different stakeholders and their interconnected relationships. Thus, we analysed three interrelated streams of literature (digital innovation, tourism management and stakeholder theory) and we developed a conceptual paper that sheds light on AR in museums. An in-depth analysis of the topic allowed us to develop theoretical propositions and applications on the subject, in particular from a multi-stakeholder perspective. Finally, our research proposes a preliminary conceptual model that highlights the need for the identification of the roles and interactions of museum's stakeholders towards a more digitalised museum experience through AR.  相似文献   

郭鲁芳  金慧君 《旅游学刊》2006,21(12):58-64
本文在界定旅行社的利益相关者并对其进行科学分类的基础上,从构建社会主义和谐社会的视角探讨了旅行社及其核心利益相关者利益均衡问题,认为要建立我国旅行社业的利益均衡机制必须实现政府转型、主体角色转换与制度创新.  相似文献   

The preparations for the 100th anniversary of the Great War outbreak turn the lights on war heritage. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the war heritage site management in northern Italy considering the role of stakeholders and the marketing efforts to promote the renovated heritage sites. Trentino-Alto Adige, an Italian Alpine region, constitutes the area of this study. In the Great War, the region, one of the historical border areas of Italy under the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, witnessed heavy fighting in extreme environmental conditions. The tangible heritage of the frontline in the high Alps has recently been renovated and marketed in tourism. The conservation efforts to revalue the sites and to promote thematic routes linking war heritage in the region have gained interest from stakeholders. However, the institutions, museums, voluntary associations and tourism organizations involved in site management have different priorities. The findings show that significant effort has been invested to conserve and to exploit war heritage, however, regarding site management and visitor interpretation for international tourists’ needs seem to be neglected.  相似文献   

Four stakeholders are involved in corporate travel: management, travellers, travel suppliers and travel management companies. A successful corporate travel management process is dependent on cohesion of values between these stakeholders and pursuit of common goals. Value conflicts can influence the effective management of the process. The purpose of the study was to propose a model which recognises value conflicts, the interdependence of stakeholders and incorporates common goals. The so-called ‘Soft Value Management Model’ was selected and conceptualised in the context of corporate travel management. This study defined and surveyed each stakeholder group in terms of their values and objectives on travel management information; travel policy and compliance; travel management company partnerships; and travel expenditure processing. Quantitative and qualitative techniques were used. The results show that value conflicts exist between stakeholders. The model provides a theoretical foundation against which an effective travel management process can potentially be measured.  相似文献   

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