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本文依据世界106个国家的截面数据,分析了腐败对外国直接投资(FDI)的影响.研究结果表明,腐败与FDI之间存在显著的负相关.但是,腐败对FDI的负面影响可以在一定程度上被诸如东道国经济开放和政治稳定等积极因素所抵消.  相似文献   

高文洁 《时代经贸》2013,(18):4-4,6
随着经济全球化趋势的不断深入和发展,外国直接投资对经济增长的重要影响日益显现。与以往研究结果不同,本文研究发现,相对于外国直接投资,国内投资对经济增长的贡献率明显较高。此外,劳动力数量而非质量仍然是决定江苏省经济增长的重要原因。因此在以后的发展过程中,江苏省应该调整相关政策措施,利用人力资本提高资本利用效率,促进经济增长。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化趋势的不断深入和发展,外国直接投资对经济增长的重要影响日益显现。与以往研究结果不同,本文研究发现,相对于外国直接投资,国内投资对经济增长的贡献率明显较高。此外,劳动力数量而非质量仍然是决定江苏省经济增长的重要原因。因此在以后的发展过程中,江苏省应该调整相关政策措施,利用人力资本提高资本利用效率,促进经济增长。  相似文献   

天津市在吸引外国直接投资的业绩和效率两个方面相对于全国而言是名列前茅的。研究表明:天津市吸引FDI的业绩比较突出,并且显示出较大的潜力。在津的外商直接投资有很高的经营效率,是带动所在行业发展的重要力量,对天津的经济增长起到了明显的促进作用。同时近期天津市的经济发展水平也会促进FDI的大量流入。  相似文献   

腐败的存在使一个经济体承担了实质的经济成本。腐败是一把双刃剑,它使投资的数量和效率下降,从而也使经济增长在数量和效率方面有所减少。本文首先界定了一个投资宏观经济效率的简单概念。并建立了它与腐败的联系,同时估计了它们之间的相关性。文中使用的两类数据是由作者计算的投资效率和透明国际所公布的各国腐败观察指数。本文的结论是:如果能够减少腐败,经济将获得实质性的增长。  相似文献   

2002年以来,人民币不断升值,外国直接投资流入规模不断扩大。人民币汇率波动对外国直接投资有何影响?影响程度如何?文章利用从2002年1月至201 3年1 2月期间的人民币对美元汇率与FDI的月度数据,对人民币汇率波动对FDI的影响进行实证研究,得出结论,提出政策建议。  相似文献   

洪增光 《时代经贸》2010,(22):71-71
随着我国改革开放的不断深化和社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立,外国直接投资的引进对我国的经济影响也在不断的发生着变化,外国直接投资的流入对我国的宏观经济、产业结构和技术进步产生重大影响,在面对此次金融危机,国外资金为躲避国内风险,纷纷流向新兴经济体国家,导致新兴经济体市场流通性过剩,引潜在的经济风险。外商直接投资反而成为经济增长的阻力。  相似文献   

与传统因素相比,空间地理因素对FDI区域分布的决定作用很少为人们所重视,并且区域数据可能存在的空间依赖特征也为传统计量模型所忽视,从而导致无效的估计结果。本文利用空间计量学的分析方法对FDI在中国的省际分布决定因素进行实证研究,发现除了传统决定因素之外,相邻省份的空间溢出效应也显著影响了FDI的区域分布。空间效果的纳入使得本文实证结果更为可信,在此基础上得出了几点有意义的结论和启示。  相似文献   

随着我国改革开放的不断深化和社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立,外国直接投资的引进对我国的经济影响也在不断的发生着变化,外国直接投资的流入对我国的宏观经济、产业结构和技术进步产生重大影响,在面对此次金融危机,国外资金为躲避国内风险,纷纷流向新兴经济体国家,导致新兴经济体市场流通性过剩,引发潜在的经济风险.外商直接投资反而成为经济增长的阻力.  相似文献   

FDI的就业效应按其作用内容可分为就业数量效应、就业质量效应.利用以科布一道格拉斯函数为基础的FDI就业效应的计量模型,通过对中国的相关数据的实证分析,可以得出FDI流量对中国就业的数量和质量都产生了较明显的正面作用,且对东部地区的就业效应要大于中、西部地区,FDI存量则对中国就业的数量和质量产生间接的负面效应,而对东、中西部就业数量的总体就业效应为正,就业质量的总体效应为负.因此,应改善西部投资环境对FDI的流向分流引导,进一步加快国企改革,提高技术水平和竞争力.  相似文献   

This study investigates short- and long-run bidirectional causality between institutional quality and sectoral-level FDI in Pakistan by using the ARDL technique. The results confirm that long-run bidirectional causality exists between institutional quality and aggregate FDI. The in-depth sectoral-level FDI analysis substantiates the presence of long-run bidirectional causality between institutional quality and FDI in services and manufacturing sectors, while no long-run causality is observed between institutional quality and FDI inflows in primary sector. Furthermore, the results in the study reveal short-run bidirectional causality only between institutional quality and manufacturing FDI and report insignificant short-run causal link between institutional quality and FDI in primary and services sectors. The overall findings of the study suggest that in the long-run institutional quality attract FDI and FDI inflows, particularly to manufacturing and services sectors, significantly enhance the quality of institutions in Pakistan.  相似文献   

Liberalization increases the number of goods available for consumption within a country. Since bureaucrats value variety, this raises the marginal utility of accepting a bribe. This “benefit effect” is counteracted by an increasing “cost effect” from corruption deterrence activities that arise due to greater international pressure to curb corruption. The interaction of these two effects can lead to a non-monotonic relation between liberalization and corruption. Moreover, pre-commitment to deterrence activities is shown to be more effective in controlling corruption. Empirical evidence supports the existence of a non-monotonic relation between economic openness and corruption among developing countries.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of economic freedom, democracy and its interaction term on controlling corruption. Interactive results indicate that economic freedom and democracy significantly combat corruption. Economic freedom reduces corruption in any political environment. Democracy increases corruption when economic liberalization is low.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of corruption in infrastructure development as well as in capital and labor markets, on capital accumulation and output in an overlapping generations model. Corruption affects income redistribution, government expenditures on infrastructure, firms’ incentive to invest, and workers’ incentive to supply labor. An increase in corruption in infrastructure development decreases capital accumulation and output if the decrease in the savings of ordinary workers is sufficiently large. An increase in corruption in the capital market decreases capital accumulation and output. An increase in corruption in labor market decreases capital accumulation and output when labor supply is completely inelastic. Simulation results based on plausible parameter values indicate that an increase in corruption in the labor market will also reduce labor supply, capital accumulation and output.   相似文献   

牛轶 《经济管理》2007,(7):22-24
本文从辽宁省外商直接投资大幅增长的现实出发,分析了其增长的特点及原因,以及对地区国际收支平衡的影响。本文认为.辽宁省外商直接投资在一段时期内保持增长有合理因素,对地区国际收支顺差增长的影响有限。并从外汇管理的角度提出了做好外商直接投资工作的建议。  相似文献   

大城市既是碳排放的主要载体,也是实现国家和区域低碳发展的重要着力点。本文借鉴DPSIR模型构建了低碳城市综合评价指标体系,采用Spearman秩系数和主成分分析方法,对中国35个重点城市的低碳发展水平进行了实证分析。分析结果表明,我国城市低碳发展水平总体上呈现跃迁的良好势头,但具有明显的地域特征。城市的经济发展水平和资源禀赋及利用仍然是决定现阶段中国城市低碳发展能否顺利实施的重要物质基础和影响因素。  相似文献   

A controlled field experiment on corruption   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports on a controlled field experiment on corruption designed to address two important issues: the experimenter's scrutiny and the unobservability of corruption. In the experiment, a grader is offered a bribe along with a demand for a better grade. We find that graders respond more favorably to bigger bribes, while the effect of higher wages is ambiguous: it lowers the bribe's acceptance, but it fosters reciprocation. Monitoring and punishment can deter corruption, but we cannot reject that it may also crowd-out intrinsic motivations for honesty when intensified. Finally, our results suggest several micro-determinants of corruption including age, ability, religiosity, but not gender.  相似文献   

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